Hoyle's Games Modernized Part 49

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P to Kt 4: ch.

12. -------------- K takes P [99]

Kt to Q 2 13. --------- Q to B 3

R to Kt sq.: ch.

14. ---------------- K to R 5

P to Q B 3 15. --------------- P to Q R 4[100]

B to Kt 5: ch.

16. -------------- K to R 6

Kt to B 4: ch.

17. -------------- K takes P

R to Kt 2: ch.

18. -------------- K to R 8

Castles: checkm.

19. ----------------

This variation has been selected to ill.u.s.trate mate being given by castling.


The _Three Knights' Game_ is brought about if, after 1. P to K 4, P to K 4; 2. Kt to K B 3, Kt to Q B 3, White plays 3. Kt to B 3, The following is an example:



1. P to K 4 1. P to K 4 2. Kt to K B 3 2. Kt to Q B 3 3. Kt to B 3 3. B to Kt 5 4. B to Kt 5 4. K Kt to K 2 5. P to Q 4 5. P takes P 6. Kt takes P 6. Castles

Even game.


If Black moves 3. ... Kt to B 3, the previous moves being the same as in the Three Knights' Game, it is called the _Four Knights' Game_. It is convertible into a Ruy Lopez, if White plays 4. B to Kt 5; and into a Double Ruy Lopez, if Black replies 4. ... B to Kt 5.


1. P to K 4 1. P to K 4 2. Kt to Q B 3 2. Kt to K B 3 3. Kt to B 3 3. Kt to B 3 4. B to Kt 5 4. B to Kt 5 5. Castles 5. Castles 6. Kt to Q 5 6. Kt takes Kt 7. P takes Kt 7. P to K 5 8. P takes Kt 8. P takes Kt 9. Q takes P

If White had played 9. P takes Q P, Black's best reply would have been 9.

... P takes P, attacking the Rook; if 9. P takes Kt P, Black replies 9. ...

B takes Kt P, with a promising attack.

... 9. Q P takes P 10. B to K 2 10. B to Q 3

Even game.



If, after 1. P to K 4, P to K 4, White plays 2. Kt to Q B 3, the _Vienna Opening_ is the result. The Q Kt does not act immediately, but rather seems to relinquish the advantage of the first move; but this is only apparently so. For in all Openings the Q Kt plays an important role, and, having this piece in play, White soon resumes the attack, and with increased vigour in certain variations.

The defences for Black are--2. ... B to B 4; 2. ... B to Kt 5; 2. ... Kt to Q B 3; 2. ... Kt to K B 3. The latter yields the most satisfactory results.

2. ... Kt to Q B 3 may lead to the Steinitz Gambit, a difficult game for both sides; whilst 2. ... B to Kt 5 is the least satisfactory variation of all.


1. P to K 4 1. P to K 4 2. Kt to Q B 3 2. Kt to K B 3 3. P to B 4 3. P to Q 4 (best)

In this variation it is not advisable to take the offered Gambit p.a.w.n, though Black might have done so if he had played 2. ... Kt to Q B 3 instead of 2. ... Kt to K B 3.

4. B P takes P 4. Kt takes P 5. Q to B 3 5. Kt to Q B 3 6. B to Kt 5 ...

If 6. Kt takes Kt, Black would win with 6. ... Kt to Q 5; 7. Q to Q 3 (best), P takes Kt; 8. Q takes P, B to K B 4, to be followed by Kt takes P: ch. &c.


... 6. Kt takes Kt 7. Kt P takes Kt (!) 7. B to K 2 8. P to Q 4 8. B to K 3 9. Kt to K 2 9. Castles 10. Castles With a very good game.


P to K 4 P to K 4 1. -------- 1. -------- P to K 4 P to K 4

Kt to Q B 3 Kt to Q B 3 2. ----------- 2. ----------- B to B 4 Kt to Q B 3

P to B 4 P to K Kt 3 3. -------- 3. ----------- P to Q 3 B to B 4

Kt to B 3 B to Kt 2 4. ----------- 4. --------- Kt to K B 3 P to Q 3

B to B 4 Kt to R 4 5. --------- 5. --------- Kt to B 3 B to Kt 3

P to Q 3 Kt takes B 6. ----------- 6. ------------ B to K Kt 5 R P takes Kt

Kt to Q R 4 Kt to K 2 7. ----------- 7. --------- B to Kt 3 P to B 4

Kt takes B P to Q 3 8. ------------ 8. --------- R P takes Kt Kt to B 3

Even game. Even game.


This gambit is an offshoot of the Vienna Opening. It leads to a very difficult game, and the student will be well advised to avoid it. It is, however, desirable that he should know the moves of the Opening. {387}


1. P to K 4 1. P to K 4 2. Kt to Q B 3 2. Kt to Q B 3 3. P to B 4 3. P takes P 4. P to Q 4 ...

This const.i.tutes the Steinitz Gambit. The White King becomes exposed to a violent attack; but if the attack fails, White is able to exchange pieces, and so obtain a superior End game, his King (an essential factor in the ending) being in better play than the Black King.

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