The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire Part 46

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[66] Marcus Aurelius, xi, 3. Cf. Aristides, _Or._ 46, who attributes _authadeia_, to _oi en te Palaistine dussebeis_.

[67] _Hist. August. M. Anton._ 16, _Erat enim ipse tantae tranquillitatis ut vultum nunquam mutaverit maerore vel gaudio_.

[68] _Apol._ 50, _Illa ipsa obstinatio quam exprobratis magistra est.

Quis enim bib contemplatione eius concut.i.tur ad requirendum quid intus in re sit? quis non ubi requisivit accedit? ubi accessit pati exoptat_, etc.

[69] _ad. Scap._ 5. _Quisque enim tantam tolerantiam spectans, ut aliquo scrupulo percussus, et inquirere accenditur, quid sit in causa, et ubi cognoverit veritatem et ipse statim sequitur_.

[70] _Scorpiace_, 8 (end).

[71] _de testim. animae_, 2. Cf. _de cult. fem._ ii, 2, _Timor fundamentum salutis est_.

[72] _de Paenitentia_, 3.

[73] _de Paenit._ 40. _Quid revolvis? Deus praecipit_.

[74] _ad Natt._ i, 1.

[75] _de Idol._ 5.

[76] _de cor mil._ 11, _non admitt.i.t status fidei necessitates_.

[77] _de Idol._ 12.

[78] _de virg. vel._ i, _Dominus noster Christus veritatem se non consuetudinem cognominavit_.

[79] _de Idol._ 10.

[80] See the correspondence of Ausonius and Paulinus.

[81] Dio Ca.s.sius, 67, 14; Suetonius, _Domit._ 15; Eusebius, _E.H._ iii, 18. See E. G. Hardy, _Studies in Roman History_, ch. v., pp. 66, 67.

[82] To obtain evidence--legal in the case of slaves.

[83] _de Idol._ 17.

[84] Cf. _adv. Valentin._ 5.

[85] _de cor. mil._ 13, _clavus latus in cruce ipsius_. There is a suggestion of a play upon words.

[86] _ad Scap._ i, opening sentence of the tract.

[87] _ad Nat._ ii, 1.

[88] _Apol._ 7. Cf. _Scorp._ 10, _synagogas Judaeorum fontes persecutionum_.

[89] Cf. _de fuga_, 12; _ad Scap._ 5.

[90] _Apol._ 7.

[91] _de fuga_, 14, _sit tibi et in tribus ecclesia_.

[92] _ad Scap._ 4.

[93] _Pa.s.sio Perpetuae_, 6.

[94] _Scorpiace_, 1.

[95] _Apol._ 30.

[96] _Scorp._ 10.

[97] _de anima_, 1.

[98] _Apol._ 16; _ad Natt._ i, 14.

[99] _Scorpiace_, 1; the reference is to Moses' bush, _nec tamen consumebatur_.

[100] _Apol._ 21.

[101] _Scorpiace_, 4 (end).

[102a] _de fuga_, 14 (both pa.s.sages).

[102b] _de fuga_, 14 (both pa.s.sages).

[103] _de pudicitia_, 22.

[104] For this cry in various forms see _Apol._ 40; _de res. carn._ 22; _de exh. cast.i.t._ 12; _de spect._ 27, _conventus et caetus ... illic guotidiani in nos leones expostulantur_.

[105] _Scorpiace_, 11, _ecce autem et odio habimur ab omnibus hominibus nominis causa; de anima_, 1, _non unius urbis sed universi orbis iniquam sententiam sustinens pro nomine veritatis_.

[106] Cf. _de anima_, 1, _de patibulo et vivicombirio per omne ingenium crudelitatis exhauriat_.

[107] _Apol._ 50, _s.e.m.e.n est sanguis Christianorum_.

[108] _de Bapt._ 8.

[109] _Ibid._ 18.

[110] Ironic chapter in _de pudicitia_, 1. The edict is a technical term of the state, and the Pontifex Maximus was the Emperor, till Gratian refused the t.i.tle in 375 A.D.

[111] _Scorpiace_, 6; cf. _de Bapt._ 16.

[112] _de Bapt._ 2.

[113] _Ibid._ 20.

[114] _Ibid._ 4.

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