The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire Part 47

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[115] _Ibid._ 4.

[116] Cf. p. 102.

[117] _de Bapt._ 5.

[118] _de Spectac._ 4; _de cor. mil._ 3.

[119] _de cor. mil._ 3, _ter mergitamur_.


[120] _de Bapt._ 4.

[121] _Ibid._ 6.

[122] _de Bapt._ 8. For other minor details as to food and bathing see _de cor. mil._ 3.

[123] _de Spectac._ 4.

[124] _de Idol._ 6.

[125] _de Idol._ 11. Cf. Hermas, _Mandate_, 3, on lying in business.

[126] _de Idol._ 9.

[127] _Ibid._ 20.

[128] _de cor. mil._ 8.

[129] _Ibid._ 8.

[130] _de Idol._ 24, _inter hos scopulos et sinus, inter haec vada et freta idololatriae, velificata spiritu dei fides navigat_.

[131] _de fuga_, 13.

[132] _Apol._ 4.

[133] _Apol._ 6.

[134] Gwatkin, _The Knowledge of G.o.d_ (Gifford Lectures) ii, p. 163.

[135] _ad Natt._ i, 5.

[136] Cf. pp. 20-22.

[137] _Apol._ 17, _ita eum vis magnitudinis et notum hominibus obicit et ignotum_.

[138] _Apol._ 21.

[139] Chapters 22 to 24 give a good summary of his views on daemons.

[140] Celsus refers to Christian discussion of this; Origen, _adv.

Cels._ iii 43.

[141] Cf. _ad. Scap._ 2, with argument from end of world.

[142] c. 39 _vide, inquiunt, ut invicem se diligant_.

[143] Epictetus, _D._ iii, 23.

[144] Clement, _Strom._ vi, 56, _philautia_.

[145] _de anima_, 1.

[146] Cf. _de anima_, 6, 17, 18, 23, etc.

[147] _de Praescr._ 7.

[148] _adv. Marc._ i, 2.

[149] _de res. carnis_, 2.

[150] _de Praescr._ 7.

[151] _de Praescr._ 13.

[152] _de Praescr._ 15.

[153] _de Praescr._ 21.

[154] _de Praescr._ 37, _Mea est possessio_. Cf. definition which says _possessions appellantur agri ... qui non manc.i.p.atione sed usu tenebantur et ut quisque occupaverat possidebat_. Tertullian improves this t.i.tle as he goes on.

[155] This gibe is in _adv. Marc._ i, 5; there are plenty without it in _adv. Val_.

[156] _adv. Hermog._ 9, _iure, beneficio, impetu, id est dominio precario vi_.

[157] _de carne Christi_, 2.

[158] _de carne Christi_, 5, _Quodcunque deo indignum est mihi expedit_.

[159] _de carne Christi_, 5, _prorsus credibile est quia ineptum est, ... certum est quia impossibile.... Quid dimidias mendacio Christum?

Totus veritas fuit_.

[160] _de carne Christi_, 9, _trepidat_ perhaps represents the _agonia_ of Luke.

[161] _de res. carnis_, 51.

[162] _de paenit._ 1.

[163] _de paenit._ 12.

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