An Australian Bird Book Part 48

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Nom. c. _open forest_, _orchard_ 13.2

Head naked, ink-black; k.n.o.b on bill; brown; tail tipped white; silver-white lanceolate feathers on throat; f., sim. Noisy, "Tobacco-box," "four-o'-clock." Fruit.

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=375* Yellow-throated Friar-Bird=, Little Leatherhead, _Philemon citreigularis_, N. Ter., E.A., S.A., N.W.A.

Nom. r. _timber_ 10

Upper brown; under pale brown; throat yellow (young), white (adult); the colored plate shows a young bird; the adult loses yellow on throat, black on face, grayish marks on back, and becomes "one of the plainest of birds"; f., similar to adult male. Insects, berries, honey. "Five-o'-clock."

F. 145. _Mniotiltidae_, American Warblers, 231 sp.--2(0)P., 80(12)Nc., 219(151)Nl.

F. 146. _Drepanididae_, Sandwich Island Honeyeaters, 40 sp. A.

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[Ill.u.s.tration: [376] [376^A] [377] [377^A] [377^B] [377^C]]

F. 147. MOTACILLIDAE (2), Pipits, Wagtails, 107 sp.--11(6)A., 32(6)O., 53(12)P., 49(32)E., 7(1)Nc.,

1 55

=376* Australian Pipit=, Ground-Lark, _Anthus australis_, A., T. =vt. Eur. Pipit.

Part-Mig. v.c. _gra.s.s_ 7

Upper dark-brown, feathers edged lighter; buff stripe above eye; under white streaked dark-brown; most streaked on chest; outer-tail white; f., sim. Insects, small seeds. Sometimes soars singing melodiously.

F. 148. ALAUDIDAE (4), Larks, Skylark, Horned-Larks, Sh.o.r.e-Larks, 224 sp.--6(6)A., 45(29)O., 69(48)P., 108(99)E., 18(10)Nc., 11(4)Nl.

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=376^A Skylark=, _Alauda arvensis_, Eur., N. Afr., V.


Mig. c. _gra.s.s_ 7

Upper warm-brown mottled, streaked darker; stripe over eye lighter; throat, chest brownish-buff, streaked brown; abdomen yellowish-white; f., smaller. Insects, seeds. Sings soaring; famous songster.

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=377* Bush-Lark=, Horsfield Bush-Lark, Skylark (e), _Mirafra horsfieldi_, E.A., W.A.

Stat. r. _gra.s.s_ 5.3

Like 376, but plumper, shorter; bill stouter, almost finch-like; f., sim. Insects, small seeds. Sings melodiously soaring, also on moonlight nights; "one of our most pleasing songsters."

F. 149. _Catamblyrhynchidae_, 2 sp. Nl. (Peru).

F. 150. _Fringillidae_, Finches, Grosbeak, Bullfinch, Bunting, Cardinal (Am.), Crossbill, Chaffinch, Linnet, Redpoll, Canary, 1087 sp.--129(83)O., 202(138)P., 107(96)E., 191(125)Nc., 529(474)Nl.

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=377^A Greenfinch=, Green Linnet, _Ligurinus chloris_, Europe to Persia, V. (introduced).

Stat. c. _fields_, _gardens_ 6

Upper olive-green; golden-yellow eyestripe; tail yellow base, black tip; wing dark-brown, lined bright yellow; under greenish-yellow, darker on flanks; f., much duller. Seeds.

"One of the prettiest of British songsters."

1 11

=377B Goldfinch=, Thistle-Finch, _Carduelis carduelis_, Europe, Canary Is. to Egypt, to Persia, Siberia, V. (introduced).

Stat. v.c. _fields_ 5

Crown black; face, chin red; behind eye, throat, under, upper base tail white; bright yellow on wings; f., sim. Thistle seeds, insects. Loud, sweet song; "twit-it."

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=377C Tree-Sparrow= (Mountain-), _Pa.s.ser monta.n.u.s_, Eur., N. Asia, A. (introduced).

Stat. r. _trees_ 5.6

Like 377D, but head, nape chestnut; black ear patch in centre of a large white patch; two white bars on side of wing; s.h.i.+er; f., sim. Seeds, insects. Chirps.

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[Ill.u.s.tration: [377^D] [378] [379] [380] [381] [382]]

=377D House-Sparrow=, _P. domesticus_, Eur., Siberia, A. (introduced).

Stat. v.c. _houses_ 5

Crown, nape bluish-gray; behind eye, side neck broad chestnut band; upper brown; one white bar on wing; cheeks, throat black; under whitish; f., duller; darker below; no black throat. Seeds, insects. Chirps.

F. 151. _Coerebidae_, Honey-Creepers, 93 sp.--1(0)Nc., 93(92)Nl.

F. 152. _Procniatidae_, 1 sp. Nl.

F. 153. _Tanagridae_, Tanagers, 424 sp.--6(0)Nc., 424(418)Nl.

Order XXI. (continued)

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