Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 18

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_Liquor Hypophosphitum (Liq. Hypophos.), Solution of Hypophosphites, N.F._--Calcium hypophosphite (3.5%), sodium hypophosphite (2%) and pota.s.sium hypophosphite (1.75%) in water.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

_Liquor Hypophosphitum Compositus (Liq. Hypophos. Co.), Compound Solution of Hypophosphites, N.F._--Calcium hypophosphite and pota.s.sium hypophosphite (each 0.85%), sodium hypophosphite (0.22%), ferric hypophosphite (0.44%) and manganese hypophosphite (0.22%), quinine hypophosphite (0.22%), strychnine hypophosphite (0.007%) and pota.s.sium citrate in orange flower water, glycerin and water.

USES: Complex and irrational mixture.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

_Syrupus Calcii et Sodii Hypophosphitum (Syr. Calc. et Sod. Hypophos.), Syrup of Calcium and Sodium Hypophosphites, N.F._--Calcium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 3.5%), in sugar and water.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm. (N.F.).

_Syrupus Calcii Hypophosphitis (Syr. Calc. Hypophos.), Syrup of Calcium Hypophosphite, N.F._--Calcium hypophosphite (3.5%) in sugar and water.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

_Syrupus Hypophosphitum (Syr. Hypophos.), Syrup of Hypophosphites, U.S.P._--Calcium hypophosphite (4.5%), pota.s.sium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 1.5%) in glycerin and syrup.

DOSAGE: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

_Syrupus Hypophosphitum Compositus (Syr. Hypophos. Co.), Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, N.F._--Calcium hypophosphite (3.5%), pota.s.sium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 1.75%), ferric hypophosphite and manganese hypophosphite (each 0.225%), quinine (0.11%), strychnine hypophosphite (0.0123%) and sodium citrate (0.375%) in glycerin and syrup.

USES: Antiquated, complex and irrational "tonic."

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

=Calcii Iodidum, Calcium Iodide.=

_Syrupus Calcii Iodidi (Syr. Calc. Iodid.), Syrup of Calcium Iodide, N.F._--Represents calcium iodide (8.75%) in syrup.

USES: Superfluous, whether regarded as a calcium preparation or as an iodide preparation.

DOSAGE: 2 Cc. or 30 minims

=*Calcii Lactas (Calc. Lact.), Calcium Lactate, U.S.P.=--Ca(C{3}H{5}O{3}){2} + 5H{2}O.

White, odorless, practically tasteless or powder. Soluble in water (1:20) and almost insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Used for the characteristic action of calcium; less irritating and therefore better adapted to hypodermic administration than calcium chloride (which see).

DOSAGE: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in solution

=Calcii Lactophosphas (Calc. Lactophos.), Calcium Lactophosphate, N.F.=--A mixture of calcium lactate and calcium acid lactate with calcium acid phosphate.

White, odorless powder. Soluble in water; almost insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Similar to but without advantage over the lactate. Not adapted to hypodermic use.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

_Elixir Calcii Lactophosphatis (Elix. Calc. Lactophos.), Elixir of Calcium Lactophosphate, N.F._--Calcium lactophosphate (3%) in compound spirit of orange, syrup, alcohol and distilled water. Absolute alcohol content about 19 per cent. Small and probably inefficient quant.i.ties of calcium.

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

_Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Calcii Lactophosphatis (Elix.

Cinchon., Ferr. et Calc. Lactophos.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids, Iron and Calcium Lactophosphate, N.F._--(Elixir Cinchonae, Ferri et Calcii Lactophosphatis, N.F. III, Elixir of Calisaya, Iron and Lactophosphate of Lime).--Syrup of calcium lactophosphate (50%), pota.s.sium citrate (3%) and elixir of cinchona alkaloids and iron.

Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

USES: An irrational mixture, supposed to present seven active ingredients.

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

_Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis (Syr. Calc. Lactophos.), Syrup of Calcium Lactophosphate, U.S.P._--Made by dissolving precipitated calcium carbonate (2.5%) in lactic acid (6%), phosphoric acid (3.6%) and a syrup containing orange flower water.

DOSAGE: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

_Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis et Ferri (Syr. Calc. Lactophos. et Ferr.), Syrup of Calcium Lactophosphate and Iron, N.F._--Ferrous lactate and pota.s.sium citrate (each 0.85%) and syrup of calcium lactophosphate (about 99%).

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

=Calcii Phosphas Praecipitatus (Calc. Phos. Praec.), Precipitated Calcium Phosphate, N.F.=--Ca{3}(PO{4}){2}.

A bulky, white, odorless, tasteless powder. Practically insoluble in water and insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Precipitated calcium phosphate has been given in the form of powders or mixtures for its action as a calcium salt, which is similar to but without advantage over the action of the carbonate. Because of its insolubility it is now seldom used.

USES: Similar to but without advantage over the carbonate.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

_Syrupus Calcii Hydrochlorophosphatis (Syr. Calc. Hydrochlorophos.), Syrup of Calcium Hydrochlorophosphate, N.F._ (Syrupus Calcii Chlorhydrophosphatis, N.F. III).--Precipitated calcium phosphate (1.75%) flavored with tincture of lemon peel and dissolved in hydrochloric acid, water and syrup.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

=Calcii Sulphidum Crudum (Calc. Sulphid. Crud.), Crude Calcium Sulphide, U.S.P.= (Calx Sulphurata, U.S.P. VIII, Sulphurated Lime).--CaS (not less than 55%).

A pale gray or yellowish powder, with a faint hydrogen sulphide odor and a nauseous, alkaline taste. Very slightly soluble in cold water, insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Externally, depilatory similar to barium sulphide. Internally has been used to arrest and prevent suppuration especially in boils, carbuncles and pustular acne. There is no reliable evidence of its therapeutic usefulness.

DOSAGE: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.), in solution.

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