The Corner House Girls Snowbound Part 4

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"They are very suitable people," declared Mr. Howbridge, as though he felt the faint criticism in the girl's words. "I went myself and saw Rodgers and Mrs. Rodgers. The governess and the twins were out for a drive, so I did not see them."

"The poor things!" sighed Ruth.

"My!" exclaimed Agnes, "those children are worse off than we Kenways were. They haven't got anybody like Ruth, Mr. Howbridge."

"That is true," agreed the lawyer. "But what am I to do? Separate them? Send them to boarding school--the boy one way and the girl another?"

"Gee! that would be tough, Mr. Howbridge," declared Neale O'Neil, with considerable feeling for the unfortunate twins.

"I don't see what I'm to do," complained the lawyer.

"They should have a real home," Ruth stated, with some severity.

"Sending them to boarding school is dodging the issue. So is leaving them wholly in the care of servants."

"Who would take in two tearing and wearing children, twelve years old?" demanded Mr. Howbridge, on the defensive.

"Perhaps the fault does go back to the parents--to the father, at least," admitted Ruth. "He should have made provision for his children before he died."

"I suppose you think the duty devolves upon me," said Mr. Howbridge, rather grumpily. "Should I take them into my house? Should I break up the habits of years for two half-wild children?"

"Oh, I don't know that," Ruth told him brightly. "It's one of those things one must decide for oneself, isn't it?"

There was not much more said after that during the ride about the twins, Ralph and Rowena Birdsall. But Red Deer Lodge!

The idea of going to a real camp in winter was taken up by everybody in the party, for even Tom Jonah barked. In the depths of the wilderness, with wild woods, and wild animals, and perhaps wild men!

(this in Sammy's mind) all about the Lodge! The freckled boy considered the idea even superior to his long cherished desire to run away to be a pirate.

"I'll get me a bow-arrer and learn to shoot before we start," Sammy declared, deluding himself, as he always did, with the idea that he was to be a member of the party in any case.

"But you don't even know if your mother'll let you go, Sammy Pinkney!"

cried Tess.

"She'll let me go if Aggie says I may," declared Sammy. "I can, can't I, Aggie?" grabbing her by her plaid skirt and almost pulling her over backwards.

"Stop! You can can that!" declared the next-to-the-oldest Corner House girl slangily. "What do you think I am--a bell rope, that you yank me that way?"

"I can go to that Red Deer Lodge, can't I?" insisted the youngster.

"You can start right now, for all I care," said Agnes, rather grumpily, and giving Sammy no further attention.

But that was enough for Sammy Pinkney. He considered that he had a particular invitation to accompany the party into the woods, and he would tell his mother so when he reached home.

But Dot began to be worried.

"Just see here, Tess Kenway!" she exclaimed suddenly. "Do you suppose my Alice-doll--or any of the other dollies--can stand it?"

"Stand what?" her sister, quite excited, asked.

"Living in tents in winter?"

"In what tents?" asked the amazed Tess.

"Up there at Red Darling Camp--"

"Red _Deer_!"

"Well, I knew it was some nice word," Dot, undisturbed, said. "But Alice is so delicate."

"Why, Dot Kenway! we won't have to live in tents," said Tess.

"We did in that other camp we went to," said the smaller girl. "Don't you 'member? And the tent 'most blowed over one night, and you and I and Tom Jonah went sailing in a boat? And that clam man--"

"But, Dot!" cried Tess, "that was a summer camp. This is a winter one.

And it's all made of logs, and there are doors and windows and fireplaces and--and everything!"

"Oh!" murmured Dot. "I wondered how they'd keep Jack Frost out. And he's stinging my ears right now, Tess Kenway."

The roadside inn was in sight now, and presently the big sleigh pulled up before it with the bells jangling and the horses steaming, as Dot remarked, "just as though they had boiling water in 'em and the smoke was leaking out."

The whole party ran into the grillroom and chased Jack Frost away with hot chocolate and cakes. There the idea of going to Red Deer Lodge for the Christmas holidays was well thrashed out.

"Of course, I will send up my own servants and supplies. Being administrator of the estate, there will be no question of my using the Lodge as I see fit," Mr. Howbridge said cheerfully. "And I shall be delighted to have you young folks with me.

"I am really going to confer with an old timber cruiser about the standing timber contracted for by the Neven Lumber Company before Frank Birdsall died. This timber cruiser--"

"It sounds like a sea-story!" interrupted Agnes, roguishly.

"What is a timber cruiser?" demanded Ruth, quite as puzzled as her sister.

"It is not a 'what' but a 'who,'" laughed Mr. Howbridge. "In his way, Ike M'Graw is quite a famous character up there. A timber cruiser is a man who knows timber so well that just by walking through a wood lot and looking he can number and mark down the trees that are sound and will make good timber.

"Ike has written me through a friend (for the old man cannot use a pen himself, save to make his cross) that he has been over the entire Birdsall estate and that his figures and the figures of the Nevens people are too far apart. I fear that the lumber company is trying to put something over on me, and as administrator of the estate I must look out for the twins' interests."

"You are more careful of their money, Mr. Howbridge, than you are of the twins themselves, are you not?" Ruth suggested, in a low voice.

"Now, don't tell me that!" he cried. "I really cannot take those children into my house."

"Well, you know," she told him, smiling, "you brought this on yourself by asking my advice. And you intend to fill that Lodge up there with us 'young ones.'"

"But I shall have you to manage for me, Miss Ruth," declared the lawyer. "That is different."

"Perhaps we might take the twins along with us, and you'd get used to them," Ruth said. "You say they like it up there in the wilderness."

"Frank said they were crazy about it."


"You don't know what you are letting yourselves in for. Ralph and Rowena are young savages."

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