British Socialism Part 59

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_The Case for a Legal Minimum Wage._ Fabian Society. London. 1906.

"CASEY": _Who are the Bloodsuckers?_ Independent Labour Party.


_Christliche Arbeiterpflichten._ Buchhandlung Vorwarts. Berlin.


_The Church and Socialism._ The Church Family Newspaper. London.


_Clarion_. (Weekly Paper.) Clarion Newspaper Co. London.

_Clarion Song Book._ Clarion Press. London. 1907.

_The Cla.s.s War._ (Leaflet.) Social-Democratic Federation. London.

_The Clerk._ (Monthly Paper.) Speaight & Sons. London.

CLIFFORD, Rev. JOHN: _Socialism and the Teaching of Christ._ Fabian Society. London. 1897 and 1906.

_Commercialism and Child Labour: an Indictment and Some Remedies._ Independent Labour Party. London. 1900.

CONNELL, JOHN: _Socialism and the Survival of the Fittest._ Twentieth Century Press. London.

_Cottage Plans and Common Sense._ Fabian Society. London. 1902.

c.o.x, HAROLD: _Socialism in the House of Commons._ Longmans, Green & Co. London. 1907.

_Daily Mail Year Book._ a.s.sociated Newspapers, Ltd. London. 1908.

DAVIDSON, J. MORRISON: _Book of Lords._ Henderson's. London. 1907.

DAVIDSON, J. MORRISON: _Christ, State, and Commune._ C.W. Daniel.

London. 1906.

DAVIDSON, J.M.: _The Democrat's Address._ William Reeves. London.


DAVIDSON, J.M.: _Free Rails and Trams._ William Reeves. London.

DAVIDSON, J.M.: _Free Trade versus Fettered Transport._ Francis Riddell Henderson, London. 1904.

DAVIDSON, J.M.: _Gospel of the Poor._ 4th edit. Francis Riddell Henderson. London.

DAVIDSON, J.M.: _New Book of Kings._ Francis Riddell Henderson.

London. 1902.

DAVIDSON, J.M.: _The Old Order and the New._ 7th edit. Francis Riddell Henderson. London.

DAVIDSON, J.M.: _Useless, Dangerous, Ought to be Abolished._ William Reeves. London.

DAW, GEORGE W., M.N.S.: _Socialism, Unmasked._ Anti-Socialist Press.


"_The Deadly Parallel._" (Monthly Paper.) Henderson. London.

DEARMER, Rev. PERCY: _Socialism and Christianity._ Fabian Society.

London. 1907.

_Debate, April 17, 1884_: _Will Socialism Benefit the English People?_ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1907.

DEBS, E.V.: _Industrial Unionism._ Socialist Labour Press.

Edinburgh. 1907.

DE LEON, DANIEL: _Reform or Revolution._ Socialist Labour Press.

Edinburgh. 1906.

_Deputation of Unemployed to the Right Hon. A.J. Balfour on November 6, 1905._ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1905.

DIACK, W.: _Socialism and Current Politics._ Twentieth Century Press. London.

DODD, F. LAWSON: Milk and Public Health._ Fabian Society.

London. 1905.

_The Economics of Direct Employment._ Fabian Society. London. 1900 and 1906.

_Eight Hours by Law._ Fabian Society. London. 1893 and 1906.

ELTZBACHER, PAUL: _Der Anarchismus._ Guttentag. Berlin. 1899.

ENGELS, FREDERICK: _Socialism Utopian and Scientific._ Swan Sonnenschein. London. 1892.

_English Progress towards Social Democracy._ Fabian Society. London.

1892 and 1906.

_Fabian Election Manifesto, 1892._ Fabian Society. London. 1892.

_Fabian Essays in Socialism._ Walter Scott. London.

_Fabian Society, Twenty-fourth Annual Report._ Fabian Society.

London. 1907.

_Fabianism and the Fiscal Question: an Alternative Policy._ Fabian Society. London. 1904.

_Facts for Socialists._ Fabian Society. London. 1906.

FISHER, F. VICTOR: "_The Babies' Tribute._" Twentieth Century Press.


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