Roget's Thesaurus Part 24

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#206. Height. -- N. height, alt.i.tude, elevation; eminence, pitch; loftiness &c. adj.; sublimity.

tallness &c. adj.; stature, procerity[obs3]; prominence &c. 250.

colossus &c. (size) 192; giant, grenadier, giraffe, camelopard.

mount, mountain; hill alto, b.u.t.te [U.S.], monticle[obs3], fell, knap[obs3]; cape; headland, foreland[obs3]; promontory; ridge, hog's back, dune; rising ground, vantage ground; down; moor, moorland; Alp; uplands, highlands; heights &c. (summit), 210; k.n.o.b, loma[obs3], pena [obs3][U.S.], picacho[obs3], tump[obs3]; knoll, hummock, hillock, barrow, mound, mole; steeps, bluff, cliff, craig[obs3], tor[obs3], peak, pike, clough[obs3]; escarpment, edge, ledge, brae; dizzy height.

tower, pillar, column, obelisk, monument, steeple, spire, minaret, campanile, turret, dome, cupola; skysc.r.a.per.

pole, pikestaff, maypole, flagstaff; top mast, topgallant mast.

ceiling &c. (covering) 223.

high water; high tide, flood tide, spring tide.

altimetry &c. (angel) 244[obs3]; batophobia[obs3].

satellite, spy-in-the-sky.

V. be high &c. adj.; tower, soar, command; hover, hover over, fly over; orbit, be in orbit; cap, culminate; overhang, hang over, impend, beetle, bestride, ride, mount; perch, surmount; cover &c. 223; overtop &c.

(be superior) 33; stand on tiptoe.

become high &c. adj.; grow higher, grow taller; upgrow[obs3]; rise &c.

(ascend) 305; send into orbit.

render high &c. adj.; heighten &c. (elevate) 307.

Adj. high, elevated, eminent, exalted, lofty, tall; gigantic &c. (big) 192; Patagonian; towering, beetling, soaring, hanging [gardens]; elevated &c. 307; upper; highest &c. (topmost) 210; high reaching, insessorial[obs3], perching.

upland, moorland; hilly, k.n.o.bby [U.S.]; mountainous, alpine, subalpine, heaven kissing; cloudtopt[obs3], cloudcapt[obs3], cloudtouching[obs3]; aerial.

overhanging &c. v.; inc.u.mbent, overlying, superinc.u.mbent[obs3], supernatant, superimposed; prominent &c. c. 250.

tall as a maypole, tall as a poplar, tall as a steeple, lanky &c.

(thin) 203.

Adv. on high, high up, aloft, up, above, aloof, overhead; airwind[obs3]; upstairs, abovestairs[obs3]; in the clouds; on tiptoe, on stilts, on the shoulders of; over head and ears; breast high.

over, upwards; from top to bottom &c. (completely) 52.

Phr. e meglio cader dalle finistre che dal tetto[It].

#207. Lowness. -- N. lowness &c. adj.; debas.e.m.e.nt, depression, prostration &c. (horizontal) 213; depression &c. (concave) 252.

molehill; lowlands; bas.e.m.e.nt floor, ground floor; rez de chaussee[Fr]; cellar; hold, bilge; feet, heels.

low water; low tide, ebb tide, neap tide, spring tide.

V. be low &c. adj.; lie low, lie flat; underlie; crouch, slouch, wallow, grovel; lower &c. (depress) 308.

Adj. low, neap, debased; nether, nether most; flat, level with the ground; lying low &c. v.; crouched, subjacent, squat, prostrate &c.

(horizontal) 213.

Adv. under; beneath, underneath; below; downwards; adown[obs3], at the foot of; under foot, under ground; down stairs, below stairs; at a low ebb; below par.

#208. Depth. -- N. depth; deepness &c. adj.; profundity, depression &c. (concavity) 252.

hollow, pit, shaft, well, crater; gulf &c. 198; bowels of the earth, bottomless pit[obs3], h.e.l.l.

soundings, depth of water, water, draught, submersion; plummet, sound, probe; sounding rod, sounding line; lead.


[instrument to measure depth] sonar, side-looking sonar; bathometer[obs3].

V. be deep &c. adj.; render deep &c. adj.; deepen.

plunge &c. 310; sound, fathom, plumb, cast the lead, heave the lead, take soundings, make soundings; dig &c. (excavate) 252.

Adj. deep, deep seated; profound, sunk, buried; submerged &c. 310; subaqueous, submarine, subterranean, subterraneous, subterrene[obs3]; underground.

bottomless, soundless, fathomless; unfathomed, unfathomable; abysmal; deep as a well; bathycolpian[obs3]; benthal[obs3], benthopelagic[obs3]; downreaching[obs3], yawning.

knee deep, ankle deep.

Adv. beyond one's depth, out of one's depth; over head and ears; mark twine, mark twain.

#209. Shallowness. -- N. shallowness &c. adj.; shoals; mere scratch.

Adj. shallow, slight, superficial; skin deep, ankle deep, knee deep; just enough to wet one's feet; shoal, shoaly[obs3].

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#210. Summit. -- N. summit, summity ; top, peak, vertex, apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, culmination, meridian, utmost height, ne plus utra, height, pitch, maximum, climax, culminating point, crowning point, turning point; turn of the tide, fountain head; water shed, water parting; sky, pole.

tip, tip top; crest, crow's nest, cap, truck, nib; end &c. 67; crown, brow; head, n.o.b[obs3], noddle[obs3], pate; capsheaf[obs3].

high places, heights.

topgallant mast, sky sc.r.a.per; quarter deck, hurricane deck.

architrave, frieze, cornice, coping stone, zoophorus[obs3], capital, epistyle[obs3], sconce, pediment, entablature[obs3]; tympanum; ceiling &c.

(covering) 223.

attic, loft, garret, house top, upper story.

[metaphorical use] summit conference, summit; peak of achievement, peak of performance; peaks and troughs, peaks and valleys [in graphs].

V. culminate, crown, top; overtop &c. (be superior to) 33.

Adj. highest &c. (high &c. 206); top; top most, upper most; tiptop; culminating &c. v.; meridian, meridional[obs3]; capital, head, polar, supreme, supernal, topgallant.

Adv. atop, at the top of the tree.

Phr. en flute; fleur deau[Fr].

#211. Base. -- N. base, bas.e.m.e.nt; plinth, dado, wainscot; baseboard, mopboard[obs3]; bedrock, hardpan [U.S.]; foundation &c. (support) 215; substructure, substratum, ground, earth, pavement, floor, paving, flag, carped, ground floor, deck; footing, ground work, basis; hold, bilge.

bottom, nadir, foot, sole, toe, hoof, keel, root; centerboard.

Adj. bottom, undermost, nethermost; fundamental; founded on, based on, grounded on, built on.

#212. Verticality. -- N. verticality; erectness &c. adj.; perpendicularity &c. 216a; right angle, normal; azimuth circle.

wall, precipice, cliff.

elevation, erection; square, plumb line, plummet.

V. be vertical &c. adj.; stand up, stand on end, stand erect, stand upright; stick up, c.o.c.k up.

render vertical &c. adj.; set up, stick up, raise up, c.o.c.k up; erect, rear, raise on its legs.

Adj. vertical, upright, erect, perpendicular, plumb, normal, straight, bolt, upright; rampant; standing up &c. v.; rectangular, orthogonal &c.


Adv. vertically &c. adj.; up, on end; up on end, right on end; a plomb[Fr], endwise; one one's legs; at right angles.

#213. Horizontality. -- N. horizontality[obs3]; flatness; level, plane; stratum &c. 204; dead level, dead flat; level plane.

rec.u.mbency, lying down &c. v.; reclination[obs3], dec.u.mbence[obs3]; dec.u.mbency[obs3], disc.u.mbency ; p.r.o.neness &c. adj.; accubation[obs3], supination[obs3], resupination[obs3], prostration; azimuth.

plain, floor, platform, bowling green; cricket ground; croquet ground, croquet lawn; billiard table; terrace, estrade[obs3], esplanade, parterre.

[flat land area] table land, plateau, ledge; b.u.t.te; mesa (plain) 344.

[instrument to measure horizontality] level, spirit level.

V. be horizontal &c. adj.; lie, recline, couch; lie down, lie flat, lie prostrate; sprawl, loll, sit down.

render horizontal &c. adj.; lay down, lay out; level, flatten; prostrate, knock down, floor, fell.

Adj. horizontal, level, even, plane; flat &c. 251; flat as a billiard table, flat as a bowling green; alluvial; calm, calm as a mill pond; smooth, smooth as gla.s.s.

rec.u.mbent, dec.u.mbent, proc.u.mbent, acc.u.mbent[obs3]; lying &c. v.;, supine, couchant, jacent[obs3], prostrate, recubant[obs3].

Adv. horizontally &c. adj.; on one's back, on all fours, on its beam ends.

#214. Pendency. -- N. pendency[obs3], dependency; suspension, hanging &c. v.; pedicel, pedicle, peduncle; tail, train, flap, skirt, pigtail, pony tail, pendulum; hangnail peg, k.n.o.b, b.u.t.ton, hook, nail, stud, ring, staple, tenterhook; fastening &c. 45; spar, horse.

V. be pendent &c. adj.; hang, depend, swing, dangle; swag; daggle[obs3], flap, trail, flow; beetle.

suspend, hang, sling, hook up, hitch, fasten to, append.

Adj. pendent, pendulous; pensile; hanging &c. v.; beetling, jutting over, overhanging, projecting; dependent; suspended &c. v.; loose, flowing.

having a peduncle &c. n.; pedunculate[obs3], tailed, caudate.

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#215. Support. -- N. support, ground, foundation, base, basis; terra firma; bearing, fulcrum, bait [U.S.], caudex crib[obs3]; point d'appui[Fr], [Grk][Grk], purchase footing, hold, locus standi[Lat]; landing place, landing stage; stage, platform; block; rest, resting place; groundwork, substratum, riprap, sustentation, subvention; floor &c.

(bas.e.m.e.nt) 211.

supporter; aid &c. 707; prop, stand, anvil, fulciment ; cue rest, jigger; monkey; stay, sh.o.r.e, skid, rib, truss, bandage; sleeper; stirrup, stilts, shoe, sole, heel, splint, lap, bar, rod, boom, sprit[obs3], outrigger; ratlings[obs3].

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