Hymns of the Greek Church Part 6

Hymns of the Greek Church -

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Hail the King Immortal!

Death by death is slain, And the weak and fallen Rise to life again; On this glad and glorious day Hades owns the Victor's sway.

{Idou ho Nymphios erchetai en to meso tes nyktos}




Behold the Bridegroom cometh At the hour of midnight drear, And blest be he who watcheth When his Master shall appear, But woe betide the careless one Asleep when He is near!


O soul of mine, bestir thee Lest thou sink in slumber quite, And the Bridegroom find thee sleeping When He cometh in His might.

Awake, awake to praises, For He cometh in the night.


That fearful day approacheth, Then live, O soul, aright, And watch the hour, and trim thy lamp And keep it burning bright, Lest the voice be heard, 'He cometh!'

In the middle of the night.


Beware when slumber binds thee, Lest the Bridegroom pa.s.s thee by, And thou knock without in darkness, And for grief and anguish cry; Take thy lamp, with oil, and trim it, For the hour is drawing nigh.

{ergo, hos palai tois mathetais epengeilo}


By St. Cosmas, died 760 A.D.


O Jesus, Lover of our race, How rich the promise of Thy grace To Thy disciples made,-- A holy Paraclete to send, To succour, comfort, and befriend With His inspiring aid.


On earth the light is s.h.i.+ning clear, The Holy Comforter is here, To all the faithful given; And now, what prophets long foretold, In all His fulness we behold The Spirit sent from heaven.

{tacheian kai statheran didou paramythian tois doulois sou}


O Jesus, to Thy servants give The consolation they require; And when the cloud of trouble falls, With heavenly hope their souls inspire.

Be ever near us, Christ, to bless And help us in Thy faithfulness.


As Thou wert with Thy saints of old, Be with us, ever present, Lord; Unite us to Thyself, we pray, As Thou hast promised by Thy word; Then we shall glorify and laud The Holy Spirit sent by G.o.d.

{deute proskynesomen kai prospesomen auto}



It is a comely thing To glorify and praise Our G.o.d, the Everlasting Word, And Lord of endless days.


The trembling cherubim Before Him fold their wings, And all the heavenly hosts adore The mighty King of kings.


We would our offering give,-- O Christ, to Thee we pray, For Thou didst break the bands of death When dawned the glorious day.


To Thee, Thou Three in One, Ascend our songs divine; One power, one kingdom without end, And one dominion Thine.


O Christ, the source of light, With light my soul inspire; Come, make my heart the bright abode Of Thy celestial fire.

{Deute laoi, ten trisypostaton theoteta proskynesomen}

By the Emperor Leo VI., died 911 A.D.


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