The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson Volume II Part 1

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The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson.

Vol. II.

by James Harrison.

In tracing the history of a hero so active as Lord Nelson, the mind can scarcely be allowed a moment's pause. His multifarious transactions, indeed, frequently arise in such rapid successions, that they become far too much involved with each other to admit of any precise chronological arrangement. Operations are commenced, which cannot always be soon brought to a conclusion: and, while these are transacting, an attention to other occurrences, of more or less magnitude, becomes perpetually requisite; which are, in their turn, subjected to similar procrastinating delays and necessarily diverted attentions.

The cares of Lord Nelson can hardly be said to have one minute ceased, even when he landed, in safety, at Palermo, the royal and ill.u.s.trious characters, and their immense treasure, which he had successfully conveyed thither, amidst such alarming difficulties and dangers. His anxious bosom, it is true, was now relieved from the apprehensions which it had suffered during the storm; and felt, no doubt, as it ought, a sympathetic sense of the grateful felicitations of beloved friends, on the event of their happy arrival at a place of secure refuge. He could not, indeed, fail to rejoice in their joy: but it was, with all of them, a joy mingled with melancholy; and, with him, it was particularly so.

An intellectual tempest, at this apparently enviable period of our hero's glory, was violently agitating the secret recesses of his too susceptible heart. Justly jealous of honour, his soul ever kindled with alarm at the most remote idea of aught that could, by any possibility of implication, be considered as having the smallest tendency to sully or impair a single particle of that celestial inheritance which he felt conscious of having a legitimate right to possess in undiminished l.u.s.tre, If it should be thought, by the more calmly philosophical mind, that he might sometimes too soon take the alarm; let it, at least, not fail to be remembered, that the true votary of honour must never be, even once, a single moment too late.

The reader who has attentively perused the preceding part of Lord Nelson's history, will long since have discovered, that one grand trait of character, in this exalted man, was a determined resolution of accomplis.h.i.+ng, to it's fullest possible extent, the business, whatever it might be, which was once committed to his charge; and that, in every expedition, it formed his chief pride, to effect even more than could have been expected, by those who had, from the greatest possible confidence in his skill and ability, selected him for the enterprise. It was this invariable principle that, by prompting him to serve on sh.o.r.e, at the batteries before Calvi, cost him the vision of an eye; and it was to this same cause, that he owed the loss of his arm at Teneriffe.

Conformably to this grand characteristic, having so honourably received the Earl of St. Vincent's orders to seek and to destroy the French armament, which he had at length gloriously encountered at the mouth of the Nile; he still internally regretted, that the wound on that occasion received in his forehead, by rendering him almost wholly blind, had proved the sole cause of a single French s.h.i.+p's escape. Not that this undoubted conviction in his own bosom, that he should certainly have captured or destroyed the whole fleet, conveys the smallest reflection on any other officer for not having effected the same purpose: for, most a.s.suredly, though many captains in this n.o.ble squadron might boast of equal bravery with himself, and of much skill too, Lord Nelson greatly surpa.s.sed them all, and perhaps every other naval commander, in that prompt.i.tude of vigorously winged imagination which instantaneously rises to the exigency. The moment Captain Berry had, on first beholding the position of the French fleet at anchor, fully comprehended the entire scope of his adored admiral's design for the attack, he exclaimed, in an extacy--"If we succeed, what will the world say?"--"There is no if in the case," coolly replied the admiral: "that we shall succeed, is certain; who may live to tell the story, is a very different question!"

So positive was this great man of success, even before the battle commenced.

Though Lord Nelson had hitherto failed in taking the fugitive s.h.i.+ps from Egypt, and the transports were not yet destroyed at Alexandria; he never relinquished the idea, that some of his "band of brothers," the heroic captains of the Nile, might finally fall in with, and either take or destroy, the two line of battle s.h.i.+ps, and two frigates, which had alone escaped, and thus complete the destruction of all the s.h.i.+ps of war. Nor had the comprehensive mind of our hero limited it's hope to these alone: he trusted that some of his brave band would at least a.s.sist in effecting the destruction of the transports; as well as in preventing every remaining Frenchman, who had been landed in Egypt, from ever returning to France. For this purpose, he had not only left Captain Hood on the coast; but solicited, both at home, and of our allies, the requisite bomb-vessels, &c. by repeated most urgent epistles.

At length, the necessary preparations had been made, and dispatched from England, under the command of Sir William Sidney Smith, brother of the English minister, Mr. Spencer Smith, at the Ottoman court. The high character of Sir Sidney Smith--as he is usually called--for intrepid gallantry, as well as for incomparable dexterity and address in that species of naval exploit which may be denominated incendiary warfare, seemed to justify sufficiently the judgment of the Admiralty in selecting a character so respectably enterprising for this service, and the measure was certainly extremely popular at home. Every thing, indeed, was expected from Sir Sidney Smith's ability: and truth requires the acknowledgment, that neither government, nor the people, were finally disappointed; as the history of the siege of Acre, where he commanded on sh.o.r.e, and fairly defeated Bonaparte, will for ever afford a most satisfactory and substantial proof.

A very obvious consequence, however, attended this appointment; which, strange as it may seem, undoubtedly escaped the attention of the Admiralty, as well as of the country at large: the former of whom, it is certain, would not have adopted, nor the latter have applauded, any act which they had foreseen could be liable to hurt the feelings of their chief favourite, the gallant hero of the Nile.

Not only did this measure introduce a new British hero to a.s.sist in the full accomplishment of the business originally committed, by the Earl of St. Vincent, to Admiral Nelson; appearing, to his lords.h.i.+p's exquisite feelings, an implied defectiveness in his n.o.ble band of brothers for the completion of the enterprise: but, by the circ.u.mstance of Sir Sidney Smith's authorization to take under his command Captain Hood, and the s.h.i.+ps left with him in Egypt, Lord Nelson felt himself deprived of a part of his squadron, in favour of a junior officer, who would consequently be placed above his brave friends.

The day after leaving Naples, his lords.h.i.+p had received dispatches from Sir Sidney Smith, then off Malta, in his way to Egypt, apprizing him of these intentions; and, on the 27th, at Palermo, others from the Earl of St. Vincent, who does not appear to have been previously consulted, respecting the appointment of Sir Sidney Smith. It is probable, therefore, that the n.o.ble earl might partic.i.p.ate with his gallant friend in the unpleasant feelings thus excited. Unfortunately, too, Sir Sidney had written, about this period, to our hero's friend, Sir William Hamilton; in terms, as it should seem, of insufficient caution; originating, perhaps, merely in the ebullitions of an honest overflowing heart, alive to it's own importance. Be this as it may, that of Lord Nelson was fired with an indignation, which he thus vehemently expresses to his commander in chief.

"Palermo, 31st Dec. 1798.


"I do _feel, for I am man_, that it is impossible for me to serve in those seas, with a squadron under a junior officer. Could I have thought it; and, from Earl Spencer? Never, never was I so astonished, as your letter made me. As soon as I can get hold of Troubridge, I shall send him to Egypt, to endeavour to destroy the s.h.i.+ps in Alexandria. If it can be done, Troubridge will do it. The Swedish knight writes Sir William Hamilton, that he shall go to Egypt, and take Captain Hood, and his squadron, under his command.

The knight forgets the respect due to his superior officer. He has no orders from you, to take my s.h.i.+ps away from my command: but, it is all of a piece. Is it to be borne? Pray, grant me your permission to retire; and, I hope, the Vanguard will be allowed to convey me, and my friends Sir William and Lady Hamilton, to England. G.o.d bless you, my dear lord! and believe me, your affectionate friend,


"Earl of St. Vincent."

His lords.h.i.+p now, certainly, had it in contemplation to retire, as expressed in the above letter. He even went so far, as to request the Earl of St. Vincent's permission, that he might leave the command to his gallant and most excellent second, Captain Troubridge, or some other of his brave friends who so gloriously fought at the battle of the Nile--if his health and uneasiness of mind should not be mended. In the mean time, he resolved to send Captain Troubridge to Egypt, as he had before intended, that he might endeavour to destroy the transports in Alexandria; after which, he was now to deliver up the Levant Seas to the care of Sir Sidney Smith.

Piqued as Lord Nelson evidently was, on this occasion, by what he felt as the obtrusion of Sir Sidney Smith, to the exclusion of his favourite band of brothers, he nevertheless wished him all possible success, and readily yielded him every requisite a.s.sistance in his power. At the same time, with abundant address, his lords.h.i.+p selected, from the dispatches which had been transmitted to him, an extract from Lord Grenville's instructions, which he transcribed into the following letter to Sir Sidney Smith, as a gentle hint that this officer's authority was not wholly without restriction.

"Palermo, Dec. 31, 1798.


"I have been honoured with your letter from off Malta, with it's several inclosures: viz. An extract of a letter from Lord Grenville to John Spencer Smith, Esq. &c.--"And his majesty has been graciously pleased to direct, that your brother, Sir Sidney Smith, shall proceed to Constantinople with the eighty-gun s.h.i.+p Le Tigre.

His instructions will enable him to take the command of such of his majesty's s.h.i.+ps as he may find in those seas--unless, by any unforeseen accident, it should happen that there should be, among them, any of his majesty's officers of superior rank; and he will be directed to act with such force, in conjunction with the Russian and Ottoman squadrons, for the defence of the Ottoman empire, and for the annoyance of the enemy in that quarter:"--Also, an extract of another letter, from Lord Grenville to yourself and brother--And the Earl of St. Vincent having sent me an extract of a letter from Earl Spencer to him; saying that, for certain circ.u.mstances, you should be the officer selected for the command of a small squadron in the Levant Seas: and, his lords.h.i.+p having also informed me, that Captain Miller was the officer of your choice; and directing me to give you a frigate, or a sloop of war, till Captain Miller's arrival--You may rest a.s.sured, that I shall most strictly comply with the instructions sent by Lord Grenville to your brother; also, those of Earl Spencer, and the Earl of St. Vincent. For this purpose, I must desire that you will lose no time in proceeding to Alexandria, to take upon you the command of the blockade, &c. which I shall direct to be delivered up to you; and, from my heart, I wish you every success. The united squadrons of the Turks and Russians, and of two sail of the line under your command, must be sufficient for the two s.h.i.+ps _armee en flute_, and three frigates; which, thank G.o.d! are all the enemy have left in those seas.

"I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient servant,


It is by no means improbable, that Lord Nelson, while coolly transcribing the above pa.s.sage from Lord Grenville's judiciously guarded instructions, to convince Sir Sidney Smith, that he was not restrained, had in some measure convinced himself that those instructions could not possibly be intended to give him, or his gallant friends, the smallest just cause of offence.

On this same day, the last of the glorious year 1798, his lords.h.i.+p also wrote the following answer to a letter from John Julius Angerstein, Esq.

Chairman of the Committee at Lloyd's, which he had just received.

"Vanguard, Palermo, 31st Dec. 1798.


"I have had the honour of receiving your's of the 10th October, inclosing a circular letter addressed to the commanders in the squadron under my command, requesting them to favour the committee with the lists of the killed and wounded on board their respective s.h.i.+ps at the battle of the Nile: and I beg leave to acquaint you, that I have given the necessary directions to the captains of the s.h.i.+ps at present under my command to furnish the committee with lists, agreeable to their wishes; and will write to the captains of those s.h.i.+ps which are gone down the Mediterranean with the prizes, to do the same as soon as possible, in order to forward their charitable intentions.

"I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, your most obedient and humble servant,


However, neither this nor any other pleasing employ, amidst his lords.h.i.+p's numerous indispensible avocations, could hastily reconcile him to the unpleasant circ.u.mstance of not being left to finish the business which he had so n.o.bly commenced, and so nearly closed. Even the soothings of his amiable and ill.u.s.trious friends were ineffectual; and, on the next day, the first of the year 1799, he wrote to Earl Spencer for permission to return to England. This fact will appear in the following letter; though, happily, by the timely and judicious interference of the Earl of St. Vincent, added to the earnest and united requests of the King and Queen of Naples, and Sir William and Lady Hamilton, he was induced finally to continue a command which the royal sufferers felt so necessary for their protection.

"Palermo, 1st Jan. 1799.


"I have transmitted to Mr. Nepean, by way of Vienna, a duplicate of my letter to the commander in chief: which, of course, will likewise be sent you from him; and it will inform you of all which has pa.s.sed, from the determination of leaving Naples to our arrival at Palermo.

"The day after I left Naples, I received a letter from Sir Sidney Smith, with several inclosures. I send you my answer. Every thing which the extracts sent me by Sir Sidney Smith point out to him, has been fully talked over, and fully explained, by Kelim Effendi; a person holding the office similar to our under-secretary of state, who had been sent with my Order of Merit: for, by the form of the invest.i.ture, that seems to me the properest name to call it.

"And now, my lord, having left the command of the two sail of the line in the Levant Seas to Sir Sidney Smith--than whom, I dare say, no one could be so proper--Commodore Duckworth will ably, I am sure, watch Toulon; for I shall very soon, I hope, be able to send him one or two sail of the line: and, Captain Troubridge, or some other of my brave and excellent commanders, being left to guard the One Sicily, and the coast of Italy; I trust, I shall not be thought hasty, in asking permission to return to England for a few months, to gather a little of that ease and quiet I have so long been a stranger to.

"Captain Troubridge goes directly to Egypt, to deliver up to Sir Sidney Smith the blockade of Alexandria, and the defence of the Ottoman empire by sea; for, I should hope, that Sir Sidney Smith will not take any s.h.i.+p from under my command, without my orders; although Sir Sidney, rather hastily, in my opinion, writes Sir William Hamilton, that Captain Hood naturally falls under his orders. I am, probably, considered as having a great force; but I always desire it to be understood, that I count the Portuguese as nothing but trouble. Ever believe, my dear lord, your most obliged


"January 2d. General Acton has just wrote me, that the French are within thirty miles of Naples, on the 30th. Marquis De Niza is prepared to burn the s.h.i.+ps when the French get a little nearer.

Mack is at Capua, with a strong force, numbers not mentioned.

Dreadful weather! The great queen very ill: I fear for her.


Two causes, in a short time, particularly contributed, as it should seem, to tranquillize the mind of our hero, with regard to what he could not but consider as Sir Sidney Smith's too great a.s.sumption of authority: one of these was, the hope that his friend Captain Troubridge might effect the destruction of the transports at Alexandria before Sir Sidney's arrival; and the other, immediate information from the Earl of St. Vincent, that he was as little satisfied as Lord Nelson himself, with the business which had so deeply affected his feelings, and had therefore exerted his own power to prevent any such future occurrence.

"Sir Sidney Smith," says his lords.h.i.+p, writing this month to Captain Ball, "from a letter he wrote the Earl of St. Vincent off Malta, has given great offence; having said, that he presumed, all the s.h.i.+ps in the Levant being junior to him, he had a right to take them under his command. His lords.h.i.+p has, in consequence, given him a broad hint, and taken him handsomely down; and, to prevent any thing of the kind happening in future, he has ordered Sir Sidney to put himself _immediately_ under my command." These great men, however, though they felt jealous of their own command, had minds superior to the retention of any continued animosity; and, when they fully understood each other, became very sincere friends. They were all equally anxious for the good of the country; for the honour of the profession; and, for their own individual reputation. Their differences consisted more in the manner than in the form and substance of the thing; and, perhaps, on the whole, Lord Nelson's excess of feeling may be regarded as having, for a time, punished both himself and Sir Sidney with far more severity than the necessity of the case, when coolly considered, could by any means render requisite.

One of the first public measures taken by his Sicilian majesty, after arriving at Palermo, was that of sending away, from the whole island of Sicily, every Frenchman it contained, of whatever description. A resolution which, if it did not originate with our hero, was too consonant with his lords.h.i.+p's known inveterate Antigallicanism, not to have received his hearty approbation.

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