The life and writings of Henry Fuseli Volume I Part 13

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DEATH and SIN bridging the 'waste' of CHAOS, and met by SATAN on his return from Earth.

----The aggregated soil Death with his mace petrific, cold and dry, As with a trident smote,---- ----and the mole immense wrought on Over the foaming deep high arch'd, a bridge Of length prodigious.---- ----when behold Satan in likeness of an Angel bright---- ----Sin, his fair Enchanting daughter, thus the silence broke: O Parent, these are thy magnific deeds.

Book X. v. 293, 300, 326, 352.

In the possession of the Countess of Guilford.


SATAN discovered on his Throne, after his return from Earth.

----Down a while He sat, and round about him saw unseen: At last as from a cloud his fulgent head And shape star-bright appear'd---- ----all amaz'd At that so sudden blaze the Stygian throng Bent their aspect---- ----loud was th' acclaim: Forth rush'd in haste the great consulting peers, Rais'd from their dark Divan.---- Book X. v. 447, 452, 455.


The Vision of the Lazar-house.

----Immediately a place Before his eyes appear'd, sad, noisome, dark, A lazar-house it seem'd, wherein were laid Numbers of all diseas'd, all maladies.

Demoniac phrenzy, moping melancholy, And moon-struck madness, pining atrophy.

Marasmus---- Dire was the tossing, deep the groans; And over them triumphant Death his dart Shook, but delay'd to strike, though oft invok'd.

Book XI. v. 477, 485.

In the possession of the Countess of Guilford.


The Vision of the Deluge.

----the thicken'd sky Like a dark ceiling stood; down rush'd the rain Impetuous---- ----Sea cover'd sea, Sea without sh.o.r.e---- How didst thou grieve then, Adam, to behold The end of all thy offspring---- Depopulation!

Book XI. v. 742, 754.

In the possession of John Angerstein, Esq.


The Vision of Noah.

----from his ark The ancient sire descends with all his train; Then with uplifted hands, and eyes devout, Grateful to Heav'n, over his head beholds A dewy cloud, and in the cloud a bow.

Book XI. v. 861.

In the Church at Luton, Bedfords.h.i.+re.


The dismission of ADAM and EVE from Paradise.

In either hand the hast'ning Angel caught Our ling'ring parents, and to th' eastern gate Led them direct, and down the cliff as fast To the subjected plain; then disappear'd.

They looking back, all th' eastern side beheld Of Paradise, so late their happy seat, Wav'd over by that flaming brand, the gate With dreadful faces throng'd and fiery arms: Some natural tears they dropt.---- Book XII. v. 637.



JESUS on the pinnacle of the Temple.

There on the highest pinnacle he set The Son of G.o.d, and added thus in scorn.

There stand, if thou wilt stand; to stand upright Will ask thee skill.---- To whom thus Jesus; also it is written, Tempt not the Lord thy G.o.d: he said and stood: But Satan smitten with amazement fell.

Book IV. v. 549, 560.



MARY and JESUS. The ruin of Paganism.

The Oracles are dumb, No voice or hideous hum Runs through the arched roof in words deceiving.

Apollo from his shrine Can no more divine, &c.

The Libyc Hammon shrinks his horn; The brutish G.o.ds of Nile as fast, Isis and Orus, and the dog Anubis haste.

Stanza xix. xxii-iii.

In the possession of John Knowles, Esq.


PICTURE x.x.x.

Faery Mab.

In the possession of the Countess of Guilford.


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