The Big Book of Angel Tarot Part 12

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Four of Air

The previous few cards have brought with them considerable challenges. Therefore, the Four of Air asks us to take a rest. We may be mentally, physically, or emotionally exhausted, and some time away from the challenges of daily life would be welcome. This card can also suggest that we need more time before reaching any major life decisions. A better solution may reveal itself if we simply wait a little bit longer.

This is often a card that suggests meditation. It may be for our health, or it could be that we've intellectualized a problem to the point that mental exercise will no longer help us. The answer will come from going within.

Symbolism Four unicorns have a.s.sembled as a group. The number 4 is one of angelic a.s.sistance, but it's also one of balance. The unicorns' presence indicates that our lives need more balance, and that's why some rest would benefit us.

The sleeping unicorn is taking time to rejuvenate and get its strength back.

The other three unicorns watch over the sleeping unicorn so that it can feel safe to take time off. This signifies that we should ask others to help us find time to rest if we can't quite pull it off by ourselves.

The white flowers with the pink centers are phlox, which symbolize "sweet dreams."

Angel Number The Four of Air resonates with the energy of 54. The need to take care of ourselves and make healthy changes is emphasized by the energy of the 5. The 4 energy reminds us that our angels can be anywhere we need them to be at any time (including protecting us while we rest).

The number 54 reduces to 9 (5 + 4). Once we've rested, we will once again be called upon by our angels to make a difference in the world.

Astrology The astrology for this card is Jupiter in Libra, which is a very intellectual a.s.sociation. Libra is always thinking, always processing, always intellectualizing. Jupiter is a planet of great benevolence and good fortune, so it comes into the sign of Libra to get a rest-to allow it to stop processing long enough to get the break it truly needs.

Five of Air

Try as we might, we don't always make the right choices. However, since everything happens for a reason, we will surely learn many things that will help us in similar situations in the future. The Five of Air card doesn't show up in a reading to chastise us. Instead, it presents itself to give us a heads-up that we may be going in a direction that won't ultimately make us happy. Making a course correction now will save us a great deal of trouble later.

The card also lets us know that there may be others around us who have different motives than we do. Their reasons for what they're doing may or may not be questionable; they're just not in line with ours. Communication can create an environment where everyone's integrity can be confirmed.

Symbolism Five unicorns stand around in a group, yet nothing appears to be getting done. There doesn't seem to be any communication going on. The lack of movement indicates that the unicorns aren't clear about their common goals.

The background of the image is hazy, representing our inability to see clearly.

The flowers are yellow, the hue that represents the solar-plexus chakra. We may not feel empowered at this moment in our lives due to a lack of certainty regarding our direction or others' intentions.

Angel Number The Five of Air brings with it the lesson of the number 55. With the energy of change doubled by two 5's, we see the urgency of moving in a new direction. We must take control and make our lives what we desire them to be.

The number 55 reduces to 1 (5 + 5 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). Our thoughts create our reality, so it's important to break away from our fears.

Astrology Venus in Aquarius is a very independent and even rebellious energy. It may not feel the need to get input from others when making choices, preferring to "go it alone." Sometimes this works well, and other times, things can go awry. This energy is also sometimes seen as aloof by other people; a lack of communication can create misunderstandings.

Six of Air

Ah, finally! We can see the end of challenging times, and now we have the chance to move on. The Six of Air represents the "light at the end of the tunnel." The stress in our shoulders falls away, and what we see before us is the light of a brand-new day. Conflicts get resolved, and those who suffer from depression find relief.

This card can mean taking a trip (especially one that requires traveling by or over water). It can also represent the beginning of a metaphorical journey in our lives.

Symbolism A unicorn is sailing out of troubled times on its way to sunnier skies. It has made course corrections and proper choices in order to leave stagnancy behind.

The s.h.i.+p is Novus, which is Latin for "new": new opportunities, new dreams, new life.

The five unicorns from the Five of Air are in the background, showing that our sailing unicorn has left that energy behind.

Angel Number The number for this card is 56. The energy of 6 is most often one of worry, especially about material issues such as finances. However, the 5 energy indicates that changes are in progress or already occurring that will improve the situation.

The number 56 reduces to 11 (5 + 6), a master number that doesn't reduce down further. This is a number of great manifesting ability, making it all the more important that we not focus on outcomes that aren't desirable.

Astrology Mercury in Aquarius has the ability to think outside the box. It is the planet of mental activity, while Aquarius is known for being eclectic or even outright rebellious. The two combined create opportunities that present unique solutions to problems at lightning speed! Now, Aquarius also likes to break a rule or two, so we shouldn't be surprised if the source of the "light at the end of the tunnel" that Aquarius comes up with makes one or two people unhappy.

Seven of Air

The Seven of Air reveals itself to us as a message of kindness from Heaven. Our angels want us to know that our current path is probably not the one we are meant to be on. We may be unaware of our situation or oblivious to the actions of others. This card has a traditional meaning that something being taken away from us, but the most common loss is our freedom. What we don't realize is that the individual taking away our independence is ourselves. Our lack of focus on our own needs and life purpose creates a sense of limbo where we don't get where we want to go.

This card can also signify that our plans themselves are fine, but the timing of them needs an adjustment.

Symbolism Five unicorns spin on a merry-go-round. They ride without any ability to determine their destination.

Five is the number of change. The only way to break the cycle of the merry-go-round is to change our circ.u.mstances.

The merry-go-round operates in a counterclockwise motion. This is opposed to the idea of time marching forward-that is, being able to move ahead with our lives.

In the rear of the card, we can see that two of the unicorns have broken free. They no longer have saddles on their backs, indicating that they're now masters of their own path.

Angel Number The Seven of Air is a.s.signed to the number 57. This card has the 5 energy of change combined with the 7 energy of being on the right path. The Seven of Air has initiated a change in direction that will bring us a more fulfilling and happy life.

The number 57 reduces to a 3 (5 + 7 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3). To further facilitate our ability to walk away from a life that isn't working out for our Divine life purpose, we can ask for help from the ascended masters, many of whom also made such life-changing choices during their time on Earth.

Astrology The astrological attribution for this card is Moon in Aquarius. In simple terms, the Moon reflects our needs. Aquarius is a sign with a rebellious nature, but it also has a humanitarian streak that wants to save the world. With this energy, we need to be free, and we need to make a difference. This is difficult to do when we're pa.s.sive and not in control of our own path.

Eight of Air

The Eight of Air is a card that points out our lack of self-confidence, but Heaven wishes to break through our unhealthy illusions. We have a sense that we're trapped or not in control of our own lives, but that isn't true. There's always a way to free ourselves of situations that we're not happy about, but we must believe in ourselves. We must see the truth of our situation and take action.

This card can also indicate confusion or feeling helpless.

Symbolism A single unicorn has broken free from a herd that's cl.u.s.tered very close together. By stepping ahead, the single unicorn has shown confidence in itself. It doesn't need to rely on the others or be part of a "pack mentality" in order to be successful.

The seven unicorns in the background appear to be standing still, with their feet in the water near the sh.o.r.e. Water is a symbol of emotion, and since this card is one where our fears are getting the best of us, the unicorns are standing in their fear.

The single unicorn is moving forward in a gallop across the earth, which represents being grounded in our choices. It is also running past a mushroom, which is often a symbol of good fortune. But to get to the mushroom, the unicorn had to move out of the illusion of entrapment.

Angel Number The number for this card is 58. The energy of the 8 tells us that our endeavors are likely to be rewarded either financially or in terms of other types of abundance-as long as we're willing to make the changes necessary (this is the 5 energy).

The number 58 reduces to 4 (5 + 8 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4), indicating that our angels can help us hear the messages we need to, with compa.s.sion for the messenger.

Astrology Jupiter in Gemini is the attribution for the Eight of Air card. Gemini is a very brilliant sign, br.i.m.m.i.n.g over with ideas. Jupiter is the planet of expansion. So what do you get when you take a sign that already has more ideas than it knows what to do with and add to it the planet that multiplies everything it touches? You get an astrological aspect that's frozen and unable to operate because there are too many options to manage!

Nine of Air

Have you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? It's a situation where people focus so much on their fears that they eventually manifest into reality. The Nine of Air is a card sent by our angels when we're in the process of manifesting an unhappy outcome that's simply not necessary. We should think of this card as a kind and loving note from Heaven to change the way we're thinking. We need to find a way to concentrate on the results we're hoping for rather than worrying that a bad outcome is on its way.

This card can also indicate sleeplessness or insomnia, unhappy dreams, or illness caused by stress.

Symbolism The first thing we notice about this card is that all the unicorns are asleep except one. Eight unicorns are sleeping soundly (8 being the number of abundance and positive energy), while the one remaining unicorn appears to be on watch.

Being on watch is a practice that allows others to rest while one member of the group keeps a wary eye out for situations that could cause harm. So the awake unicorn's concern is that something unpleasant might happen.

Fireflies are a very magical symbol that has many important meanings (most of them relevant to this card). They represent illumination, or "seeing the light." If we're living an enlightened life, then we know not to focus on the negative, but to keep our thoughts positive. Fireflies s.h.i.+ne their light out from within, just as we're asked to do as children of G.o.d.

Another symbolic meaning of fireflies is that something magical is afoot! If we just have faith, then anything is possible!

A waterfall can also have multiple meanings, one of which has to do with water as a symbol of emotion. A waterfall is a very powerful downward movement of water. This symbol may be indicating someone whose emotions are focused downward instead of in a more positive upward energy.

The waterfall can also be seen as a great release of water (emotion), asking us to release our negativity in this situation.

Angel Number The Nine of Air is Card 59. The 9 energy is one of service and duty, and indicates the importance of accomplis.h.i.+ng our spiritual mission on Earth. The 5 shows that changes may be necessary to get us on track toward our Divine life purpose.

The number 59 reduces to 5 (5 + 9 = 14, 1 + 4 = 5). The message that change is required is reinforced by the additional 5 energy.

Astrology Mars in Gemini can be a challenging aspect. Mars is a very aggressive planet that always wants to be in motion. Gemini is brilliant, but is also constantly thinking and communicating. This can create an energy that is actively imagining outcomes (many that are negative), and then talking about these possibilities until they manifest.

Ten of Air

In traditional tarot, this is considered a very undesirable card. And with the imagery that was historically portrayed, that's no surprise. However, much like many of the Air suit cards, we feel that this is a misinterpretation. The Ten of Air most definitely represents an ending. It's just that more often than not, it's an ending that has been antic.i.p.ated and quite possibly welcomed. It's a weight off our shoulders. We may be sad about the ending, but at least it's finally over and we can move on. When we're no longer hanging on to "what has been," we can begin to create a beautiful new life of "what will be."

This card can also indicate someone who's recovering from an addiction-the emphasis being on the recovery. One other thing, though, about the Ten of Air card is that it often comes with a bit of drama tied to it. So while we may be at peace with the ending, others may have their own energy around the change.

Symbolism Eight unicorns are on a trek deep into the forest. Their destination is unclear, and also appears to be constricted and tight due to the many trees.

Two of the unicorns have turned back. They see that the path the other unicorns are on will lead nowhere, so they've concluded that the journey is over. They'll seek out a new opportunity in the open meadow.

Two of the unicorns are headed past a mushroom, a traditional symbol of good fortune and longevity. By accepting the end of their previous quest, they open the door for Heaven to bless them with something exciting and uplifting.

Angel Number This is Card 60. The energy of the 6 is one of the material world. Our focus on "the real world" may be blocking us from a true sense of the peace we desire. The energy of 0 is our connection with the Divine.

The number 60 reduces to 6 (6 + 0), further indicating a focus on accomplishments in the physical world.

Astrology Sun in Gemini is attributed to the Ten of Air. Gemini is a wonderful sign relating to the gift of communication. However, sometimes it can focus on the negative side of a story that would be best left untold. The upside to this is that we may come upon certain truths that, while difficult to hear, do set us free. And in the long run, freedom is always better than operating without knowing the whole story.

Page of Air

Pages are often messages or messengers, and the Page of Air is no different. Information comes to us that can be very useful, or it may be informing us of temporary delays or changes to our plans. The message we receive may not be delivered with the soft energy we'd prefer; however, that doesn't mean it's not very useful information to have. Frankly, it's often quite brilliant! The thing to remember about this card is to separate the message from the messenger.

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