The Big Book of Angel Tarot Part 8

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The number 26 reduces to 8 (2 + 6), promising us further prosperity and abundance going forward. Ours is not a temporary situation, but one that indicates continued promise in the foreseeable future for ourselves, our partners, and our children.

Astrology Astrologically, this card is attributed to Venus in Aries. Venus is a planet of beauty, romance, and creativity-the perfect planet to link to a card that shows us being happy and content with all these aspects of our lives.

Of course, Aries energy makes the desire to achieve our goals quite pressing. We want the lovely things the Four of Fire offers, and we want them now! It's that kind of drive that has brought us from the beginning inspiration of the Ace of Fire, through the creation of the Two of Fire, into the long-term planning of the Three of Fire, and into the celebratory joy of the Four of Fire.

Five of Fire

It's a fact that sometimes there's conflict in our lives. The conflict may be with others, or with trying to choose which issue requires our attention first. While these challenges may seem to be coming from outside ourselves, the Law of Attraction can sometimes bring people into our lives who can mirror unresolved issues that we've internalized. For this reason, when this card is drawn, it's a good idea to review the possibility that the real difficulty we're facing comes from within.

This card can also represent more benign challenges, such as athletic compet.i.tions, contests at work, or other chances to prove ourselves to our peers.

Symbolism Wands posted into the ground present themselves in a configuration that appears to block our way. We can't get past them or even see what's going on behind them.

Five is the number of change. Without a change in our perception of the situation, or the way in which we're going about our tasks, the barrier will remain.

The flowers that bloomed in the early cards of the suit to indicate great opportunities are now missing (see the Ace of Fire). We need to review the experiences that we're creating for ourselves to validate that they're what we want.

The top three wands appear to dominate the lower two. The upper wands are the colors of the orange sacral chakra (issues regarding our self-worth), the red root chakra (concerns about our basic needs), and the light blue throat chakra (how we communicate). Is it possible that we feel unsafe and are voicing our frustration from these three areas instead of coming from the green heart chakra (emotions such as love), or our violet crown chakra (our spiritual selves)?

Angel Number This is Card 27. The 2 energy of this number reminds us that if we focus on the positive, then the Law of Attraction will bring it to us. However, if our minds are buried in fear and worry, then anything we're concerned about will come to us. In every challenge there's a lesson that will put us on the right path that comes with the 7 energy.

Together these numbers reduce to 9 (2 + 7), a number of service to ourselves and others, as well as one that brings more light into the world while we're fulfilling our purpose for being on Earth. We need to give thanks for the lessons learned so that our happiness will continue to grow as time goes by.

Astrology Saturn in Leo is the astrological attribution for the Five of Fire. Saturn is the planet where we feel restricted or limited in what we're trying to accomplish. Leo is known for being a sign that wants to s.h.i.+ne and be noticed. It has a strong need to be recognized for its accomplishments and even who or what it is.

The pairing of these two energies can cause us to undervalue ourselves or our goals. Internal conflicts may develop that cause us to stop trying. Then, Heaven, which wants us to be all that we can be, presents us with an external challenge that reflects our inner one. We must break through the five wands that block our progress.

Six of Fire

The Six of Fire is one of the cards in tarot that has a nickname: it's the "victory card"! We've made great strides in our journey when this card is drawn. The trouble from the Five of Fire has been resolved, and we've ridden into town to great applause and celebration. Information is headed our way that will make us extremely happy. We may win an award, get a promotion, or perhaps that book contract we've been hoping for will finally make its way to our door.

This card could also mean that we will be recognized for our accomplishments in a very public way. It may be time to do some self-promotion or marketing with the media.

Symbolism A victorious man arrives into town to great fanfare! His quest has been very successful.

Red rose petals are tossed into the air to lead his way into the village. These flowers are signs of pa.s.sion and love. Our hero followed his pa.s.sion, and he receives great admiration from the villagers due to the example he's set.

White horses are generally a.s.sociated with heroes who display a purity of intention; they imply victory or an impending success. There's also a connection to spiritual development and our intuitive abilities.

Banners bearing the symbol of this suit's icon, a dragon, fly in the background. Flags with dragons on them are a.s.sociated with King Arthur and his honorable reign, which brought peace and prosperity to Camelot.

The two women in the image are meant to bring a little feminine energy into the card for balance.

Angel Number This is Card 28. The energy of this number is extremely positive and successful, to match the card. The 2 influence provides the positive thoughts that manifest into joy for the person who drew the card. This same energy has brought in the effects of the 8, to bring prosperity and abundance for our knight's reward.

The number 28 reduces to a 1 (2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). The number 1 not only represents manifesting our desires, but also new beginnings. Now that the knight has attained his desires, he can turn his attention to his next big success!

Astrology Jupiter in Leo is a very generous energy. Its good fortune is generated by being of service to others and providing an excellent role model. It provides inspiration to others in a win-win, give-and-take way since this energy loves to be in the spotlight. Jupiter in Leo is extremely confident and courageous due to its belief that others can learn and benefit from its experience in overcoming challenges.

Seven of Fire

This is a card of feminine power. While the card does ask us to stand our ground and defend what we believe in, it also requests that we ponder our choices. Is this battle worth the fight? Would we be better off letting go of our need to chase after this particular issue, and instead, redirect our focus to something we consider more important? It's certain that we'll grow stronger from the challenge that's before us as long as we make our choices from the heart rather than from the intellect.

Symbolism A beautiful and confident woman works in concert with her dragon friend.

The dragon appears to be feminine in gender due to the pinks and purples in her coloring.

This reminds us of the Three of Fire card, but here, the young girl has grown up. Instead of contemplating the future, as in the Three of Fire card, the young woman and the dragon team up to defend their beliefs and create the future they've planned.

The young woman carries a wand that is the color of the heart chakra, showing us that her actions relate to love, and are worth defending.

Six wands fly toward our heroine. Six is the angel number of material concerns; however, since she's carrying the wand of the heart, she's sure to prevail.

Angel Number This is Card 29, a number that calls for us to be strong and focused on our life purpose. This number, the card, and the astrology (see the next section) are extremely certain of themselves. Confidence is the determining factor in success; in fact, the definition of success is ours to determine.

The number 29 reduces to 11. Unlike most numbers, 11 is a master number and therefore does not get further reduced. This is a very powerful number that a.s.sures our ability to manifest. The young woman on the dragon is sure to succeed in her quest!

Astrology Mars in Leo is very pa.s.sionate and confident in its actions. It has a powerful need to be relevant in the world and to make a difference. Often it can be fearless in its ambitions and will take actions that are strong and sometimes overwhelming. We may not agree with the quest that Mars in Leo has undertaken, but there's no doubt that it will follow its heart to the ends of the earth!

Eight of Fire

This card can be summed up in three words: busy, busy, busy! When the Eight of Fire card is drawn, it often reflects someone who's filled to the brim with things to do. It can also indicate a person for whom things have been very quiet but who's about to see an end to the slow times. This is a card of rapid s.h.i.+fts and activity. Because of the astrology of this card, it's most often a very welcome change. We may feel a bit harried about all that we have to do, but we're happy to have so much activity in our lives. We may feel stressed, but it's stress that comes from positive things.

Symbolism Eight wands fly off into the sky, giving the impression of fireworks. Fireworks are a sign of great celebration! If we're lucky, they're beautifully orchestrated. However, sometimes fireworks are unpredictable and a little chaotic.

The wands don't appear to all be headed in the same direction. Clearly, there are multiple, and perhaps even competing, goals to be accomplished. It may be necessary to prioritize our efforts.

While this is a Fire card, in the background we see a body of water. It would be easy to let our emotions carry us away, but our purposes are served by keeping our feelings grounded and on an even keel.

Angel Number The Eight of Fire is Card 30. This number a.s.sures us that we're loved and supported by G.o.d and the ascended masters as we take charge of this exciting time in our lives. We can think of the fireworks imagery in the card as a celebration in Heaven, cheering us on as we follow our life path!

This card reduces to 3 (3 + 0), further emphasizing the message of celebration!

Astrology Mercury in Sagittarius is an extremely optimistic energy. Since Mercury rules the mind, this astrological a.s.sociation indicates that our minds are so full of wonderful ideas that we don't even know where to start. Our perception of the future is very bright even if our to-do list is br.i.m.m.i.n.g over. We may feel restless, and eager to get going. We'd probably love to roll up our sleeves and do everything ourselves, as we're very independent-but the truth is that we'll probably need a little help from friends, peers, or people who work for us.

Nine of Fire

The Nine of Fire indicates that we feel the need to protect what we've created. All through our journey in the Fire suit, we've worked hard to create our dreams. We may feel uncomfortable about the safety or stability of what we've built and feel the need to redouble our efforts. It's important at this moment that we have absolute confidence in ourselves. We need to go within to access our inner courage and then turn it outward in a show of bravery and determination. As long as we believe in ourselves, all will be well!

Symbolism A beautiful woman stands ready, determined, and perhaps even a bit defiant. She's proud of her accomplishments and will never give up on her dreams.

Beside her is her dragon ally, who has her wings up as if to protect what's behind her.

The dragon and the woman both hold wands that are the same color, indicating that they're invested as equal partners in what has been created.

A pot of gold represents what has been accomplished. This may be taken literally as financial abundance, or as a metaphor that the results of their pa.s.sion are as valuable to them as gold.

In the pot of gold there are six additional wands. This may indicate that their worries over their possessions is unwarranted, since the number 6 can indicate undue concern about material goods.

Angel Number This is Card 31. We're asked to a.s.sess whether our fears or worries may simply be illusions. Perhaps our protective stance isn't necessary; however, if our concerns are justified, then we can know with great confidence that our determination will see us through. Help from the ascended masters is ours for the asking.

Since this number reduces to 4 (3 + 1), we can also know that the entire angelic realm is by our side!

Astrology The astrological a.s.sociation for this card is Moon in Sagittarius. This is a very independent and confident energy. While it can sometimes be compet.i.tive, it also stands for a sense of safety and protection. There's a belief that everything will work out even in the face of extreme odds. Visionary, hopeful, and perhaps even a bit, Moon in Sagittarius can accomplish just about anything it wants!

Ten of Fire

Work can be fulfilling and exciting, or it can be exhausting and feel like a ch.o.r.e. This card represents times in our lives when we're working entirely too much without leaving any s.p.a.ce for fun and play. Often this card shows up when people are working multiple jobs, or when single parents are dealing with the challenge of working all day and then caring for their kids when they get home. We may find ourselves so intensely involved in our current endeavors that we don't even realize how rundown we're becoming.

This card can also indicate health problems that are created by overwork. We can take the Ten of Fire as a possible message to reduce our workload, take time off, or delegate tasks to others when possible.

Symbolism The dragon carries a heavy burden, and does so alone. The woman from the Nine of Fire card is no longer there to a.s.sist.

The pot of gold from the Nine of Fire is still intact, but now there are ten wands in it, not only making it heavier, but giving it a more intense energy.

The dragon flies at night over a starlit city. Perhaps the dragon has been working into the night, or maybe this is a second job or after-hours project.

Since dragons represent pa.s.sion in the Angel Tarot Cards, the dragon's stance indicates that pa.s.sion has been worn down by overwork.

Angel Number This card's angel number is 32, which asks us to have faith-to believe that our circ.u.mstances are in our best interests, and that any struggle we may be feeling is temporary, and will give way to the joy of knowing that we're on a path that will make us happier over time. It's a good idea for us to work with the ascended masters (especially Jesus, in this case) to ask that our burdens be lightened and our challenges simply fade away.

This number reduces to 5 (3 + 2), a number of great change. In order to extricate ourselves from this time of weariness, the changes our angels are asking us to make must be implemented.

Astrology Saturn is the planet that represents where we feel restricted or held back. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is a planet of great freedom and independence. So it's no surprise that these two are very challenging when in combination. Saturn binds Sagittarius's natural spiritual faith, making it difficult to have hope. It's tough to cope if we don't have faith. Saturn in Sagittarius can become very disillusioned, frustrated, and skeptical. This energy believes that we only attain success through hard work, and trust must be earned.

Page of Fire

The Page of Fire is a very exciting card to choose! New opportunities present themselves to us, and we may get some information about something wonderful that's coming into our lives. This is a highly creative card where our ability to "think outside the box" is extremely valuable. We're asked to follow our pa.s.sions and to let them guide us to our lifework. Without question, we're asked to use our own unique brand of magic to manifest our happiness. This card can also mean a promotion, career change, or any new and promising development in our professional lives.

Symbolism A beautiful young woman is in the process of manifesting what she desires. We can call it magic, or we can call it the pa.s.sion of following our dreams. Either way, it's her belief in herself that paves the way to fulfillment.

The young woman's friend is a magical dragon with gemstones in its wings. Gemstones are precious and glitter with many colors of light, much like the unique and invaluable dream of every individual.

A phoenix is a bird that is said to be reborn from its own ashes. The girl on the card is bringing forth just such a bird to show her intention to re-create her life.

A beautiful white city s.h.i.+nes behind the girl and the dragon. White is the color of purity of intention, and a city represents humankind's ability to manifest. It also reflects a possible home full of like-minded people for our young lady and her dragon friend.

Angel Number This is Card 33, a very powerful number that reflects a direct connection to ascended masters and spiritual leaders. In fact, 33 is a master number, which means that it doesn't reduce down to 6, but remains 33. This master number is for those who want to serve humankind by doing good works in the world. The number is one of a teacher and leader who can help others see their purpose and inspire them to focus on others rather than themselves.

People The Page of Fire is very exciting to be around-filled with incredible exuberance and enthusiasm for whatever is about to be undertaken. The Page is willing to a.s.sume the lead on any creative project, and there is nothing new she isn't willing to try. The Page's inherent joy makes her fun to be around, and her happiness is contagious.

Of course, that kind of dynamic energy can be a little hard to manage. Before we can give a Page of Fire instructions, she's probably already run off and completed half of the project. It may also be difficult for her to keep her focus on one thing for very long.

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