The Big Book of Angel Tarot Part 9

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Astrology The Pages in tarot don't represent a particular astrological attribution, but are a.s.sociated with a season and a geographical area of the world. The Page of Fire represents spring and the continent of Asia.

Knight of Fire

There are times in our lives when situations we hadn't antic.i.p.ated require us to move quickly. It doesn't have to be a challenge that worries us; it might simply be something wonderful to consider-like having multiple job offers but a short period of time to decide. We wouldn't want to make a rash decision, but we're probably going to have to come to a conclusion pretty quickly. Thinking is important, but our feelings will probably tell us more about what we want to do. We need to consider all our options in great detail, and then off we'll go!

Symbolism A handsome Knight gallops into our field of view. It's easy to imagine him asking, "How may I help you?"

His white horse tells us that we can expect to be very successful in our endeavor. Our intentions are honorable, and we need have nothing to fear.

Our Knight carries with him a wand rather than a sword. The solution to our challenges comes from pa.s.sion and creativity rather than intellect.

Behind the Knight is a body of water, indicating that he's riding along the sh.o.r.eline. The elements of Water, Earth (the sh.o.r.e), and Fire (his wand) tell us that we will trust our feelings and pa.s.sions in a balanced way in order to make our choice.

Angel Number The number for our Knight is 34, which indicates that we need not worry-we have a great deal of help from our angels and the ascended masters. In much the same way that this Knight in s.h.i.+ning armor shows up to a.s.sist us, so too do our protectors in Heaven. This number reduces to 7 (3 + 4) to show us that we're on the right path and need not be preoccupied with the results!

People Sometimes unexpected things just come up, but the Knight of Fire is here to save the day! And save us he most certainly will do, since that's the type of quest he lives for. This Knight has it all under control-clearly able to accomplish ten things at once. He moves very quickly, all the while flas.h.i.+ng us a charming smile. He loves adventure and is confident in his ability to succeed.

Just keep him busy, because this Knight gets restless very easily. If there's no damsel in distress, no day to save, or no world to keep protected from injustice, then he's likely to wander off to other parts of the world where his considerable skills are needed.

Astrology The Knight is Leo, with a bit of Cancer thrown in. He loves the spotlight that his adventures bring him, but he also cares about those he's "rescuing." Both Leo and Cancer have a penchant for the dramatic, so expect our Knight to be bigger than life. Still, beneath that fiery exterior, which is seemingly made up of only pa.s.sion and flash, resides a heart as good as gold.

Queen of Fire

What are we waiting for? There's nothing we can't accomplis.h.!.+ This is a card of incredible creativity and pa.s.sion just waiting to be ignited. The Queen of Fire wants us to understand our unlimited inner strength and inexhaustible power. We mustn't be afraid to present ourselves to the world with beauty and grace. This card also indicates the ability to balance many aspects of life-especially career and family issues.

Symbolism A beautiful, fiery Queen sits upon a throne of emeralds, which are the jewels of the heart. It indicates an open heart chakra, as well as the ability to awaken the spirituality of ourselves and others.

A bracelet adorns the Queen's wrist, and it is also made of emeralds. Our ability to glide through any situation is a.s.sured as long as our movements are determined by our hearts.

The Queen has a wand of fire from which she creates, and she only chooses endeavors that she's very pa.s.sionate about.

The Queen's fire is giving birth to a bejeweled dragon. It's not necessary for her to create on her own when she can do so with a friend. This card indicates that friends and helpers will be easy to come by.

The Queen wears angel wings, the only card in this suit to do so. She loves to help others and will extend aid whenever possible.

Angel Number The Queen of Fire is Card 35. With the 5 energy in this number, we're reminded that we're all manifesters of our realities. We can make the changes we wish in our lives at any time. We also have the help of the ascended masters and all their combined experience.

The number 35 reduces to 8 (3 + 5). With the 8 energy in this number, we're reminded that this card is one of manifestation and creation. Abundance and prosperity are available to all those who draw this card!

People The Queen of Fire can handle more things at once than probably any other court card in the deck! She's a masterful mult.i.tasker who's also so charming that she usually has friends swarming all around her. Her family adores her because they are her first priority. However, this doesn't keep her from rising through the ranks to become president of a company, a famous author, or the owner of a successful business.

She's very independent, and her brilliance usually allows her to have her own way. Should you choose to go into business with this Queen, you'll want to make sure your visions match hers. If you're on the same wavelength as she is, you'll be able to write a beautiful story, but if you have ideas contrary to hers that you feel strongly about, you might want to choose a different partner.

Astrology The Queen of Fire is Aries, with a generous helping of Pisces. Aries is the sign of getting amazing things done. It's the beginning of the zodiac and is therefore focused on creating. Pisces is a very caring and intuitive sign that senses the needs of others. It's easy to see how these two signs combine to create such a pa.s.sionate and nurturing person.

King of Fire

It's time to take charge! This card wants us to realize that we have incredible leaders.h.i.+p skills. There are many who would benefit from our vision and ability to focus and get the job done effectively and efficiently, but also with a bit of flair. It's time to really focus on the issues that matter, and dismiss those that are just distractions. Talented and friendly people can also show up to help, so we need to graciously accept their a.s.sistance!

Symbolism Our King wears a headdress of peac.o.c.k feathers-symbols of royalty, integrity, and immortality. Peac.o.c.k feathers are also a.s.sociated with Quan-Yin, who's known for her loving-kindness and her desire to help others.

The dragon that we've watched grow up throughout this suit is now fully grown and represents a powerful ally and friend to our King.

The dragon's feathers have matured to be mostly purple and violet, which is a.s.sociated with the crown chakra. There is a oneness with Spirit and the ability to provide the wisdom necessary to solve any situation.

Angel Number The angel number for this card is 36, which asks us to keep our thoughts away from fear when it comes to material things, and to stay focused on what matters in life. The number is also a.s.sociated with ascended masters such as Quan-Yin and Jesus, who are kind and loving and only harbor the best of intentions for us.

The number 36 reduces to 9 (3 + 6), a number that asks us to be of service to others and to seek out our life purpose and begin fulfilling it immediately.

People This King is charismatic and charming, an inspiring speaker who's able to motivate people to do amazing things. He's almost certainly a leader in his chosen field, or even the community at large. He's also an amazing father (which makes him the perfect mate for the Queen of Fire), and he truly loves his family. Still, he does crave attention, so things will go more smoothly if we give it to him. If we try to upstage him, he'll leave us standing there alone.

Astrology This King is mostly Sagittarius, but with a splash of Scorpio. Sagittarius is an optimistic, happy sign that loves to teach, learn new things, and travel. Scorpio is more inwardly focused and tends to want to understand its inner world. Together, they create energy that is very enlightened about what it is while also reaching out to the world with a positive outlook.


Ace of Water

The Ace of Water is a wonderful card that indicates heartwarming emotions and honest connections with others. Usually it heralds a beautiful new romance, but it can signify a very close and intimate (but platonic) friends.h.i.+p as well. This card also represents a time of deepening spiritual and psychic experiences.

The Aces always speak of something new within their suit. In this case, that would be beginnings that relate to emotions, family, and intuition. This card can also refer to a new home.

Symbolism A handsome young merman swims down to reach for a cup. It's just slightly beyond his reach, but soon the cup will be his.

A cup is a vessel for water, the element for this suit as well as the universal sign for emotions.

The tip of the merman's tail is just over the top of the waterline. He's almost completely committed to the emotional experience that will soon present itself, but there's a small part of him that's unsure.

The water is a bit turbulent above, but near the bottom, all is peaceful. This emotional experience will quiet our fears and bring us comfort.

Angel Number The Ace of Water is Card 37. This is a beautiful energy meant to a.s.sure us that we're following our true and perfect path. Heavenly magic is at work, opening doors for us in all our relations.h.i.+ps. All we need do is forge ahead and walk through!

The number reduces to a 1 (3 + 7 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1), a number that tells us that our thoughts are directing what we create, so we need to focus on the future we desire.

Astrology Aces have no specific astrological a.s.sessment, but are connected instead to the element their suit represents-in this case, Water. They also represent the three signs of the zodiac that reflect this element: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Two of Water

This is the card of falling in love. In the Ace of Water, we meet someone, but the Two of Water shows that the relations.h.i.+p has grown. Hearts have become intertwined, and the commitments between those involved have grown deeper. This card can also represent very close friends who've made a connection that will last their entire lives.

This is also a card of forgiveness. Disputes between lovers or friends fade away. If we're involved in a relations.h.i.+p, either romantic or platonic, that has been strained or troubled, we have to remember not to give up. The situation can be resolved in a positive and mutually beneficial way.

Symbolism A mermaid and merman have come together at the bottom of the ocean. They're not afraid to explore the depths of their emotions together.

Dolphins swim around the couple, representing playfulness, community, and harmony-qualities that any relations.h.i.+p benefits from.

The mermaid and merman have placed their cups together to show their desire to have their emotional worlds support one another. However, they haven't poured their two cups together, signifying the importance of maintaining their individuality.

There are yellow angelfish swimming around to let us know that these two merpeople are very much emotionally connected. These fish also represent spiritual growth and evolution. And of course, angels are watching over this relations.h.i.+p.

The "flame angelfish" in the card show us the pa.s.sion the two merpeople feel for one another-the flame of love is very much alive.

Angel Number Deep emotional involvements create big changes in our lives. This card's number is 38. With the 8 energy in this number, we're reminded that this card is one of manifestation and creation. An abundance of love is available to those who draw the Two of Water!

The number 38 reduces to 11 (3 + 8), but doesn't reduce further since 11 is a master number. This is a perfect number for a relations.h.i.+p inspired by the Two of Water; we can explore the unlimited depths of our emotional and spiritual worlds.

Astrology Venus in Cancer is a very loving and nurturing energy. It desires and attracts deep romantic relations.h.i.+ps and may feel somewhat out of sorts unless such a partners.h.i.+p exists. Words are secondary to feelings or actions with this combination. Venus in Cancer wants to care for others and provide emotional support; however, it also wants to feel that same tenderness and connection returned in equal measure.

Three of Water

Now we get to celebrate! This card is famous for pointing out a reason to proclaim our happiness over a joyous event. Often, this card heralds the announcement of an engagement, a wedding, the birth of a child, a graduation, or the promotion of someone to a new job.

Or perhaps we don't need a reason to kick up our heels. This card may be telling us that we need to enjoy life a little more and find a reason to have a party. We might enchant our inner child with a day at an amus.e.m.e.nt park-or whatever makes our hearts sing-and embrace the moment and have fun!

Symbolism Three happy dolphins swim about in the ocean. Dolphins have very strong connections to those in their groups. For this reason, they represent happy communities.

Three cups full of water sit together on the ocean's floor. These cups represent the contents of our emotional, inner lives. By placing the cups together, the dolphins have shown their desire to have a shared experience.

A ray of light softly s.h.i.+nes through the water to the dolphins and the cups. At that level of the ocean, we would expect the image to be dark, but these happy circ.u.mstances have invited us into the light.

Angel Number The angel number for this card is 39, which asks us to be of service to others, seek out our life purpose, and begin fulfilling it immediately so that we may have the joy of celebration in our lives every day. The number is also a.s.sociated with ascended masters such as Quan-Yin and Jesus, who are kind and loving and have only our best interests at heart.

The number 39 reduces to 3 (3 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3). In traditional numerology, this is a number of creativity, communication, and artfulness, which are all aspects of the Three of Water.

Astrology Mercury in Cancer is an energy that tends to communicate with great feeling. Even though Mercury is most often thought of as the mental aspect in astrology, the deeply feeling Cancer softens the temptation to intellectualize everything when it might be best to feel its way through things. This aspect is concerned with family lineage and heritage, and anything that may have happened in the past. For this reason, events such as weddings, births, and graduations become all the more important.

Four of Water

The Four of Water is a friendly reminder from Heaven that we may be missing an important message. Sometimes when we're very focused on the day-to-day, we don't notice that others (or our angels) are offering us a lovely opportunity. We need to stand back from the situation, look around, and ask ourselves or our angels, "What beautiful possibility might be around the next corner?"

We may be aware of something good that came our way, but perhaps we dismissed it as not being of value or not what we wanted at the time. The Four of Water would ask us to reconsider. Perhaps the option we said no to is better than we think. Or maybe taking full advantage of the opportunity will lead us to what we want.

Symbolism A mermaid is so focused on the three cups in front of her that she doesn't notice anything else that's going on around her.

The three cups that have caught her attention are in the back of the image (the past), and are also in the dark (no longer lighting up her life).

A single cup sits in the light-a golden-rimmed opportunity just waiting for the mermaid to see and realize its potential.

Angel Number The number for the Four of Water is 40. Those who draw this card may find themselves feeling as if their situations are complex and difficult to solve; however, this beautiful number a.s.sures them that they have the help of G.o.d and the angels at their side. There's nothing that the angels can't help them work through.

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