A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 16

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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Also in this yere was grete and stronge batailes of sparwes in Engelond in diverses places, whereof the bodyes were founden in the feldes dede withoughte noumbre. And in this yere manye men and bestes were enfect with pokkes where thorugh they deyden. And in this yere on seynt Barnaby day was Cornwayle hanged.


John Lovekyn, m', John Warde. A^{o}. xlj^{mo}.

fysshmong'. Th' atte Lee.

[Sidenote: Natus fuit Ric' fil' p'cipis E.]

In this yere Richard the sone of prynce Edward was born at Burdeux.

Jamys Andrew, maior, John Thorgold. A^{o}. xlij^{do}.

drap'. Will'm d.y.k.eman.

[Sidenote: Stella comata.]

[Sidenote: The bataille of Nazers.]

This same yere, that is to say the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclxvij, in the monthe of March appered stella comata. Also in this yere was the bataille of Nazers in Spayne, where prince Edward with his companye scomfyted the b.a.s.t.a.r.d of Spayne, and restored kyng Petir ayeyn to his reaume that was put out be the forseid b.a.s.t.a.r.d; and there was taken the erle of Dene, S^{r}. Olyver Claykyn, and manye othere; thankyd be G.o.d.

Simon Mordon, m'. Adam Wymondham. A^{o}. xliij^{cio}.

Rob't Girdelere.

[Sidenote: iij pestilencia.]

In this yere Sire Leonell duke of Clarence with a fayre meyne sailled over the see toward Melane; whiche aboughte the natyvyte of oure lady the same yere deyde. In this yere was the thridde pestilence,[64] in whiche deyde dame Blaunche of Lancastre. And in this yere the Frensshmen meved ayeyn werre.

[Footnote 64: _See note_ M.]


John Chichestr', m', John Pyell. A^{o}. xliiij^{to}.

goldsmyth. Hugh Holbech.

[Sidenote: j bus' whete xl _d._]

In this yere was so gret derthe of corne in Engelond that a bussh.e.l.l of whete was worth xl _d._ And in this yere was the grete vyage into Fraunce be S^{r}. Robert Knolles. And in this yere Mortherer of Pembrok in weren at the countesse hous; and the same Mortherer sclewen of men, women, and children in the cradell, xiij; and this was don be a fysshmongre that the countesse hadde founde to scole and brought up of a child. And in this yere, the day of the a.s.sumpcion of oure lady, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclxix, deyde dame Philip quene of Engelond.

John Bernes, drap', m'. Will' Walworth. A^{o}. xlv^{to}.

Rob't of Gayton.

In this yere the houses and gardynes were drowe doun aboughte Poules.

And in this yere the duke of Lancastre seiled over the see and rood thorugh Fraunce: and S^{r}. John Haukewod florysshed that tyme in Lumbardie. And in this yere the prynce with hys wyf and hise meyne comen into Engelond, levynge behynden hym the duke of Lancastre in Gascoigne, and the erle of Cambregge.

Id'm maior. Rob't Hatfeld. Anno xlvj^{to}.

Adam Stable.

[Sidenote: The tresorer, chaunceller, and pryve sell were discharged.]

In this yere the chaunceller, the tresorer of Engelond, bysshopes, and the pryve seall were discharged of there offyces, and in there stede were put seculere lordes.


John Pyell, m'. John Philpot. A^{o}. xlvij^{o}.

Nicholl Brembre, groc'.

[Sidenote: Too cardinalx were sent fro the pope into Engelond for to trete for pes.]

[Sidenote: A bataill upon the see betuen Englysshmen and Flemynges.]

This same yere, at Awrastelynge, John Northwold, mercer, was sclayn at the blak heth, wherethorugh aroos a gret discencion and debate among the craftes of London. And in the same yere the duk of Lancastre and the erle of Cambregge come out of Gascoyne into Engelond, and wedded the doughter of kyng Petyr. And the same yere too cardinalx were sent fro the pope to entrete for the pees betwen the two reaumes. And in this yere was a bataill upon the see betwen Englisshmen and Flemynges, where there were taken of Flemynges xxv schippes lade with salt of the bay. Also in this yere the erle of Pembroke was taken at the Roch.e.l.l be the Spaynardes, on the even of the nativite of seynt John baptiste.

Adam of Bery, skynn', m'. John Aubray. A^{o}. xlviij^{o}.

John Fyfhede.

In this yere the duke of Lancastre seiled into Flaundres, and pa.s.sed be Parys thorugh Burgoyne and alle Fraunce into Burdeux, withoughte ony withstondyng. And in this yere Sire Alex' Neville was mad erchebysshop of Yorke, and Thomas Arundell bysshop of Ely, maistre Herry Wakefeld bysshop of Worcestre.


Will'm Walworth, fysshmong', Ric' Lyons. A^{o}. xlix^{o}.

maior. Will' Wodehous.

[Sidenote: Ladyes ledde lordes bridel.]

In this yere, at the town of Bruges in Flaundres, was tretyd upon diverses articles hangynge betwen the pope and kyng Edward. Also the same yere was treted at Bruges for the pees betwen the too reaumes.

Also in this yere rood dame Alice Perrers, as lady of the sune,[65]

fro the tour of London thorugh Chepe; and alwey a lady ledynge a lordys brydell. And thanne began the grete justes in Smythefeld whiche endured vij nyght.

[Footnote 65: _See note_ N.]

John Warde, m'. John Hadley, groc'. Anno l^{mo}.

Will's Newport.

[Sidenote: iij pestilencia.]

In this yere was the thridde grete pestilence, in whiche dyed the honorable knyght Edward lord Spenser, and lythe beryed at Tewkesbery.


Adam Stable maior usq' xxj^{m} John North, drap'. A^{o}. lj^{mo}.

diem Marcij, quo die p' Rob't Launde.

p'ceptu' regis amotus fuit, et Nich's Brembre el'tus fuit p' res' a^{i}.

[Sidenote: Obit' Edwardi principis.]

In this yere, upon Trinite Soneday the viij day of Juyn, withinne the kynges paleys of Westm' deyde the n.o.ble flour of knyghthood, that is to seye, the goode prince Edward, whoos body lith worthily entered at Caunterbury a for yeyns seint Thomas schryne. Also in this yere oon Prentyng of Norfolk was enprisoned in the erles place of Northumbr', for whiche the peple of London aroos and wolde a sclayn the erle and cast down his place. Also in this yere Richard the sone of prynce Edward was mad prynce of Walys.[66]

[Footnote 66: _See note_ O.]

Nicholl Brembre, groc', m'. Andr' Pykeman. A^{o}. lij^{do}.[67]

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