Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 19

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_Liquor Calcis Sulphuratae (Liq. Calc. Sulphurat.), Solution of Sulphurated Lime, N.F._ (Solution of Oxysulphuret of Calcium, Fleming's Solution, Vleminckx' Solution, Vleminckx' Lotion).--A solution of calcium polysulphides and calcium thiosulphate produced by boiling together lime, sulphur and water.

USES: Depilatory.

=Calendula (Calend.), Calendula, N.F.= (Marigold, Calendula Flowers).

ACTION AND USES: Locally, mild irritant, without material advantage over diluted alcohol. Internally, no definite indications for its use.

_Fluidextractum Calendulae (Fldext. Calend.), Fluidextract of Calendula, N.F._--Calendula (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

_Tinctura Calendulae (Tr. Calend.), Tincture of Calendula, N.F._--Calendula (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

=Calumba (Calumb.), Calumba, U.S.P.= (Columba, Columbo, Colombo).--A root.

ACTION AND USES: Used as a simple bitter and stomachic.

It appears to have no advantage over other bitters, for instance, gentian.

DOSAGE: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.); usually given in the form of the tincture.

_Fluidextractum Calumbae (Fldext. Calumb.), Fluidextract of Calumba, N.F._--Calumba (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

DOSAGE: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

_Tinctura Calumbae (Tr. Calumb.), Tincture of Calumba, U.S.P._--Calumba (20%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.)

=*Calx (Calx), Calcium Oxide, U.S.P.= (Lime, Quicklime).--CaO.

Hard, white, odorless with a caustic taste, forming with water calcium hydroxide, which is slightly soluble in water (1:84), insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: As liquor calcis (an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide), used as an antacid and mild alkali.

As milk of lime (a mixture of calcium hydroxide and water), frequently used as a disinfectant.

_*Linimentum Calcis (Lin. Calc.), Lime Liniment, U.S.P._ (Carron Oil).--Lime water (50%) and linseed oil.

USES: Topical application, used especially for burns.

_*Liquor Calcis (Liq. Calc.), Solution of Calcium Hydroxide, U.S.P._ (Lime Water).--Ca(OH){2} (not less than 0.14%).

DOSAGE: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms.

=*Calx Chlorinata (Calx Chlorin.), Chlorinated Lime, U.S.P.= ("Chloride of Lime").--A compound of calcium chloride and hypochlorite containing not less than 30 per cent. of available chlorine.

A white or grayish-white powder having a chlorine-like odor and a repulsive saline taste. Partially soluble in water or alcohol.

Decomposed by acids with liberation of chlorine.

ACTION AND USES: Disinfectant, especially for excreta.

Should be used liberally and left in contact for at least one hour. Widely used for treating contaminated drinking water.

=Cambogia (Cambog.), Gamboge, U.S.P.= (Pipe Gamboge).--A gum resin.

Odorless, grayish-orange-brown pieces or bright yellow powder, with a very acrid taste. Not less than 65 per cent. soluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: A powerful irritant hydragogue cathartic; not often employed alone. Usually administered in combination with other drugs.

DOSAGE: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.), in pills.

=*Camphora (Camph.), Camphor, U.S.P.=--A volatile solid obtained from the camphor tree.

Tough, white, translucent with a pungent odor and taste.

Slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether and fixed or volatile oils.

ACTION AND USES: Used hypodermically to stimulate the circulation and respiration in collapse. Opinions are divided as to its efficiency. Locally, applied as a mild irritant and antiseptic.

DOSAGE: By mouth 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.).

Hypodermic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.), as 10 per cent. solution in oil.

_*Aqua Camphorae (Aq. Camph.), Camphor Water, U.S.P._--A saturated solution of camphor in water.

DOSAGE: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

_Ceratum Camphorae (Cerat. Camph.), Camphor Cerate, N.F._--Camphor (2%), with cottonseed oil, white wax, white petrolatum and benzoinated lard.

_Emplastrum Fusc.u.m Camphoratum (Emp. Fusc. Camph.), Camphorated Brown Plaster, N.F._ (Camphorated Motherplaster).--Camphor (1%), red oxide of lead, olive oil and yellow wax.

_*Linimentum Camphorae (Lin. Camph.), Camphor Liniment, U.S.P._ (Camphorated Oil).--Camphor (20%) in cottonseed oil.

USES: Mild counterirritant. Note: This preparation, as found in drug stores, should never be used hypodermically.

_Mistura Camphora Acida._--See under =Opium=.

_Mistura Camphorae Aromatica._--See under =Oleum Lavandulae=.

_*Spiritus Camphorae (Sp. Camph.), Spirit of Camphor, U.S.P._--Camphor (10%), in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

_Unguentum Camphorae (Ung. Camph.), Camphor Ointment, N.F._--Camphor (22%) in white wax and lard.

_Unguentum Fusc.u.m (Ung. Fusc.), Brown Ointment, N.F._ (Unguentum Matris, Mother's Salve).--Camphorated brown plaster (50%) olive oil and prepared suet.

=Camphora Mon.o.bromata (Camph. Mon.o.brom.), Mon.o.bromated Camphor, U.S.P.=

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