The Big Book of Angel Tarot Part 10

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The number reduces to 4 (4 + 0), further emphasizing the presence of angels at this time.

Astrology The energy of Moon in Cancer carries with it a striking depth of emotion and intimacy. However, it can also become distracted by what's going on around it. It can become somewhat self-absorbed and focused on the past (like the three cups in the back of the image). Due to this aspect's deep concern for family and home, it may also not notice gifts from Heaven that are offered to it because it's so busy taking care of others.

Five of Water

We can't always see what would be best for us. It is therefore natural that things don't always turn out in the way we'd envisioned they would. However, the Universe knows what's best for us even if we don't see the path that it has laid out for us. What's important during these times is to refocus our minds and hearts and believe that our situation will serve us in the long run. Focusing on the past or the things that went "wrong" only keeps us from moving forward in the direction of our eventual happiness.

Symbolism Three broken cups lie in the darkness. It's almost difficult to see them, which prompts the question "Are these even meant to be seen anymore?"

The three broken cups are nearly buried at the bottom of the ocean in the sand. The message here is to "bury the past."

Two of the cups are sitting in the light, upright and ready to be enjoyed. This is where our focus should be.

Bubbles can be seen floating around the cups that are in the light. The bottom of the ocean is a place where we would be challenged to breathe, and yet the bubbles indicate that there's air to be found-telling us that there's hope if we follow the signs.

Angel Number The Five of Water resonates to the angel number 41, which tells us that our thoughts are creating the reality that we're living. If we want to make new choices, we can create a new life for ourselves that's happy and fulfilling.

This number reduces to 5 (4 + 1), the number of change. Fortunately in the case of the Five of Water, we can choose to change ourselves and seize control over how this change occurs.

Astrology Mars in Scorpio is one of the most intense aspects. This energy doesn't shy away from exploring any part of life, and therefore it may forget to walk away from past disappointments. Since it isn't afraid to fully immerse itself in what may have once been troubling, it doesn't feel the same impulse to leave it behind that others may feel.

Six of Water

The past has a significant influence over our present and even the future. The Six of Water card reminds us to honor that past by expressing grat.i.tude for our beautiful memories and to be forgiving regarding challenging times. This card may indicate that someone from our past is going to return to our lives. It may be someone whom we grew up with, or perhaps someone we knew from our early years as an adult. Because of this card's watery energy, this person from our past may be someone we had a romantic history with, or someone who was once a friend but who will become something more intimate in the future. The card can also ask us to review how we see the past. Are we making it more dramatic than it was? More lovely than the reality actually was?

The Six of Water often has to do with children. It's an indicator of pregnancy, a matter involving our current children, or even a sign that the person who drew the card should or does work with children professionally. It can also remind us to be like a child, and allow more fun into our lives. The Six of Water can signify receiving or exchanging gifts as well.

Symbolism Two joyful merchildren play in the ocean. The children represent the past, and the ocean symbolizes emotional memories.

The boy has his head above water, showing that he's seeing things not through the eyes of emotion, but rather through the eyes of intellect. His gaze, however, is turned back to the ocean (his feelings). This reminds us that sometimes we need to objectively observe our memories of the past rather than doing so emotionally.

The girl, in contrast, is completely submerged beneath the ocean. Her body language is one of sheer happiness. She isn't rationalizing how the past happened or why it happened, but is only reveling in the fact that it has made her who she is.

When this card is drawn, we can get important information on what is happening with our client by noticing whom our eyes are drawn to: the boy or the girl.

Six cups are scattered around the card. They represent memories, especially emotional ones. The cups in the back of the card, or in the dark, symbolize memories that are further back in time and more difficult to remember fully. Other cups are more in the light, signifying more current memories.

Angel Number The angel number for the Six of Water is 42, which tells us to keep the faith. We can look to our past for guidance regarding the choices we've made that suited us. Or we can use our history to remind us of the mistakes we wish to avoid in the future.

This number reduces to 6 (4 + 2), which is a symbol for material items such as gifts, one of the meanings of this card.

Astrology Sun in Scorpio is the astrological attribution of this card. Scorpio is a deeply feeling sign that's able to delve far into the ocean of emotion that signifies its inner world. Memories are stored as much in feelings as in thoughts. If Sun in Scorpio feels wronged or betrayed, it can be very difficult to forgive the situation and move forward.

Seven of Water

The Seven of Water is a card of indecision and the need to make choices. When we find ourselves unable to choose between various or contradictory options, we can fall into inaction. Our dreams don't move forward, and our lives feel stalled. Sometimes the answer to finding the right action to take lies in doing more research; other times, we're merely procrastinating. This card asks us to do whatever is necessary to move forward.

The Seven of Water card is also a possible indicator of addiction, so if the question we're asking has to do with dependency or unhealthy behaviors, drawing this card would lead us to believe that there's cause for concern.

Symbolism Seven cups lie at the bottom of the ocean, and each one is filled with a colored light of one of the chakras. The answer to our question lies in which color our eyes are drawn to. From left to right on the image of the card, the colors are: Dark blue: The third-eye chakra speaks to our intuitive gifts, our integrity, and taking responsibility for our actions.

Purple: The crown chakra relates to concerns or solutions to problems that focus on our spirituality and the way in which we understand ourselves.

Green: The heart chakra is one of love, compa.s.sion for others, and listening to our feelings for guidance. It also relates to forgiveness.

Red: The base or root chakra refers to the ways in which we feel safe and provided for; issues such as home, finances, and self-confidence are key.

Orange (the cup at the front of the card): The sacral chakra governs issues related to creativity. This can also include s.e.xuality and reproduction. Dependency issues are also possible.

Yellow (to the right of the red light): The solar-plexus chakra represents where we feel either empowered or without power in our lives.

Light blue: The throat chakra is related to issues of communication (or lack thereof) and the way in which we speak our truths.

Angel Number This card is number 43. Here, we have the combined power of the angels and ascended masters to help us make the choices we need to make. We have no worries, knowing that with their help, we can't make a poor decision.

This number reduces to 7 (4 + 3). Removing ourselves from procrastination will place us on the right path.

Astrology Venus in Scorpio offers many beautiful possibilities. It cares that we have what we want, but without action, we can never be certain that what we thought we wanted is the true desire of the heart.

Eight of Water

There are many cards in tarot that indicate that a change is coming. However, the Eight of Water card indicates that the choice to go in another direction is fully our own. We feel restless, and that which fascinated us in the past no longer entices us. Instead, we yearn for something more meaningful and wish to have a life that rewards us with emotional and spiritual satisfaction.

Of course, even the decisions we make on our own can be challenging or even bring about great sadness, but that doesn't stop us from doing what is necessary in order to be who we know we're meant to be deep down.

Symbolism A merman has turned his back on the cups in the foreground. They used to mean something to him and at one time brought him joy, but now their allure is gone.

As he swims away, he heads toward the light, which represents the spiritual evolution and awakening that comes with following our destiny.

The majority of the cups are in the dark, showing that they're not the path to happiness for our merman. As he follows the light and gets farther and farther away, all of the cups will be in darkness, and his attachment to them will be broken.

Angel Number The Eight of Water is Card 44, a magical number that lets us know we're surrounded by angels. The situation we find ourselves in is completely safe as long as we listen to and follow the guidance our angels are providing us.

This number reduces to 8 (4 + 4), telling us that we'll experience an abundance of emotional fulfillment due to the path we're choosing.

Astrology Saturn in Pisces is a highly sensitive energy and can be very giving to others-almost too much-which can distract it from its own desires. In the end, Saturn in Pisces wants to be able to know that there's something greater than itself (or its current reality) out there waiting. It wants to manifest its dreams as evidence that there's true meaning in life.

Nine of Water

Nine of Water is one of those cards in tarot with a nickname: it's the "wish-comes-true card." This is one of the most joyful cards in the deck and lets us know that our dreams are coming to fruition and that we have much to be joyful and grateful about. If this card jumps from the deck while we're shuffling, it's a good time to make a wish.

This card can also indicate enjoying great luxury and the beautiful things in life.

Symbolism The mermaid in the image is very happy; she's heard that her wishes will be coming true!

The mermaid has her head above water, so she can't see the beautiful things underwater. Even though she hasn't yet witnessed her good fortune, she has faith that it will come to pa.s.s.

There are nine cups under the water, filled to the brim with jewels. However, this card doesn't restrict itself to desires for financial abundance. It can represent wishes related to career, love, health, or whatever we're hoping for.

The jewels are also reflective of this card's reference to luxurious material comforts.

In the background, we can see that there's water coming off the mountain to replenish the ocean. This is to remind us that there's no limit to the Universe. Our good fortune doesn't take away from others, and there's no lack. There's always more than enough for everyone.

Angel Number The Nine of Water resonates to the number 45. Change is the key word when 5 energy is at work, and this card always brings about wonderful new developments in our lives. We need to thank our angels for the blessings we're now receiving.

The number 45 reduces to 9 (4 + 5). The experiences that come with this card can help us grow and evolve so that we may be prepared to follow our life path.

Astrology Jupiter in Pisces rules the Nine of Water card. Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness and good fortune. Pisces is a sign of sensitive, caring, and compa.s.sionate people, so the energy of this astrological attribution tells us that the joyful news of our wish coming true is a karmic reward for our kindness to others and to the world.

Ten of Water

The Ten of Water is another card of good fortune. It really does represent "having it all." We've found great contentment in our lives: our relations.h.i.+ps are positive and affirming, and we have healthy and strong connections with our children. There's harmony with our friends and extended family, our emotional needs are fulfilled, and we have what we need financially to be happy.

This card can also refer to taking care of family members or allowing others to take care of us.

Symbolism Many of the elements of the previous cards in the suit of Water have finally come together.

The happy couple from the Two of Water continues to offer their cups (emotional openness) to one another.

The children of the Six of Water indicate that they've now created a very happy family.

The yellow angelfish show that the family is growing and evolving spiritually as a group, with the love and protection of the angels around them.

Angel Number The angel number for this card is 46. The energy here is one of being aware of our spiritual selves. We can be of service to our families in a selfless manner by teaching them that we're all Divine children of G.o.d.

The number 46 reduces to 1 (4 + 6 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). All relations.h.i.+ps will benefit from positive thoughts and a sense of faith. Negativity is likely to bring us challenges that we don't want.

Astrology Mars in Pisces is a gentle and loving energy. While Mars is usually a very forward-moving planet, when it's in Pisces, it has more of a tendency to just let life happen as it may. It doesn't buck the natural flow of events, but instead feels content to work with things as they are.

Page of Water

It's always exciting when someone new enters our lives, especially when the nature of the relations.h.i.+p is romantic. It can be just as wonderful when a relations.h.i.+p moves to the next level. An example of that might be when people who've been dating for a while decide to get engaged. These are the types of moments that the Page of Water brings us. Remember that the Pages of tarot are often messengers, so this card can also indicate a love letter or any type of communication of emotion.

The women in the Water suit are very intuitive, so this Page may also indicate new psychic experiences or an increase in our natural gifts.

Symbolism A beautiful mermaid floats above very tumultuous waters. Since Water represents our feelings, clearly something significant has entered her emotional life.

Our mermaid is surrounded by whales, which symbolize the ability to go within and understand ourselves. They also represent psychic abilities.

The mermaid carries a scepter with a bright light on top of it. This is a beacon to her beloved that she's ready to be found.

Dolphins tell us to have fun! When new emotional experiences come into our lives, it works best if we can keep from being overly serious.

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