Roget's Thesaurus Part 25

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staff, stick, crutch, alpenstock, baton, staddle[obs3]; bourdon[obs3], cowlstaff[obs3], lathi[obs3], mahlstick[obs3].

post, pillar, shaft, thill[obs3], column, pilaster; pediment, pedicle; pedestal; plinth, shank, leg, socle[obs3], zocle[obs3]; b.u.t.tress, jamb, mullion, abutment; bal.u.s.ter, banister, stanchion;; headstone; upright; door post, jamb, door jamb.

frame, framework; scaffold, skeleton, beam, rafter, girder, lintel, joist, travis[obs3], trave[obs3], corner stone, summer, transom; rung, round, step, sill; angle rafter, hip rafter; cantilever, modillion[obs3]; crown post, king post; vertebra.

columella[obs3], backbone; keystone; axle, axletree; axis; arch, mainstay.

trunnion, pivot, rowlock[obs3]; peg &c. (pendency) 214[obs3]; tiebeam &c. (fastening) 45; thole pin[obs3].

board, ledge, shelf, hob, bracket, trevet[obs3], trivet, arbor, rack; mantel, mantle piece[Fr], mantleshelf[obs3]; slab, console; counter, dresser; f.l.a.n.g.e, corbel; table, trestle; shoulder; perch; horse; easel, desk; clotheshorse, hatrack; retable; teapoy[obs3].

seat, throne, dais; divan, musnud[obs3]; chair, bench, form, stool, sofa, settee, stall; arm chair, easy chair, elbow chair, rocking chair; couch, fauteuil[Fr], woolsack[obs3], ottoman, settle, squab, bench; aparejo[obs3], faldstool[obs3], horn; long chair, long sleeve chair, morris chair; lamba chauki[obs3], lamba kursi[obs3]; saddle, pannel[obs3], pillion; side saddle, pack saddle; pommel.

bed, berth, pallet, tester, crib, cot, hammock, shakedown, trucklebed[obs3], cradle, litter, stretcher, bedstead; four poster, French bed, bunk, kip, palang[obs3]; bedding, b.i.+.c.hhona, mattress,[obs3]; pillow, bolster; mat, rug, cus.h.i.+on.

footstool, ha.s.sock; tabouret[obs3]; tripod, monopod.

Atlas, Persides, Atlantes[obs3], Caryatides, Hercules.

V. be supported &c.; lie on, sit on, recline on, lean on, loll on, rest on, stand on, step on, repose on, abut on, bear on, be based on &c.; have at one's back; bestride, bestraddle[obs3].

support, bear, carry, hold, sustain, shoulder; hold up, back up, bolster up, sh.o.r.e up; uphold, upbear[obs3]; prop; under prop, under pin, under set; riprap; bandage &c. 43.

give support, furnish support, afford support, supply support, lend support, give foundations, furnish foundations, afford foundations, supply foundations, lend foundations; bottom, found, base, ground, imbed, embed.

maintain, keep on foot; aid &c. 707.

Adj. supporting, supported &c. v.; fundamental; dorsigerous[obs3].

Adv. astride on, straddle.

#216. Parallelism. -- N. {ant. 216a} parallelism; coextension[obs3]; equidistance[obs3]; similarity &c. 17.

Adj. parallel; coextensive; equidistant.

Adv. alongside &c. (laterally) 236.

#216a. Perpendicularity -- N. {ant. 216} perpendicularity, orthogonality; verticality, &c. 212.

V. be perpendicular, be orthogonal; intersect at right angles, be rectangular, be at right angles to, intersect at 90 degrees; have no correlation.

Adj. orthogonal, perpendicular; rectangular; uncorrelated.

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#217. Obliquity. -- N. obliquity, inclination, slope, slant, crookedness &c. adj.; slopeness[obs3]; leaning &c. v.; bevel, tilt; bias, list, twist, swag, cant, lurch; distortion &c. 243; bend &c. (curve) 245; tower of Pisa.

acclivity, rise, ascent, gradient, khudd[obs3], rising ground, hill, bank, declivity, downhill, dip, fall, devexity ; gentle slope, rapid slope, easy ascent, easy descent; shelving beach; talus; monagne Russe[Fr]; facilis descensus averni[Lat].

V. intersect; lack parallelism.

#218. Inversion. -- N. inversion, eversion, subversion, reversion, retroversion, introversion; contraposition &c. 237[obs3]; contrariety &c.

14; reversal; turn of the tide.

overturn; somersault, somerset; summerset[obs3]; culbute[obs3]; revulsion; pirouette.

transposition, transposal[obs3], anastrophy[obs3], metastasis, hyperbaton[obs3], anastrophe[obs3], hysteron proteron[Grk][Grk], hypallage[obs3], synchysis[obs3], tmesis[obs3], parenthesis; metathesis; palindrome.

p.r.o.nation and supination[Anat][obs3].

V. be inverted &c.; turn round, turn about, turn to the right about, go round, go about, go to the right about, wheel round, wheel about, wheel to the right about; turn over, go over, tilt over, topple over; capsize, turn turtle.

invert, subvert, retrovert[obs3], introvert; reverse; up turn, over turn, up set, over set; turn topsy turvy &c. adj.; culbuter[obs3]; transpose, put the cart before the horse, turn the tables.

Adj. inverted &c. v.; wrong side out, wrong side up; inside out, upside down; bottom upwards, keel upwards; supine, on one's head, topsy- turvy, sens dessus dessous[Fr].

inverse; reverse &c. (contrary) 14; opposite &c. 237.

top heavy.

Adv. inversely &c. adj.; hirdy-girdy[obs3]; heels over head, head over heels.

#219. Crossing. -- N. crossing &c. v.; intersection, interdigitation; decussation[obs3], transversion[obs3]; convolution &c. 248; level crossing.

reticulation, network; inosculation[obs3], anastomosis, intertexture[obs3], mortise.

net, plexus, web, mesh, twill, skein, sleeve, felt, lace; wicker; mat, matting; plait, trellis, wattle, lattice, grating, grille, gridiron, tracery, fretwork, filigree, reticle; tissue, netting, mokes[obs3]; rivulation[obs3].

cross, chain, wreath, braid, cat's cradle, knot; entangle &c.

(disorder) 59.

[woven fabrics] cloth, linen, muslin, cambric &c.

[web-footed animal] webfoot.

V. cross, decussate[obs3]; intersect, interlace, intertwine, intertwist[obs3], interweave, interdigitate, interlink.

twine, entwine, weave, inweave[obs3], twist, wreathe; anastomose[Med], inosculate[obs3], dovetail, splice, link; lace, tat.

mat, plait, plat, braid, felt, twill; tangle, entangle, ravel; net, knot; dishevel, raddle[obs3].

Adj. crossing &c. v.; crossed, matted &c, v. transverse.

cross, cruciform, crucial; retiform[obs3], reticular, reticulated; areolar[obs3], cancellated[obs3], grated, barred, streaked; textile; crossbarred[obs3], cruciate[obs3], palmiped[obs3], secant; web-footed.

Adv. cross, thwart, athwart, transversely; at grade [U.S.]; crosswise.

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-- 3. CENTRICAL DIMENSIONS -- <-- that="" is,="" dimensions="" having="" reference="" to="" a="" center="" --=""> -- General.

#220. Exteriority. -- N. exteriority[obs3]; outside, exterior; surface, superficies; skin &c. (covering) 223; superstratum[obs3]; disk, disc; face, facet; extrados[obs3].

excentricity[obs3]; eccentricity; circ.u.mjacence &c. 227[obs3].

V. be exterior &c. adj.; lie around &c. 227.

place exteriorly, place outwardly, place outside; put out, turn out.

Adj. exterior, external; outer most; outward, outlying, outside, outdoor; round about &c. 227; extramural; extralimitary[obs3], extramundane.

superficial, skin-deep; frontal, discoid.

extraregarding[obs3]; excentric[obs3], eccentric; outstanding; extrinsic &c. 6; ecdemic[Med], exomorphic[obs3].

Adv. externally &c. adj.; out, with out, over, outwards, ab extra, out of doors; extra muros[Lat].

in the open air; sub Jove, sub dio[Lat]; a la belle etoile[Fr], al fresco.

#221. Interiority. -- N. interiority; inside, interior; inters.p.a.ce[obs3], subsoil, substratum; intrados.

contents &c. 190; substance, pith, marrow; backbone &c. (center) 222; heart, bosom, breast; abdomen; vitals, viscera, entrails, bowels, belly, intestines, guts, chitterings[obs3], womb, lap; penetralia[Lat], recesses, innermost recesses; cave &c. (concavity) 252.

V. be inside &c. adj.; within &c. adv.

place within, keep within; inclose &c. (circ.u.mscribe) 229; intern; imbed &c. (insert) 300.

Adj. interior, internal; inner, inside, inward, intraregarding[obs3]; inmost, innermost; deep seated, gut; intestine, intestinal; inland; subcutaneous; abdominal, coeliac, endomorphic[Physiol]; interst.i.tial &c.

(interjacent) 228[obs3]; inwrought &c. (intrinsic) 5; inclosed &c. v.

home, domestic, indoor, intramural, vernacular; endemic.

Adv. internally &c. adj.; inwards, within, in, inly[obs3]; here in, there in, where in; ab intra, withinside[obs3]; in doors, within doors; at home, in the bosom of one's family.

#222. Centrality. -- N. centrality, centricalness[obs3], center; middle &c. 68; focus &c. 74.

core, kernel; nucleus, nucleolus; heart, pole axis, bull's eye; nave, navel; umbilicus, backbone, marrow, pith; vertebra, vertebral column; hotbed; concentration &c. (convergence) 290; centralization; symmetry.

center of gravity, center of pressure, center of percussion, center of oscillation, center of buoyancy &c.; metacenter[obs3].

V. be central &c. adj.; converge &c. 290.

render central, centralize, concentrate; bring to a focus.

Adj. central, centrical[obs3]; middle &c. 68; azygous, axial, focal, umbilical, concentric; middlemost; rachidian[obs3]; spinal, vertebral.

Adv. middle; midst; centrally &c. adj.

#223. Covering. -- N. covering, cover; baldachin, baldachino[obs3], baldaquin[obs3]; canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri[Fr], umbrella, parasol, sunshade; veil (shade) 424; s.h.i.+eld &c. (defense) 717.

roof, ceiling, thatch, tile; pantile, pentile[obs3]; tiling, slates, slating, leads; barrack [U.S.], plafond, planchment [obs3][U.S.], tiling, shed &c. (abode) 189.

top, lid, covercle , door, operculum; bulkhead [U.S.].

bandage, plaster, lint, wrapping, dossil[obs3], finger stall.

coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget[obs3]; housing; antimaca.s.sar, eiderdown, numdah[obs3], pillowcase, pillowslip[obs3]; linoleum; saddle cloth, blanket cloth; tidy; tilpah [obs3][U.S.], apishamore [obs3][U.S.].

integument, tegument; skin, pellicle, fleece, fell, fur, leather,[obs3], hide; pelt, peltry[obs3]; cordwain[obs3]; derm[obs3]; robe, buffalo robe [U.S.]; cuticle, scarfskin, epidermis.

clothing &c. 225; mask &c. (concealment) 530.

peel, crust, bark, rind, cortex, husk, sh.e.l.l, coat; eggsh.e.l.l, glume[obs3].

capsule; sheath, sheathing; pod, cod; casing, case, theca[obs3]; elytron[obs3]; elytrum[obs3]; involucrum[Lat]; wrapping, wrapper; envelope, vesicle; corn husk, corn shuck [U.S.]; dermatology, conchology; testaceology[obs3].

inunction[obs3]; incrustation, superimposition, superposition, obduction ; scale &c. (layer) 204.

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