A Field Book of the Stars Part 21

A Field Book of the Stars -

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SYRMA, ? _Virginis_; this name used by Ptolemy to designate this star in the train of the Virgin's robe.

TALITA (t-le-t), ? or ? _Urs Majoris_, "the third vertebra."

Situated in the right fore paw of the Great Bear. Topaz yellow in color.

TANIA BOREALIS, ? _Urs Majoris_.

TANIA AUSTRALIS, _Urs Majoris_, a red star.

These stars are situated in the right hind foot of the Great Bear. The former star culminates Apr. 8th.

TARAZED (tar-a-zed), ? _Aquil_, "the soaring falcon," part of the Persian t.i.tle for the constellation.

Situated in the body of the Eagle. A pale orange star, culminating Aug. 31st.

TEGMENI, ? _Cancri_, "in the covering."

A yellow-colored star.

TE-JAT, _Geminorum_.

THU-BAN or (tho-ban), a _Draconis_, "the dragon," the Arab t.i.tle for the constellation.

Situated in one of the Dragon's coils. It is pale yellow in color, and culminates June 7th.

UNUK AL HAY or UNUKALHAI (u-nuk-al-h-i), a _Serpentis_, "the neck of the snake."

A pale yellow star which is receding from the earth at the rate of fourteen miles a second. It culminates July 28th.

VGA, or WEGA, a _Lyr_, "falling," _i.e._, the falling bird, "the harp star."

A beautiful pale star sapphire in color. It is approaching the earth at the rate of nine miles a second. It culminates Aug. 12th.

VINDEMIATRIX, e _Virginis_, "the vintager or grape gatherer."

Situated in the Virgin's right arm. A bright yellow star culminating May 22d.

WASAT (w-sat), d _Geminorum_, "the middle."

Situated in the body of Pollux. Pale white in color. It culminates Feb. 19th.

WESEN, d _Canis Majoris_, "the weight."

A light yellow star in the right side of the Great Dog. It culminates Feb. 17th.

YED PRIOR (yed), d _Ophiuchi_, "the hand," "the star behind or following."

Deep yellow in color. It culminates July 7th. It is in the left hand of the Serpent Bearer.

YED POSTERIOR, e _Ophiuchi_, "the hand."

A red star culminating July 8th.

YILDUM, d _Urs Minoris_.

Situated in the tail of the Little Bear. A greenish-hued star culminating Aug. 12th.

ZANIAH, ? _Virginis_.

Situated in the Virgin's left shoulder.

ZAURAK (z-rak), ? _Eridani_, "the bright star of the boat."

A yellow star.

ZAVIJAVA (zav-ija-va), _Virginis_, "angle or corner,"

"the retreat or kennel of the barking dog."

Situated on the Virgin's left wing. A pale yellow star culminating May 3d.

ZOSMA (zos-ma), d _Leonis_, "a girdle."

Situated at the root of the Lion's tail. A pale yellow star which is approaching the earth at the rate of nine miles a second. It culminates Apr. 24th. This star is also called Duhr, and sometimes Zubra.

ZUBENAKRAVI (zben-ak-ra-vi or -bi), ? _Scorpii_, "the claw of the Scorpion." A red star.

ZUBEN ELGENUBI (z-ben-el-jen-u-bi), a _Libr_, "the southern claw" (of the Scorpion).

A pale yellow star culminating June 17th. This star is also called Kiffa Australis.

ZUBEN ESCHAMALI (z-ben-es-she-ma-li), _Libr_, "the northern claw."

A pale emerald color, a very unusual color for a star. It is approaching the earth at the rate of six miles a second and culminates June 23d. This star is also known as "Kiffa Borealis."

In the compilation of the foregoing list, the author has been greatly a.s.sisted by Allen's "Star Names and their Meanings."

[Footnote 1: It will be noted that the date of culmination is given in almost every case. By culmination is meant the highest point reached by a heavenly body in its path, at which point it is said to be on the meridian. In this hemisphere this is in each case the highest point north.

For example:--the culmination of the sun occurs at noon.

The time when the stars here mentioned culminate on the dates specified is in each case nine o'clock P.M.]

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