Vegetable Dyes Part 2

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Devil's Bit. _Scabiosa succisa._ Leaves prepared like woad.

Dog's Mercury. _Mercurialis perennis._

Elder. _Sambucus nigra._ Berries.

Privet. _Ligustrum vulgare._ Berries with alum and salt.

Red bearberry. _Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi._

Sloe.[A] _Prunus communis._ Fruit.

Whortleberry or Blaeberry. _Vaccinium Myrtillus._ Berries.

Woad. _Isatis tinctoria._

Yellow Iris. _Iris Pseudacorus._ Roots.


Agrimony. _Agrimonia Eupatoria._

Ash. _Fraxinus excelsior._ Fresh inner bark.

Barberry. _Berberis vulgaris._ Stem and root.

Birch. Leaves.

Bog Asphodel. _Narthecium ossifragum._

Bog Myrtle or Sweet Gale. _Myrica Gale._

Bracken. _Pteris aquilina._ Roots. Also young tops.

Bramble. _Rubus fructicosus._

Broom. _Sarothammus Scoparius._

Buckthorn. _Rhamnus frangula_ and _R. cathartica._ Berries and Bark.

Common dock. _Rumex obtusifolius._ Root.

Crab Apple. _Pyrus Malus._ Fresh inner bark.

Dyer's Greenwood. _Genista tinctoria._ Young shoots and leaves.

Gorse. _Ulex Europaeus._ Bark, flowers and young shoots.

Heath. _Erica vulgaris._ With Alum.

Hedge stachys. _Stachys pal.u.s.tris._

Hop. _Humulus lupulus._

Hornbeam. _Carpinus Betulus._ Bark.

Kidney Vetch. _Anthyllis Vulnararia._

Ling. _Caluna vulgaris._

Marsh Marigold. _Caltha pal.u.s.tris._

Marsh potentil. _Potentilla Comarum._

Meadow Rue. _Thalictrum flavum._

Nettle. _Urtica._ With Alum.

Pear. Leaves.

Plum. "

Polygonum Hydropiper.

Polygonum Persecaria.

Poplar. Leaves.

Privet. _Ligustrum vulgare._ Leaves.

S. John's Wort. _Hyperic.u.m perforatum._

Sawwort.[B] _Serratula tinctoria._

Spindle tree. _Euonymus Europaeus._

Stinking w.i.l.l.y, or Ragweed. _Senecio Jacobaea._

Sundew. _Drosera._

Teasel. _Dipsacus Sylvestris._

Way-faring tree. _Viburnum lantana._ Leaves.

Weld. _Reseda luteola._

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