Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 50

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Next in importance to the Ruy Lopez and the Vienna Opening is the _Scotch_, an Opening very frequently adopted in matches and tournaments. If after 1.

P to K 4, P to K 4; 2. Kt to K B 3, Kt to Q B 3; White plays 3. P to Q 4, it is called the _Scotch Game_. Black's best move is 3. ... P takes P (not 3. ... Kt takes P), and White can either retake the p.a.w.n or leave it. In the latter case the Opening becomes the _Scotch Gambit_. The former Opening is considered sounder than the latter, and for that reason is met with more frequently nowadays. Formerly, when Gambits generally were more in vogue, the Scotch Gambit enjoyed corresponding popularity. A few of the most essential variations of this interesting Opening follow. First, of the Scotch game.



1. P to K 4 1. P to K 4 2. Kt to K B 3 2. Kt to Q B 3 3. P to Q 4 3. P takes P 4. Kt takes P 4. Kt to B 3 5. Kt to Q B 3 5. B to Kt 5 6. Kt takes Kt 6. Kt P takes Kt 7. Q to Q 4 7. Q to K 2 8. P to B 3 8. P to B 4 9. Q to K 3 9. Castles.

Even game.


Repeat the Opening up to Black's 4th move.

... P takes B 4. -------- 8. --------- B to B 4 P to Q 4

B to K 3 Kt to B 3 5. -------- 9. --------- Q to B 3 P takes P

P to Q B 3 P to Q 5 6. ----------- 10. ------------ K Kt to K 2 Kt to Kt sq.

Q to Q 2 Kt takes P 7. ---------- 11. ---------- B takes Kt ...

Even game.


Repeat Opening as before.

... B to K 3 4. ----------- 7. --------- Kt takes Kt Q takes Q

Q takes Kt B takes Q 5. ---------- 8. --------- Q to B 3 ...

P to K 5 6. ----------- Q to Q Kt 3

Even game.




1. P to K 4 1. P to K 4 2. Kt to K B 3 2. Kt to Q B 3 3. P to Q 4 3. P takes P 4. B to Q B 4 ...

The p.a.w.n not being re-taken, as in the Scotch Game, const.i.tutes the Scotch Gambit.

... 4. B to B 4 5. Kt to Kt 5 5. Kt to R 3

Not 5. ... Kt to K 4, which most beginners are in the habit of playing, because White would still proceed exactly as after the move given in the text, and after the exchanges Black would have the K Kt not developed.

6. Kt takes B P 6. Kt takes Kt 7. B takes Kt: ch. 7. K takes B 8. Q to R 5: ch. 8. P to Kt 3 9. Q takes B 9. P to Q 4 (best) 10. P takes P ...

If 10. Q takes P: ch., then 10. ... Q takes Q; 11. P takes Q, Kt to Kt 5; 12. Kt to R 3, R to K sq.: ch.; 13. K to Q sq., Kt takes Q P, &c.

... 10. R to K sq.: ch.

11. K to Q sq. ...

Forming the position shown in Fig. 11.


+---------------------------------------+ #R #B #Q #R --------------------------------------- #P #P #P #K #P --------------------------------------- #Kt #P --------------------------------------- ^Q ^P --------------------------------------- #P --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ^P ^P ^P ^P ^P ^P --------------------------------------- ^R ^Kt ^B ^Q ^R +---------------------------------------+ White.

FIG. 11.


... 11. R to K 4 12. P to Q B 4 12. Q to R 5 13. Q to R 3 13. Q takes B P 14. Q to B 3: ch. 14. Q takes Q 15. P takes Q ...

Black has the better game.



Repeat the Opening up to White's 6th move.

Q to R 5 P to K R 3 6. -------- 9. ---------- Q to K 2 B to Q 2

Castles P to K B 4 7. --------- 10. ---------- Kt to K 4 Kt to B 3

B to Kt 3 And, after Black has castled 8. --------- Q R, he has the better game.

P to Q 3



The opening moves in each case are 1. P to K 4, P to K 4; 2. P to Q 4, P takes P. If White continue 3. P to Q B 3, it is called the _Danish Gambit_, which is rarely played now. The _Centre Gambit_ is a modification of the Scotch, and similar to it in many of the continuations. 3. Q takes P const.i.tutes this Gambit. (Strictly speaking, it is not a _Gambit_, the p.a.w.n not being sacrificed.) Latterly the Centre Gambit has been somewhat neglected.



1. P to K 1. P to K 4 2. P to Q 4 2. P takes P 3. P to Q B ...

These moves const.i.tute the Danish Gambit.

... 3. P takes P 4. B to Q B 4 4. Kt to K B 3 5. Kt takes P 5. B to Kt 5 6. Kt to K 2 6. Castles 7. P to K 5 7. Kt to K 5

(Or 7. ... P to Q 4, equally good, and leading to a livelier game.)

8. Castles 8. Kt takes Kt 9. P takes Kt 9. B to B 4

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