Conversations on Chemistry Part 30

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Certainly not. --But look, Mrs. B., the receiver is full of a thick white smoke. Is that nitrogen gas?


No, my dear; nitrogen gas is perfectly transparent and invisible, like common air. This cloudiness proceeds from a variety of exhalations, which arise from the burning taper, and the nature of which you cannot yet understand.


The water within the receiver has now risen a little above its level in the bason. What is the reason of this?


With a moment's reflection, I dare say, you would have explained it yourself. The water rises in consequence of the oxygen gas within it having been destroyed, or rather decomposed, by the combustion of the taper.


Then why did not the water rise immediately when the oxygen gas was destroyed?


Because the heat of the taper, whilst burning, produced a dilatation of the air in the vessel, which at first counteracted this effect.

Another means of decomposing the atmosphere is the _oxygenation_ of certain metals. This process is very a.n.a.logous to combustion; it is, indeed, only a more general term to express the combination of a body with oxygen.


In what respect, then, does it differ from combustion?


The combination of oxygen in combustion is always accompanied by a disengagement of light and heat; whilst this circ.u.mstance is not a necessary consequence of simple oxygenation.


But how can a body absorb oxygen without the combination of the two electricities which produce caloric?


Oxygen does not always present itself in a gaseous state; it is a const.i.tuent part of a vast number of bodies, both solid and liquid, in which it exists in a much denser state than in the atmosphere; and from these bodies it may be obtained without much disengagement of caloric.

It may likewise, in some cases, be absorbed from the atmosphere without any sensible production of light and heat; for, if the process be slow, the caloric is disengaged in such small quant.i.ties, and so gradually, that it is not capable of producing either light or heat. In this case the absorption of oxygen is called _oxygenation_ or _oxydation_, instead of _combustion_, as the production of sensible light and heat is essential to the latter.


I wonder that metals can unite with oxygen; for, as they are so dense, their attraction of aggregation must be very great; and I should have thought that oxygen could never have penetrated such bodies.


Their strong attraction for oxygen counterbalances this obstacle. Most metals, however, require to be made red-hot before they are capable of attracting oxygen in any considerable quant.i.ty. By this combination they lose most of their metallic properties, and fall into a kind of powder, formerly called _calx_, but now much more properly termed an _oxyd_; thus we have _oxyd of lead_, _oxyd of iron_, &c.


And in the Voltaic battery, it is, I suppose, an oxyd of zinc, that is formed by the union of the oxygen with that metal?


Yes, it is.


The word oxyd, then, simply means a metal combined with oxygen?


Yes; but the term is not confined to metals, though chiefly applied to them. Any body whatever, that has combined with a certain quant.i.ty of oxygen, either by means of oxydation or combustion, is called an _oxyd_, and is said to be _oxydated_ or _oxygenated_.


Metals, when converted into oxyds, become, I suppose, negative?


Not in general; because in most oxyds the positive energy of the metal more than counterbalances the native energy of the oxygen with which it combines.

This black powder is an oxyd of manganese, a metal which has so strong an affinity for oxygen, that it attracts that substance from the atmosphere at any known temperature: it is therefore never found in its metallic form, but always in that of an oxyd, in which state, you see, it has very little of the appearance of a metal. It is now heavier than it was before oxydation, in consequence of the additional weight of the oxygen with which it has combined.


I am very glad to hear that; for I confess I could not help having some doubts whether oxygen was really a substance, as it is not to be obtained in a simple and palpable state; but its weight is, I think, a decisive proof of its being a real body.


It is easy to estimate its weight, by separating it from the manganese, and finding how much the latter has lost.


But if you can take the oxygen from the metal, shall we not then have it in its palpable simple state?


No; for I can only separate the oxygen from the manganese, by presenting to it some other body, for which it has a greater affinity than for the manganese. Caloric affording the two electricities is decomposed, and one of them uniting with the oxygen, restores it to the aeriform state.


But you said just now, that manganese would attract oxygen from the atmosphere in which it is combined with the negative electricity; how, therefore, can the oxygen have a superior affinity for that electricity, since it abandons it to combine with the manganese?


I give you credit for this objection, Emily; and the only answer I can make to it is, that the mutual affinities of metals for oxygen, and of oxygen for electricity, vary at different temperatures; a certain degree of heat will, therefore, dispose a metal to combine with oxygen, whilst, on the contrary, the former will be compelled to part with the latter, when the temperature is further increased. I have put some oxyd of manganese into a retort, which is an earthen vessel with a bent neck, such as you see here. (PLATE VII. Fig. 2.) --The retort containing the manganese you cannot see, as I have enclosed it in this furnace, where it is now red-hot. But, in order to make you sensible of the escape of the gas, which is itself invisible, I have connected the neck of the retort with this bent tube, the extremity of which is immersed in this vessel of water. (PLATE VII. Fig. 3.) --Do you see the bubbles of air rise through the water?

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