An Australian Bird Book Part 47

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"Elegant bird;" upper olive-brown; under grayish-white, streaked brown; yellow ear-tuft; f., sim. Honey, insects. Loud ringing note.

=363* White-plumed Honey-eater=, Greenie, Linnet (e), Chickoowee; Ringeye (e), Ringneck (e), Australian Canary (e), _P. penicillata_, E.A., S.A., W.A.

Stat. v.c. _gardens_ 6.7

Grayish-brown, tinged olive; under light yellowish-brown; long white ear plumes, sometimes not seen until the head is moved; f., smaller. Insects, pollen, honey. Loud ringing notes; "Chick-oo-wee."

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=364* Crescent Honey-eater= (Horseshoe, Tasmanian), Egypt, _Meliornis pyrrhoptera (australasiana)_, N.S.W., V., S.A., T.

Stat. c. _forest_, _heath_ 6.2

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[Ill.u.s.tration: [365] [366] [367] [368] [369]]

Upper dusky black; black bar each side of breast; under white; flanks dusky; wings, tail marked golden-yellow; side-tail spotted white; f., dusky-brown, faint yellow on wings and tail. Loud varied calls, "Egypt."

=365* White-bearded Honey-eater= (New Holland), Yellow Wings, _M. novae-hollandiae_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., SA., T.

Stat. v.c. _scrubby_, _Banksias_ 7.2

Blackish-brown, marked white; much yellow on wings; tail black, margined yellow, tipped white; line side of nape, cheeks, behind ear white; f., sim. Insects, honey.

=366* White-cheeked Honey-eater=, _M. nigra (sericea)_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., W.A.

Stat. r. _scrub_, _undergrowth_ 7

Like 365, but forehead white; large tuft of white plumes on side of head; tail not tipped white; f., smaller. Insects, honey. Clear double whistling note.

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=367* Bell-Miner=, Bell-Bird, _Manorina melanophrys_, E.A. f., sim. Insects. Bell note, "Tink."

Stat. r. _dense gullies_ 7

Olive-green; bright yellow patch between eye and bill; small red patch behind eye; forehead, about eye black.

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=368* Noisy Miner=, Garrulous Honeyeater, Snake-Bird, Cherry-eater, Soldier, Micky, Squeaker, _Myzantha garrula_, E.A., S.A., T.

Stat. v.c. _open forest_ 10

Gray; marked whitish on hind-neck, marked dusky-gray chest; crown, about eye, ear, chin black; wing tinged yellow; tail tipped white; legs, bill, skin behind eye bright yellow; f., smaller. Insects, fruit, honey. Noisy.

=369 Yellow-throated Miner=, _M. flavigula_, E.A., S.A., C.A.

W.A. (inland).

Stat. r. _timber_ 10

Gray; hind-neck marked whitish, chest marked brown; rump, tip tail white; naked s.p.a.ce behind eye; forehead, throat, bill, legs yellow; a little olive-yellow on wing, base-tail; f., smaller. Insects, honey.

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[Ill.u.s.tration: [370] [371] [372] [373] [374] [375]]

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=370* Wattle-Bird=, Red Wattle-Bird, Gill-Bird, Wattled Honey-eater, Mutton-Bird (e), _Acanthcchaera carunculata_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A., W.A.

Stat. c. _timber_ 14.5

Brown streaked, lined white; red wattle 1/4in.; whitish below eye, between shoulder and gill; wing quills and tail tipped white; centre abdomen yellow; f., smaller. Insects, honey.

"Kwock, kwock;" "Up with the rag." Many curious guttural notes.

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=371 Brush Wattle-Bird=, Mocking-Bird, Mocker, Cookayc.o.c.k, _Anellobia chrysoptera (mellivora)_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A., T.

Stat. c. _timber_ 12

Brown, lined white; quills lined, tipped white; tail tipped white; throat whitish; no wattle; f., smaller. Showy, pugnacious, many curious notes.

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=372* Spiny-cheeked Honey-eater=, _Acanthagenys rufigularis_, A.

Nom. c. _timber_, _scrub_ 10

Upper dusky-brown; white spiny feathers, below eye to ear; throat, chest rufous; abdomen whitish, streaked dusky-brown; tail tipped white; f., sim. Insects, honey. Many peculiar loud notes, a plaintive trill.

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=373* Blue-faced Honey-eater=, Banana-Bird, Blue-eye, _Entomyzon cyanotis_, E.A., S.A.

Stat. c. _timber_ 12

Attractive, beautiful; upper golden olive-green; head, hind-neck black; throat dusky; line on hind-neck, side throat, under white; about eye blue; f., sim. Insects, honey. Loud monotonous call.

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=374* Friar-Bird=, Monk, Leatherhead, Four-o'-clock, Pimlico, Poor Soldier, _Tropidorhynchus corniculatus_, E.A., S.A.


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