The History of Roman Literature Part 37

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NAEVIUS. Ribbeck. _Trag. Lat. Relliquiae_, p. 5.

PLAUTUS. Ritschl or Fleckeisen. Unfinished.

ENNIUS. Vahlen. _Ennianae Poeseos Relliquiae._ PACUVIUS. Ribbeck, as above.

TERENCE. Wagner. Cambridge. 1869. Text by Umpfenbach. 1870 TURPILIUS. Fragments in Bothe (_Poet. Scen._ V. 2, p. 58-76), and Ribbeck's _Comic. Lat. Relliq._ THE EARLY HISTORIANS. Peter (_Veterum Historicorum Romanorum Relliquiae._ Lips. 1870).

CATO. De Re Rustica. _Scriptores rei rusticae veteres Latini, curante_ I. M. Gesnero. Lips. 1735 Vol. 1.

CATO. Fragmenta praeter libros de Re Rustica. Jordan. Lips. 1860.

THE OLD ORATORS TO HORTENSIUS. H. Meyer. _Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta.

Zurich. 1842.

ACCIUS. Tragedies. Fragments in Ribbeck, as above.

----- Praeter Scenica. Lucian Muller. _Lucilii Saturaran Relliquiae._ Lips. 1872. Lachmann.

ATTA. Fragments. Bothe. _Scen. Lat._ v. 2, p. 97-102. Ribbeck.

AFRANIUS. Bothe, p. 156-9. Ribbeck.

LUCILIUS. Lucian Muller, as above.

SUEVIUS. Lucian Muller, as above.

ATELLANAE. Fr. in Ribbeck. _Com. Lat. Rel._ p. 192.

AUCTOR AD HERENNIUM. Kayser. _Lips._ 1854.


VARRO. Saturae Menippeae. Riese. Lips. 1865.

----- Antiquities. Fragments in R. Merkel. Introduction to Ovid's _Fasti_.

----- De Vita Populi Romani. Fragments in Kettner. Halle. 1863.

----- De Lingua Latina. C. O. Muller. Lips, 1833.

----- De Re Rustica. Gesner, as above. See _Cato_.

CICERO. Speeches. G. Long. London. 1862. In four volumes.

----- Verrine Orations. Long, as above. Zumpt. Berlin. 1831.

CICERO. Pro Cluentio. Cla.s.sen. Bonn. 1831. Ramsay. Clarendon Press.

----- In Catilinam. Halm. Lips.

----- Pro Plancio. E. Wunder. 1830.

----- Pro Murena. Zumpt. Berlin. 1859.

----- Pro Roscio. Buchner. Lips. 1835.

----- Pro Sestio. Halm. Lips. 1845. And Teubner edition.

----- Pro Milone. Orelli. Lips. 1826. School edition by Purton. Cambridge.


----- Second Philippic, with notes from Halm, by J. E. B. Mayor.

----- De Inventione. Lindemann. Lips. 1829.

----- De Oratore. Ellendt. Konigsberg. 1840.

----- Brutus. Ellendt. 1844.

----- Philosophical Writings. Orelli. Vol. IV.

----- De Finibus. Madvig. Copenhagen. Second Edition. 1871. F. G. Otto.


----- Academica (with De Fin.). Orelli. Zurich. 1827.

----- Tusculanae Disputationes (with Paradoxa). Orelli. 1829.

----- De Natura Deorum. Schomann. Berlin. 1850.

----- De Senectute. Long. London. 1861.

----- De Amicitia. Nauck. Berlin. 1867.

----- De Officiis. 0. Heine. Berlin. 1857.

----- De Republica. Heinrich. Bonn. 1828.

----- De Legibus. Vahlen. 1871.

----- De Divinatione. Giese. Lips. 1829.

----- Select Letters. Watson. Oxford.

----- Entire Works. Orelli. Zur. 1845. n.o.bbe. Lips. 1828.

LABERIUS. Ribbeck. _Com. Lot. Relliquiae_, p. 237.

FURIUS BIBACULUS. Weichert. _Poet. Lat. Rell._, p. 325.

SYRI. Sententiae. Woelfflin. 1869.

CAESAR. Speeches. Meyer. _Orat. Rom. Fragmenta._ ----- Letters. Nipperdey. _Caesar_, p. 766-599.

----- Commentaries. Nipperdey. Lips. 1847-1856.

----- Gallic War. Long. London. 1859.

NEPOS. Nipperdey. Lips. 1849. School edition by 0. Browning.

LUCRETIUS. Munro. Cambridge. 1866.

SALl.u.s.t. All his extant works. Gerlach. Basle. 1828-31.

VARRO ATACINUS. Fragments in Riese, _Sat. Menippeae._ CHINA. Weichert. _Poetarum Lat. Vitae_, p. 187.

CATULLUS. R. Ellis. Oxford. 1867 ----- Commentary. R. Ellis. Oxford. 1876.

POLLIO. Fragments in Meyer. _Orat Rom. Fragmenta._ VARIUS. Ribbeck's _Tragic. Lat. Relliquiae._ VIRGIL. Ribbeck. 4 vols. With an Appendix Virgiliana. Conington. 3 vols.

Oxford. A good school edition by Bryce. (Glasgow University Cla.s.sics.) London.

HORACE. Orelli. Third edition, 1850. 2 vols. School editions, by Macleane and Currie, both with good English Notes. Odes and Epodes, by Wickham.


TIBULLUS and PROPERTIUS. Lachmann. Berlin. 1829.



OVID. Entire Works. R. Merkel. Lips. 1851. 3 vols.

----- Fasti. Paley.

----- Heroides. Terpstra. 1829. Arthur Palmer. Longman. 1874.

----- Tristia and Ibis. Merkel. 1837.

----- Metamorphoses. Bach. 1831-6. 2 vols.

GRATIUS. Haupt. Lips. 1838. Including the Halieuticon, &c.

MANILIUS. Scaliger. 1579. Bentley. 1739. Jacob. Berlin. 1846.

LIVY. Drakenborg. 7 vols. Teubner text. Weissenbom, with an excellent German Commentary.

----- Book I. Professor Seeley. Cambridge.

JUSTIN (Trogus). Jeep. Lips. 1859.

VERRIUS FLACCUS. C. O. Muller. Lips. 1839.

VITRUVIUS. Schneider. Lips. 1807. 3 vols. Rose. 1867.

SENECA (the elder). Keissling (Teubner series). Oratorum et Rhetorum sententiae divisiones colores. Bursian. 1857.


GERMANICUS (translation of Aratus). Breysig. Berlin. 1867.

VELLEIUS. Kritz. Lips. 1840. Halm.

VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Kempf. Berl. 1854.

CELSUS. Daremberg. Lips. Teubner.

PHAEDRUS. Orelli. Zur. 1831. Lucian Muller. 1876.

SENECA. Tragedies. Peiper and Richter. Lips, 1867.

----- Entire Works. Fr. Haase. 3 vols. 1862-71. (Teubner.) ----- Naturales Quaestiones. Koeler. 1818.

CURTIUS. Zumpt. Brunsw. 1849.

COLUMELLA. In Gesner, _Scriptures Rei Rusticae_.

MELA. Parthey. Berl. 1867.

VALERIUS PROBUS. In Keil _Grammatici Latini_. Vol. I. 1857.

PERSIUS. Jahn. Lips. 1843. Conington. Oxford. 1869.

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