The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson Volume II Part 4

The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson -

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"Apropos," he at length concludes, "the Emperor of Russia has sent me his picture, in a magnificent box; but, this shall not prevent my keeping a sharp look out on his movements against the good Turk."

Part of the money mentioned in this letter, as well as of the arms, ammunition, &c. requested by the deputies, and three of the deputies themselves, were conveyed, in La Bonne Citoyenne, by Captain Nisbet, to Malta, in his return to Constantinople; who was charged with dispatches for Sir Sidney Smith, Spencer Smith, Esq. his brother, and his Excellency Constantine Upsilanti, at the Ottoman court. The remainder of the arms, ammunition, stores, and money, with the other three deputies, were sent to Malta by Captain Gage in the Terpsich.o.r.e: who was afterwards to deliver a letter from Lord Nelson to his Sardinian Majesty, at Cagliari in Sardinia; to call at Minorca, for any dispatches which Commodore Duckworth might have for the Earl of St. Vincent; and, finally, to join the commander in chief at Gibraltar, or wherever else the earl might happen to be.

On the 10th of March, General Sir Charles Stuart arrived at Palermo, with the thirtieth and eighty-ninth regiments; who immediately departed for Messina. This, his lords.h.i.+p observes, in a letter to Mr. Windham, a few days afterwards, would not only save that important place from all danger, but had already acted like an electrical shock over the whole island, and must extend it's influence to Naples.

With abundant address, at this period, Lord Nelson offered himself as a mediator between the Bey of Tunis and Bashaw of Tripoli, and his Sicilian Majesty and the Queen of Portugal: for which purpose, he wrote to Perkin Magra, Esq. the British consul at Tunis, as well as to the bey himself; and to the Bashaw of Tripoli, as well as to Simon Lucas, Esq.

Consul-General at that court Mrs. Magra, and her family, it appears, were then residing in the hospitable mansion of Sir William Hamilton, as well as his lords.h.i.+p; for he says, writing to the consul, and mentioning his lady and family, "they will give you all the chit-chat of the place.

Lady Hamilton is so good to them, that they in truth require nothing from me; but, whenever they think it right to go to Tunis, a s.h.i.+p of war shall carry them."

On the 17th, Captain Troubridge and Captain Hood arrived with the squadron from Egypt, where every endeavour to destroy the transports at Alexandria proved quite ineffectual. The French had, after the departure of Lord Nelson, very strongly fortified all the points of the harbour; and the transports could not be destroyed by, as all the mortars burst, and six fires.h.i.+ps were lost in a gale of wind. This was a mortifying circ.u.mstance to our hero, and it did not come unaccompanied.

Captain Troubridge was the bearer of Sir Sidney Smith's dispatches; which, with their usual fatality, again offended his lords.h.i.+p in one of the nicest points. The cause, and the effect, will at once be seen in the following most peremptory epistle.

"Vanguard, Palermo, 18th March 1799.


Captain Troubridge arrived here last evening: and, as he has delivered to me all the papers he received from you, amongst which I see a form of a; and Captain Troubridge tells me, that it was your intention to send into Alexandria, that all French s.h.i.+ps might pa.s.s to France--now, as this is _in direct opposition to my opinion_; which is, _never to suffer any one individual Frenchman to quit Egypt_; I must, therefore, _strictly charge and command you_, never to give any French s.h.i.+p, or man, leave to quit Egypt. And I must also desire, that you will oppose, by every means in your power, any permission which may be attempted to be given by any foreigner, admiral, general, or other person; and you will acquaint those persons, that I shall not pay the smallest attention to any such after your notification: and you are to put my orders in force, not on any pretence to permit a single Frenchman to leave Egypt. Of course, you will give these orders to all the s.h.i.+ps under your command. As I am very, anxious for the return of the Emma polacre, I have to request that you will not detain her more than two hours. As I shall hope to have a constant communication with you, through the means of the Turkish or Russian admirals, all letters for your squadron, I shall direct to be left in the Vanguard.

"I am, Sir, your very humble servant,


"Sir William Sidney Smith, Captain of his Majesty's s.h.i.+p Le Tigre."

Not even the judicious plan which his lords.h.i.+p was now busily engaged in arranging for the recovery of Naples, with all the other objects of his incessant care, could divert his attention from that grand object, the entire destruction of the French armament sent to Egypt. He had just received information of the, surrender of Corfu; and, about this time, a very elegant and flattering letter had been written to his lords.h.i.+p by the King of Sardinia, full of grat.i.tude for the protection of the British flag in conveying him from Leghorn. In writing to the Earl of St. Vincent, after mentioning these subjects, with the return of Captain Troubridge's squadron from Egypt, he observes that it is his intention to send a small squadron, under that commander, into the Bay of Naples, "I wish, first," says his lords.h.i.+p, "to take the Island of Procida, which will secure a tolerable anchorage, and effectually blockade Naples. It must, also, have the effect of preventing the French from detaching any troops from Naples to to the provinces, who are all loyal.

The court tells me, that twelve thousand Russians, and fifteen thousand Turks, are ready to cross the Adriatic, to land in the kingdom of Naples. If so, our squadron will create a powerful diversion." Having stated the reasons which have been seen for Captain Troubridge's failure at Alexandria, he adverts to Sir Sidney, who has now the blockade of that place. "I send you," says his lords.h.i.+p, "copies of my letters to him; for the victory of the Nile would, in my opinion, be useless, if any s.h.i.+p, or Frenchman, is suffered to return to Europe. I hope you will approve of my conduct; for, as a captain to an admiral, either Sir Sidney Smith, or myself, must give way. Bonaparte is at Cairo, not more than sixteen thousand strong. He must and will fall, sooner or later, if Sir Sidney Smith does not allow him to retreat by sea. As to myself, I am, at times, ill at my ease: but, it is my duty to submit; and, you may be sure, I shall not quit my post, without absolute necessity. If the emperor moves, I hope yet to return the royal family to Naples. At present, I cannot move; would the court but let me, I should be better: for, here, I am writing from morn to eve; therefore, you must excuse this jumble of a letter."

Neither of these letters, however, mention the very important circ.u.mstance of Captain Troubridge's having intercepted Bonaparte's dispatches, on his way to Constantinople; which is contained in the following communication to his Excellency the Honourable William Windham, for the purpose of having that satisfactory intelligence transmitted to England. This letter, as well as other dispatches of the 21st, to Mr. Windham, was written on board the Culloden; into which s.h.i.+p Lord Nelson had s.h.i.+fted his flag, having that day sent Captain Hardy to Tripoli with the Vanguard.

"Culloden, Palermo, 22d March 1799.


The amba.s.sador of Bonaparte being intercepted by my friend Troubridge, on his way to Constantinople, among other articles of his instructions, is a very important one; viz. an offer to enter on terms for his quitting Egypt, with his army. This offer is what I have long expected the glorious battle of the Nile would produce; but it was my determination, from that moment, never, if I could help it, to permit a single Frenchman to quit Egypt. Captain Sir William Sidney Smith, who has the present command of the squadron off Alexandria, I have reason to believe, thinks differently from me, and will grant pa.s.sports for that part of the French army which G.o.d Almighty permits to remain. I have, therefore, thought it highly proper to send Captain Sir Sidney Smith the order of which I transmit a copy; for, I consider it nothing short of madness, to permit that band of thieves to return to Europe. _No!_ to Egypt they went, with their own consent: and there they shall remain, whilst Nelson commands this detached squadron; for never, never, will he consent to the return of one s.h.i.+p or Frenchman.

"I beg your excellency will take the earliest opportunity of sending this important information, and a copy of my letter to Captain Sir Sidney Smith, to England; and ever believe me, with the greatest respect, your obliged and faithful servant,


On the 25th of March, Lord Nelson says, in a letter to Captain Ball, dated at Palermo--"Now, my dear friend, Captain Nisbet is appointed to the Thalia, a very fine frigate, and I wish he may do credit to himself, and in her. Will you do me the favour of keeping her, and sending me La Minerve; for I want c.o.c.kburne, for service of _head_. As soon as Captain Barker's surveys, &c. are over, make one of the small craft bring him here. I have sent Vanguard to Tripoli, to scold the bashaw. Tunis behaves well. As Corfu has surrendered, I hope Malta will follow the example very soon. I am not well; but keep rubbing on, from day to day.

G.o.d bless you; finish the business as soon as you can."

Captain Dunn, in the Thalia, for Captain Nisbet, was the bearer of the above letter with other dispatches to Captain Ball; and Captain Maling took his pa.s.sage in the Thalia, to supercede Captain Nisbet in La Bonne Citoyenne. Captain Dunn went to supercede Captain Barker in the Incendiary; on his appointment to the Barfleur; and he was required to join Lord Nelson by the very first opportunity, being wanted to go down the Mediterranean.

This day, too, his lords.h.i.+p wrote congratulatory letters to the Russian and Turkish admirals, on the surrender of Corfu; and invited them, respectively, to co-operate with him in placing the good King and Queen of Naples again on their throne in the capital of that kingdom. To Speridion Foresti, Esq. the consul at Corfu, Lord Nelson wrote, also, the following very flattering encomiums, in a letter which contains some additional reasons for his lords.h.i.+p's complaint with regard to Sir Sidney Smith.

"Palermo, 26th March 1799.


"I feel myself very much obliged by your interesting and important letters, which I have sent to the Earl of St. Vincent. Give me leave to say that, throughout my command in the Levant seas, you have done yourself the highest honour; and rendered, as far as was possible, the greatest services to your country. This public testimony, from a stranger to every thing except your good conduct, will, I trust, be not unacceptable. I observe what you tell me of Lord Grenville's orders to obey Sir William Sidney Smith. You will, of course, follow Lord Grenville's orders, as Sir William Sidney Smith is considered as a minister at Constantinople. I, also, know him in that capacity, jointly with his worthy brother; but, Captain of the Tigre, and in all matters relative to naval operations, he is under my orders: and this I would have you perfectly understand; and explain, when it may be necessary. For an idea seems gone abroad, very injurious to my credit in the world; that, although I was entrusted with the command of the detached squadron, even into the Black Sea, should the French have got there--that, although I had the happiness of commanding the squadron who obtained the glorious victory off the Nile--Captain Sir William Sidney Smith was sent out to command somewhere, in prejudice to me, and four or five captains now serving with me, in the Levant. Having stated this fully to you, you will be equal to every explanation. Whenever you favour me with your very interesting correspondence, I shall receive it with pleasure. As Sir William Hamilton writes you, I shall not repeat, &c. &c.


Speridion Foresti, Esq.

Every exertion was at this time making, by Lord Nelson, and Captain Troubridge, in concert with their Sicilian Majesties, for the recovery of Naples from the domination of the French. Cardinal Ruffo, who united, in himself, the three important characters of statesman, prelate, and general, had raised a large army of loyalists in the provinces, by the powerful operation of the Catholic cause, and headed in person what was denominated the Christian Army. The French, with their usual insatiable thirst of plunder, officers as well as men, had attended to little else than their own individual gratifications, since they entered Naples; and this did not fail to produce it's customary concomitant, a speedy spirit of insubordination. The fiery population of Naples, in the mean time, like the volcano in it's vicinity, though at present apparently tranquil, might be expected suddenly to burst forth, and overwhelm every obstacle to the progress of it's destructive torrent. In this state of things, it was judiciously resolved that Captain Troubridge should proceed to the Bay of Naples; for which purpose, Lord Nelson--who had, by the general promotion of admirals, on the 14th of February, been made Rear-Admiral of the Red---furnished that brave officer with the following instructions.

By Horatio Lord Nelson, K.B. Rear-Admiral of the Red, &c.

"Whereas it is of the utmost importance, that the city and towns in the Bay of Naples should be immediately blockaded, to prevent the French forces in those places from getting any supplies of corn or other articles by sea; and it being expedient that an officer of your distinguished merit and abilities should command the blockade, in order to render it the more effectual--

"You are hereby required and directed to take under your command, the s.h.i.+ps named in the margin--[Minotaur, Zealous, Swiftsure, Seahorse, Perseus bomb, and El Corso sloop]--embarking on board them the Governor of Procida, and two hundred troops, as also such officers as are ordered by his Sicilian Majesty to embark with them, and proceed to the Bay of Naples. And it being necessary that the squadron employed on this service should have some safe anchorage, the more effectually to carry on the said blockade, and the Island of Procida affording the anchorage desired, you will do your endeavours to seize and get possession of the said Island of Procida, if possible, and reinstate the governor in the command thereof, and using every means in your power to conciliate the affections of the loyal part of the inhabitants; and, also, of those of the islands of Ischia and Capri; and, if possible, bring them to their former allegiance: and, also, to communicate with the loyal inhabitants of Naples, as much as in your power, and by every opportunity; but, by no means, to fire upon the city, without farther orders from me, or circ.u.mstances render it necessary to fire on some parts of it, in case of the loyal taking arms against the French. And you will use every effort to prevent all supplies of corn, or other articles, from entering the city and ports in the Bay of Naples; and also of Gaietta and it's vicinity, and along the Roman coast to Civita Vecchia: and, as it is said, the Ponzo Islands continue in their allegiance to his Sicilian Majesty, you will direct that all protection and a.s.sistance may be given to them, should they stand in need. And you will consider that every means is to be used, not only by yourself, but by all those under your command, to communicate with the inhabitants on all the northern coast of the kingdom of Naples, and the islands before mentioned; and, as much as in your power, to cultivate a good understanding with them, and conciliate their affections, in order to induce them to return to their allegiance to his Sicilian Majesty, and to take arms to liberate their country from French tyranny and oppressive contributions.

Palermo, 28th March 1799.

To Captain Troubridge, his Majesty's s.h.i.+p Culloden.

Captain Troubridge, who was also armed with additional powers by his Sicilian Majesty, sailed on the 31st of March to the Bay of Naples, for the purpose of carrying into effect these important orders. It is a singular fact that, even at this very period, when Lord Nelson was thus engaged in securing Sicily from the French, as well as labouring to obtain the restoration of Naples, attempts were making, by the Governor of Messina, then actually protected by British troops, to prevent the condemnation of a French prize which had been taken near the entrance of that port, as if it were still in a state of neutrality. It is difficult to decide, whether this strange conduct originated in a pusillanimous dread of French resentment, or a traitorous disaffection to his Sicilian Majesty. Lord Nelson, however, soon satisfied the prize agents, Messrs.

Birch and Broadbent, at Messina, that such shameful conduct would not be submitted to by a British admiral. He wrote, accordingly, the following spirited letter to those gentlemen, which immediately produced it's desired effect.

"Palermo, 2d April 1799.


I have received your letter of the 26th of March, and am exceedingly surprised that the Governor of Messina should presume to interfere in the captures made by a British s.h.i.+p of war. Captain Foley is justifiable in taking the French tartan, although she was going into the port, or even in the port. You will, therefore, claim from him the materials of which the vessel has been plundered; and, at the same time, demand from him what he has done with the French prisoners of war taken in the vessel, as it is highly presumptuous in him to interfere with British prisoners of war. As to demands made against the vessel, it is my desire that they are not paid, nor has he any right to make them; on the contrary, the captors have a right to demand, from him, satisfaction, for the employment of the vessel on the coast of Calabria. I am, gentlemen, your very humble servant,


The Vanguard this day arrived from Tripoli; and Captain Hardy brought, with other pacific promises, from the bashaw, the most positive a.s.surances that no provisions should be sent to Malta by any of his subjects: but, his lords.h.i.+p observed, interest is, we know, their main spring, and they are not to be greatly depended on. The bashaw of Tripoli had, in fact, made a treaty with Bonaparte on the 24th of February, when he received a present of a diamond; the pernicious effects of which, to Great Britain and her allies, his lords.h.i.+p was thus determined totally to counteract.

On the 5th of April, in a letter to his Excellency Sir Charles Whitworth, the British minister at Petersburgh, Lord Nelson thus writes respecting Malta--We certainly have, at an expence of fifteen thousand pounds a month, so closely blockaded the port of La Valette, that the appearance of the Russian troops on the island must insure it's fall in a week, if famine does not force it's surrender before their arrival.

The garrison are mutinous, and in dreadful want of provisions. The scurvy cannot be checked. His lords.h.i.+p then observes, that his anxiety to get possession of Le Guillaume Tell, and two frigates, which escaped after the battle of the Nile, will not be doubted; and that these s.h.i.+ps, but for our close blockade, would probably have long ago been in France: all which, he begs, may be submitted to his Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Russia. He has, he adds, given directions to Captain Ball to co-operate in the most cordial manner with the Russian troops; who so ably conducted himself, not only as a sea-officer, but as conciliating the affections of the Maltese, that he was, unanimously, by the islanders, and with the approbation of his Sicilian Majesty, elected their general and chief. His lords.h.i.+p trusts that, should the order be restored, Captain Ball would be a knight of it; "for a more gallant, able officer, does not grace this world. I feel," continues he, "I have said a great deal; but, with my honour, I pledge myself for the truth of it." Then, with the most consummate address, Lord Nelson proceeds to remark--"His imperial majesty will know, that the poor islanders have often, in their distress, and as a mark of their grat.i.tude, offered--as far as they could--themselves for subjects of our king, and made their request to his Sicilian Majesty; but both Sir William Hamilton and myself, knowing that no views of individual aggrandizement actuate the breast of our gracious sovereign, have invariably refused every offer of that nature: but, in the present situation of his Sicilian Majesty, and by his desire, his colours and the British flag fly together, to mark that Great Britain protects the flag of his Sicilian Majesty. It is proper in this place to mention, as the heart of the emperor overflows with justice, that in many instances the islanders have been grievously oppressed by the order; probably, more by their consummate pride, than by a wish to oppress. I know, it is only necessary to mention this matter, for the consideration of the present ill.u.s.trious Grand Master, to have it remedied; by which, a brave and industrious people will be rendered happy." His lords.h.i.+p concludes this exquisite proof of diplomatic dexterity, with observing, that he impatiently waits the arrival of the Russian troops; by nine or ten thousand of whom Naples would be recovered in a week, and his imperial majesty have the glory of replacing a good monarch and an amiable queen, again on their throne.

Captain Troubridge, in the mean time, was executing, with all possible activity and success, the very important duties which he had been sent to perform. The islands of Procida, Ischia, and Capri, immediately surrendered; and the inhabitants in general, who had been greatly oppressed by the usurpers, manifested such a spirit of loyalty, that they gladly delivered up all the officers for the disposal of their lawful sovereign, and the princ.i.p.als were received, as prisoners, on board the British squadron. The information of these auspicious commencements diffused universal joy at Palermo; and greatly revived the drooping spirits of their Sicilian Majesties, who readily sent the distressed islanders all the relief which it was in their power to bestow, both in provisions and money. The consideration of those distresses, however, while they excited the compa.s.sion of their majesties for the oppressed, necessarily called forth their indignation against the oppressors: and, with the relief sent under convoy of La Minerve, for the most distressed of the former; a judge was sent out by his Sicilian Majesty, on board that vessel, charged with a special commission for the trial and execution of the most criminal among the latter.

In writing, on the 12th of April, to the Earl of St. Vincent, respecting these events, his lords.h.i.+p says--"Captain Troubridge is in complete possession of Procida, Ischia, and Capri; the inhabitants of which islands have joyfully hoisted his Sicilian Majesty's colours, cut down the Tree of Liberty, and delivered up all the munic.i.p.ality and the detested Jacobins; all of whom are confined on board s.h.i.+p, and in the chateau of Ischia. The French in Naples are not more than two thousand, the civic guards about twenty thousand; but, as these last will not remain fighting for the French if there is any risk, I am warranted in saying that ten thousand troops would place the king again on his throne." The health of his lords.h.i.+p appears to have been, at this period, very indifferent. Indeed, the air of Sicily seems by no means to have ever agreed with him. He says, in this letter, speaking of Sir William and Lady Hamilton--"We, of this house, are all anxious to get home; yet, in the present moment, cannot move. Indeed, we have been the main-spring, joined with you, that have kept, and are keeping, this so much out of repair machine from breaking to pieces." The difficulties, indeed, of supporting a government every way so feeble in what const.i.tutes the true strength of a state, perplexed our hero in no small degree. He saw, every where, that inactivity and indecision which so little accorded with his own prompt and active mind; and he languished for the busy scenes of action, from which he was detained by the alarms of their Sicilian Majesties, and the constant claims on the wisdom of his councils, which they could not always find the means, or even the firmness, completely to carry into execution.

Captain Ball had transmitted a painful picture of the wretched state of the inhabitants of Malta, but their Sicilian Majesties were incapable of affording them relief; Captain Troubridge had been obliged to part with all his flour, to preserve the recovered islands from starving. "I have," says his lords.h.i.+p, in another letter to the Earl of St. Vincent, dated the 17th of April, "eternally been pressing for supplies; and represented that a hundred thousand pounds, given away in provisions, just now, might purchase a kingdom. In short, my dear lord, my desire to serve, as is my duty, faithfully their Sicilian Majesties, has been such, that I am almost blind, and worn out; and cannot, in my present state, hold out much longer. I would, indeed, lay down my life for such good and gracious monarchs; but I am useless, when I am unable to do what, G.o.d knows, my heart leads me to."

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