Conversations on Chemistry Part 37

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Instead of the receiver, by means of which we have just seen the drops of water form, we shall invert over the flame this piece of tube, which is about two feet in length, and one inch in diameter (PLATE VIII.

fig. 7.); but you must observe that it is open at both ends.


What a strange noise it makes! something like the aeolian harp, but not so sweet.


It is very singular, indeed; but I think rather too powerful to be pleasing. And is not this sound accounted for?


That the percussion of gla.s.s, by a rapid stream of gas, should produce a sound, is not extraordinary: but the sound here is so peculiar, that no other gas has a similar effect. Perhaps it is owing to a brisk vibratory motion of the gla.s.s, occasioned by the successive formation and condensation of small drops of water on the sides of the gla.s.s tube, and the air rus.h.i.+ng in to replace the vacuum formed.*

[Footnote *: This ingenious explanation was first suggested by Dr. Delarive. --See Journals of the Royal Inst.i.tution, vol. i.

p. 259.]


How very much this flame resembles the burning of a candle.


The burning of a candle is produced by much the same means. A great deal of hydrogen is contained in candles, whether of tallow or wax. This hydrogen being converted into gas by the heat of the candle, combines with the oxygen of the atmosphere, and flame and water result from this combination. So that, in fact, the flame of a candle is owing to the combustion of hydrogen gas. An elevation of temperature, such as is produced by a lighted match or taper, is required to give the first impulse to the combustion; but afterwards it goes on of itself, because the candle finds a supply of caloric in the successive quant.i.ties of heat which results from the union of the two electricities given out by the gases during their combustion. But there are other circ.u.mstances connected with the combustion of candles and lamps, which I cannot explain to you till you are acquainted with _carbon_, which is one of their const.i.tuent parts. In general, however, whenever you see flame, you may infer that it is owing to the formation and burning of hydrogen gas*; for flame is the peculiar mode of burning hydrogen gas, which, with only one or two apparent exceptions, does not belong to any other combustible.

[Footnote *: Or rather, _hydro-carbonat_, a gas composed of hydrogen and carbon, which will be noticed under the head _Carbon_.]


You astonish me! I understood that flame was the caloric produced by the union of the two electricities, in all combustions whatever?


Your error proceeded from your vague and incorrect idea of flame; you have confounded it with light and caloric in general. Flame always implies caloric, since it is produced by the combustion of hydrogen gas; but all caloric does not imply flame. Many bodies burn with intense heat without producing flame. Coals, for instance, burn with flame until all the hydrogen which they contain is evaporated; but when they afterwards become red hot, much more caloric is disengaged than when they produce flame.


But the iron wire, which you burnt in oxygen gas, appeared to me to emit flame; yet, as it was a simple metal, it could contain no hydrogen?


It produced a sparkling dazzling blaze of light, but no real flame.


And what is the cause of the regular shape of the flame of a candle?


The regular stream of hydrogen gas which exhales from its combustible matter.


But the hydrogen gas must, from its great levity, ascend into the upper regions of the atmosphere; why therefore does not the flame continue to accompany it?


The combustion of the hydrogen gas is completed at the point where the flame terminates; it then ceases to be hydrogen gas, as it is converted by its combination with oxygen into watery vapour; but in a state of such minute division as to be invisible.


I do not understand what is the use of the wick of a candle, since the hydrogen gas burns so well without it?


The combustible matter of the candle must be decomposed in order to emit the hydrogen gas, and the wick is instrumental in effecting this decomposition. Its combustion first melts the combustible matter, and . . . .


But in lamps the combustible matter is already fluid, and yet they also require wicks?


I am going to add that, afterwards, the burning wick (by the power of capillary attraction) gradually draws up the fluid to the point where combustion takes place; for you must have observed that the wick does not burn quite to the bottom.


Yes; but I do not understand why it does not.


Because the air has not so free an access to that part of the wick which is immediately in contact with the candle, as to the part just above, so that the heat there is not sufficient to produce its decomposition; the combustion therefore begins a little above this point.


But, Mrs. B., in those beautiful lights, called _gas-lights_, which are now seen in many streets, and will, I hope, be soon adopted every where, I can perceive no wick at all. How are these lights managed?


I am glad you have put me in mind of saying a few words on this very useful and interesting improvement. In this mode of lighting, the gas is conveyed to the extremity of a tube, where it is kindled, and burns as long as the supply continues. There is, therefore, no occasion for a wick, or any other fuel whatever.


But how is all this gas procured in such large quant.i.ties?


It is obtained from coal, by distillation. --Coal, when exposed to heat in a close vessel, is decomposed; and hydrogen, which is one of its const.i.tuents, rises in the state of gas, combined with another of its component parts, carbon, forming a compound gas, called _Hydrocarbonat_, the nature of which we shall again have an opportunity of noticing when we treat of carbon. This gas, like hydrogen, is perfectly transparent, invisible, and highly inflammable; and in burning it emits that vivid light which you have so often observed.

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