Sir, I Can't Actually Read My Status Chapter 3

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I’m kinda happy today, so one more chapter

One of the few difficulties of unspecified hunting quests often takes time to be a.s.sessed, and, in that case, the reward came the next day.

“I’m sorry. It’s two round trips today, so it will be tomorrow to give the reward”

I will do it in a hurry, helping myself when the day  is already dark, and when I lower my head to Rika and apologize, I could not say anything to myself.

Nonetheless, it does not change that my wallet is lonely and cries.

While thinking about how to stay for tonight, I will come back to 'Golden Rooster' which keeps my luggage.

"Oh, Raigh-san. Welcome back."

Rorona with a plate in both hands greet us with a cheerful smile.

“I’m home, Rorona-chan”

Yes, welcome back. Would you like to eat it immediately? Or do you have a bath before? Oh, no liquor. Drinking too much like yesterday is not good for the body. I checked in today. Please look forward to it, because I will spend more time on my arm and cook, instead of Raigh-san.

“I’m sorry I’ve been attract a lot of attention. But I’m not staying here today."


Shan, and Rorona dropped the dishes she had been carrying on the floor. The adventurer who was asking for an order screams.

But Rorona did not even look at the food and other customers, and came close to me in a state of panic.

“Ra,Raigh-san, are you going to other traven!? Did you have any complaints here?"

"It’s not like that."

"Drink! Drink, you can drink! No matter how much you drink, I won’t stop today! So!"

"No, No, it's different. It's because alcohol, please calm down.”

"Why is that?"

She is crying, sitting on the spot, watching Rorona, the shopkeeper’s father and regular adventurers run amuck when see that. Even I do.

…… This is a weird if you don’t say it people did't understand. It’s so embarra.s.sing to say this in front of everyone.

"Aa~, that you know, I didn't have any money"


“So I don’t have the money to stay here today. That's it"

When he shouting the shame and Rorona, she stopped her tears and stood up.

Hey, it’s a crocodile tears.

"Oh~. Is that the case? . The bill is good for today. “(Rorona)

“Well, but” Golden Rooster “will never allow for those who can't show their status”(Rorona's Dad)

"What are you talking about? Raigh-san has come to this tavern for another year. You don’t have to see the status, you’ve got to believe in Raigh-san. Right?Right? Dad."(Rorona)

“Okay! I do not mind even if you stay overnight for awile" (Rorona's Dad)

“So, hey, let’s have dinner!”(Raigh)

“Oh, Rorona-chan! This is my order!"(Raigh)

"Oh, I’m sorry! I’ll bring it to you soon!"(Rorona)

I was forced to go to work like Rorona-chan, as it was encouraged to the Rorona-chan who was busily returning to work., I sat on one of the cafeteria ‘s counter seats.
A warm meal is coming soon. When I saw it, I had a drink together.

Her father, who was working at the back of the counter, give a wink that does not suit for his strict face. Is it a treat?

In addition, to other adventurers, I apologize for the fact that I killed the mood and give me a drink at once. Immediately my table was filled with a cup of sake.

"Please don’t drink too much anymore."(Rorona)

Rorona-chan who brought the last cup is taken care of me again.

“That's bad, Rorona-chan, will you make an white stew tomorrow morning? with bill of course”

“Are you not full from drinking, Raigh-san? After all Raigh-san is a person who cannot help it, what happen the bill is too much acc.u.mulated? I don’t know if I’m going to get a permanent job because I’m too busy."

Despite saying that, Rorona-chan sang songs in a good mood for some reason while disappearing in the back of the kitchen for preparation.

I pick up the sake that her father bought for me first

If you look closely, everything in the cup was the same sake.

However, it was always my daily routine for me to drink this while throwing out the complaints of other adventurers to the Rorona's father in the corner of the counter alone. The other regular adventurer might have known it, too. Or is it purely a waste of money? The adventurers are generally crude and stingy.

Even in the same fighting job, it is the opposite of the knight who is as pleasing as the innocence that I admired when I was small.

A freaky rogue. It is an adventurer who I thought that I do not want to be absolutely since I was a child.

…… I got it. I didn’t want to be an adventurer.

In a habit of side by side with the danger, it is a handful of things that fame can get. Moreover, to raise the rank in order to gain the fame, there is a rule which cannot be absolutely defeated at a minimum level and is troublesome.

The reason I wanted to become an adventurer was because I had no other choice.

I can't read my status. No one can read my status.

I do not know what skills I have and I do not know how much level it is right now. That’s why I can’t go to senior school like him(TLN:Nild maybe?), but there was no place to hire a guy who did not know whether there was any reasonable just like me, and I went to the adventurer’s path where everyone could be without help.

But what I was waiting to become an adventurer was all that twisted to the kids today.

The wind is strong against the adventurers of Rank E. Honestly, if Rika was not present, I quit a long time ago and probably got something wrong. Did you know my gossip aura, sometimes I was invited by someone who is the former president of the underground society.

It is necessary to be thankful to Rika in such a meaning. My encounter with her was valuable in my life with little joy.

"…… I believe you."

While remembering the words of Rika and Rorona-chan, I drank the cheap sake.

The adventurer is painful.

Life is not interesting.

But… It was strange.

“Oh, my father.”

The sake which should have been the same as yesterday was felt a lot more delicious for some reason than yesterday.

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You're reading Sir, I Can't Actually Read My Status by Author(s): Ora-sama. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 2028 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.