A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 29

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NOTE A. (erroneously printed Note _D_.) page 9.

This event is stated to have occurred in the _third_ year of Henry III.

NOTE B. page 16.

A^{o}. x.x.x. Hen. III.--"This yere was seint Edmond of Pountney translated, et ven' sanguis depositus fuit in hospic' s'c'i Thome apud conductu' usq' ad festu' s'c'i Edwardi, quo die d'n's rex cu'

honorabili p'cessione ven'al' apud Westm' deposuit."

NOTE C. page 16.

A^{o}. x.x.xj. Hen. III.--"In this yere there was an erthquake thurghout England."

NOTE C. page 21.

Thomas fili' Thome. Ph'us Walbroke. A^{o}. xlvj^{o} Hen. III.

Ric'us Tailour.

NOTE D. page 23.

To the account given in the text is added "and London lost theire fraunchise."

NOTE E. page 28.

"And there were forjuged, drawen and hanged, iij Englisshe christen men, and ij^{c} iiij^{xx} and xiij Englisshe Jues."

NOTE F. page 37.

"Also the same yere the kyng had his counseile there with erlis, barons, and other of his counseile; and the kyng toke of the lay people" &c.

NOTE G. page 43.

Nicholl Faryndon. Will'm Basyng. Vic'. A^{o}. ij. [Edw. II.]

John Butler.

Thomas Romayne. Roger Palmer. Vic'. A^{o}. iij^{tio}.

Janyn' de S'c'o Ed'o.

NOTE H. page 43.

John Gesors. Simon Merewodde. Vic'. A^{o}. v^{to}. [Edw. II.]

Ric' Wilforde.

NOTE I. page 46.

Nicholas Faryndon. Will'm Prodome. Vic'. A^{o}. xiij^{o}. [Edw. II.]

Reynolde at Condite.

Hamond Chikwell. Symon Abyndon. Vic'. A^{o}. xiiij^{o}.

John Preston.

NOTE K. page 50.

In the Cottonian MS. is the following copy of the letter from queen Isabel and prince Edward:

"Isabel, by the grace of G.o.d quene of England, ladie of Ireland and countes of Pountif, and we Edward, the eldist son of the kyng of England, duke of Guyen, erle of Chestre, of Pontif and of Mounstroille, to alle the comonialte of London senden gretyng.

Forasmoch as we have bifore this tyme sent to you by oure lettres how we ben comen into this lande with good arreie and in good manere, for the honor and profite of Holy Chirch, and of oure dere lord the kyng and alle the realme, with alle oure myght and power to kepe and mayntene, as we and alle the good folke of the seid realme are holden to done, and upon that we praied you that ye wolde be helping to us in as moche as ye shulde mowe in this quarell that is for the comon profite of alle the realme, and we have had in thys time non answere of the seid lettres, ne knowe not your wille in that partie: wherfore we send to you ageyne, and charge you and praie that ye bere you so ageins us that we have no cause to greve you, but that ye ben to us helping by alle the weres that ye may or shalle conne and mowe. For weteth wele in certein that we, and alle thoo that ben comen with us into this realme, think not to doo, ne we shulle not done if it like G.o.d, eny thing but that shal be for the comon profite of the realme, but onely to distroie Hugh Spencer our enymy, and enymy to alle the seid realme, as ye well knowe; wherfore we praie you, and charge you in the feith that ye owe to oure lord the kyng and to us, and up alle that ye shalle mowe forfeit ayens us, that if the said Hugh Spencer oure enemy come withynne your power, that ye do hym oure wille, and that ye leve not in no manner, as ye desire honour and profite of us alle, and of alle the realme; and weteth of that ye done oure praier and mandement, we shalle the more be holden to you, and also ye shalle gete you wors.h.i.+p and profite if ye send us hastely alle your wille.

Yeven at Baldok the vj^{te} day of Octobre."

NOTE L. page 54.

"In this yere Edward Bailolle, the son of John Bailolle sometyme kyng of Scotland, came into England chalengyng his right heritage, that is to sey, the kingdome of Scotland; with whome many grete lordes of England went into Scotland, and at Domfrevelyn arrividden, where fast by an abbeie ij m^{l} of Englisshemen discomfited xij m^{l} of Scottes." &c.

NOTE M. page 58.

In the copy in the Cottonian MS. this event is said to have occurred in the _fifteenth_ year of Edw. III.--"Also this same yere, that is to seye the xv yere of his reigne of England, was the first yere of his reigne of France, and he came fro Tourney."

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