English-Bisaya Grammar Part 3

English-Bisaya Grammar -

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4 Four. Upat.

5 Five. Lima.

6 Six. Unum.

7 Seven. Pito.

8 Eight. Ualo.

9 Nine. Siam.

10 Ten. Napolo.

11 Eleven. Napolo ug usa.

12 Twelve. Napolo ug duha.

13 Thirteen. Napolo ug tolo.

14 Fourteen. Napolo ug upat.

15 Fifteen. Napolo ug lima.

16 Sixteen. Napolo ug unum.

17 Seventeen. Napolo ug pito.

18 Eighteen. Napolo ug ualo.

19 Nineteen. Napolo ug siam.

20 Twenty. Caluha-an.

30 Thirty. Catlo-an.

40 Forty. Capat-an.

50 Fifty. Calim-an.

60 Sixty. Canum-an.

70 Seventy. Capito-an.

80 Eighty. Caualo-an.

90 Ninety. Casiam-an.

100 One hundred. Usa ca gatus.

101 One hundred and one Usa ca gatus ug usa.

200 Two hundred. Duha ca gatus.

300 Three hundred. Tolo ca gatus.

1000 One thousand. Usa ca libo.

1001 One thousand and one. Usa ca libo ug usa.

2000 Two thousand. Duha ca libo.

Ten children. Napolo ca bata.

Twenty horses. Caluha-an ca cabayo.

Two hundred and twenty guns. Duha ca gatus caluha an ug duha ca fusil.

Five hundred and ninety one Lima ca gatus casiam-an ug usa ca soldiers. soldalo.

One thousand men. Usa ca libo ca taoo.


1.a The English forms "a hundred, a thousand", are rendered into Bisaya by usa ca gatus, usa ca libo. Expressions like "eighteen hundred" must be translated as:--one thousand eight hundred, ex: The year 1898.--Usa ca libo ualo ca gatus casiaman ug usa.

2.a The unity begins by a consonant duplicates, the first syllable, when points out any quant.i.ty. The denaries are formed by putting before unity the particle ca and an after, as we have seen. Ca serves also to join the numbers to the nouns, thus: Usa cataoo.--Napolo ca pisos, upat ca adlao.

Ordinal Numbers.

1st. Ang nahaona.

2d. Ang icaduha.

3d. Ang icatolo-tlo.

4th. Ang icaupat-pat.

5th. Ang icalima.

6th. Ang icaunum.

7th. Ang icapito.

8th. Ang icaualo.

9th. Ang icasiam.

10th. Ang icapolo.

11th. Ang icapolo ug usa.

12th. Ang icapolo ug duha.

13th. Ang icapolo ug tolo.

14th. Ang icapolo ug upat 15th. Ang icapolo ug lima.

20th. Ang icacaluhaan.

21th. Ang icacaluhaan ug usa.

30th. Ang icacatloan.

40th. Ang icacaupatan 50th. Ang icacalim-an 100th. Ang icausa ca gatus.

The month.--Ang bulan.

The day.--Ang adlao.

The week.--Ang semana.

What is the date to day.--Icapila quita caron?--To-day is the sixth of March of the year 1901.--Sa icaunum ca adlao sa bulan sa Marzo sa usa ca libo siam ca gatus ng usa ca tuig.

Days of the week

Monday. Lunes.

Tuesday. Martes.

Wednesday. Miercoles.

Thursday. Jueves.

Friday. Viernes. Sabado.

Sunday. Domingo.

Months of the year.

(The months and the days of the week are taken from the Spanish language).

January. Enero.

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