Letters on Astronomy Part 10

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"First to the neighboring Moon this mighty key Of nature he applied. Behold! it turned The secret wards, it opened wide the course And various aspects of the queen of night: Whether she wanes into a scanty orb, Or, waxing broad, with her pale shadowy light, In a soft deluge overflows the sky."--_Thomson's Elegy._

LET us now inquire into the revolutions of the moon around the earth, and the various changes she undergoes every month, called her _phases_, which depend on the different positions she a.s.sumes, with respect to the earth and the sun, in the course of her revolution.

The moon revolves about the earth from west to east. Her apparent orbit, as traced out on the face of the sky, is a great circle; but this fact would not certainly prove that the orbit is really a circle, since, if it were an ellipse, or even a more irregular curve, the projection of it on the face of the sky would be a circle, as explained to you before.

(See page 148.) The moon is comparatively so near to the earth, that her apparent movements are very rapid, so that, by attentively watching her progress in a clear night, we may see her move from star to star, changing her place perceptibly, every few hours. The interval during which she goes through the entire circuit of the heavens, from any star until she comes round to the same star again, is called a _sidereal month_, and consists of about twenty-seven and one fourth days. The time which intervenes between one new moon and another is called a _synodical month_, and consists of nearly twenty-nine and a half days. A new moon occurs when the sun and moon meet in the same part of the heavens; but the sun as well as the moon is apparently travelling eastward, and nearly at the rate of one degree a day, and consequently, during the twenty-seven days while the moon has been going round the earth, the sun has been going forward about the same number of degrees in the same direction. Hence, when the moon comes round to the part of the heavens where she pa.s.sed the sun last, she does not find him there, but must go on more than two days, before she comes up with him again.

The moon does not pursue precisely the same track around the earth as the sun does, in his apparent annual motion, though she never deviates far from that track. The inclination of her orbit to the ecliptic is only about five degrees, and of course the moon is never seen further from the ecliptic than about that distance, and she is commonly much nearer to the ecliptic than five degrees. We may therefore see nearly what is the situation of the ecliptic in our evening sky at any particular time of year, just by watching the path which the moon pursues, from night to night, from new to full moon.

The two points where the moon's...o...b..t crosses the ecliptic are called her _nodes_. They are the intersections of the lunar and solar orbits, as the equinoxes are the intersections of the equinoctial and ecliptic, and, like the latter, are one hundred and eighty degrees apart.

The changes of the moon, commonly called her _phases_, arise from different portions of her illuminated side being turned towards the earth at different times. When the moon is first seen after the setting sun, her form is that of a bright crescent, on the side of the disk next to the sun, while the other portions of the disk s.h.i.+ne with a feeble light, reflected to the moon from the earth. Every night, we observe the moon to be further and further eastward of the sun, until, when she has reached an elongation from the sun of ninety degrees, half her visible disk is enlightened, and she is said to be in her _first quarter_. The terminator, or line which separates the illuminated from the dark part of the moon, is convex towards the sun from the new to the first quarter, and the moon is said to be _horned_. The extremities of the crescent are called _cusps_. At the first quarter, the terminator becomes a straight line, coinciding with the diameter of the disk; but after pa.s.sing this point, the terminator becomes concave towards the sun, bounding that side of the moon by an elliptical curve, when the moon is said to be _gibbous_. When the moon arrives at the distance of one hundred and eighty degrees from the sun, the entire circle is illuminated, and the moon is _full_. She is then _in opposition_ to the sun, rising about the time the sun sets. For a week after the full, the moon appears gibbous again, until, having arrived within ninety degrees of the sun, she resumes the same form as at the first quarter, being then at her _third quarter_. From this time until new moon, she exhibits again the form of a crescent before the rising sun, until, approaching her _conjunction_ with the sun, her narrow thread of light is lost in the solar blaze; and finally, at the moment of pa.s.sing the sun, the dark side is wholly turned towards us, and for some time we lose sight of the moon.

By inspecting Fig. 38, (where T represents the earth, A, B, C, &c., the moon in her orbit, and _a_, _b_, _c_, &c., her phases, as seen in the heavens,) we shall easily see how all these changes occur.

[Ill.u.s.tration Fig. 38.]

You have doubtless observed, that the moon appears much further in the south at one time than at another, when of the same age. This is owing to the fact that the ecliptic, and of course the moon's path, which is always very near it, is differently situated with respect to the _horizon_, at a given time of night, at different seasons of the year.

This you will see at once, by turning to an artificial globe, and observing how the ecliptic stands with respect to the horizon, at different periods of the revolution. Thus, if we place the two equinoctial points in the eastern and western horizon, Libra being in the west, it will represent the position of the ecliptic at sunset in the month of September, when the sun is crossing the equator; and at that season of the year, the moon's path through our evening sky, one evening after another, from new to full, will be nearly along the same route, crossing the meridian nearly at right angles. But if we place the Winter solstice, or first degree of Capricorn, in the western horizon, and the first degree of Cancer in the eastern, then the position of the ecliptic will be very oblique to the meridian, the Winter solstice being very far in the southwest, and the Summer solstice very far in the northeast; and the course of the moon from new to full will be nearly along this track. Keeping these things in mind, we may easily see why the moon runs sometimes high and sometimes low. Recollect, also, that the new moon is always in the same part of the heavens with the sun, and that the full moon is in the opposite part of the heavens from the sun.

Now, when the sun is at the Winter solstice, it sets far in the southwest, and accordingly the new moon runs very low; but the full moon, being in the opposite tropic, which rises far in the northeast, runs very high, as is known to be the case in mid-winter. But now take the position of the ecliptic in mid-summer. Then, at sunset, the tropic of Cancer is in the northwest, and the tropic of Capricorn in the southeast; consequently, the new moons run high and the full moons low.

It is a natural consequence of this arrangement, to render the moon's light the most beneficial to us, by giving it to us in greatest abundance, when we have least of the sun's light, and giving it to us most sparingly, when the sun's light is greatest. Thus, during the long nights of Winter, the full moon runs high, and continues a very long time above the horizon; while in mid-summer, the full moon runs low, and is above the horizon for a much shorter period. This arrangement operates very favorably to the inhabitants of the polar regions. At the season when the sun is absent, and they have constant night, then the moon, during the second and third quarters, embracing the season of full moon, is continually above the horizon, compensating in no small degree for the absence of the sun; while, during the Summer months, when the sun is constantly above the horizon, and the light of the moon is not needed, then she is above the horizon during the first and last quarters, when her light is least, affording at that time her greatest light to the inhabitants of the other hemisphere, from whom the sun is withdrawn.

About the time of the Autumnal equinox, the moon, when near her full, rises about sunset a number of nights in succession. This occasions a remarkable number of brilliant moonlight evenings; and as this is, in England, the period of harvest, the phenomenon is called the _harvest moon_. Its return is celebrated, particularly among the peasantry, by festive dances, and kept as a festival, called the _harvest home_,--an occasion often alluded to by the British poets. Thus Henry Kirke White:

"Moon of harvest, herald mild Of plenty, rustic labor's child, Hail, O hail! I greet thy beam, As soft it trembles o'er the stream, And gilds the straw-thatch'd hamlet wide, Where innocence and peace reside; 'Tis thou that glad'st with joy the rustic throng, Promptest the tripping dance, th' exhilarating song."

To understand the reason of the harvest moon, we will, as before, consider the moon's...o...b..t as coinciding with the ecliptic, because we may then take the ecliptic, as it is drawn on the artificial globe, to represent that orbit. We will also bear in mind, (what has been fully ill.u.s.trated under the last head,) that, since the ecliptic cuts the meridian obliquely, while all the circles of diurnal revolution cut it perpendicularly, different portions of the ecliptic will cut the horizon at different angles. Thus, when the equinoxes are in the horizon, the ecliptic makes a very small angle with the horizon; whereas, when the solst.i.tial points are in the horizon, the same angle is far greater. In the former case, a body moving eastward in the ecliptic, and being at the eastern horizon at sunset, would descend but a little way below the horizon in moving over many degrees of the ecliptic. Now, this is just the case of the moon at the time of the harvest home, about the time of the Autumnal equinox. The sun being then in Libra, and the moon, when full, being of course opposite to the sun, or in Aries; and moving eastward, in or near the ecliptic, at the rate of about thirteen degrees per day, would descend but a small distance below the horizon for five or six days in succession; that is for two or three days before, and the same number of days after, the full; and would consequently rise during all these evenings nearly at the same time, namely, a little before, or a little after, sunset, so as to afford a remarkable succession of fine moonlight evenings.

The moon _turns on her axis_ in the same time in which she revolves around the earth. This is known by the moon's always keeping nearly the same face towards us, as is indicated by the telescope, which could not happen unless her revolution on her axis kept pace with her motion in her orbit. Take an apple, to represent the moon; stick a knittingneedle through it, in the direction of the stem, to represent the axis, in which case the two eyes of the apple will aptly represent the poles.

Through the poles cut a line around the apple, dividing it into two hemispheres, and mark them, so as to be readily distinguished from each other. Now place a candle on the table, to represent the earth, and holding the apple by the knittingneedle, carry it round the candle, and you will see that, unless you make the apple turn round on the axis as you carry it about the candle, it will present different sides towards the candle; and that, in order to make it always present the same side, it will be necessary to make it revolve exactly once on its axis, while it is going round the circle,--the revolution on its axis always keeping exact pace with the motion in its...o...b..t. The same thing will be observed, if you walk around a tree, always keeping your face towards the tree. If you have your face towards the tree when you set out, and walk round without turning, when you have reached the opposite side of the tree, your back will be towards it, and you will find that, in order to keep your face constantly towards the tree, it will be necessary to turn yourself round on your heel at the same rate as you go forward.

Since, however, the motion of the moon on its axis is uniform, while the motion in its...o...b..t is unequal, the moon does in fact reveal to us a little sometimes of one side and sometimes of the other. Thus if, while carrying the apple round the candle, you carry it forward a little faster than the rate at which it turns on its axis, a portion of the hemisphere usually out of sight is brought into view on one side; or if the apple is moved forward slower than it is turned on its axis, a portion of the same hemisphere comes into view on the other side. These appearances are called the moon's _librations in longitude_. The moon has also a _libration in lat.i.tude_;--so called, because in one part of her revolution more of the region around one of the poles comes into view, and, in another part of the revolution, more of the region around the other pole, which gives the appearance of a tilting motion to the moon's axis. This is owing to the fact, that the moon's axis is inclined to the plane of her orbit. If, in the experiment with the apple, you hold the knittingneedle parallel to the candle, (in which case the axis will be perpendicular to the plane of revolution,) the candle will s.h.i.+ne upon both poles during the whole circuit, and an eye situated where the candle is would constantly see both poles; but now incline the needle towards the plane of revolution, and carry it round, always keeping it parallel to itself, and you will observe that the two poles will be alternately in and out of sight.

The moon exhibits another appearance of this kind, called her _diurnal libration_, depending on the daily rotation of the spectator. She turns the same face towards the _centre_ of the earth only, whereas we view her from the surface. When she is on the meridian, we view her disk nearly as though we viewed it from the centre of the earth, and hence, in this situation, it is subject to little change; but when she is near the horizon, our circle of vision takes in more of the upper limb than would be presented to a spectator at the centre of the earth. Hence, from this cause, we see a portion of one limb while the moon is rising, which is gradually lost sight of, and we see a portion of the opposite limb, as the moon declines to the west. You will remark that neither of the foregoing changes implies any actual motion in the moon, but that each arises from a change of position in the spectator. Since the succession of day and night depends on the revolution of a planet on its own axis, and it takes the moon twenty-nine and a half days to perform this revolution, so that the sun shall go from the meridian of any place and return to the same meridian again, of course the lunar day occupies this long period. So protracted an exposure to the sun's rays, especially in the equatorial regions of the moon, must occasion an excessive acc.u.mulation of heat; and so long an absence of the sun must occasion a corresponding degree of cold. A spectator on the side of the moon which is opposite to us would never see the earth, but one on the side next to us would see the earth constantly in his firmament, undergoing a gradual succession of changes, corresponding to those which the moon exhibits to the earth, but in the reverse order. Thus, when it is full moon to us, the earth, as seen from the moon, is then in conjunction with the sun, and of course presents her dark side to the moon.

Soon after this, an inhabitant of the moon would see a crescent, resembling our new moon, which would in like manner increase and go through all the changes, from new to full, and from full to new, as we see them in the moon. There are, however, in the two cases, several striking points of difference. In the first place, instead of twenty-nine and a half days, all these changes occur in one lunar day and night. During the first and last quarters, the changes would occur in the day-time; but during the second and third quarters, during the night. By this arrangement, the lunarians would enjoy the greatest possible benefit from the light afforded by the earth, since in the half of her revolution where she appears to them as full, she would be present while the sun was absent, and would afford her least light while the sun was present. In the second place, the earth would appear thirteen times as large to a spectator on the moon as the moon appears to us, and would afford nearly the same proportion of light, so that their long nights must be continually cheered by an extraordinary degree of light derived from this source; and if the full moon is hailed by our poets as "refulgent lamp of night,"[10] with how much more reason might a lunarian exult thus, in view of the splendid orb that adorns his nocturnal sky! In the third place, the earth, as viewed from any particular place on the moon, would occupy invariably the same part of the heavens. For while the rotation of the moon on her axis from west to east would appear to make the earth (as the moon does to us) revolve from east to west, the corresponding progress of the moon in her orbit would make the earth appear to revolve from west to east; and as these two motions are equal, their united effect would be to keep the moon apparently stationary in the sky. Thus, a spectator at E, Fig. 38, page 175, in the middle of the disk that is turned towards the earth, would have the earth constantly on his meridian, and at E, the conjunction of the earth and sun would occur at mid-day; but when the moon arrived at G, the same place would be on the margin of the circle of illumination, and will have the sun in the horizon; but the earth would still be on his meridian and in quadrature. In like manner, a place situated on the margin of the circle of illumination, when the moon is at E, would have the earth in the horizon; and the same place would always see the earth in the horizon, except the slight variations that would occur from the librations of the moon. In the fourth place, the earth would present to a spectator on the moon none of that uniformity of aspect which the moon presents to us, but would exhibit an appearance exceedingly diversified.

The comparatively rapid rotation of the earth, repeated fifteen times during a lunar night, would present, in rapid succession, a view of our seas, oceans, continents, and mountains, all diversified by our clouds, storms, and volcanoes.


[9] d.i.c.k's 'Celestial Scenery.'


"As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er heaven's clear azure sheds her sacred light, When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene, Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole; O'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed, And tip with silver every mountain's head; Then s.h.i.+ne the vales, the rocks in prospect rise, A flood of glory bursts from all the skies; The conscious swains, rejoicing in the sight, Eye the blue vault, and bless the useful light."

_Pope's Homer._



"Some say the zodiac constellations Have long since left their antique stations, Above a sign, and prove the same In Taurus now, once in the Ram; That in twelve hundred years and odd, The sun has left his ancient road, And nearer to the earth is come, 'Bove fifty thousand miles from home."--_Hudibras._

WE have thus far contemplated the revolution of the moon around the earth as though the earth were at rest. But in order to have just ideas respecting the moon's motions, we must recollect that the moon likewise revolves along with the earth around the sun. It is sometimes said that the earth _carries_ the moon along with her, in her annual revolution.

This language may convey an erroneous idea; for the moon, as well as the earth, revolves around the sun under the influence of two forces, which are independent of the earth, and would continue her motion around the sun, were the earth removed out of the way. Indeed, the moon is attracted towards the sun two and one fifth times more than towards the earth, and would abandon the earth, were not the latter also carried along with her by the same forces. So far as the sun acts equally on both bodies, the motion with respect to each other would not be disturbed. Because the gravity of the moon towards the sun is found to be greater, at the conjunction, than her gravity towards the earth, some have apprehended that, if the doctrine of universal gravitation is true, the moon ought necessarily to abandon the earth. In order to understand the reason why it does not do thus, we must reflect, that, when a body is revolving in its...o...b..t under the influence of the projectile force and gravity, whatever diminishes the force of gravity, while that of projection remains the same, causes the body to approach nearer to the tangent of her orbit, and of course to recede from the centre; and whatever increases the amount of gravity, carries the body towards the centre. Thus, in Fig. 33, page 152, if, with a certain force of projection acting in the direction A B, and of attraction, in the direction A C, the attraction which caused a body to move in the line A D were diminished, it would move nearer to the tangent, as in A E, or A F. Now, when the moon is in conjunction, her gravity towards the earth acts in opposition to that towards the sun, (see Fig. 38, page 175,) while her velocity remains too great to carry her with what force remains, in a circle about the sun, and she therefore recedes from the sun, and commences her revolution around the earth. On arriving at the opposition, the gravity of the earth conspires with that of the sun, and the moon's projectile force being less than that required to make her revolve in a circular orbit, when attracted towards the sun by the sum of these forces, she accordingly begins to approach the sun, and descends again to the conjunction.

The attraction of the sun, however, being every where greater than that of the earth, the actual path of the moon around the sun is every where concave towards the latter. Still, the elliptical path of the moon around the earth is to be conceived of, in the same way as though both bodies were at rest with respect to the sun. Thus, while a steam-boat is pa.s.sing _swiftly_ around an island, and a man is walking _slowly_ around a post in the cabin, the line which he describes in s.p.a.ce between the forward motion of the boat and his circular motion around the post, may be every where concave towards the island, while his path around the post will still be the same as though both were at rest. A nail in the rim of a coach-wheel will turn around the axis of the wheel, when the coach has a forward motion, in the same manner as when the coach is at rest, although the line actually described by the nail will be the resultant of both motions, and very different from either.

We have hitherto regarded the moon as describing a great circle on the face of the sky, such being the visible orbit, as seen by projection.

But, on a more exact investigation, it is found that her orbit is not a circle, and that her motions are subject to very numerous irregularities. These will be best understood in connexion with the causes on which they depend. The law of universal gravitation has been applied with wonderful success to their developement, and its results have conspired with those of long-continued observation, to furnish the means of ascertaining with great exactness the place of the moon in the heavens, at any given instant of time, past or future, and thus to enable astronomers to determine longitudes, to calculate eclipses, and to solve other problems of the highest interest. The whole number of irregularities to which the moon is subject is not less than sixty, but the greater part are so small as to be hardly deserving of attention; but as many as thirty require to be estimated and allowed for, before we can ascertain the exact place of the moon at any given time. You will be able to understand something of the cause of these irregularities, if you first gain a distinct idea of the mutual actions of the sun, the moon, and the earth. The irregularities in the moon's motions are due chiefly to the disturbing influence of the sun, which operates in two ways; first, by acting unequally on the earth and moon; and secondly, by acting obliquely on the moon, on account of the inclination of her orbit to the ecliptic. If the sun acted equally on the earth and moon, and always in parallel lines, this action would serve only to restrain them in their annual motions around the sun, and would not affect their actions on each other, or their motions about their common centre of gravity. In that case, if they were allowed to fall towards the sun, they would fall equally, and their respective situations would not be affected by their descending equally towards it. But, because the moon is nearer the sun in one half of her orbit than the earth is, and in the other half of her orbit is at a greater distance than the earth from the sun, while the power of gravity is always greater at a less distance; it follows, that in one half of her orbit the moon is more attracted than the earth towards the sun, and, in the other half, less attracted than the earth.

To see the effects of this process, let us suppose that the projectile motions of the earth and moon were destroyed, and that they were allowed to fall freely towards the sun. (See Fig. 38, page 175.) If the moon was in conjunction with the sun, or in that part of her orbit which is nearest to him, the moon would be more attracted than the earth, and fall with greater velocity towards the sun; so that the distance of the moon from the earth would be increased by the fall. If the moon was in opposition, or in the part of her orbit which is furthest from the sun, she would be less attracted than the earth by the sun, and would fall with a less velocity, and be left behind; so that the distance of the moon from the earth would be increased in this case, also. If the moon was in one of the quarters, then the earth and the moon being both attracted towards the centre of the sun, they would both descend directly towards that centre, and, by approaching it, they would necessarily at the same time approach each other, and in this case their distance from each other would be diminished. Now, whenever the action of the sun would increase their distance, if they were allowed to fall towards the sun, then the sun's action, by endeavoring to separate them, diminishes their gravity to each other; whenever the sun's action would diminish the distance, then it increases their mutual gravitation.

Hence, in the conjunction and opposition, their gravity towards each other is diminished by the action of the sun, while in the quadratures it is increased. But it must be remembered, that it is not the total action of the sun on them that disturbs their motions, but only that part of it which tends at one time to separate them, and at another time to bring them nearer together. The other and far greater part has no other effect than to retain them in their annual course around the sun.

The cause of the lunar irregularities was first investigated by Sir Isaac Newton, in conformity with his doctrine of universal gravitation, and the explanation was first published in the 'Principia;' but, as it was given in a mathematical dress, there were at that age very few persons capable of reading or understanding it. Several eminent individuals, therefore, undertook to give a popular explanation of these difficult points. Among Newton's contemporaries, the best commentator was M'Laurin, a Scottish astronomer, who published a large work ent.i.tled 'M'Laurin's Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Discoveries.' No writer of his own day, and, in my opinion, no later commentator, has equalled M'Laurin, in reducing to common apprehension the leading principles of the doctrine of gravitation, and the explanation it affords of the motions of the heavenly bodies. To this writer I am indebted for the preceding easy explanation of the irregularities of the moon's motions, as well as for several other ill.u.s.trations of the same sublime doctrine.

The figure of the moon's...o...b..t is an ellipse. We have before seen, that the earth's...o...b..t around the sun is of the same figure; and we shall hereafter see this to be true of all the planetary orbits. The path of the earth, however, departs very little from a circle; that of the moon differs materially from a circle, being considerably longer one way than the other. Were the orbit a circle having the earth in the centre, then the radius vector, or line drawn from the centre of the moon to the centre of the earth, would always be of the same length; but it is found that the length of the radius vector is only fifty-six times the radius of the earth when the moon is nearest to us, while it is sixty-four times that radius when the moon is furthest from us. The point in the moon's...o...b..t nearest the earth is called her _perigee_; the point furthest from the earth, her _apogee_. We always know when the moon is at one of these points, by her apparent diameter or apparent velocity; for, when at the perigee, her diameter is greater than at any time, and her motion most rapid; and, on the other hand, her diameter is least, and her motion slowest, when she is at her apogee.

The moon's nodes constantly s.h.i.+ft their positions in the ecliptic, from east to west, at the rate of about nineteen and a half degrees every year, returning to the same points once in eighteen and a half years. In order to understand what is meant by this backward motion of the nodes, you must have very distinctly in mind the meaning of the terms themselves; and if, at any time, you should be at a loss about the signification of any word that is used in expressing an astronomical proposition, I would advise you to turn back to the previous definition of that term, and revive its meaning clearly in the mind, before you proceed any further. In the present case, you will recollect that the moon's nodes are the two points where her orbit cuts the plane of the ecliptic. Suppose the great circle of the ecliptic marked out on the face of the sky in a distinct line, and let us observe, at any given time, the exact moment when the moon crosses this line, which we will suppose to be close to a certain star; then, on its next return to that part of the heavens, we shall find that it crosses the ecliptic sensibly to the westward of that star, and so on, further and further to the westward, every time it crosses the ecliptic at either node. This fact is expressed by saying that _the nodes retrograde on the ecliptic_; since any motion from east to west, being contrary to the order of the signs, is called retrograde. The line which joins these two points, or the line of the nodes, is also said to have a retrograde motion, or to revolve from east to west once in eighteen and a half years.

The _line of the apsides_ of the moon's...o...b..t revolves from west to east, through her whole course, in about nine years. You will recollect that the apsides of an elliptical orbit are the two extremities of the longer axis of the ellipse; corresponding to the perihelion and aphelion of bodies revolving about the sun, or to the perigee and apogee of a body revolving about the earth. If, in any revolution of the moon, we should accurately mark the place in the heavens where the moon is nearest the earth, (which may be known by the moon's apparent diameter being then greatest,) we should find that, at the next revolution, it would come to its perigee a little further eastward than before, and so on, at every revolution, until, after nine years, it would come to its perigee nearly at the same point as at first. This fact is expressed by saying, that the perigee, and of course the apogee, revolves, and that the line which joins these two points, or the line of the apsides, also revolves.

These are only a few of the irregularities that attend the motions of the moon. These and a few others were first discovered by actual observation and have been long known; but a far greater number of lunar irregularities have been made known by following out all the consequences of the law of universal gravitation.

The moon may be regarded as a body endeavoring to make its way around the earth, but as subject to be continually impeded, or diverted from its main course, by the action of the sun and of the earth; sometimes acting in concert and sometimes in opposition to each other. Now, by exactly estimating the amount of these respective forces, and ascertaining their resultant or combined effect, in any given case, the direction and velocity of the moon's motion may be accurately determined. But to do this has required the highest powers of the human mind, aided by all the wonderful resources of mathematics. Yet, so consistent is truth with itself, that, where some minute inequality in the moon's motions is developed at the end of a long and intricate mathematical process, it invariably happens, that, on pointing the telescope to the moon, and watching its progress through the skies, we may actually see her commit the same irregularities, unless (as is the case with many of them) they are too minute to be matters of observation, being beyond the powers of our vision, even when aided by the best telescopes. But the truth of the law of gravitation, and of the results it gives, when followed out by a chain of mathematical reasoning, is fully confirmed, even in these minutest matters, by the fact that the moon's place in the heavens, when thus determined, always corresponds, with wonderful exactness, to the place which she is actually observed to occupy at that time.

The mind, that was first able to elicit from the operations of Nature the law of universal gravitation, and afterwards to apply it to the complete explanation of all the irregular wanderings of the moon, must have given evidence of intellectual powers far elevated above those of the majority of the human race. We need not wonder, therefore, that such homage is now paid to the genius of Newton,--an admiration which has been continually increasing, as new discoveries have been made by tracing out new consequences of the law of universal gravitation.

The chief object of astronomical _tables_ is to give the amount of all the irregularities that attend the motions of the heavenly bodies, by estimating the separate value of each, under all the different circ.u.mstances in which a body can be placed. Thus, with respect to the moon, before we can determine accurately the distance of the moon from the vernal equinox, that is, her longitude at any given moment, we must be able to make exact allowances for all her irregularities which would affect her longitude. These are in all no less than sixty, though most of them are so exceedingly minute, that it is not common to take into the account more than twenty-eight or thirty. The values of these are all given in the lunar tables; and in finding the moon's place, at any given time, we proceed as follows: We first find what her place would be on the supposition that she moves uniformly in a circle. This gives her _mean_ place. We next apply the various corrections for her irregular motions; that is, we apply the _equations_, subtracting some and adding others, and thus we find her _true_ place.

The astronomical tables have been carried to such an astonis.h.i.+ng degree of accuracy, that it is said, by the highest authority, that an astronomer could now predict, for a thousand years to come, the precise moment of the pa.s.sage of any one of the stars over the meridian wire of the telescope of his transit-instrument, with such a degree of accuracy, that the error would not be so great as to remove the object through an angular s.p.a.ce corresponding to the semidiameter of the finest wire that could be made; and a body which, by the tables, ought to appear in the transit-instrument in the middle of that wire, would in no case be removed to its outer edge. The astronomer, the mathematician, and the artist, have united their powers to produce this great result. The astronomer has collected the data, by long-continued and most accurate observations on the actual motions of the heavenly bodies, from night to night, and from year to year; the mathematician has taken these data, and applied to them the boundless resources of geometry and the calculus; and, finally, the instrument-maker has furnished the means, not only of verifying these conclusions, but of discovering new truths, as the foundation of future reasonings.

Since the points where the moon crosses the ecliptic, or the moon's nodes, constantly s.h.i.+ft their positions about nineteen and a half degrees to the westward, every year, the sun, in his annual progress in the ecliptic, will go from the node round to the same node again in less time than a year, since the node goes to meet him nineteen and a half degrees to the west of the point where they met before. It would have taken the sun about nineteen days to have pa.s.sed over this arc; and consequently, the interval between two successive conjunctions between the sun and the moon's node is about nineteen days shorter than the solar year of three hundred and sixty-five days; that is, it is about three hundred and forty-six days; or, more exactly, it is 346.619851 days. The time from one new moon to another is 29.5305887 days. Now, nineteen of the former periods are almost exactly equal to two hundred and twenty-three of the latter:

For 346.619851 19=6585.78 days=18 y. 10 d.

And 29.5305887 223=6585.32 " = " " " "

Hence, if the sun and moon were to leave the moon's node together, after the sun had been round to the same node nineteen times, the moon would have made very nearly two hundred and twenty-three conjunctions with the sun. If, therefore, she was in conjunction with the sun at the beginning of this period, she would be in conjunction again at the end of it; and all things relating to the sun, the moon, and the node, would be restored to the same relative situation as before, and the sun and moon would start again, to repeat the same phenomena, arising out of these relations, as occurred in the preceding period, and in the same order.

Now, when the sun and moon meet at the moon's node, an eclipse of the sun happens; and during the entire period of eighteen and a half years eclipses will happen, nearly in the same manner as they did at corresponding times in the preceding period. Thus, if there was a great eclipse of the sun on the fifth year of one of these periods, a similar eclipse (usually differing somewhat in magnitude) might be expected on the fifth year of the next period. Hence this period, consisting of about eighteen years and ten days, under the name of the _Saros_, was used by the Chaldeans, and other ancient nations, in predicting eclipses. It was probably by this means that Thales, a Grecian astronomer who flourished six hundred years before the Christian era, predicted an eclipse of the sun. Herodotus, the old historian of Greece, relates that the day was suddenly changed into night, and that Thales of Miletus had foretold that a great eclipse was to happen _this year_. It was therefore, at that age, considered as a distinguished feat to predict even the year in which an eclipse was to happen. This eclipse is memorable in ancient history, from its having terminated the war between the Lydians and the Medes, both parties being smitten with such indications of the wrath of the G.o.ds.

The _Metonic Cycle_ has sometimes been confounded with the Saros, but it is not the same with it, nor was the period used, like the Saros, for foretelling eclipses, but for ascertaining the _age_ of the moon at any given period. It consisted of nineteen tropical years, during which time there are exactly two hundred and thirty-five new moons; so that, at the end of this period, the new moons will recur at seasons of the year corresponding exactly to those of the preceding cycle. If, for example, a new moon fell at the time of the vernal equinox, in one cycle, nineteen years afterwards it would occur again at the same equinox; or, if it had happened ten days after the equinox, in one cycle, it would also happen ten days after the equinox, nineteen years afterwards. By registering, therefore, the exact days of any cycle at which the new or full moons occurred, such a calendar would show on what days these events would occur in any other cycle; and, since the regulation of games, feasts, and fasts, has been made very extensively, both in ancient and modern times, according to new or full moons, such a calendar becomes very convenient for finding the day on which the new or full moon required takes place. Suppose, for example, it were decreed that a festival should be held on the day of the first full moon after the Vernal equinox. Then, to find on what day that would happen, in any given year, we have only to see what year it is of the lunar cycle; for the day will be the same as it was in the corresponding year of the calendar which records all the full moons of the cycle for each year, and the respective days on which they happen.

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