The Big Book of Angel Tarot Part 13

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The Page of Air can also refer to legal doc.u.ments, constructive criticism, or even just plain gossip.

Symbolism Our beautiful Page is ready for the task at hand, with many friends as backups. The card asks us to be prepared to act on the information we receive.

She carries a sword, which symbolizes truth and justice; however, it's important to note that the sword is double-edged. The truth can be cutting if not delivered in a kind way.

The ball of golden light shows that this Page is not without her own kind of magic. She can conjure up a solution or a brilliant new idea in the blink of an eye. This indicates that we may have to use original ideas or think fast on our feet.

The symbolism of wolves is very rich; however, the two things we need to remember are that they're very intelligent and their hearing is very keen (note the ears). So listen carefully to the information you receive.

Lions symbolize courage, power, and strength (hence, their presence in the Strength card). We must have confidence in our actions and act with integrity.

Unicorns are creatures of great purity of intention. Winged ones show us that we can attain great heights by standing true to our principles.

Angel Number The Page of Air is Card 61. She knows that her thoughts create her reality and that worry is a wasted emotion. Her focus is only on what she wishes to manifest, rather than on what she fears.

The number 61 reduces to a 7 (6 + 1), which tells us that we're on our path and that doors will open for us as we continue to move forward.

People The Page of Air is very interested in fresh ideas, trying out new things, and anything that feeds her vast curiosity about the world. If there's an Indigo child in the tarot, she is definitely the one. The Indigos are a very special group of people born with the ability to instantly know the difference between truth and lies. And this very much defines the Page of Air.

They do sometimes speak rather bluntly. This Page doesn't mean anything personal by her lack of politeness (well, usually she doesn't). She's just not very tactful. But regardless of how it's delivered, her message is likely to be extremely valuable.

Astrology The Pages in tarot don't represent a particular astrological attribution, but are a.s.sociated with a season and a geographical area of the world. The Page of Air represents winter and the American continents.

Knight of Air

The Knight of Air is probably the fastest-moving energy in tarot. Our lives may seem to be moving very slowly (or even not moving at all), but when this Knight shows up, it's like stepping into a whirlwind! While all the Knights are very active cards that speak of taking action, this particular Knight thinks his way through to successful solutions. This isn't the time for making emotional choices. Decisions must be made via the intellect.

Because the movement is so swift, it can be difficult to think through our choices before acting. And yet, it's still important to ponder our alternatives and fully consider what our desired outcome is before we get too far down the road.

Symbolism The Knight and his companion are moving very swiftly. The Knight has to hold on tight in case he's thrown off the unicorn. It's important that we see to all the necessary details lest we be "thrown" off our course.

The unicorn's horn is quite magical and is even lit up, which indicates the spark of brilliance coming from its mind.

Swords are symbolic of courage, justice, and even clarity of purpose. This sword is lit up to show that the Knight's quest is one of integrity.

The symbols for Capricorn and Aquarius are on the bridle of the horse to indicate the astrology of the card.

The Knight wears a red dragon on his chest, signifying the pa.s.sion he feels for his endeavor.

Angel Number The number for the Knight is 62. The 6 energy speaks of the material world, while the 2 a.s.sures us that the power of positive thinking is on our side.

The number 62 reduces to an 8 (6 + 2), which relates to abundance and financial gain.

People The Knight of Air's middle name may well be "Lightning," because that's how fast he moves and how brilliantly he thinks. He's the traditional Knight on a quest, and he usually has everything planned out from the beginning. He's tireless in his pursuit of success, and very idealistic. The only problem is that this Knight does have the tendency to act impulsively. His instincts are usually exactly what the moment calls for, but not always. That's why when the Knight of Air rushes into our lives, it's always a good thing to at least try to get him to sit down for a moment and discuss his plans with us.

But sometimes that can be almost impossible to do.

Astrology This card is a.s.sociated with Aquarius, with a little Capricorn thrown in. Aquarius is an air sign (just like the card), and is also quite brilliant. It wants to save the world, but it can be ungrounded. The Capricorn energy brings our Knight back down to Earth so that those brilliant ideas can manifest without chaos breaking out all over.

Queen of Air

The Queen of Air is often referred to as the "feng shui card" of tarot, as it signifies a life free of clutter or emotional distractions (otherwise known as drama). This is a card of wisdom born of many life experiences-some of them uplifting, and some of them quite challenging. There's an inner peace that has been earned. We've come to know how to handle just about any situation that comes with the card, and the past experiences it represents.

This card can also represent divorced individuals as well as people who have a very dry sense of humor.

Symbolism A beautiful and wise Queen exhibits intense focus upon the task at hand. She conjures up a magical unicorn, as her intentions are pure and crystal clear.

Our Queen is dressed in tanzanite jewels. Tanzanite has many meanings that are reflective of this card. It connects us to our spirituality and is said to enhance clairvoyance. Tanzanite is also known for its ability to promote communication and allow us to speak our truth clearly, and is an excellent stone for attaining clarity with respect to who we are and what we want to accomplish.

The Queen of Air may not have many friends, but the ones she does have, she trusts. Just a couple of close friends (as represented by the man and woman on the card) are all she needs.

The Queen is using intellectual fire to create the unicorn. Her pa.s.sion comes from her mind rather than from her heart.

Angel Number This is Card 63. The energy of the 6 is one of the material world. Our Queen is very focused on "the real world" and has a strong streak of pragmatism and perfectionism. The 3 energy guides us to ask the ascended masters for a.s.sistance, a practice that our very experienced Queen is no doubt aware of.

The number 63 reduces to a 9 (6 + 3). If we place our focus on our Divine life purpose and service to those around us, the other details will work themselves out.

People We like to call this amazing woman "the garage-sale queen." Much like the principles of feng shui dictate, she gets rid of anything (and perhaps, more important, every person) that no longer serves her life purpose. When it comes to her friends, drama queens (or kings) need not apply. She has experienced nearly everything in life, and has turned any sadness or challenges from the past into strength and an amazing sense of humor that she wields like a magic wand.

This Queen can also scan a problem or a difficult situation with a glance and immediately know what to do, which makes her an amazing confidante. But it's important to remember that she tends to steer clear of those who don't take responsibility for their own lives. She will hold us accountable if we ask for her help.

Astrology The Queen of Air is Libra with a healthy dose of Virgo thrown in. Her Libra side is intellectual and very interested in things being fair and balanced. The Virgo side wants things to be neat and organized, with everything done "just so."

King of Air

There are times when we just need a little advice. Or perhaps someone around us needs our wise counsel and experience. The King of Air represents the opportunity to get the a.s.sistance we need or to help out those around us. We must feel confident to speak our truth, knowing that others will benefit from our insights. This card also reminds us that not every decision is made from the heart or the mind. There are times where both sources of wisdom must be balanced in order to find our way to the outcome we desire.

The King of Air can also represent the government, academia, or the military.

Symbolism The King rides forward with confidence in his mission and in his wisdom.

He carries a spear with a light blue jewel embedded in it. The spear represents the sharpness of his mind, and the jewel is the color of the throat chakra to show that he has the ability to communicate his knowledge perfectly.

The unicorns stand at attention, anxious to hear the wisdom the King might impart.

The King rides past the mushroom, which represents good fortune. The King's abundance has already been a.s.sured by his keen mind.

Angel Number This card is angel number 64, indicating that we're completely supported in our current undertakings. The 4 energy shows us that our angels are by our side, and the 6 energy relates to the creation of something in the material world.

The number 64 reduces to a 1 (6 + 4 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). This is a number of immense creativity that results from our positive beliefs manifesting into reality.

People This King is brilliant, an outstanding communicator, a perfect mediator for any dispute, and the most levelheaded person we'll ever meet. (Did we mention he's brilliant?) If we need advice about anything intellectual, career related, or logical, he has the answer, and we can rely on it fully.

The only problem is that this King is pretty much all in his head. Emotionally, he's pretty distant and not really able to connect on a heart-to-heart basis. He's fully willing to commit to a relations.h.i.+p; it's just that he'll operate within that romance in the same way he relates to his business partners.

Astrology Gemini with a splash of Taurus is the astrological attribution for this card. Gemini is brilliant and able to accomplish many things at once. It's also an excellent communicator. The Taurus energy brings balance and grounding to the card so that it's not purely intellectual, but also a.s.sociated with sensuality.


Ace of Earth

The Ace of Earth is an extremely positive card. It promises an inflow of abundance from the Universe that's often quite unexpected. While we tend to think of the word abundance as referring to financial prosperity, that's not always the case with this card. Our gift from Heaven may come in the form of money, or it can show up in our lives as desperately needed a.s.sistance from others, a brilliant new idea, or a person who can make introductions for us that lead to success.

This card can also indicate career advancement, a business contract, or even improved health.

Symbolism The fairy is completely mesmerized by the gift she has received. Her ability to be so focused on her task is part of what makes her so successful.

The fairy's focal point at the top of her staff is a coin of gold, which is the icon shown throughout the suit of Earth.

The wealth of the castle in the background reminds us of the endless possibilities for "moving up the ladder" that are within our reach.

Autumn is traditionally the time of harvest. The fall colors of the plants around the fairy tell us that we can be a.s.sured that our efforts will be rewarded.

Angel Number The Ace of Earth is Card 65, which guides us to make changes in the way we relate to money. These changes will bring us joy and abundance.

The number 65 reduces to 11 (6 + 5), which doesn't reduce further since 11 is a master number. The energy of 11 is one of powerful manifestation, as well as a spiritual concern for growth and the welfare of others.

Astrology Aces have no specific astrological a.s.sessment, but are connected instead to the element their suit represents. This Ace represents the element of Earth. It's also a.s.sociated with the three zodiac signs attributed to that element: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Two of Earth

The Two of Earth card relates to attempting to do too much at once. That's not to say that we can't juggle our priorities and still be successful, but it may be difficult to do. Often this card indicates that someone is either working multiple jobs or hoping to move from one career to another. If we're attempting a career change, then this card would suggest that we hold off making the move until the situation (often our finances) has become more certain or secure.

This card can also be offering the advice that if we're experiencing a lot of stress or are having challenges making decisions, then a more playful approach would be beneficial.

Symbolism A beautiful fairy is moving quickly through the forest while juggling two coins above her head. This is a difficult task and must be done carefully lest she lose her balance and drop them. This can represent attempting to do too much at once or having multiple jobs.

The rainbow in the background represents the promise that once the current storm, things will most definitely improve.

The daisies beneath the fairy are symbols that we need to simplify our lives by removing drama-filled situations (or people) from our world.

The tree in front of the fairy can be a symbol of either our growth or (in this case) an obstacle upon our path, depending on our focus and how we perceive the situation.

Angel Number The angel number for this card is 66. The energy of 66 is one of great worry and concern, usually over financial matters.

The number 66 reduces to 3 (6 + 6 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3). It's a good idea to ask ascended masters like Jesus or Ganesh to help us remain positive and balanced in our lives whenever we feel we need it.

Astrology This card resonates to Jupiter in Capricorn. Jupiter is a planet of great expansion, while Capricorn is the sign that simply wants to accomplish more and build something of significance. It's easy to see how together, Jupiter and Capricorn could easily create a workaholic whose to-do list is simply more than anyone could successfully complete.

Three of Earth

The Three of Earth is the card of great craftsmans.h.i.+p. Our work is impeccable and of such high quality that we receive awards for it or are offered promotions. This is a card of immense creativity-the kind we exhibit when we're following our pa.s.sions. With great practice and determination, we can sail to the top of our profession.

The Three of Earth also represents outstanding teamwork, or recognition of our contribution to a group effort.

Symbolism Three fairies work together to create a beautiful project. Each is of a different race to emphasize the power of diversity in any group effort.

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