How to Be a Demon King for Dummies Chapter 2 Part3

How to Be a Demon King for Dummies -

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So I updated the page of the novel and you can check out the link to the ebook thing. Though fair warning, it’s in Thai.

I’m also thinking about doing another novel while waiting for the copyrights for this novel which is in years. There are two novels I’m pondering about. One is about time travel to ancient Egypt(love this one too, hilarious MC) and the other one is about a female otaku transmigrated to a fantasy world singing and spreading famous pop culture there. Though, if I take either of these up, the release frequency will still be once a week since school is next week. Back to school again, I have cla.s.s with a teacher I don’t like too pure torture.

This part maybe a bit short because I kinda miscalculated pages for each release. The previous chapter took a lot of pages. Sorry. But hey, enjoy. Chapter 3 is coming up soon~

My long long tragic life begins.

How can it not be long and tragic? It’s three hundred twenty-one heroes! I have to find a way to make the hero give up, run back home, and transfer the hero t.i.tle to the next person until it is the person that Alicia wants. That is why I have to appear ahead of schedule. More like, cutting the sequence of things and facing the big boss at the start of the game. Humph! If you want to curse anyone, curse your princess for this.

I am now facing the first hero of the Roseline state. He seems&h.e.l.lip; like a hero to the core, plus he came with co. that is the full set. There is a priest, and magician, no no, from the books he is still missing a long weapon user. But whatever, I still have to find a way to chase him away anyway.

This guy kept cursing at me that is having clotted nose, having difficulty breathing and having face cramps. When he decided it’s time to attack(physically), I almost slipped a cheer. A good thing that I can still control myself a bit, if I slipped and showed such an embarra.s.sing scene in such a situation, the sword of ratification would have roasted me. I have already prepared for this, I asked the senior chancellors to cast a barrier for me that will reflect anything that comes my way. This thing might be able to reflect and attack the hero some way or another.

“Hehe&h.e.l.lip; Don’t think that you have a protective s.h.i.+eld and I don’t. Behold! this is the legendary s.h.i.+eld.” Then he starts to explain all the details and history of it for a long while. Herooooo you are so talkative. Can you please stop talking so much?! My face is already pale white.

This time, I don’t have any method to deal with this. What am I gonna do? Boohoo&h.e.l.lip;

While I’m wracking my brain to think of a way, suddenly a silver light shot to the battle field in front of the hero. Then a girl wearing a long fluffy silver gown appeared looking like a rose with glittering light all over her. I that is standing on a cliff tried to gaze at her clearly. Even though her hair is navy blue and she wore a s.h.i.+ny peac.o.c.k mask, but she seems&h.e.l.lip;. very familiar.

She covers her lips a bit and laughed.

“Hohohoho I am the great demon king’s right-hand man, The silver comet, Aliciara the Great Magician.”

It really is you, Alicia! But why is it you holding a staff this time? or is it that you are a magician warrior?

I&h.e.l.lip;. take back what I just said. She holds a staff but used it just like a sword. Hey! You shorten the hero’s hair an inch already aa. Aliciara uh Alicia, please be more gentle with him. Priest, what are you standing and gawking there for? Come and help your hero! d.a.m.n it.

“Hoho, Now do you see the might of Archer the demon king?”

I haven’t done a thing, but now the hero shrank to two inches.

“Someone like you should stop being a hero!”

But the first hero lives up to his t.i.tle of being the first hero, he does not give up easily even if he is having difficulties handling her. He said something like he will not surrender to evil and will definitely rescue the princess. Umm, I think you don’t have to come and rescue her. With a skill of her caliber, can kill me directly and walk back herself effortlessly.

The hero and co. is highly skilled as expected. At least, the light beams they send out here and there made all my intestine shrivel to a corner. If he is smarter than this, shooting that light beam at me that already ran out of protective s.h.i.+eld, I would have died for him there and then. A good thing he is not that smart hehe.

It’s been a while since the fight, my face is stiff all over. The hero’s characteristic that astounds me is that his skins are super thick. What brand of cream did you use, maybe I’ll try it too. On Alicia’s side, she seems a bit bored when the hero intercepts her attack for the forty-ninth time already. On my side, I yawned the hundredth time already. She instead took out a notebook with cute flower covers of hers.

“Alan Berald”

The hero flinched. “What do you want?”

“If you don’t want the picture of you sucking a milk bottle to spread, you’d better quit being a hero and go back.” She said with a relaxed tone.

Ohho! It’s like there is a lightning strike on the battle field. The hero jumped in fright and tried to defend in gibberish, but Alicia threw a picture to him. I can guess what kind of picture it is. But&h.e.l.lip; Alicia where did you get your hands on these kinds of things? And the hero&h.e.l.lip; you&h.e.l.lip; This world still has people like this on it?!

I stared at him taken aback. The hero’s face is changing color from bright red to green, green to blue, and now it is purple. When he tried to open his mouth to defend, a second picture was thrown to him.

“And I also know how attached you are to your mother.”

He loves his mom, isn’t that good?

“Plus she is not your blood-related mother and also the fifth beauty from the Blooming district. Rumors said that she has plenty of sons like you and she likes to call her guest as&h.e.l.lip; ”

Not waiting for Alicia to finish her sentence, the hero ran back just like that leaving an impressive statement behind.

“Mommy! She bullies me.”

The priest and magician look at each other in a daze, then glanced at Alicia with fright. They ran back simultaneously when Alicia say their names one by one.

“If I know this beforehand, I would have used this since the beginning.” She turned and gave me a victory sign, which I can only smile dryly to her back.

“Where did you get this information from?” I asked with a soft voice.

She squinted at me and said “Secret.”

I decided that not knowing would be better for my little life.

Alicia seems to like this method. She decided to use the pitiful hero’s deepest darkest secret to threaten them. I became a demon king that only has to stand there smiling beautifully on the cliff glancing at the heroes below with arrogance. Those people, Alicia dealt them with utter defeat. All those poor heroes ran back crying and all the humans on land started a rumor that I am the most wicked demon king that likes to torture heroes. *sigh*&h.e.l.lip;.. I only stand here doing nothing and you think I tortured them? Are you crazy? Your hero and princess are the ones torturing my fragile heart. Did you know, when a hero was injured because of Alicia, I almost fainted and when they decided to give up and leave, I’m more ecstatic than their mother!

Finally, amidst the torment and misery of me and the wail of the hero, it is the shrimp hero’s turn to be the chosen hero after three whole months. Yay!

Ah, finally she is content.

The shrimp hero, please hurry up and bring her back. I’m having migraines! No, wait. I think if you meet Aliciara um Alicia of yours now, you might have a migraine and die before facing me. So, I will grin and bear this for you, but please hurry up~ and defeat me. I’m waiting ~

Okay, wait&h.e.l.lip; I have to finish my diary&h.e.l.lip; Hmmm The hero in my era has hair the color of l.u.s.trous gold that gleam and glisten like gold decorated on the G.o.ddess’s crown jewel.

Thirteenth demon king, I’m sorry but please put up reading this.

At least be a migraine patient with me. I plead you.

“Alicia, what is your hero’s eye color?” I asked the princess that is currently busy reading the demon name list that is longer and bigger than my waist line and she then writes out the name she is okay with ordering it from weakest to strongest so that the hero can face the challenge.



There upon I continue to portray, his eye color is of crystal green resembling the emerald lake that reflects the glowing light from above&h.e.l.lip; Alicia handed me the name list.

“I already chose, do it like this.”

I readily agreed with her obediently, while my hands continue describing the hero. Hm? Why do I comply with everything she said without resistance?

“Tomorrow you have to bring up the hero’s co. in the council meeting too. He only has a priest that doesn’t seem like he can help much. I was thinking of chasing that priest off in the middle of the night.” She stated.

“I understand.” I nodded with compliance.

Huh&h.e.l.lip; You want to defy the princess that can discard those three hundred twenty uhh one hero till they wailed oh-so-pitifully? Be my guest. I do not dare to argue with her. Okay then. The hero’s armor eh? what kind of armor does that guy wear anyway? I’m starting to forget.

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