The Best Short Stories of 1920 Part 79

The Best Short Stories of 1920 -

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#Rhodes, Harrison.# *High Life. McBride.

#Rice, Alice Hegan#, and #Rice, Cale Young.# Turn About Tales. Century Co.

#Richards, Clarice E.# Tenderfoot Bride. Revell.

#Richmond, Grace S.# Bells of St. John's. Doubleday, Page.

#Rinehart, Mary Roberts.# Affinities. Doran.

#Robbins, Tod.# *Silent, White, and Beautiful. Boni and Liveright.

#Robinson, William Henry.# Witchery of Rita. Berryhill Co.

#Sedgwick, Anne Douglas.# *Christmas Roses. Houghton Mifflin.

#Smith, Gordon Arthur.# *Pagan. Scribner.

#Society of Arts and Sciences.# *O. Henry Memorial Prize Stories, 1919.

Doubleday, Page.

#Spofford, Harriet Prescott.# *Elder's People. Houghton Mifflin.

#Train, Arthur.# Tutt and Mr. Tutt. Scribner.

#Vorse, Mary Heaton.# *Ninth Man. Harper.

#Whalen, Louise Margaret.# Father Ladden, Curate. Magnificat Pub. Co.

#White, Stewart Edward.# Killer. Doubleday, Page.

#Widdemer, Margaret.# Boardwalk. Harcourt, Brace, and Howe.

#Wiggin, Kate Douglas.# *Homespun Tales. Houghton Mifflin.

#Wiley, Hugh.# Wildcat. Doran.

#Yezierska, Anzia.# *Hungry Hearts. Houghton Mifflin.

II. #English and Irish Authors#

#Baxter, Arthur Beverley.# Blower of Bubbles. Appleton.

#Beerbohm, Max.# *Seven Men. Knopf.

#Cannan, Gilbert.# *Windmills. Huebsch.

"#Dehan, Richard.#" (#Clotilde Graves#). Eve of Pascua. Doran.

#Dell, Ethel May.# Tidal Wave. Putnam.

#Dunsany, Lord.# *Tales of Three Hemispheres. Luce.

#Easton, Dorothy.# *Golden Bird. Knopf.

#Evans, Caradoc.# *My Neighbors. Harcourt, Brace, & Howe.

#Galsworthy, John.# *Tatterdemalion. Scribner.

#Graves, Clotilde.# _See_ "Dehan, Richard."

#Grogan, Gerald.# William Pollok. Lane.

#Hardy, Thomas.# *Two Wess.e.x Tales. Four Seas.

#Hichens, Robert.# Snake-bite. Doran.

#Hutten, Baroness Von.# _See_ Von Hutten, Baroness.

#Huxley, Aldous.# *Limbo. Doran.

#James, Montague Rhodes.# *Thin Ghost. Longmans.

#Jeffery, Jeffery E.# Side Issues. Seltzer.

#Kipling, Rudyard.# *Man Who Would Be King. Four Seas.

#Lips...o...b.. W. P.# Staff Tales. Dutton.

#New Decameron: Second Day.# McBride.

#O'Kelly, Seumas.# *Golden Barque, and the Weaves's Grave. Putnam.

"#Ross, Martin.#" _See_ "Somerville, E. ?.," and "Ross, Martin."

#Sabatini, Rafael.# Historical Nights' Entertainment, Second Series.


"#Somerville, E. ?.#," _and_ "#Ross, Martin#," Stray-Aways. Longmans, Green.

"#Trevena, John.#" *By Violence. Four Seas.

#Vernede, R. E.# Port Allington Stories. Doran.

#Von Hutten, Baroness.# Helping Hersey. Doran.

#Wylie, Ida Alena Ross.# *Holy Fire. Lane.

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