A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 21

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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weight: so that liij n.o.bles, &c." _in the Cotton MS._]


Will'm Waldern, Rauf Lobenham, drap'. A^{o}. xiiij^{o}.

m'c', maior. Will' Sevenok, groc'.

[Sidenote: Obit' Henr' nup' Regis Angl' iiij^{ti}.]

[Sidenote: Coronac'o H. quinti.]

[Sidenote: S^{r}. John Oldcastle was arested, put into the Tour of London, and after brak out.]

In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccxij, the xxj[94] day of March, on a Moneday, deyde kyng Herry the forthe, at Westm'. And lyghth entered at Caunterbury, on the north syde of seynt Thomas schryne the martyr.

Thanne Herry, the sone and heire of the sayd kyng Herry the forthe, began to reigne, and com to London; and ayens hym was a gret rydynge of men of London, and broughte hym to the tour of London upon the Fryday; and on the morwe he rood thorugh Chepe with a gret roughte of lordes and knyghtes, the whiche he hadde newe made in the Toure on the nyght before, unto Westm'. And on the morwe, that is to say Pa.s.sion Soneday, the whiche was a ful trobly wet day, he was crowned at Westm'

with michel ryalte. And in this yere, the firste day of Septembr', it hayled strongly. In this yere my lord of Dorset lay at the sege of the castell of Mount Andre in Gyan; and Blounte was capitayn of the castell of Sobyre. Also another companye of Englysshmen lay in the town of Barbesey; and there was don a jorney betwen Englysshmen and Frensshmen be syde Mount Andre, in the monthe of August: and thorugh the grace of G.o.d iij c Englysshmen xvij lesse, toke and sclewe viij m of Frensshmen: and there were take the lord Hayle, the lord Morlet, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d of Clynton, the lord en le Sale de Mary, the maire of Roch.e.l.l, the capytayn of Tholomonde, the capitayn of Ryons, the capitayne of seynt John the Evangelist, the capitayn of Racheford, the capitayn of Urlound, and manye othere capitaynes and gentiles whiche were to longe to telle. In this yere was the lord Cobbeham, called S^{r}. John Oldcastell, arested and put into the Tour of London, for certeyn poyntes of heresye whiche he held ayens the beleve of holy chirche: and after he brak prison and wente away.

[Footnote 94: "xx day" _in the Cotton MS._]



Will' Crowm'e,[95] John Nicholl, vynt'. Anno primo.

drap', maior. John Sutton, groc'.

[Footnote 95: _See note_ CC.]

[Sidenote: Kyng Richard boones were feet fro Langeley and beried at Westm'.]

[Sidenote: Obiit Thomas Arundell arch'ep'us Cantuar'.]

[Sidenote: A parlement at Leycestr'.]

[Sidenote: John the K. brother duke of Bedforthe.]

[Sidenote: Humferey the K. brother duke of Glowcester.]

[Sidenote: Chicheley B. of seynt De' mad archebissh' of Canterbury.]

[Sidenote: Nyauncer took seynt Anne chirch for scleyng of S^{r}. John Tybbay.]

In this yere, on seynt Edmondes day the kyng, there was a gret convocacion of clergye at Poules in London, whiche contenued tyl the iiij day of Decembre; and thanne was the kyng and his counseill accorded to fette the bones of kyng Richard fro Langele to London, and to berye them at Westm';[96] and there was don a dirige ryally; and on the morwe the was solempny songon. And on the Soneday sewyng, Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of Caunterbury and manye othere bysshoppes, at the crosse of Poules accursed S^{r}. John Oldcastell lord of Cobbeham and alle hise mayntenours. And in the xix day of Decembre cam the Frensshe amba.s.satours to London, fro the kyng of Fraunce to the kyng of Engelond. Morover in the twelfthe day in it was certefied the kyng, that S^{r}. John Oldcastell was up with a stronge peple ayeyns hym. Wherfore the kyng be hys counseill cam to London the viij day of Januar'; and with hym cam hise brethren, and the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, and Courtenaye the bysshop of Norwych, and manye othere lordes and bachelers. And the nexte nyght the kyng with hyse brethren and the bysshopes token the feld ayeyns Sire John Oldcastell, beyonde seynt Gyles in Holborne, betwen Westm'

and the highe weye toward Tyborne; and there the kynges peple token diverses men as they comen be the weye, of whiche on was a squyere of S^{r}. John Oldcastell, and othere diverses men also: and there was muche folk arested and put into the Tour of London, of whiche folk there were xij men drawen fro the Thoure of London as a Fryday at nyghte thorughe the town to Neugate, and there they were tyl on the morwe; and they with othere xxv men, that is to seye x.x.xvij persones, were drawen, hanged, and brent; and tho that were drawe were said arrysers ayeyns the kyng: and certaynly the said S^{r}. John Oldcastell with gret mult.i.tude of Lollers and heretykes were purposyd with ful wyll and myght for to have distroyed the kyng and hyse brethern, whiche ben protectours and defendours of Holy Chirche, and them also that ben in degre of holy ordre in the service of G.o.d and of his chirche, the which will and purpos, as G.o.d wolde, was lette; and S^{r}. John Oldcastell fledde and escaped. Forthermore in this yere the xix day of Feverer, deyde Thomas Arundell the erchebysshop of Caunterbury. Also in this yere was a parlement at Leycestre, and there was the lord John the kynges brother mad duke of Bedeford and erle of Kendale, and the lord Humfrey hys brother was mad duke of Gloucestre and erle of Pembroke, and S^{r}. Richard the dukes brother of York was mad erle of Caumbregge. And in this yere in the monthe of Juyll wente oure amba.s.satours into Fraunce, and some of the amba.s.satours wenten into Constaunce to chesen the pope: and some wenten to the emperor; that is to seye, to the emperor wente the erle of Warwyk, the lord Fitz Hugh, Sire Walter Hungerford, S^{r}. Rauf Rocheford, Maistre Philipp Morgan, Maistre John Henyngham, with comission. And to the cytee of Constantyne wente the bysshop of Bathe, the bysshop of Salesbury, the bysshop of Chestre, the abbot of Westm', the abbot of York, the abbot of Gerseye, with othere doctours. Also into Fraunce wente the bysshop of Dorham, the bysshop of Norwych, the erle of Salysbury, the lord Grey Codonore, S^{r}. John Pelham, Robert of Waterton, and othere. Forthemore on the Monday the xxiij day of Septembre began a grete counseill at Westm'; and on the neste Monday after, that is to seye the firste day of Octobre anno d'ni mill'mo cccc^{mo}xv. Also the same yere was S^{r}. Herry Chicheley bysshop of seynt Davyes mad erchebisshop of Caunterbury, and S^{r}. Richard Courtenay mad bysshop of Norwych. And in the same yere on seynt Marie Maudeleyn day, John Neauser squyer, and his men, sclowen Maistre John Tybbay clerk, as he pa.s.sed thorugh Ladlane; for the whiche deth the same John Nyauncer and iiij of his men fledden into seynt Annes chirche withinne Aldrichgate; and withinne the same chirche they were mured up, and men of diverses wardes watched them nyght and day. And the forsaid John Nyauncer and his men forsuoren the kynges lond, and pa.s.syd thorugh the citee of London toward Caleys in there schertes and breches, and ich of them a crosse in there hand.

[Footnote 96: _See note_ DD.]


Thomas Faucon', John Mich.e.l.l, fysshmong'. A^{o}. s'c'do.

drap', maior. Thomas Aleyn, m'c'.

[Sidenote: The grete werk of Shene was begonne.]

[Sidenote: Newe gates in London.]

[Sidenote: The deth of lordes at Hampton.]

[Sidenote: Sege of Harfleu.]

[Sidenote: The yeldyng of the toun of Harfleu.]

[Sidenote: The lord Beauford capitayn.]

[Sidenote: The bataill of Aigincourt this day.]

[Sidenote: Mort.]

[Sidenote: Mort.]

[Sidenote: Alle the bellys of London were ronge for yoye.]

In this yere was Sperepoynt drawe and hanged for counterfetynge of the kynges seall. Also in this yere John Claydon skynner, and Richard Turmyne bakere, were brent in Smythfeld for heresye. And on the iiij day of March after, was the pardon of the lord Cobbeham, that is to seye S^{r}. John Oldcastell, proclamed. On Palme Soneday the xvj day of March was William Elys sone brought out of the Tour of London be comaundement of the kyng, and delivered to the said maire for to kepe hym in warde, and specyally in yrens, for tales that he hadde told of the kyng; and also for the peple seyde that they myghte non yren fetres no lokkes holden hym; and there he was cheyned to an yren post at the counter gate in Chepe, ayens the Standard. Also the same yere was the kynges grete werk begonne at Shene; and in hys tyme was mad newe g'tes at London wall, and a newe gate, and the prevy that stod withinne the more was drawe doun and set on this syde of the wall over the comown dych that comyth out of the more. And in his tyme[97] the kyng made his vyage toward the costes of Normandye; and he rood thiderward thorughout the citee of London toward the town of Hampton, that is to weten the xviij day of Juyn, the yere of his regne the thridde begynnyng; and at Hampton he lay stille for to abiden his retenue and his stuff that longith for werre: and in his lyenge there, the Moneday the v day of August next after were put to dethe there Sire Richard of Yorke erle of Caumbregge, the lord Scrop that tyme tresorer of Engelond, and S^{r}. Thomas Gray knyght, for treturye and ymagynyng of the kynges deth. And in the same yere on the morwe after seynt Laurence day, the xj day of August the Sonday, the kyng and alle his retenue schipped iij houres after noon at Portesmouth, toward the town of Harefleu in Normandye; and he landed at Kedecaux iij myle out of the town of Harefleu on oure lady even the a.s.sumpcion, the xiiij day of August. And the kyng began to leye his sege to the town of Harfleu the xvij day of August: and the kyng lay there at the sege fro the same xvij day of August unto the xxij day of Septembre or the town were yolden up; and his lyenge there aboughte the town there dyed many on of his retenue, that is to weten, the erle of Suffolk, the bysshop of Norwych, Courtenay, S^{r}. John Philip, and manye othere knyghtes and squyers, and othere comoun peple whiche were nought nombred. And the same xxij day of Septembre the toun of Harfleu was yolden up to the kyng, and alle the keyes of the toun brought to hym: and the kyng abode tyl the laste day of Septembre, til that he hadde mad governaunce withinne the town: and he made his Em[98] the lorde Beauford the erle of Dorset, captayn of Harfleu. And the Tuesday the firste day of Octobre the kyng toke his weye fro Harfleu toward his town of Caleys, with the noumbre of viij^{l} fytyng men: and the Frensshmen of Fraunce broken there brigges and pyled the forthes of the water of Some and othere diverses wateres, that the kyng myghte nought but with moche disese til he com to the water of Swerdes; and there the kyng and his oost pa.s.syd over. And on the xxv day of Octobre was Fryday, and seynt Crispyn and Crispianiani day the lordes and the chyveteynes of Fraunce lay with a gret oost enbatailed to the noumbre of vi^{xx} m^{l}, and wolde a stopped the kynges weye that he schulde nought a pa.s.sed to his town of Caleys. And the kyng with his oost batailed hym ayens the Frensshmen, and manfully he faught ayens them in a feld that is called Aigincourt, and sclowe and toke of them of dukes, erles, barons, knyghtes, and cheveteyns to the noumbre of xij m^{l}; and of the comown peple mo thanne the noumbre of iij m^{l}, that is for to weten, the duke of Orlyons and the duke of Burbon, the erle of Vendon, the erle of Ewe and the erle of Richemond, with S^{r}.

Bursegaunt; and there sclayn the duke of Launson, the duke of Braban and the duke of Bare, and the erle of Navers, the lord de la Brytte constable of Fraunce, and the seneschall of Henaude, with manye othere lordes, knyghtes, and squyers, and worthy men v m^{l} and mo. And on oure syde were sclayn the duke of York, the erle of Suffolk, and S^{r}. Richard of Kyghle, and David Gamme squyer, with a fewe mo othere persones to the noumbre of xviij. And the xxix day of Octobre, the morwe after seynt Simondes day and Jude, the same day the newe meire schulde ryde and taken his charge at Westm', the same day erly in the morwe comen tydynges to London while that men weren in there beddes, that the kyng hadde foughton and hadde the bataille and the feld aforseid. And anoon as they hadde tydynges therof, they wente to alle the chirches in the citee of London and rongon alle the belles of every chirche; and solempnely alle the prestes of every chirche, and othere men that were lettered songen _Te deum Laudamus, &c._ And ayens ix of the belle were warned alle the ordres of relygeous men of the citee of London, for to go a procession fro seynt Poules unto seynt Edward schryne at Westm'. And the newe maire and hise aldermen with alle the craftes of London, and the quen with alle here lordes also wente from seynt Poules unto Westm', and offred at seynt Edwardes schryne aforeseid, or the meire tok his charge; and whanne the meire hadde taken his charge, every man come rydyng hom fro Westm' on horsbak, and were ioyful and glad for the goode tydynges that they hadde of the kyng, and thankyd oure lord J'hu Crist, his modir seynt Marye, and seynt George, and alle the holy company of hevene, and seyde _Hec est dies quam fecit d'n's_.

[Footnote 97: _i.e. the third year of his reign. See note_ EE.]

[Footnote 98: _Sic, query_ "uncle."]


Nicholl Wotton, Alan' Ev'ard, m'c'. A^{o}. iij^{o}.

drap', maior. Will' Caumbregg, iremong'.

[Sidenote: The comynge of oure kyng to Caleys.]

[Sidenote: The landyng of oure kyng at Dovorr.]

[Sidenote: The comyng of oure kyng to London.]

[Sidenote: The maire and the aldermen presentyd the kyng with a m^{l} li in too basyns of gold worth v^{c} li.]

[Sidenote: Sigismund the emperor of Almayne com to London.]

[Sidenote: The metyng of the kyng and the emperor.]

[Sidenote: The duke of Holand com to London.]

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