Outline Studies in the New Testament for Bible Teachers Part 8

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4. Let a scholar be called upon to tell the story of each one of the nine events in the period.

Blackboard Outline


I. =Gen. Asp.= 1. Ti. 2. Loc. 3. Aim. 4. Act. 5. Div.

II. =Pla.= 1. Cap. 2. Naz. 3. Nai. 4. Moun. 5. Beth. 6. Ger.

7. Jer.

III. =Ear. Gal. Min. Jour.= 1. Set. Cap. 2. To. Ea. Gal. 3. Vis.

Jer. 4. Moun. Jour.

IV. =Events. Ear. Gal. Min.= _Jour. 1._ 1. Rej. Naz. 2. Fir. Dis. Cal. 3. Mir. Cap.

_Jour. 2._ 4. Heal Lep. 5. Heal Par.

_Jour. 3._ 6. Mir. Beth. 7. With. Ha.

_Jour. 4._ 8. Ca. Tw. 9. Ser. Mo.

Questions for Review


How long was this period? Where was it pa.s.sed? What was the aim of Jesus during this year? What are its two subdivisions? Name seven places visited by Jesus during this period. Name four journeys during the early part of this period. What three events are connected with the settlement at Capernaum? What two events are named in connection with the tour in eastern Galilee? What two events are given with the visit to Jerusalem? What two events are named with the mountain journey?


We now take up the second part of the Year of Popularity, from the Sermon on the Mount to the Discourse on the Bread of Life.

V. =The Journeys of the Later Galilean Ministry.=

1. =Tour in Southern Galilee= (Capernaum to Nain and return). From Capernaum Jesus led his disciples southward as far as Nain (Luke 7. 1, 11). There he wrought a miracle, and on the journey homeward preached in various places (Luke 8. 1).

2. =The Voyage to Gergesa.= (Capernaum to Gergesa and return.) With his disciples Jesus sailed across the Sea of Galilee (Luke 8. 22), stilling the tempest on the way. They landed at Gergesa, in the country of the Gadarenes (Luke 8. 26)--that is, not far from the well-known city of Gadara, which was twenty miles from the Sea of Galilee. Here the Gadarene demoniac was restored, but the people were unwilling to receive Jesus, so he sailed back to Capernaum (Matt. 9. 1.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: _YEAR OF POPULARITY


3. =Tour in Central Galilee= (Capernaum to Nazareth and return). The object of this journey was a second visit to Nazareth (Mark 6. 1), but, like the first, it was unsuccessful; so Jesus left "his own country" and preached in the villages of central Galilee (Mark 6. 6).

4. =Retirement to Bethsaida= (Capernaum, Bethsaida, and return). In order to obtain needed rest and seclusion Jesus and his disciples sailed across the lake to the unsettled country near Bethsaida (Mark 6. 31, 32). Here he wrought the miracle of Feeding the Five Thousand, recrossed the lake in the night, and a day or two afterward gave his last discourse of the Galilean ministry.

Let the pupil draw the same map as with Part One, but omitting the journeys of that part; and place upon the maps the journeys of the later Galilean ministry.

VI. =The Events of the Later Galilean Ministry.=

1.) With the First Journey, the _Tour in Southern Galilee_:

1.) =The Widow's Son Raised= (Luke 7. 11-16). This took place at Nain, southwest of the Sea of Galilee.

2.) =Was.h.i.+ng the Saviour's Feet= (Luke 7. 36-50). This event is to be carefully distinguished from the "anointing by Mary," much later in the history.

These two events are related only by Luke.

2.) With the Second Journey, the _Voyage to Gergesa_:

3.) =Parables by the Sea= (Mark 4. 1-34; also in Matt.

13. 1-52). These were given just before the journey.

4.) =Stilling the Tempest= (Mark 4. 1-35-41).

5.) =The Gadarene Demoniac Restored= (Mark 5. 1-20).

6.) =Jairus's Daughter Raised= (Mark 5. 21-43). Two miracles wrought after the return from the Gadarene country.

3.) With the third Journey, the _Tour in Central Galilee_.

7.) =Second Rejection at Nazareth= (Mark 6. 1-6).

Compare with this the account of his former rejection, and note the differences.

8.) =Sending out the Twelve= (Mark 6. 7-13). Read the longer report of the charge to the Twelve in Matt. 10.

4.) With the Fourth Journey, the _Retirement to Bethsaida_:

9.) =Feeding the Five Thousand= (Mark 6. 31-44). This and the following are the only miracles related in all the four gospels. Compare their accounts.

10.) =Walking on the Sea= (Mark 6. 45-52). Note the additions in Matt. 14. 22-33).

11.) =Discourse on the Bread of Life= (John 6. 24-59).

This marked a crisis in his ministry, for it proclaimed a spiritual application of the miracle, and not a "kingdom of meat and drink," as men were expecting. Note the results (John 6. 60-68). Thus at the close of his Galilean ministry--as before at the close of his Judean ministry--the Saviour was left alone with his few disciples.

Blackboard Outline


V. =Jour. Lat. Gal. Min.= 1. To. Gal. 2. Voy. Ger. 3. To. Cen. Gal.

4. Ret. Beth.

VI. =Ev. Lat. Gal. Min.=-- _Jour. 1._ 1. Wid. So. Rai. 2. Wash. Sav. Fe.

_Jour. 2._ 3. Par. Sea. 4. Still Tem. 5. Gad. Dem. Res. 6. Jai.

Dau. Ra.

_Jour. 3._ 7. Sec. Rej. Naz. 8. Sen. Twel.

_Jour. 4._ 9. Fe. Fi. Th. 10 Wal. Sea. 11. Dis. Br. Li.

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