Conversations on Chemistry Part 64

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Ammoniacal gas has so strong a tendency to unite with water, that, instead of pa.s.sing through that fluid, it would be instantaneously absorbed by it. We can therefore neither use water for that purpose, nor any other liquid of which water is a component part; so that, in order to collect this gas, we are obliged to have recourse to mercury, (a liquid which has no action upon it,) and a mercurial bath is used instead of a water bath, such as we employed on former occasions. Water impregnated with this gas is nothing more than the fluid which you mentioned at the beginning of the conversation--hartshorn; it is the ammoniacal gas escaping from the water which gives it so powerful a smell.


But there is no appearance of effervescence in hartshorn.


Because the particles of gas that rise from the water are too subtle and minute for their effect to be visible.

Water diminishes in density, by being impregnated with ammoniacal gas; and this augmentation of bulk increases its capacity for caloric.


In making hartshorn, then, or impregnating water with ammonia, heat must be absorbed, and cold produced?


That effect would take place if it was not counteracted by another circ.u.mstance; the gas is liquefied by incorporating with the water, and gives out its latent heat. The condensation of the gas more than counterbalances the expansion of the water; therefore, upon the whole, heat is produced. --But if you dissolve ammoniacal gas with ice or snow, cold is produced. --Can you account for that?


The gas, in being condensed into a liquid, must give out heat; and, on the other hand, the snow or ice, in being rarefied into a liquid, must absorb heat; so that, between the opposite effects, I should have supposed the original temperature would have been preserved.


But you have forgotten to take into the account the rarefaction of the water (or melted ice) by the impregnation of the gas; and this is the cause of the cold which is ultimately produced.


Is the _sal volatile_ (the smell of which so strongly resembles hartshorn) likewise a preparation of ammonia?


It is carbonat of ammonia dissolved in water; and which, in its concrete state, is commonly called salts of hartshorn. Ammonia is caustic, like the fixed alkalies, as you may judge by the pungent effects of hartshorn, which cannot be taken internally, nor applied to delicate external parts, without being plentifully diluted with water. --Oil and acids are very excellent antidotes for alkaline poisons; can you guess why?


Perhaps, because the oil combines with the alkali, and forms soap, and thus destroys its caustic properties; and the acid converts it into a compound salt, which, I suppose, is not so pernicious as caustic alkali.


Precisely so.

Ammoniacal gas, if it be mixed with atmospherical air, and a burning taper repeatedly plunged into it, will burn with a large flame of a peculiar yellow colour.


But pray tell me, can ammonia be procured from this Lybian salt only?


So far from it, that it is contained in, and may be extracted from, all animal substances whatever. Hydrogen and nitrogen are two of the chief const.i.tuents of animal matter; it is therefore not surprising that they should occasionally meet and combine in those proportions that compose ammonia. But this alkali is more frequently generated by the spontaneous decomposition of animal substances; the hydrogen and nitrogen gases that arise from putrefied bodies combine, and form the volatile alkali.

Muriat of ammonia, instead of being exclusively brought from Lybia, as it originally was, is now chiefly prepared in Europe, by chemical processes. Ammonia, although extracted from this salt, can also be produced by a great variety of other substances. The horns of cattle, especially those of deer, yield it in abundance, and it is from this circ.u.mstance that a solution of ammonia in water has been called hartshorn. It may likewise be procured from wool, flesh, and bones; in a word, any animal substance whatever yields it by decomposition.

We shall now lay aside the alkalies, however important the subject may be, till we treat of their combination with acids. The next time we meet we shall examine the earths.




The EARTHS, which we are to-day to examine, are nine in number:


The last three are of late discovery; their properties are but imperfectly known; and, as they have not yet been applied to use, it will be unnecessary to enter into any particulars respecting them; we shall confine our remarks, therefore, to the first five. They are composed, as you have already learnt, of a metallic basis combined with oxygen; and, from this circ.u.mstance, are incombustible.


Yet I have seen turf burnt in the country, and it makes an excellent fire; the earth becomes red hot, and produces a very great quant.i.ty of heat.


It is not the earth that burns, my dear, but the roots, gra.s.s, and other remnants of vegetables that are intermixed with it. The caloric, which is produced by the combustion of these substances, makes the earth red hot, and this being a bad conductor of heat, retains its caloric a long time; but were you to examine it when cooled, you would find that it had not absorbed one particle of oxygen, nor suffered any alteration from the fire. Earth is, however, from the circ.u.mstance just mentioned, an excellent radiator of heat, and owes its utility, when mixed with fuel, solely to that property. It is in this point of view that Count Rumford has recommended b.a.l.l.s of incombustible substances to be arranged in fire-places, and mixed with the coals, by which means the caloric disengaged by the combustion of the latter is more perfectly reflected into the room, and an expense of fuel is saved.


I expected that the list of earths would be much more considerable. When I think of the great variety of soils, I am astonished that there is not a greater number of earths to form them.


You might, indeed, almost confine that number to four; for barytes, stront.i.tes, and the others of late discovery, act but so small a part in this great theatre, that they cannot be reckoned as essential to the general formation of the globe. And you must not confine your idea of earths to the formation of soil; for rock, marble, chalk, slate, sand, flint, and all kinds of stones, from the precious jewels to the commonest pebbles; in a word, all the immense variety of mineral products, may be referred to some of these earths, either in a simple state, or combined the one with the other, or blended with other ingredients.


Precious stones composed of earth! That seems very difficult to conceive.


Is it more extraordinary than that the most precious of all jewels, diamond, should be composed of carbon? But diamond forms an exception, Mrs. B.; for, though a stone, it is not composed of earth.

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