The Empress' Poor Quality Special Effects Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Outspoken or an idiot

"Ask what huh, stop quibbling, that's something me and Chun Tao specially gave to you because you were pitiful——" Wu JingHua suddenly covers her mouth, her mouth was moving faster than her brain that she actually said it out loud?

Meng yiniang really wants to faint right now, why is it that her daughter did not inherit any of her merits? She actually told the truth just by a few words from Wu SheYue!

"Eh? Looks like second older sister had went to deliver some rice, then is it that she delivered spoiled rice? I don't know, probably wasn't the case." Wu SheYue is kneeling on the ground looking troubled. "Seems that yesterday afternoon I really was a bit crazy, I actually thought the spoiled rice was something good to eat so I let second older sister some…….this, what to do……."

Old Madam's chest rises up and down, she has not been this angry in a long time. What she is angry at is not Wu JingHua treating her idiotic younger sister this way but that she bullied someone but didn't have any brains and even admitted to it out loud herself! If you have the capability to bully someone, you must also have to have the capability to keep it under wraps!

This kind of girl, when she marries, how is she supposed to bring fortune to the family, if she doesn't bring a disaster it would be thanking heaven!

Wu LiuYun sneers out loud. "Seems that second younger sister had wanted to play tricks on someone so she deliberately sent some inedible food, but had the trick played back on you, you coming here is evil person complaining first isn't it?

When the words were torn apart by Wu LiuYun, awkward silence reigned the room. 

Madam turns around to lightly scold her. "That's enough." Although she reprimanding her daughter, Madam's face had a look of happiness to it. 

Wu JingHua does not know what she should do when Wu SheYue suddenly goes forward while still kneeling. "Grandmother~It's seems that yesterday afternooon I did something bad. Although YueEr does not know if it was something I had done but after all, second older sister is this angry, how about you punish YueEr to help her vent some anger."

Meng yiniang really wants to go up and give her a few good kicks. She actually went and asked for punishment herself, isn't this forcing her daughter!

Old Madam lowers her eyes. Seeing that Wu SheYue face that looks like water could be squeezed from it, she thinks the more you look at it the more delicate it is. "Ai…….stand up, what punishment, as long as you got better." 

Wu SheYue lets out a breath of relief, finally she is able to stand and talk. 

Wu JingHua still is young, seeing that Old madam "pardoning" Wu SheYue, she was not able to stop herself from crying. Meng yiniang quickly goes up to pull her daughter. 

Old Madam cannot help but say, "JingHua, what is it that you want grandmother to say…….logically, you should be punished but seeing how pitiful you are, grandmother cannot find the heart to do so, this time let the matter slide." Saying this, she turns around to look at Wu HanTian, "Prime Minister, what is your take on the matter?"

His own mother had already shown she would protect Wu JingHua so Wu HanTian can only nod his head in agreement.

Meng yiniang knows very well that Old Madam was looking at their usual mutual affection which was why she protected Wu JingHua. Even if she is not satisfied, she should not mention this anymore, she can only think of a plan for later. 

However, Wu SheYue is not happy, she had been kneeling for half a day to accompany them in acting but they felt they have acted enough and that's it? Clearing the stage now? Thinking back, she was never the person to complain first it's always these group of people that complain~So Wu SheYue tilts her head and sweetly says to Wu JingHua, "Second older sister, later on you should not use Chun Tao anymore, she looks down on second older sister!"

"There was such a matter?" It's not only Old Madam and Prime Minister who raises a brow, even Wu JingHua was also stupefied, don't know why Wu SheYue suddenly said this.

Only Meng yiniang smelled that there was some conspiracy about to happen, she opens her mouth to interrupt and awkwardly says, "Didn't Third Miss say that she does not remember anything from before?"

Wu SheYue laughs in her heart. If I want to complain, do you think you can stop me?

"But YueEr faintly remember that when Chun Tao was delivering food over, I think she said something……."Giving face to Prime Minister, giving face to Old Madam" or something like that, and also said Old Madam is…….something along those lines. Don't know if I remembered wrong or not. My brain was originally chaotic didn't think much about it. However, now that I'm clear minded, I feel that there is something wrong about it."

Old Madam's face immediately turns cold. "Meng RuXue!"

Meng RuXue – 孟如雪/Meng yiniang's full name. 如 – like, as. 雪 – snow.

Wu JingHua had not reacted to what Chun Tao had said wrong when Meng yiniang kneeled down. "Yes……."

Wu HanTian is afraid that his mother would harm her body with anger so he quickly berated Meng yiniang. "Look at what happened! You can't teach your daughter well! Even your servants have not been taught well!"

Wu JingHua quickly refutes. "Father! That is something Chun Tao probably didn't say! Even if she did say that does——" it even matter?

(T/N): lol, does she even have brains or not. Before the mc came, she was probably the 2nd to last stupid person in this house but now, she's in last place and showing what last place in intelligence really means. 

The last few words have not come out because Meng yiniang had quickly covered her mouth. Meng yiniang really wants to cry, Wu JingHua has really said what should and should not be said out loud!

Wu SheYue shakes her head, ai~A pig-like teammate. Everything would've been alright if she didn't say anything but she had to say something and created trouble for herself, really is something. Wu SheYue won but she didn't feel any sense of accomplishment out of it.

Old Madam was so angry that her chest raised up and down quicker than before when she was angry. "You, you think I don't know what you are like. Chun Tao saying those words, you can't escape responsibility! Weren't you unable to eat rice, then don't eat!

Wu HanTian fiercely slams the table "Stop standing here! Still not going back to ponder over your mistakes!"

Wu JingHua trembles from fear. She immediately covers her face and runs out the door. Meng yiniang gives a salute to everyone before chasing after her daughter. 

Seeing Wu JingHua running out, Old Madam is angry but her heart is also broken. She says to herself, before when Third yatou was wrong in the head, she always felt that Second yatou was smart and does not lose to the oldest girl by much. But now that Third yatou's mind has become clear, this Second yaotou become an idiot all of a sudden. 


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About The Empress' Poor Quality Special Effects Chapter 18 novel

You're reading The Empress' Poor Quality Special Effects by Author(s): Sha Li Hai Shi, 沙砾海市. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 453 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.