Ancient Art and Ritual Part 13

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For Ancient and Primitive Ritual the best general book of reference is:

FRAZER, J.G. _The Golden Bough_, 3rd edition, 1911, from which most of the instances in the present manual are taken. Part IV of _The Golden Bough_, i.e. the section dealing with _Adonis, Attis, and Osiris_, should especially be consulted.

Also an earlier, epoch-making book:

ROBERTSON SMITH, W. _Lectures on the Religion of the Semites_, 1889 [3rd edition, 1927]. For certain fundamental ritual notions, _e.g._ sacrifice, holiness, etc.

[For Egyptian and Babylonian ritual: _Myth and Ritual_, edited by S.H. HOOKE, 1933.]

For the Greek Drama, as arising out of the ritual dance: Professor GILBERT MURRAY'S _Excursus on the Ritual Forms preserved in Greek Tragedy_ in J.E. HARRISON'S _Themis_, 1912, and pp. 327-40 in the same book; and for the religion of Dionysos and the drama, J.E. HARRISON'S _Prolegomena_, 1907, Chapters VIII and X. For the fusion of the ritual dance and hero-wors.h.i.+p, see W. LEAF, _Homer and History_, 1915, Chapter VII. For a quite different view of drama as arising wholly from the wors.h.i.+p of the dead, see Professor W. RIDGEWAY, _The Origin of Tragedy_, 1910. An important discussion of the relation of _tragedy_ to the winter festival of the _Lenaia_ appears in A.B. COOK'S _Zeus_, vol. i, sec. 6 (xxi) [1914].

[More recent works on Greek drama: A.W. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, _Dithyramb_, _Tragedy and Comedy_, 1927; G. THOMSON, _Aeschylus and Athens_, 1941.]

For Primitive Art:

HIRN, Y. _The Origins of Art_, 1900. The main theory of the book the present writer believes to be inadequate, but it contains an excellent collection of facts relating to Art, Magic, Art and Work, Mimetic Dances, etc., and much valuable discussion of principles.

GROSSE, E. _The Beginnings of Art_, 1897, in the Chicago Anthropological Series. Valuable for its full ill.u.s.trations of primitive art, as well as for text.

[BOAS, F., _Primitive Art_, 1927.]

For the Theory of Art:

TOLSTOY, L. _What is Art?_ Translated by Aylmer Maude, in the Scott Library.

FRY, ROGER E. _An Essay in aesthetics_, in the _New Quarterly_, April 1909, p. 174.

This is the best general statement of the function of Art known to me.

It should be read in connection with Mr. Bullough's article, quoted on p. 129, which gives the psychological basis of a similar view of the nature of art. My own theory was formulated independently, in relation to the development of the Greek theatre, but I am very glad to find that it is in substantial agreement with those of two such distinguished authorities on aesthetics. For my later conclusions on art, see _Alpha and Omega_, 1915, pp. 208-220.

[CAUDWELL, C., _Illusion and Reality_, 1937.]

For more advanced students:

DUSSAUZE, HENRI. _Les Regles esthetiques et les lois du sentiment_, 1911.

MuLLER-FREIENFELS, R. _Psychologie der Kunst_, 1912.

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