British Socialism Part 60

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FORD, Miss I.O.: _Women and Socialism._ Independent Labour Party.


"_Forward._" (Weekly Newspaper.) Glasgow.

_"Freedom": a Journal of Anarchist Communism._ (Monthly Newspaper.) London.

_The Free Feeding of School Children._ Reprinted from "The Lancet."

Offices of "The Lancet." London. 1907.

_Gainsborough Commission: Report on Life and Labour in Germany._ Simpkin, Marshall. London. 1907.

GLASIER, KATHERINE BRUCE: _Socialism for Children._ Independent Labour Party. London.

GLASIER, LIZZIE, and RUSSELL, ALFRED: _Socialist Sunday Schools and Our Methods_. Civic Press. Glasgow. 1907.

GLYDE, Councillor: _Britain's Disgrace_. Wadsworth & Co., Rydal Press. Keighley.

GLYDE, Councillor: _Liberal and Tory Hypocrisy_. Wadsworth & Co., Rydal Press. Keighley.

GLYDE, Councillor: _The Misfortune of being a Working Man_.

Wadsworth & Co., Rydal Press. Keighley.

GLYDE, Councillor: _A Peep behind the Scenes on a Board of Guardians_. Wadsworth & Co., Rydal Press. Keighley.

GRIFFIN, T.H.: _A Bread Supply_. Independent Labour Party.


GRONLUND, LAURENCE: _The Co-operative Commonwealth_. Edited by George Bernard Shaw. William Reeves. London.

GUYOT, YVES: _La Banqueroute du Socialisme Scientifique_. Felix Alcan. Paris. 1907.

GUYOT, YVES: _Les Principes du Collectivisme_. Bureau de l'Acacia.

Paris. 1907.

GUYOT, YVES: _Pretensions of Socialism_. Liberty and Property Defence League. London. 1895.

HALL, LEONARD: _Land, Labour, and Liberty_. Clarion Newspaper Co.

London. 1899.

HALL, LEONARD: _Old and New Unionism_. Labour Press Society.

Manchester. 1894.

_Handbuch fur Sozialdemokratische Wahler_. Buchhandlung Vorwarts.

Berlin. 1903.

HARDIE, KEIR: _Can a Man be a Christian on a Pound a Week?_ Independent Labour Party. London.

HARDIE, KEIR: _The Citizens.h.i.+p of Women: a Plea for Women's Suffrage_. Independent Labour Party. 1906.

HARDIE, KEIR: _From Serfdom to Socialism_. George Allen. London.


HARDIE, KEIR: _John Bull and His Unemployed_. Independent Labour Party. London. 1905.

HARE, W.L.: _Famine in India: its Causes and Effects._ P.S. King & Son. London.

HAZELL, A.P.: _The Red Catechism for Socialist Children._ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1907.

HAZELL, A.P.: _A Summary of Marx's "Capital."_ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1907.

HEADLAM, STEWART D.: _Christian Socialism._ Fabian Society. London.


HEADLAM, STEWART D.: _The Socialist's Church._ George Allen. London.


HIRD, DENNIS: _From Brute to Brother._ Clarion Press. London. 1907.

HOBART, H.W.: _Social-Democracy._ Twentieth Century Press. London.


HORSFALL, T.C.: _The Improvement of the Dwellings and Surroundings of the People._ University Press. Manchester. 1904.

_Houses for the People._ Fabian Society. London. 1906.

_How to Finance Enterprises._ Co-operative Brotherhood Trust, Limited. London.

_How to Lose and How to Win an Election._ (Fabian Tract.) Fabian Society. London.

_How Trade Unions Benefit Workmen._ Fabian Society. London.

HYDER, JOSEPH: _The Case for Land Nationalisation._ Land Nationalisation Society. London. 1907.

HYNDMAN, H.M.: _Colonies and Dependencies._ Twentieth Century Press.

London. 1904.

HYNDMAN, H.M.: _Darkness and Dawn of May Day._ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1907.

HYNDMAN, H.M.: _The Historical Basis of Socialism in England._ Paul.

London. 1883.

HYNDMAN, H.M.: "_Real Reform._" Nuttall & Co. Burnley.

HYNDMAN, H.M.: _Social Democracy: The Basis of its Principles and the Causes of its Success._ Twentieth Century Press. London.

HYNDMAN, H.M.: _Socialism and Slavery._ William Reeves. London.

HYNDMAN, H.M.: _The Transvaal War and the Degradation of England._ London. 1899.

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