The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 35

The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection -

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If you desire a spiritually based romantic relations.h.i.+p, then say this prayer. You can amplify the power of the prayer by first imagining the feeling of being in such a relations.h.i.+p. Imagine that you're with your soulmate and are completely loved and honored. Then say: "Love G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses sent from Heaven above; Aengus and Aphrodite, male and female deities signifying beauty and loveliness; Guinevere and Isolt, bringers of magical love: I invite you to my spiritual wedding, wherein I am wed to my soulmate first in spiritual union. I feel my beloved deeply within my body and soul. I send this feeling to my soulmate, and I thank you for delivering these feelings to my beloved as my sacred Valentine message. Thank you for uniting my soulmate and me through the ethers. Thank you for clearly guiding us to find one another. Thank you for bringing us together in blissful union. Thank you for overseeing my love life."

Global Peace

These divinities are already watching over the world, keeping war at bay, and talking with world leaders about peace. Our prayers add a great deal to the momentum of global peace. Each prayer adds so much, is definitely powerful, and is very needed. On behalf of the rest of us who live on this planet, thank you for saying this prayer (or one like it) on a regular basis: "G.o.d is peace . . . G.o.d is everywhere . . . therefore, peace is everywhere, in truth. This is the truth. And I thank You, G.o.d, for this truth. Thank You for sending your ministers of peace to watch over us now and always. Thank you, Archangel Chamuel, for helping all of us find inner peace. Thank you, Buddha, for being the embodiment of peace. Thank you, Forseti, for successfully resolving conflict peacefully. Thank you, Kuan Ti, for your wise counsel with world leaders. Thank you, Maitreya, for replacing all anger with joy. Thank you, Saint Francis, for helping us stay devoted to G.o.d's peace. Thank you, Jesus, for overseeing humanity. Thank you, Serapis Bey, for helping us all live at our highest potential. Thank you, Yogananda, for helping us feel Divinely loved."

If war is pending, or has already broken out, then say this prayer: "Archangel Michael, I ask that you intervene in this situation to the degree that it is affecting me. Please release the spirits and lower energies in this area, and take them to the light for healing and trans.m.u.tation. Ashtar, please watch over our planet and ensure its peace, balance, and intactness. Athena, please intervene to the degree that this situation involves me, and work with the world leaders toward alternatives to war. Ishtar, please help the people to show leaders.h.i.+p and strength. Kuan Ti, please help us all have the foresight to know the effects tomorrow of our actions today. Thank you, heavenly leaders. Thank you, G.o.d. Thank you for the peace surrounding and within this world. Thank you for the peace within the hearts of everyone, everywhere."

You can add to this prayer a visualization of Archangel Michael holding a vacuum above the planet, lifting up all negative energy from any geographical areas experiencing conflict.

Healing a Child

If a child is in need of healing or relief from pain, then say this prayer. It's been said that when parents pray on behalf of their children, those prayers are answered first in Heaven.

I also recommend handwriting the prayer and placing it face up on a cabinet or shelf in the child's bedroom. If the child is old enough to say prayers, ask the child to say the prayer with you: "Thank you, G.o.d, for my child's perfect health. Thank you for peace within my child's body. Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for your powerful healing energy, which heals everything rapidly with each breath my child takes. Thank you, Damara, for gently comforting and rea.s.suring me and my child. Thank you, Hathor, for clearly instructing me on how I can best help my child. Thank you, Mother Mary, for watching over all of us and sending us your Divine healing love."

Healing a Pet

If your cat, dog, or other animal has a physical challenge, then you'll want to call upon the great animal healers in Heaven to help and heal. As you say this prayer, either look at your pet in the flesh or in your mind, or gaze at a photo of your beloved furry friend: "Healers in Heaven, I love [name of pet] with all my heart. Please join my love with yours and send it to [name of pet]. Dearest Aine, I ask that you surround my pet with your bright silver energy of peace and happiness. Dearest Raphael, I ask that you encircle my pet with your emerald-green energy of health and wellness. Dearest Dana, I ask that you help my pet's system to be balanced and in its natural state of vitality. Dearest Saint Francis, I ask that you communicate with my pet and let me know what I can do to bring my pet comfort.

"Thank you, Aine . . . Raphael . . . Dana . . . Saint Francis . . . for your healing work. Thank you for my pet's perfect health. Thank you for my pet's comfort. Thank you for lifting our spirits. I now surrender this situation to you and G.o.d with complete faith and confidence."

Healing for Oneself

If you experience a physical challenge, it's comforting to know that you have access to powerful healers. This prayer can supplement any other spiritual or medical treatment you're implementing: "Beloved Jesus, loving healer of G.o.d . . . beloved Aine, loving healer of G.o.d . . . beloved Archangel Raphael, loving healer of G.o.d . . . beloved Archangel Zadkiel, loving healer of G.o.d . . . beloved Saint Therese, loving healer of G.o.d. The love of G.o.d is now inside of me. I am completely filled and healed with the love of G.o.d. Jesus . . . Aine . . . Raphael . . . Zadkiel . . . Therese . . . I am so grateful for the ministering, healing, and comfort that you bring to me . . . thank you for surrounding and filling me completely with positive energy. Thank you for clearing and cleaning me completely. I am now completely well. I now feel absolutely wonderful, filled with the spirit of love in all ways. I am energized. I am happy. I am rested and refreshed. Thank You, G.o.d. Thank you, Divine healers."

Protection and Guidance for Your Child

If you're worried about your child, say this prayer of protection and guidance to ease your mind, and to help protect and guide your child: "Dana . . . Hathor . . . Ishtar . . . Mother Mary . . . mothering G.o.ddesses and teachers of parents, I surrender my worries to you. Please nurture my child and this situation [describe your concerns] so that we may all be joyful and feel peace. Please teach me how to best guide my child. Please direct my words and actions so that I speak my truth in a way that my child will hear. Please help me stay centered in faith and courage.

"Archangel Michael . . . Artemis . . . Kuan Yin . . . Vesta . . . powerful protectors of children, I ask that you closely watch over my child [say your child's name]. Thank you for closely monitoring and protecting my child. Thank you for ensuring my child's safety, happiness, and health. Thank you for guiding my child in a direction that brings about blessings, wellness, meaning, and abundance. Thank you, Dana . . . Hathor . . . Ishtar . . . Mother Mary . . . Archangel Michael . . . Artemis . . . Kuan Yin . . . Vesta . . . for protecting and guiding my child. I am truly grateful."

Resolving Conflict

If you've had a disagreement with someone, or you're in the middle of a conflict of some kind, then it's a good idea to ask for help from the divinities. This prayer isn't to help you win or to get the other person to apologize. It's simply to create peace and forgiveness all the way around: "Beloved helpers in Heaven, please come to me now . . . Archangel Raguel, heavenly minister of fairness . . . Athena, G.o.ddess of peaceful solutions . . . Forseti, overseer of truth and justice . . . Guardian angels of [name the person or persons involved in the conflict] . . . I thank you for your intervention. I ask that you deliver my message to everyone involved in this situation and let them know of my desire for peace. I ask for a peaceful and rapid resolution, and I surrender this entire situation to you and G.o.d, knowing that it is already resolved. I know that only peace exists in truth, and that peace is everywhere, including within this situation and within everyone involved. Please clearly guide me as to my role in this peaceful resolution. Thank you."

Weight Loss

Healthy weight loss involves exercise and healthful eating. This prayer can boost your motivation to exercise, and reduce your cravings for high-fat foods: "Heaven, help me stay fit and toned, and be a healthy weight. I ask that the powerful spiritual motivators and coaches please come to me now. Apollo . . . Oonagh . . . Serapis Bey . . . I need your masterful help. Please increase my desire to exercise. Please help me find an exercise program that easily fits my schedule, budget, and interests. Please help me take the first step. Please help me get the support of my family so that I may exercise with their blessings. Please help me see results so that I may stay encouraged.

"Archangel Raphael . . . Babaji . . . Devi . . . Maat . . . I now surrender to you my cravings for high-fat and sugary foods. . . . You know which foods and drinks are healthful and which are not for my body. I ask that you adjust my cravings so that I only desire healthful foods and drinks. Please increase my motivation to eat light, nutritious foods. Please increase my motivation to drink light, natural beverages.

"Thank you for overseeing my physical health and well-being."


A List of Whom to Call Upon for Specific Needs.

Calling Upon Archangels and Ascended Masters.

When a specific need arises, turn to the list on the following pages so that you'll know which archangels and ascended masters to call upon. You can use this information in many ways. For instance, you can place your hand over the divinities' names listed under your specific need. As you hold your hand there, think the thought, Beloved Divinities, I need your help, love, and a.s.sistance with [describe the particular situation]. Thank you for this Divine intervention.

You can also take the list and look up and read about each Divinity in Part I. In that way, your knowledge of the archangel or ascended master deepens. The combination of having personal experiences and interaction with a Divinity, along with reading about that being's history and background, makes for a rich relations.h.i.+p.

A quick way to deal with an issue is to look at the list corresponding to your situation and say each being's name as you do your prayer or even sing it. The intention of your prayer is more important than the words or method. The divinities hear your prayerful intention, and they respond with love immediately. No prayer is denied or ignored. After all, the archangels and ascended masters help us because they're enacting G.o.d's plan of peace on Earth, one person at a time. If they can help you to find peace through their Divine intervention into some Earthly situation, then it's their sacred pleasure to do so.

This list covers a broad range of human needs and situations. If you don't see a listing for your specific situation, then find one that closely matches it. You can also pray for guidance as to which Divinity would be most appropriate for your cause.

Abundance Animals Abundantia Breeding, Pregnancy , and Coventina Birthing Damara * Diana Dana Ganesh Communication Lakshmi * Saint Francis Sedna Finding Lost Pets Emergency Supply * Archangel Raphael * Aeracura * Green Tara Healing * Aine * Archangel Raphael Addictions, help with * Dana Archangel Raphael * Saint Francis Babaji Devi Horses, healing and Maat protecting Serapis Bey * Maeve Protecting Aesthetics * Aine Lakshmi * Archangel Ariel * Artemis * Sedna Airline Pilots and Crew Saint Therese Answered Prayers Archangel Sandalphon Alchemy Jesus Archangel Raziel Kuan Yin Archangel Uriel Dana Lugh Arguments, resolving Maeve Archangel Raguel Merlin Athena Saint-Germain Forseti Aromatherapy Balance Maeve Buddha Artists and Artistic Projects Beautiful Thoughts Aeracura Archangel Jophiel Archangel Gabriel Archangel Jophiel Athena Beauty Ganesh Aphrodite Hathor Archangel Jophiel Lugh Hathor Serapis Bey Isis Lakshmi Maeve Ascension Oonagh Serapis Bey Blessings Attractiveness Krishna Aphrodite Sulis Hathor Maeve Oonagh Blindness Jesus Saint Padre Pio Aura-Soma _Therapy Melchizedek Breakups, healing from Isolt Authority Figures-dealing with them fearlessly Moses Breathwork Saint-Germain Babaji Cabala, studying and Childbirth, painless understanding * Diana Solomon Conception and Fertility * Aine Camping * Archangel Gabriel Artemis * Artemis * Dana * Hathor Career * Ishtar Archangel Chamuel * Mother Mary Lu-Hsing Crystal Children * Archangel Metatron Celebration * Mother Mary Cordelia Hathor Custody * Damara Ceremonies Determining G ender of Nemetona Unborn Baby * Archangel Sandalphon Chakra Clearing Guiding Archangel Michael * Damara Melchizedek Healing * Archangel Raphael Children * Damara Adoption * Jesus * Archangel Gabriel * Mother Mary * Artemis * Saint Therese * Mother Mary Indigo Children Attention Deficit Disorder * Archangel Metatron (ADD or ADHD) * Melchizedek * Archangel Metatron * Mother Mary In General Clairvoyance, increasing * Archangel Metatron Apollo * Artemis Archangel Haniel * Kuan Yin Archangel Jeremiel * Mother Mary Archangel Raphael Archangel Raziel Mother-Son Relations.h.i.+p Horus * Horus Kuan Yin * Mother Mary Sulis Overcoming Acting-O ut Behavior Clear Communication with G.o.d * Saint Francis Babaji Jesus Parenting Moses * Dana Yogananda * Hathor * Ishtar * Mother Mary Clear Thinking and Clarification Maat Protection * Archangel Michael * Artemis Commitment * Kuan Yin To a Love Relations.h.i.+p * Melchizedek * Aphrodite * Vesta To One's Beliefs Those Who Pr ofessionally * Archangel Michael Help Children * Maat * Archangel Metatron * Mother Mary Twins * Diana Compa.s.sion Crystals Archangel Zadkiel Melchizedek Ishtar Merlin Kuan Yin Tara Dancing Hathor Cooperation from Other People Oonagh Archangel Raguel Decision-Making Cosmetics El Morya Hathor Hathor Courage Defending the Unfairly Treated Archangel Michael Archangel Raguel Ashtar Brigit Cordelia Determination Horus Kali Kali Moses Saint-Germain Detoxification Green Tara Archangel Raphael Devi Melchizedek Crafts and Craftspeople Athena Lugh Direction Archangel Michael Jesus Cravings, eliminating or Saint-Germain reducing Vywamus Apollo Archangel Raphael Divination Dolphins Merlin Coventina Thoth Sedna Divine Guidance Dreams Jesus Archangel Jeremiel Moses Sedna Oonagh Earth Changes Divine Light Archangel Uriel Vesta Ashtar Melchizedek Divine Love Jesus Ego, overcoming Yogananda Buddha Jesus Moses Divine Magic Sanat k.u.mara Archangel Ariel Archangel Raziel Dana Elementals (fairies, leprechauns, Isis etc.); seeing, hearing, and Lugh connecting with Maat Dana Merlin Diana Solomon Maeve Thoth Oonagh Divorce Healing from Emergency Money Aeracura * Isolt Green Tara Making Decisions about * Damara Employment Esoteric Information Lu-Hsing Archangel Raziel Ashtar Melchizedek Empowerment Archangel Raguel Pele Exercise Apollo Oonagh Encouragement Serapis Bey Vywamus Extraterrestrials Energy Ashtar Archangel Michael Pele Sanat k.u.mara Eyesight Archangel Raphael Horus Energy _Work and Healing Jesus Melchizedek Saint Padre Pio Merlin Sulis Engagement (in a love Fairness relations.h.i.+p) Forseti Aphrodite Faith, increasing Environmental Concerns Aine Aine Archangel Raphael Archangel Ariel El Morya Artemis Jesus Coventina Moses Saint Francis Family Flowers Divorce Involving Children Cordelia * Damara Krishna Saint Therese Harmony * Archangel Raguel * Damara Focus Kali Kuthumi Femininity Saint-Germain Aphrodite Food Feminine Power and Strength Abundant Supply Artemis * Jesus Brigit * Lakshmi Isis * Sedna Kali Maeve Purifying and Spiritualizing Pele * Krishna Feng Shui Forgiveness Melchizedek Archangel Zadkiel Jesus Saint Padre Pio Financial Investments Abundantia Freedom for Falsely Accused Prisoners and Prisoners-of-War Fingers, healing Kuan Ti Sedna Fire Control Vesta Gardening Hands, healing Cordelia Sedna Krishna Saint Therese Sulis Happiness, lasting Lakshmi Gentleness Ishtar Happy Endings Kuan Yin Apollo Archangel Uriel Goal-Setting and Achievement Pele Harmony Saint-Germain In Families * Archangel Raguel * Damara Good Fortune Abundantia In General * Archangel Uriel Grace In Groups Archangel Haniel * Archangel Raguel While Traveling Gracefulness * Archangel Raphael Aphrodite Healers, guidance and Grieving, comfort and support for healing for Archangel Raphael Archangel Azrael Jesus Melchizedek Saint John of G.o.d Groundedness Saint Padre Pio El Morya Healing From Relations.h.i.+p Breakup , Abilities Divorce, or Separation * Archangel Haniel * Isolt * Archangel Raphael * Jesus Hands and Fingers * Maeve * Sedna * Saint Padre Pio Horses Addictions * Maeve * Archangel Raphael * Babaji In General * Devi * Archangel Raphael * Maat * Ishtar * Serapis Bey * Jesus * Saint John of G.o.d Animals * Saint Padre Pio * Aine * Saint Therese * Archangel Ariel * Sanat k.u.mara * Archangel Raphael * Vywamus * Yogananda Blindness * Jesus Menopause * Saint Padre Pio * Maeve Cardiovascular and Heart People Emotionally * Saint John of G.o.d * Archangel Zadkiel * Jesus Eyesight * Lugh * Archangel Raphael * Saint John of G.o.d * Jesus * Vywamus * Saint Padre Pio * Sulis People Physically * Aine From Grief * Archangel Raphael * Archangel Azrael * Archangel Zadkiel * Jesus * Saint John of G.o.d * Saint Therese People Who Are Hospitalized Hiking for Mental or P hysical Artemis Reasons * Saint John of G.o.d Home Premenstrual Syndr ome Money for Household Needs (PMS) * Damara * Maeve * Lakshmi Relations.h.i.+ps s.p.a.ce Clearing the Back- and * Aine Front-Yard Area * Nemetona With Aromatherapy * Maeve s.p.a.ce Clearing the H ome Interior With Aura-Soma * Archangel Michael * Melchizedek * Archangel Raphael * Artemis With Crystals * Kuan Ti * Merlin * Kuan Yin * Melchizedek * Lakshmi * Saint-Germain * Saint-Germain * Saint John of G.o.d With Energy Work * Sanat k.u.mara * Merlin * Solomon * Melchizedek * Vesta With _Water * Coventina Humor * Sulis * Maitreya Healthful Eating Hurricanes, diverting and Apollo dispelling Sedna Inspiration Justice, attaining Vywamus Athena Ida-Ten Integrity Maat Kindness Kuan Yin Mother Mary Interior Decorating Archangel Jophiel Labyrinths Archangel Raziel Intuition, increasing Melchizedek Artemis Nemetona Sedna Solomon Inventors Laughter Aeracura Maitreya Job Interviews Leaders.h.i.+p Lu-Hsing Melchizedek Moses Journalism Archangel Gabriel Legal Matters, resolving Forseti Ida-Ten Joy Kuan Ti Aine Buddha Cordelia Lesbian Concerns Isis Diana Maitreya Saint John of G.o.d Life Changes Melchizedek Archangel Jeremiel Saint-Germain Cordelia Solomon Life Purpose Marriage Archangel Chamuel Aphrodite Archangel Michael Ishtar Brigit Kuthumi Saint Francis Mathematics Saint-Germain Melchizedek Thoth Thoth Vywamus Meaning in Life, increasing Longevity Devi White Tara Saint Francis Lost Items, finding Mechanical Problems, fixing Archangel Chamuel Apollo Archangel Zadkiel Archangel Michael Love, receiving and giving Medicine Wheels Kuan Yin Nemetona Maitreya Mediation of Disputes Manifesting Archangel Raguel Aeracura Archangel Ariel Archangel Raziel Meditation Babaji Buddha Damara Jesus Jesus Yogananda Memory Enhancement Motivation Archangel Zadkiel For Life Purpose Kuthumi * Archangel Michael * Kuthumi * Vywamus Menopause Maeve To Eat Healthfully * Apollo * Archangel Michael Menstrual Cycle Maeve To Exercise * Apollo * Oonagh Mercy * Serapis Bey Kuan Yin Mother Mary Music and Musicians Aengus Miracles Archangel Gabriel Jesus Archangel Sandalphon Moses Hathor Kuan Yin Money Lugh Abundantia Serapis Bey Damara Dana Ganesh Newly Deceased Loved Ones Lakshmi (help and comfort for their Sedna souls) Archangel Azrael Emergency Supply * Aeracura * Green Tara Obstacles, avoiding and overcoming Ganesh Moon Energy Tara Archangel Haniel Orderliness and Organization Personal Archangel Metatron * Babaji Archangel Raguel * Buddha Kuthumi * Forseti Maat * Kuthumi * Lakshmi * Maitreya Parties * Saint Francis Hathor * Serapis Bey * Yogananda Pa.s.sion, increasing Aengus Perseverance Aine Kuthumi Aphrodite Saint-Germain Isolt Pele Vesta Physical Fitness Apollo Oonagh Peace Serapis Bey Global * Archangel Chamuel * Babaji Pilots * Buddha Saint Therese * Forseti * Kuan Ti * Maitreya Playfulness * Saint Francis Aine * Serapis Bey * Yogananda Poetry Household Lugh * Ganesh Poise Archangel Haniel Pregnancy Prophetic Abilities, increasing Determining G ender of Apollo Unborn Baby Archangel Jeremiel * Archangel Sandalphon Merlin Serapis Bey Harmonious Thoth * Hathor Painless Childbirth Protection * Diana Against D eceit and Manipulation Twins * Maat * Diana Against Psychic Attack * Athena Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Maeve * El Morya * Ishtar * Melchizedek * Saint-Germain Prioritizing Pele From Lower Energies * Archangel Michael * Ishtar Procrastination, overcoming Archangel Michael Pele From Religious or Spiritual Persecution Vywamus * Babaji * Ida-Ten Promotions at Work In General Lu-Hsing * Archangel Michael * Artemis * Ashtar Prophecies about World Events Kuan Ti * Athena * Brigit * Kali * Lugh * Tara Legal Psychic Abilities, increasing * Forseti Apollo * Ida-Ten Archangel Haniel Archangel Raziel Of Animals Coventina * Aine Kuan Ti * Archangel Ariel Merlin * Artemis Thoth * Maeve Of Children in Particular Purification and Cleanliness * Artemis Coventina * Kuan Yin Maat * Vesta Of Oceans and Lakes fr om Radio Careers, Interviews- Pollution dealing with * Archangel Ariel Archangel Gabriel * Sedna Of Spiritual Centers Raises in Salary * Ida-Ten Lu-Hsing Of _Trav elers and Their Luggage Recordkeeping * Archangel Raphael Archangel Metatron Of _Valuables * Abundantia Relations.h.i.+ps All Aspects Of _Women in Particular * Devi * Aine * Ishtar * Artemis * Krishna * Brigit * Oonagh * Kuan Yin Attracting Romance * Aengus Aengus * Aphrodite Aphrodite * Guinevere Guinevere * Isolt Isolt Krishna Breakups, Divor ce, and Separation, healing from * Isolt Sacred Geometry Thoth Building and Strengthening * Archangel Chamuel Commitment Sailing * Aphrodite Sedna Healing * Aine Self-Esteem Archangel Michael Honest Communication Dana * Pele Diana Isis Increasing Warmth Within * Brigit * Vesta s.e.xuality Aphrodite Lesbian Ishtar * Diana Pele Marriage * Ishtar Shape-s.h.i.+fting Merlin Mother-Son * Horus Simplifying Your Life Babaji Slowing Down from a * Sanat k.u.mara Hectic Pace * White Tara Archangel Jophiel Growth * Babaji Solutions to Difficulties * Buddha Apollo * Saint Padre Pio Archangel Michael Archangel Uriel Understanding Jesus * Archangel Metatron Lugh * Archangel Uriel * Ashtar * Buddha Soulmate Relations.h.i.+ps, finding * Jesus Aengus * Sanat k.u.mara Archangel Chamuel * Solomon Hathor * Green Tara Spirit Releas.e.m.e.nt Archangel Michael Archangel Raphael Sports Apollo Kuan Ti Melchizedek Sanat k.u.mara Standing Your Ground Horus Solomon Spirituality Strength Horus Awakening * Krishna Devotion Stress Management Cordelia * Saint Francis Enlightenment * Buddha * Kuan Yin Students and Studying Archangel Uriel Archangel Zadkiel Support Truth For _Those Who Are Grieving Forseti * Archangel Azrael Ida-Ten Maat Swimming Coventina Twins Sedna Diana Talents, discovering Archangel Michael Vywamus Unity of all Religious Beliefs Babaji Yogananda Teaching Archangel Metatron Archangel Michael Valuables, protecting Abundantia Mother Mary Thoth Vegetarianism Krishna Television Careers, Interviews- dealing with Vitality Archangel Gabriel Archangel Michael Tenacity War, avoiding or stopping Kali Archangel Michael Ashtar Athena Time-Warping Ishtar Merlin Kuan Ti Travelers (protection, orderliness, and harmony) Warmth-in relations.h.i.+ps, body, and environment Archangel Raphael Ganesh Brigit Vesta Water Wisdom Abundant Supply of Ganesh * Coventina Solomon Cleanliness * Coventina Women Protecting Protecting the O ceans and * Aine Lakes * Archangel Michael * Archangel Ariel * Artemis * Sedna Weather Women's Issues In General Guinevere * Archangel Uriel * Ishtar Worthiness Increasing Suns.h.i.+ne * Apollo Archangel Michael Dana Wedding Ceremonies Ganesh Writers and Writing Projects Archangel Gabriel Archangel Metatron Archangel Uriel Weight Loss Apollo Archangel Raphael Athena Ganesh Thoth Oonagh Serapis Bey Yoga Practice Babaji Whales Yogananda Coventina Sedna


Glossary of Terms

Archangel-A powerful overseer of other angels, and a manager of specialized functions, such as clearing away fear, protecting humans, or healing. Different religions and spiritual groups talk about different numbers of archangels. Some groups claim there are only four, some say seven, and other groups say there are an infinite number.

Ascended Master-A great spiritual teacher or healer who walked upon the Earth as a human, and who continues to help . . . from his or her heavenly home.

Ascension-The process of fully remembering one's unity with G.o.d and the one Spirit that unites all people in brother and sisterhood. Those who ascend may bypa.s.s the death process, and their entire body may be lifted into Heaven along with their soul. Ascension is also a term used for spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Avatar-A living human who is fully enlightened. Usually, avatars are miracle workers and spiritual teachers.

Bodhisattva-In Buddhism, this term refers to a person who has become enlightened to the point of being eligible for Buddhahood.

Cabala-An ancient Judaic mystical text that discusses secrets of divination and manifestation with symbols, numbers, and wisdom. (Also spelled Kaballah, Kabalah.) Chohan-A term used among Theosophists and in New Age circles to describe an ascended master's specialty. For instance, someone might be a Chohan of love and enlightenment.

Deity-A being who is revered for their spiritual contribution while on Earth, and for their help that continues from the vantage point of Heaven.

Divinity-A being who works directly with the Creator or Universal Force to help Earth and her inhabitants. The terms deity and divinity can be used interchangeably.

G.o.d-When the term appears with a lower-case "g" (G.o.d), it means an aspect of the Creator (G.o.d)-which has a capital "G." This being has a male energy or ident.i.ty.

G.o.ddess-An aspect of G.o.d the Creator that has a female energy or ident.i.ty.

Great White Brotherhood-Leaders in Heaven who oversee the safety and spiritual direction of Earth and her inhabitants, and also the lightworkers who help upon Earth. The term does not refer to Caucasian males. It comes from the white light that surrounds the members of the council, which includes G.o.ddesses.

Lightworkers-A living human who feels called to help Earth and her inhabitants in a way that uses spiritual energy. For instance, a light-worker might feel called upon to engage in healing, teaching, or artistic work to help make the planet a better place.

Shape-s.h.i.+fting-The ability to take on a markedly different physical appearance. Sometimes this is done at will, sometimes unconsciously.

s.p.a.ce Clearing-Clearing negative energy out of a specific place, such as a home, office, room, temple, backyard, or front yard.

Spirit Releas.e.m.e.nt-Clearing negative energy out of a person or animal's body and aura.

Triple G.o.ddess-Three aspects of femininity: the virgin, mother, and crone. Triple G.o.ddesses have personality or behavior aspects of the virgin, who represents purity, sweetness and innocence. The same G.o.ddess may also have a side to her that is the mother, which means she acts matronly and nurturing. A third aspect of the same G.o.ddess that may show up is the "crone," which means that she may have a dark and angry side to her, as well as a wise teacher aspect.


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Sakya, Jnan B., Short Descriptions of G.o.ds, G.o.ddesses, and Ritual Objects of Buddhism and Hinduism in Nepal (Handicraft a.s.sociation of Nepal, 1998, Kathmandu, Nepal) Savedow, Steve (Editor and Translator), Sepher Razial Hemelach: The Book of the Angel Raziel (Samuel Weiser, Inc., 2000, York Beach, ME) Starck, Marcia, Women's Medicine Ways: Cross-Cultural Rites of Pa.s.sage (The Crossing Press, 1993, Freedom, CA, 1993) Stewart, R. J., Celtic G.o.ds, Celtic G.o.ddesses (Ca.s.sell & Co., 2000, London) Telesco, Patricia, 365 G.o.ddess: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the G.o.ddess (HarperSanFrancisco, 1998, New York) Trobe, Kala, Invoke the G.o.ddess: Visualizations of Hindu, Greek & Egyptian Deities (Llewellyn Publications, 2000, St. Paul, MN) Vessantara, Meeting the Buddhas: A Guide to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Tantric Deities (Birmingham, England, 1998).

Yu, Chun-fang, Kuan-yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara (Columbia University Press, 2000, New York).



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