Birds of the Rockies Part 19

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652. =Yellow warbler.= DENDROICA aeSTIVA. Abundant summer resident; breeds up to 8,000 feet.

652a. =Sonora yellow warbler.= DENDROICA aeSTIVA SONORANA. Summer resident; probably common; to the southwest _aestiva_ shades into _sonorana_.

654. =Black-throated blue warbler.= DENDROICA CaeRULESCENS. Rare migrant; one record.

655. =Myrtle warbler.= DENDROICA CORONATA. Common migrant; scarcely known west of the range.

656. =Audubon's warbler.= DENDROICA AUDUBONI. Abundant summer resident; breeds from 7,000 to 11,000 feet.

657. =Magnolia warbler.= DENDROICA MACULOSA. Rare migrant; breeds northward.

658. =Cerulean warbler.= DENDROICA RARA. Rare migrant; one record.

661. =Black-poll warbler.= DENDROICA STRIATA. Rare summer resident; sometimes common in migration; one breeding record for the State--at Seven Lakes; alt.i.tude, 11,000 feet.

664. =Grace's warbler.= DENDROICA GRACIae. Summer resident; common in extreme southwestern part of the State.

665. =Black-throated gray warbler.= DENDROICA NIGRESCENS. Summer resident; not infrequent; breeds in pinon hills near Canon City.

668. =Townsend's warbler.= DENDROICA TOWNSENDI. Summer resident; not uncommon; western species, coming east to base of foothills and a few miles out on plains; breeds from 5,500 to 8,000 feet in western Colorado; in fall it is found as high as 10,000 feet.

672. =Palm warbler.= DENDROICA PALMARUM. Rare or accidental migrant; one specimen seen.

674. =Oven-bird.= SEIURUS AUROCAPILLUS. Rare breeder, on Mr. Aiken's authority.

675a. =Grinnell's water thrush.= SEIURUS NOVEBORACENSIS NOTABILIS. Rare migrant; appearing from plains to 8,000 feet.

678. =Connecticut warbler.= GEOTHLYPIS AGILIS. Rare or accidental migrant; one record by Mr. Aiken.

680. =Macgillivray's warbler.= GEOTHLYPIS TOLMIEI. Common summer resident; breeds from base of foothills to 9,000 feet.

681. =Maryland yellow-throat.= GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS. One taken at Colorado Springs by Mr. Aiken.

681a. =Western yellow-throat.= GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS OCCIDENTALIS. Common summer resident, almost restricted to the plains; both sides of the range.

683. =Yellow-breasted chat.= ICTERIA VIRENS. Accidental summer visitor.

683a. =Long-tailed chat.= ICTERIA VIRENS LONGICAUDA. Common summer resident; scarcely found in the mountains, but frequent in the lower foothills and on the plains; never seen above 8,000 feet.

685. =Wilson's warbler.= WILSONIA PUSILLA. Abundant summer resident; centre of abundance in breeding season, 11,000 feet; known to breed at 12,000 feet; also as low as 6,000.

685a. =Pileolated warbler.= WILSONIA PUSILLA PILEOLATA. Summer resident; not uncommon; Mr. Aiken thinks it as plentiful as preceding.

686. =Canadian warbler.= WILSONIA CANADENSIS. Rare or accidental migrant; one record by Mr. Aiken.

687. =American redstart.= SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA. Summer resident; not uncommon in eastern, rare in western, Colorado; breeds below 8,000 feet.

697. =American pipit.= ANTHUS PENSILVANICUS. Common summer resident; breeds only on summits of the mountains.

701. =American dipper.= CINCLUS MEXICa.n.u.s. Resident; common in favorite localities; one seen above timber-line in October.

702. =Sage thrasher.= OROSCOPTES MONTa.n.u.s. Summer resident; breeds from plains to nearly 10,000 feet; western species, coming east to mountain slopes.

703. =Mocking-bird.= MIMUS POLYGLOTTOS. Summer resident; common locally; mostly on plains, but sometimes reaches 8,000 feet.

704. =Catbird.= GALEOSCOPTES CAROLINENSIS. Common summer resident; from plains to 8,000 feet.

705. =Brown thrasher.= HARPORHYNCHUS RUFUS. Not uncommon as summer resident; almost restricted to the plains.

708. =Bendire's thrasher.= HARPORHYNCHUS BENDIREI. Summer resident; rare and local; south central part of State.

715. =Rock wren.= SALPINCTES OBSOLETUS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet.

717a. =Canon wren.= CATHERPES MEXICa.n.u.s CONSPERSUS. Rare resident; one nest recorded.

719b. =Baird's wren.= THRYOMANES BEWICKII LEUCOGASTER. Rare summer resident.

721b. =Western house wren.= TROGLODYTES AeDON AZTECUS. Common summer resident; from plains to 10,000 feet; raises two broods, sometimes three.

722. =Winter wren.= ANORTHURA HIEMALIS. Rare resident; no nest found.

725a. =Tule wren.= CISTOTHORUS PALUDICOLA. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet; some remain all winter in hot-water swamps.

725c. =Western marsh wren.= CISTOTHORUS PAl.u.s.tRIS PLESIUS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally.

726b. =Rocky Mountain creeper.= CERTHIA FAMILIARIS MONTANA. Common resident; in breeding season confined to the immediate vicinity of timber-line, where some remain the year round.

727. =White-breasted nuthatch.= SITTA CAROLINENSIS. Resident; not common.

727a. =Slender-billed nuthatch.= SITTA CAROLINENSIS ACULEATA. Common resident; western form; commonly breeds from 7,500 feet to timber-line.

728. =Red-breasted nuthatch.= SITTA CANADENSIS. Not uncommon resident; migrant on the plains; resident in the mountains to about 8,000 feet, sometimes 10,000.

730. =Pigmy nuthatch.= SITTA PYGMaeA. Abundant resident; mountain bird; makes scarcely any migration; most common from 7,000 to 10,000 feet.

733a. =Gray t.i.tmouse.= PARUS INORNATUS GRISEUS. Resident; not common; southern species, coming to eastern foothills.

735a. =Long-tailed chickadee.= PARUS ATRICAPILLUS SEPTENTRIONALIS. Not uncommon resident; winters on plains and in foothills; breeds from 7,000 to 10,000 feet; sometimes on plains.

738. =Mountain chickadee.= PARUS GAMBELI. Abundant resident; nests from 8,000 feet to timber-line; ranges in the fall to the tops of the loftiest peaks.

744. =Lead-colored bush-t.i.t.= PSALTRIPARUS PLUMBEUS. Resident; not common; western species, coming to eastern foothills.

748. =Golden-crowned kinglet.= REGULUS SATRAPA. Rare summer resident; rather common in migration; breeds only near timber-line at about 11,000.

749. =Ruby-crowned kinglet.= REGULUS CALENDULA. Abundant summer resident; breeds from 9,000 feet to timber-line.

751. =Blue-gray gnatcatcher.= POLIOPTILA CaeRULEA. Rare summer resident; breeds on the plains and in the foothills.

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