The Big Book of Angel Tarot Part 11

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A cup of water floats above the choppy waves. This is to remind us that when our hearts are so completely immersed in a situation, it helps if we keep our heads above water so that we can remain balanced and not get too carried away.

Behind the mermaid is a desertlike landscape. She's come from a place that wasn't fertile with nurturing energy, so she has swum farther out into the waters where there are more opportunities.

Angel Number The number for the Page of Water card is 47. This is a very evolved energy that walks with the Divine and the angels every day. We can trust the feelings and psychic messages that we receive at this time.

The number 47 reduces to the master number 11 (4 + 7), which does not reduce further. The number 11 tells us that our positive thoughts regarding ourselves and others will manifest in everyone's best interests.

People The Page of Water is a very kind, sensitive, and dreamy person. If we approach her, we will be welcomed with open arms and a hug so heartfelt that we're likely to be overwhelmed. Of course, we may have to be the one to do the approaching, as our Page is very shy. Love and romance are new to her, so she may be quite timid. Yet she's also a hopeless romantic.

Keep in mind that she experiences the world with her heart. If it's a heart-to-heart conversation we're seeking, she's our gal! If we want to intellectualize our situation, she's likely to just stare back at us blankly with nothing much to say.

Astrology The Pages in tarot don't represent a particular astrological attribution, but are a.s.sociated with a season and a geographical area of the world. The Page of Water represents summer and the lands of the Pacific.

Knight of Water

While the Page of Water heralds our first indicator of a powerful new emotional experience, the Knight of Water shows that we've been completely swept off our feet! This card refers to falling in love, offers of marriage, or any romantic experience that causes us to swoon. In fact, we may be thrown quite off balance by the entire situation and forget to remain grounded. This card can also herald an invitation to a social event of some kind.

Symbolism A handsome merman Knight comes galloping into our lives. He's making some pretty big waves as he arrives.

His companion is a dolphin, indicating that he's here to bring a note of playfulness.

He and the dolphin jump from the water, showing our Knight's ability to move from one emotional situation to another.

The Knight wears a winged helmet, signifying that he can move very quickly into our lives.

Unlike the Page of Water, the image in this card shows the cup completely submerged, indicating that we may very well be "in over our heads."

Angel Number The Knight of Water is Card 48. We're reminded that our angels are with us and answering our prayers as long as we remember to ask for their a.s.sistance. Since 8 is a number of expansion, we can antic.i.p.ate an abundance of emotion during this time.

The number reduces to 3 (4 + 8 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3). We have the choice to ask the ascended masters for their help as well. The number 3 is also traditionally related to communication, which is very important when dealing with the Knight of Water.

People The Knight of Water will sweep us completely off our feet! There will be poetry, roses, chocolates, or whatever it is that makes our heart go pitter-patter. This Knight practically invented the concept of romance, and we may never have felt so enamored.

However, we do have to be cautious. The Knight of Water may very well be our one true love, or he may just be a fling. We have to ask the right questions to truly discern if he's in love with us, or just in love with the whole wonderful feeling of being in love. It can be difficult to tell. Don't forget that in the image on the card, the Knight is jumping out of one wave into the next one. He can jump from one relations.h.i.+p to another just as easily.

Astrology Our Knight is Scorpio with a healthy dose of Libra thrown in for good measure. The Scorpio part of his world is extremely deep, emotional, and pa.s.sionate. However, it's not uncommon that the Libra part could love the "chase" aspect of romance the most. Once the Knight has caught us, he might lose interest.

Queen of Water

This is a deeply emotional card, asking us to care for others, but to also see that we nurture ourselves just as much. Feelings run deep when this card is drawn, and there's likely to be something very significant going on in our relations.h.i.+ps (whether romantic or platonic).

This is also a card of profound psychic experiences. We're asked to listen to our guidance, feelings, and intuition very closely.

Symbolism A beautiful mer-angel floats along the top of the water. She's the only character in the suit of merpeople with wings. This symbolizes her angelic ability to care for others.

While the mer-angel is a deeply feeling person, her past experiences with love and relations.h.i.+ps make her able to "rise above" and see the truth of a situation without getting carried away by it.

Whales are a.s.sociated with psychic gifts and the ability to delve deeply into emotional connections. They're also powerful symbols for creative gifts.

In the sky, there's a break in the clouds through which a bright star s.h.i.+nes. What is it that we're wis.h.i.+ng for in our relations.h.i.+ps?

Angel Number The Queen of Water is Card 49. We're asked to be of a.s.sistance to those around us as well as ourselves. The world needs us to be at work as part of our Divine purpose. If we require help, we can ask our angels for the guidance we need.

The number 49 reduces to 4 (4 + 9 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4). The energy of the angels and the need to seek out their help is amplified.

People The Queen of Water is an extremely nurturing, loving, and kind person. She spends a great deal of time looking after her family and friends. She places an arm around us and speaks in a soft and compa.s.sionate voice until our problems no longer seem so large. There's also no point in not telling her the absolute truth, as she's extremely intuitive and will know if we're not completely honest.

The Queen may forget to care for herself, which can make her seem tired and drained of energy. It's very important that she s.h.i.+eld herself daily with the royal blue light of Archangel Michael so that she can remain strong and healthy.

Astrology The Queen is Cancer tinged with Gemini. Cancer is nurturing and caring through and through. It will see to our needs whenever possible. The Gemini energy makes the Queen an incredible communicator. We are well advised to follow her guidance, especially if the topic relates to the heart.

King of Water

The King of Water asks us to open our hearts and show compa.s.sion to those around us. We're also asked to open our minds to new ideas and creative ways of thinking. We may be called upon to provide our time or money to charitable organizations.

When it comes to relations.h.i.+ps with other people, the King represents those we can fully trust. His heart is golden, and he operates with the highest degree of integrity.

Symbolism The merman King wears a large, flowing purple cape. Purple is the color of the crown chakra and indicates that he's a person of deep inner knowledge and high morals.

The pa.s.sion of the angelfish shows that the King hasn't stopped evolving emotionally or spiritually and that he feels very strongly about the causes he supports and the people in his life.

The dolphin represents community-the King is quite often a leader among the people he represents.

Angel Number The King of Water is Card 50. The 5 energy tells us that there will be changes at this time, but that we're emotionally ready for what is to come. The 0 energy is to remind us that G.o.d is always with us.

The number 50 reduces to 5 (5 + 0), which only emphasizes the importance of the emotional evolution we're experiencing in our lives.

People Whereas the long-term intentions of the Knight of Water are uncertain, the King of Water is the type we can trust implicitly. A very committed romantic partner, he gives of his heart and his time in equal measure.

He's also a deeply spiritual person who's willing to work hard for those who are having difficult times, including charitable organizations. He almost always has a kind word for everyone and expects others to do the same. So if we've got something unkind to say about someone, it's probably best if we say it where he won't hear us.

Astrology It's no surprise that our King is such a wonderful person. His energy is Pisces, with Aquarius thrown in. Pisces is a very intuitive and deeply caring sign of the zodiac, and Aquarius is the humanitarian sign that feels compelled to help save humankind.


Ace of Air

The Ace of Air can be challenging, as many people misunderstand this card. Some believe that it's a sign of being asked to give up on important endeavors. When we run into obstacles while attempting to manifest our plans, we may think, Oh well, I guess I'm just not supposed to move forward. And often that's true. But not with the Ace of Air. There may be b.u.mps along the road with this card, but those minor setbacks should be looked upon as Heaven helping us. Perhaps our angels are stalling us until the perfect timing presents itself. They may be using challenges to better prepare us for what's to come, or sending us the message that we need to make some minor course corrections. But we are not to give up! The Ace of Air generally turns out well in time!

This card can also be a clue that we're about to have an inspired new idea or revelation that gives us a better understanding of our situation.

Symbolism Unicorns are creatures of pure energy and positive intentions. We must maintain hope even though we're going through troublesome times.

This particular unicorn is winged to indicate that our inspired new ideas will take us to new heights.

The winged unicorn stands on a large trunk of a ma.s.sive tree that looks very st.u.r.dy but is growing in a twisted and unexpected way. Our plans may not unfold as we expect, but that doesn't mean that we're not supported.

There are sprouts of new growth all around the unicorn, meaning that our ideas will take root and grow if we're patient.

Angel Number Now we come to Card 51. The energy of change that accompanies the number 5 is now matched with the need to hold positive thoughts. As we move through the Suit of Air and the challenges it can bring, faith is what will get us happily to our goal.

The number 51 reduces to 6 (5 + 1). This is the number of worry, especially when it comes to material things. What we need will be provided if we remember to simply believe.

Astrology Aces aren't a.s.sociated with a particular astrological aspect. Instead, they're connected to the element of their suit. Therefore, the Ace represents the element of Air. It also represents the three zodiac signs of the same element: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Two of Air

The Two of Air is largely a stalemate. We find ourselves unable to choose, so we don't move forward at all. Usually this card reflects an inner conflict where we're at odds with ourselves. Part of this dilemma may be that we just don't want to face the issues at hand. The decision may simply be too difficult or painful to make, so we push it to the bottom of our to-do list or pretend the problem isn't there in the hopes that it will just resolve itself. The card asks us to make a choice-to move forward. We must release ourselves from the trap of avoidance, and only we have the key to set us free.

This card can also indicate that we're in a war of wills with someone else. If that's the case, the card asks us to find a compromise, or seek mediation with a third party.

Symbolism Two unicorns cross horns, indicating their inability to come to a choice or compromise.

The unicorns aren't looking at each other, but merely downward, showing that they've been unable to see "eye to eye."

The unicorns are both beautiful, but they are very different from one another: one is white, and the other is a painted unicorn of brown and white. We may find one choice more to our tastes, but it's also possible that our decision is painted by someone else's desires for us.

Stars of light sparkle around the unicorns. Stars are signs of hope, showing that it's possible to free ourselves of this challenge, but it may require a "spark" of inspiration.

Angel Number The number 52 corresponds to the Two of Air. This number tells us that it's necessary to make the changes we're considering in order to improve our situation.

The number 52 reduces to a 7 (5 + 2) to indicate that we can get back on our path if we simply listen to our Divine guidance.

Astrology This card is a.s.sociated with Moon in Libra, which is often trying to create a perfect balance. It's adept at seeing both sides of any situation; therefore, it's possible for Libra to be torn and unable to choose. This can make Moon in Libra energy uncertain or unconfident with respect to which decision to follow.

Three of Air

Tarot mirrors our experiences in life, and that includes the moments that fill us with sadness. The Three of Air card shows us that there's something in our lives that needs to be healed. We may have suffered a loss, or perhaps we're still haunted by pain from the past.

The two keys to recovering from our sorrow are time and forgiveness. Some experiences just take time to heal from, and it's best if we allow ourselves this time. Forgiveness of ourselves or others is also an important step to finding our happiness again.

Symbolism Two unicorns console their foal, which symbolizes that it's not only okay, but probably preferable, to seek out friends or family members to help us heal from our sadness.

The small purple flowers are called "forget-me-nots," which are known for healing trauma and allowing us to let go of guilt.

We've seen this tree trunk before in the Ace of Air card; however, there has been a great deal of growth in the greenery coming from the tree. This is to show us that we will grow from the situation we find ourselves in and become stronger.

Angel Number The Three of Air is Card 53. The 5 energy represents a significant change in our lives, which can be difficult and sometimes sad. But in time, we grow from what we've learned. The 3 energy is to comfort us and let us know that very loving ascended masters such as Jesus are with us. The 3 can also denote that talking about what troubles us would be very beneficial.

The number 53 reduces to an 8 (5 + 3). As we go through this time of uncertainty and sadness, we can be a.s.sured that we will grow and have a more abundant life in the future.

Astrology Saturn in Libra is the attribution for the Three of Air. The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet most closely a.s.sociated with love and relations.h.i.+ps. Saturn is the planet of restriction and often brings us challenges with its presence. Therefore, the matchup of Saturn and Libra can be a.s.sociated with sadness that may occur in our personal lives.

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