Birds of the Rockies Part 13

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139. =Green-winged teal.= NETTION CAROLINENSIS. Common summer resident; abundant in migration; a few breed on the plains; more in mountains and upper parks.

140. =Blue-winged teal.= QUERQUEDULA DISCORS. Same records as preceding.

141. =Cinnamon teal.= QUERQUEDULA CYANOPTERA. Common summer resident; breeds both east and west of the range; a western species; in winter south to Chili, Argentina, and Falkland Islands; sometimes strays east as far as Illinois and Louisiana.

142. =Shoveller.= SPATULA CLYPEATA. Summer resident; abundant in migration; breeds in suitable localities, but prefers mountain parks 8,000 feet in alt.i.tude; breeds throughout its range, which is the whole of North America.

143. =Pintail=. DAFILA ACUTA. Rare summer and winter resident; common migrant; mostly breeds in the North.

144. =Wood duck.= AIX SPONSA. Rare summer resident.

146. =Redhead.= AYTHYA AMERICANA. Common migrant; breeds far north; migrates early in spring.

147. =Canvas-back.= AYTHYA VALLISNERIA. Migrant; not common; breeds far north.

148. =Scaup duck.= AYTHYA MARILA. Rare migrant; both sides of the range; breeds far north.

149. =Lesser scaup duck.= AYTHYA AFFINIS. Migrant; not common; a little more common than preceding.

150. =Ring-necked duck.= AYTHYA COLLARIS. Rare migrant, though common in Kansas; breeds in far North.

151. =American golden-eye.= CLANGULA CLANGULA AMERICANA. Rare migrant; breeds far north.

152. =Barrow's golden-eye.= CLANGULA ISLANDICA. Summer and winter resident; a northern species, but breeds in mountains of Colorado, sometimes as high as 10,000 feet; rare on plains.

153. =Buffle-head.= CHARITONETTA ALBEOLA. Common migrant throughout State; breeds in the North.

154. =Old squaw.= HARELDA HYEMALIS. Rare winter visitor; a northern species.

155. =Harlequin duck.= HISTRIONICUS HISTRIONICUS. Resident; not common; a northern species, but a few breed in mountains at an alt.i.tude of 7,000 to 10,000 feet.

160. =American eider.= SOMATERIA DRESSERI. Very rare; only two records--one somewhat uncertain.

163. =American scoter.= OIDEMIA AMERICANA. Rare winter visitor; northern bird, in winter along the sea-coast, but a few visit the larger inland lakes.

165. =White-winged scoter.= OIDEMIA DEGLANDI. Same habits as preceding; perhaps rarer.

166. =Surf scoter.= OIDEMIA PERSPICILLATA. Same as preceding.

167. =Ruddy duck.= ERISMATURA JAMAICENSIS. Common summer resident; both sides of the range; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; a beautiful bird; author's observations given in Chapter VII.

169. =Lesser snow goose.= CHEN HYPERBOREA. Migrant and winter resident; not common; breeds far north.

169a. =Greater snow goose.= CHEN HYPERBOREA NIVALIS. Rare migrant; only two records; the eastern form, which does not come regularly as far west as Colorado.

171a. =American white-fronted goose.= ANSER ALBIFRONS GAMBELI. Rare migrant; breeds far northward.

172. =Canada goose.= BRANTA CANADENSIS. Summer and winter resident; rare, except locally; common in migration; breeds about secluded lakes at 10,000 feet.

172a. =Hutchins's goose.= BRANTA CANADENSIS HUTCHINSII. Common migrant; breeds in the North; a few may winter in the State.

172c. =Cackling goose.= BRANTA CANADENSIS MINIMA. One record; Pacific coast bird; breeds in Alaska.

173. =Brant.= BRANTA BERNICLA. Rare or accidental migrant; an eastern species seldom coming west; breeds only within the Arctic Circle.

180. =Whistling swan.= OLOR COLUMBIa.n.u.s. Migrant; not common; formerly fairly plentiful; breeds far northward.

181. =Trumpeter swan.= OLOR BUCCINATOR. Rare migrant; not so common as preceding; breeds from Iowa and Dakota northward.

183. =Roseate spoonbill.= AJAJA AJAJA. Accidental; two instances; habitat, tropical and subtropical America.

184. =White ibis.= GUARA ALBA. Rare migrant; one taken on plains; habitat, tropical and subtropical America, coming north as far as Great Salt Lake and South Dakota.

[185.] =Scarlet ibis.= GUARA RUBRA. Accidental; one specimen taken; a wonderful record for this tropical species.

186. =Glossy ibis.= PLEGADIS AUTUMNALIS. Accidental; two fine specimens taken in the State; this is far out of its ordinary tropical range.

187. =White-faced glossy ibis.= PLEGADIS GUARAUNA. Summer visitor; rare; fairly common in New Mexico and Arizona; sometimes wanders into Colorado; Aiken found it breeding at San Luis Lakes.

188. =Wood ibis.= TANTALUS LOCULATOR. Rare summer visitor; southern range.

190. =American bittern.= BOTAURUS LENTIGINOSUS. Common summer resident; breeds throughout the State, from plains to about 7,000 feet.

191. =Least bittern.= ARDETTA EXILIS. Rare summer visitor; a few records east of mountains; one specimen seen west of the divide.

194. =Great blue heron.= ARDEA HERODIAS. Summer resident; common in migration; seldom goes far up in the mountains, though Mr. Aiken found one at an alt.i.tude of 9,000 feet.

196. =American egret.= ARDEA EGRETTA. Rare or accidental; one seen; general range, the whole of the United States; in winter south to Chili and Patagonia.

197. =Snowy heron.= ARDEA CANDIDISSIMA. Summer visitor; not known to breed; the highest alt.i.tude is the one taken near Leadville, 10,000 feet.

198. =Reddish egret.= ARDEA RUFESCENS. Rare or accidental; only two specimens secured; southern range.

202. =Black-crowned night heron.= NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX NaeVIUS. Summer resident; not common; local; more plentiful in migration.

203. =Yellow-crowned night heron.= NYCTICORAX VIOLACEUS. Rare summer visitor; southern species; not known to breed in State.

204. =Whooping crane.= GRUS AMERICANA. Rare migrant; more common east of Colorado.

205. =Little brown crane.= GRUS CANADENSIS. Migrant; few taken; northern breeder.

206. =Sandhill crane.= GRUS MEXICANA. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; in migration common; breeds as high as 8,000 feet; has been seen in autumn pa.s.sing over the highest peaks.

212. =Virginia rail.= RALLUS VIRGINIa.n.u.s. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds on plains and in mountains to at least 7,500 feet.

214. =Sora.= PORZANA CAROLINA. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 9,000 feet.

216. =Black rail.= PORZANA JAMAICENSIS. Rare migrant; one specimen secured.

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