Marielle Clarac’s Engagement Chapter 8

Marielle Clarac’s Engagement -

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As of now, we have Simon-sama and His Highness the Crown Prince Sevran as men of particular notice at Lagrange royal court.

Though they have different charms, they are beautiful men. That fact made it difficult to say which is the better one of the two without mentioning their social status, personality, work and all the other things they excel in. The two of them are the subjects of the ardent look of the young girls.

When one of them finally got engaged, it's only natural for the remaining person to gather even more expectation. In the first place, His Highness’ wife would eventually become the Queen, and attain the position of the Empress. Many of them are women who long for the highest position, so no matter where His Highness would go, he would become the center of attention.

“Even so, why haven't you decide on a companion yet?”

“Shut up, leave me alone!”

While muttering at the said candid question, His Highness suddenly lost his nerve and snapped. With just such good qualification, he experienced love over and over unlike Simon-sama. Even though he happened to want to marry an average person, the reason as to why it turned bad every time, must be because he was born under a poor star.

“His Highness’ tastes are difficult, you know”

Or so Simon-sama said. While confirming the defense plan for this summer evening party, he perfectly listened to our conversation too. In a gorgeous and functional austere white uniform, he was truly cool. The saber on his waist which had a smell of danger lingering around, and the intellectual increased his villain-like figure even more.

Even though we happen to meet by chance, and although I was invited for tea by the young Misses who longed for His Highness the Crown Prince, my eyes would be drawn more by the gallant figure of my fiancé who was just working rather than His Highness’. It’s a fact that His Highness’ dreamy appearance would be recognized by everyone, but he is someone who doesn’t have my ultimate moe, the diabolic black-belly component. He is a normal refres.h.i.+ng good youth, a poor factor for projecting. For aesthetic sense, he is the most suitable, but for raising palpitation of moe-ness he is a bit lacking, ne.

“You want a lover, you say. When the words of wanting to marry left your mouth, you ended up preparing to flee once those women's favor progressed. It’s like you were crus.h.i.+ng your own chances by yourself. In this case, what should actually start will never begin”

The demon vice-captain wasn’t strict to only his subordinates, but with his master too. While mercilessly striking His Highness, I vigorously nodded. That's right. Even though His Highness was popular, he purposely turned in a direction where he'll be broken hearted.

His Highness prefer an obedient and reserved type of women. He dislikes people who want to be more beautiful and showy than anyone else and those conspicuous-type. Not only that, someone who aims for authority and social position were no good too. Even though he said such things, His Highness was to be the next king and it would be difficult to not be conscious of it. But a person who doesn’t long for the Crown Princess’ position would instead avoid to be put in a troublesome position. Even if he were to court such person, he would probably not receive a favorable reply. Even so, liking a person with a strong heart who is not thrown by society's’ tendency, he is one of a troubled Prince.

“Despite being stuck with this fixed conception, he did try to be a bit more flexible on the surrounding again and again you know. There are women who appeared showy but actually quiet inside. There were not only people who were conscious of their position as their bad aspect. You have to consider that the person who will one day become the Queen can't be careless. He can't only look at the social position, but he needs to prepare to face the opinion of the surroundings. Women who only want to soak themselves in a sense of superiority were out of the question, but someone who were conscious of themselves are rather welcomed. If he'll welcome someone who had no training, then he would need to educate her everything from the scratch. It would be quite the deal for the person who’d taught her, but he would have considerable responsibilities. Have you ever thought of this problem?”

While filling various doc.u.ments at hand, Simon-sama mercilessly pointed that out without raising his face. The surrounding knights who were in waiting, ducked their head as if they were being reprimanded, sending a pitying look at His Highness.

“Ku…..ugh, because you have fulfilled your first love, you've become conceited! You too before the engagement, found the women who courted you irritating! In the first place, you don't even have any experiences with a.s.sociating with women. Don't preach me with a face like you are a man experienced in matters of the heart!”

His Highness who was poked in a painful spot counterattacked with clenching fists. If you only listened to his voice, it would appear like he is angry; but if you looked at his face you would notice his slightly teary eyes. Aan, the teased Highness is cute. Do your best!

Simon-sama finally raised his face from the doc.u.ments. His expression didn’t change one bit at His Highness’ anger, but rather disregarded him and pa.s.sed the doc.u.ments to a subordinate.

“Look again at the pointed out parts, then re-submit it”

“Yes sir”

The knight who received it and replied with a stiff soldier-like salute, casted his eyes upon the returned plan, and his face looked like he was saying uhee. Un, there must be an earth-shattering number of things pointed out, ne. Do your best in rescheduling the entire thing.

As the subordinate retired with dropped shoulders, Simon-sama sipped a bit of tea, finally looking at His Highness.

His light-blue eyes that coldly looked past his made His Highness winced at once.

“As you have said, I had almost no experience in terms of a.s.sociating with women but, it's not like I intended to avert my eyes from them. I simply didn’t find the other party interesting. I did see who and what kind of character they had. I can a.s.sert with confidence that I am more informed of the details than His Highness”

“You said that in an appropriate way, but you didn't look at them with the eyes of a man looking at women, but you only observed them like a human being that go in and out from the Royal Court as an Imperial knight, right! Someone with undeveloped emotion like you have no right to make a fool out of me!”

“I'm not saying that you're a fool. The purpose is unrelated, right. Where and who they are, what background they have, for a guard it is necessary to grasp even their common affection, right”

“No, somehow there is something wrong you know. Probably very wrong too”

The two of them eagerly fought each other’s opinion. Regardless, Simon-sama and His Highness has completely forgot about my existence, ne. Then I shall not disturb them, and started to become air.

I held back my urge to move about, motionlessly watching over the war of words before my eyes. I shouldn’t leak my sense of existence right now. Silently, erase your presence, and becoming one with the scenery. Yes, like a stage object, just something that's here in the scenery.

When my body looked almost transparent, Simon-sama reb.u.t.ted His Highness while being unaware of me.

“Actually, finding my fated person, Marielle, was the result of my observing everyone. I wasn't misled by appearances and captured by prejudices and also learned of the true character of the person I shall marry. And that decision wasn’t a mistake. I got the best fiancé I could ask for, and feel like the happiest man in the world”

Simon-sama said that indifferently while having a face which looked even chillier. If seen from a place you can't hear their voices, they would think they are arguing concerning professional duties right. To his too serious retainer who impressively praised his spouse, won’t His Highness lose the willpower to get angry? He fell prostrating on the table.

“Even such a deviated airhead was fortunate, why won't fate visit me…, I shouldn't have envious thought about this. I want to retort that you are the only one who think that such a girl is the best, but you, yourself are happy…….If even the person concerned is satisfied with a mended lid of a broken saucepan, then you are blessed…….Kuh, as expected I am a bit envious……”

He just said something quite rude but I shall ignore the grumbling caused by the lament of a single man. Moreover, I didn't really care about His Highness now. I couldn’t stop the throbbing moe because of Simon-sama’s words.

Aah! I would've rolled in agony without restrain if this was my house! Yes, my dear. You're the best fiancé in the world for me too. I didn't even notice that fond word about my lover were leaving my mouth, he was d.a.m.n serious and some part was an adorable airhead, but I love it!

And as always, his cold-hearted and merciless demon look made me pant.

Without saying any comforting words to His Highness who lost his nerve, and with the same chilly expression, he presented one sheets of doc.u.ment to him.

“You can grasp your own fate. You should stop chasing only your ideal and look at reality for your own good. Once you found a woman that matches your taste, keep your eyes on her”

Over there was a list of women names written in a row. Not only Lagrangian, but also foreigners that where currently staying in the country. This time, on the evening party, the young misses of marriageable age would partic.i.p.ate.

I was the one who supplied the informations. I worked hard, you know. It was difficult selecting promising people close to His Highness’ taste.

Under each name, I wrote a brief personal recording and trait of their appearances, and even their hobbies and special skills.

“Please remember everything. Until the evening party”

The abused Highness raised his head at the announcement that was spoken in the same tone of a teacher.


“You'll dance with everyone at the evening party.  Of course you'll chat with them too. Without being misled by appearances, you have to earnestly make sure of their nature. Since anyone you'll choose here wouldn’t be a problem, for the rest of the party you can follow your intuition and tastes”

“No wait, wait a second!”

His Highness talked back with his utmost when his retainer announced his task.

“Don't decide on your own! What's this, my mother's instruction!? I don't remember asking you to choose a candidate!”

“I'm sick to hear your complain filled with grudges every time I get along with Marielle. Even though the cause is your own preferences, I am mostly the one who received your outburst of anger”

Simon-sama shutted him with an icy glare. His Highness dropped his momentum at once.

“Uh….m-my bad, I'll be careful from now on”

He honestly apologize. However, Simon-sama had no mercy.

“Like you’ve said, I've been asked again and again if I could do something about it, by Her Majesty the Queen. Frankly, I have to point out that you can't just run away but to try to put some effort in searching too. You had a half-baked att.i.tude, that's why Her Majesty is worried, you know. It’s fine, right? Remember all this without fail, at the very day you are going to exchange words with all of them. Discussions and complaints would be accepted after that”

Simon-sama stood up from his seat, only at the end he smiled like a flower with gentleness. Turning his back without caring for His Highness’ reaction, and coldly――left? Or so I thought, but after some time he halted his steps, and returned back quickly.

“Marielle, return back already. I'll see you off till the carriage”

――Just now, he completely forgot about my existence, ne. He smoothed it with a nonchalant expression, but I feel a tad bit of impatience. He narrowly forgot and left me behind, ne.

Ufufu, I won't complain about this cruelness you know. To fool someone from the Imperial knight order and even the demon vice captain to boot, my adaption to the scenery ability is really amazing, ne!

I took the hand he offered me and stood up. Matching Simon-sama’s smile. ……shall I extort something from him later? I bet he would listen right now.

“O-oi, wait――Hey, please wait!”

After bowing to His Highness, Simon-sama and I both left the seat for tea behind. I really couldn’t hear the calls that tells me to halt. Lovers couldn’t see anyone apart from each other, you know. The world is made just for the two of them. His Highness will surely find someone like that one day. Until then, please do your best.

“I wonder if this time will go well”

While walking accompanied by Simon-sama, my thoughts run to the evening party to come. Of course I had the desire to marry as well. ‘It would be good if His Highness found a lovely bride’ so I antic.i.p.ated. However,

“I guess that's impossible”

The word I received in return were unexpected. I looked up at my fiance beside me.

“It's impossible?”

Simon-sama slightly shrugged his shoulders, and smiled bitterly.

“He wouldn’t be motivated if forcibly pressed by another person. The dreaming love that His Highness want to see in a marriage interview――if that was coerced, he wouldn't be able to stand it and face it with nothing but dislike”

Simon-sama’s face was gentle, unlike the cold and strict att.i.tude he showed before. As a close friend who knew him since young, he showed a deep understanding of His Highness.

In that state, I tilted my head. Does it mean that Simon-sama didn't intend to advance His Highness’ marriage interview?

“If you think so, then why did you do that?”

“About Her Majesty the Queen? That was an excuse. If His Highness originally was going to accept a marriage interview, he should've been in a position were he would've decided a companion a long time ago. If he desired a marriage of love, both their Majesties would be lenient, but that too has its limit. If he just keep on dragging and delaying it, they would run out of patience”


His Highness is already twenty-seven years old. Even the tolerance of both parents, would turn into impatience.

“If he were to show at least that he is working hard in finding a companion, they would feel more or less relieved. In other words, it's an expedient to get a postponement. In that interval, it would be good if he were to find his fated person……”

While saying that, Simon-sama shook his head as if saying that it would be difficult. It’s not like the things that didn't work would immediately be solved. It seemed like there is still more to come before His Highness would find his companion.

However, it’s difficult to face your fate. Love was something that might lie in wait in a place unexpectedly close to you. If you think too much, throw away your prejudice like Simon-sama did and look more around you. Since even if they have a showy appearance they might hold a lovely personality.

I quietly turned my head to look back. His Highness who was left behind was holding his head with the list of candidate in front of him..

“Why hadn’t you told him that it was an expedient?”

Simon-sama smiled at my question. It was gentle and beautiful, but looked very mean…...the figure of the diabolic black-bellied officer that I can't cease to love is here.

Ah! That, that face! His dark smile is the best! Even though he is d.a.m.n serious and a natural airhead, in spite of that, sometimes he really is black bellied. I love such a Simon-sama!

“Her Majesty the Queen wouldn't give her consent if he isn’t serious. It was intended as a play since the beginning, as he would've slacked off and seen through immediately by Her Majesty. That would be a real discourtesy towards the young misses, right. I would like His Highness to seriously do his best”

Aan, even when faced with his best friend and master he respect, he is pardoning like a devil. Truly moefulness was fantastic. His grudge and outburst of anger incided where also returned, that's what you call the whip of love. I want to see him swinging a real whip without fail!

“At the very day, Simon-sama will work as a guard right? I will have my onii-sama as an escort so you don't have to worry. You can concentrate completely on your job. I'll secretly watch over from the shade”

While Simon-sama’s arm was cheerfully getting closer, an amazed look appeared on his face.

“If you want to observe His Highness, you don’t really need to dive in the scenery. It’s fine to just normally go beside him. I will attend as an invited guest. Of course I would guard too but, I can still be your escort. Together shall we….”

“That would be no good because I would stand out. I would surely draw attention if I go with Simon-sama. I would like to watch over close to a wall, without anyone noticing, quietly and stealthily.  While at it, to collect informations”

“Do you intend to abandon your fiancé to gather some news? Are you going to make me attend alone?”

“That’s why, isn't it fine if Simon-sama concentrate on your work?”

“Since we're not married you can be cruel between us…...Is this the『it’s good to have a husband that is well and absent from home』saying….. I refuse! We are going to partic.i.p.ate together at the evening party!”

Simon-sama declared as he exposed me, seizing my arm to not let me escape. I wasn’t even being cruel. Even though I just wanted to see with my own eyes the pitiable Highness and black belly Simon-sama. There are many things that can’t be seen when you’re up close if not observed from a place a little farther, you know.

This time Simon-sama wasn't an ally, after cornering His Highness to an edge, he would cold-heartedly play the part of an observer hiding his gentleness. I can't divert my eyes from this evening party than the other time. I have the premonition it will be full of moe throbbing. Let's tell Julienne too. What we will see is the trusted retainer x master that she likes!

Without leaking my voice, I will cheer for His Highness. Do your best in not running away please. I am looking forward to that day.

The number of young misses listed is exactly twenty. Un, you can do it, you can do it~ You just have to remember to do your best. It seems terrible to exchange words with all the candidate within that time but, if you do your best I'm sure that you'll manage somehow!

Maybe the person of his destiny is inside that group, and he'll find her.

Seven days remained until the summer evening party. ‘What kind of dress should I wear? With whom should I dance with?’ are what the young misses thinking with throbbing while worrying in their minds. Now, how many love would bloom? They are probably busy here and there trying not to overlook anything.

“Are you listening, Marielle? I want to match color with your dress, tell me your programs”

“Please come with your uniform, Simon-sama  White goes well with any color, right”

“You want to drive me to work no matter what, isn't it!”

“You're wrong. That outfit is the one that suits you best, cool and with a dangerous scent that drift about that makes me go moe. Ah, but if I were to make a request, then I would like you to carry a whip”

“If I were to carry such a thing I would draw attention for a different reason! You planned to say a random thing on the spot to escape, right”

“Won't you make me unable to s.h.i.+ft my eyes from you to not make me escape?”

“......You won't deceive me with these words”

“But if you were to carry a whip I wouldn't leave Simon-sama’s side for even an hour. Anyone else wouldn’t enter my eyes, and I would stare at Simon-sama only”

“.......N, no, this is not a dress for a dance gathering…….”

In a midsummer evening love will bloom. When will the dream disappear, will it bear fruit? That would depend on your own fate.

“Earlier, you seemed to have forgotten me behind, ne?”


I pray, so that everyone would be visited by palpitation. And so that His Highness would find his fated person.

And then, that I would be supplied with the best material ever!

                    * * * * * The end * * * * *



Nao: Wuwuwuwuwu ( /)u( ) finished translating this novel….

Ally-el: Why so fast.... I miss them already TAT

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