The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 34

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"It was in the early morning, 4:30 A.M. of a winter's day in 1994, during my daily meditation routine before going to work, that I reached a very loving and sacred place. My diligent practice and trust in Yogananda's teachings brought me to a level of meditation that I'd never before known. In what seemed like an instant, I was transported to a place of serene beauty: a sun room with a huge arching window overlooking a garden rich in colorful flowers, trees, and sunlight as bright as I'd ever seen. I just stood in silence amazed at the sight, sound, and feeling of the experience.

"Then, just to the left of the window, I noticed a small table with four chairs around it. In the chair to my left and the one at the back of the table, two figures appeared. They were moving and seemed very alive, and then they came into sharper focus. I was very startled as I recognized one of them to be Yogananda himself! He looked up at me and smiled, then I heard a voice call my name-it was the other figure, who suddenly came into focus. 'Michael,' the voice said, and then I recognized the other figure to be Jesus! Jesus called my name again and smiled and gently said to me, 'Be as a child at play.'

"Yogananda then leaned forward and added, ' . . . and continue to study my lessons!' Both smiled at me. I was then gently returned to my place in my bas.e.m.e.nt studio in my home. The experience is still very vivid in my memory as I write this in May of 2002. Both Yogananda and Jesus have been with me every step of the way of my awakening to the Spirit within. They're with me now and always will be as we share this experience of transformation here on Earth."

Helps with: Clear communication with G.o.d Divine love Healing-spiritual, emotional, and physical Peace, personal and global Unity of religious beliefs Yoga practice INVOCATION.

Yogananda is actively and deeply involved with world affairs, and comes to anyone who desires to bring peace to the planet. The best way to reach Yogananda is through meditation. Meditate while mentally repeating the word love and simultaneously holding the intention of contacting him. You may then see a mental vision of Yogananda and have the experience of conversing with him. During this conversation, you could ask Yogananda for Divine direction about your spiritual path or any other question or concern you may have.


Invocations for Specific Needs and Issues.

Prayers to Connect with Multiple Divinities, for Specific Needs.

The suggested prayers listed here are just that: suggested. They simply represent one of many ways to invoke the deities who oversee the situation with which you need help. You may wish to try out these invocations as they're printed first and then take note of the results. Then, in subsequent prayers, modify the wording as your inner guidance directs.

You don't need to use fancy or poetic verbiage to invoke the divinities. All you need to do is mentally say their names and ask them for help with whatever issue, problem, or situation you're concerned about. You can use the list in Part III to quickly research which divinities specialize in the particular area you're interested in. It's better to say a simple prayer as soon as you notice you need a.s.sistance, instead of trying to come up with the "perfect" prayer. The sooner we call for help, the easier a situation is to resolve. This is similar to calling the fire department at the first sign of smoke instead of waiting until it's turned into an uncontrollable blaze.

When you say these prayers, it's important to hold in mind the question or situation for which you're seeking help. You can either say the prayers mentally or speak them aloud. These prayers are even more effective if you can hold them in your hand, so you might want to photocopy the pages from this book that the applicable prayers are on, or handwrite them. Say each prayer three times, with full conscious awareness of each word, and then put the printed prayer in a special place such as on your altar, on an inside window ledge facing the moonlight, or beneath your pillow or bed.

When you're done saying a prayer, thank the divinities for their help. Mentally check in with them often. They're available to you while your situation is being resolved, so it's wise to seek counsel from them, talk to them about your successes or challenges, and ask them questions.

Remember, you cannot bother a divinity, and you're not pulling them off of something or someone more important. You and your situation are of vital importance to them, now and always. They're able to be with everyone who calls upon them simultaneously; and they can have a unique, personalized experience with each person. Ascended masters and archangels have no limiting beliefs, so they have no time or s.p.a.ce restrictions. It's their great pleasure to help you, because when you're at peace, the world is one person closer to being peaceful as a whole.

To increase your supply of money, food, time, opportunities, or whatever you desire more of, here's a powerful prayer. As you say this prayer, utter each name slowly, feeling the energy of each name:


"Beloved Abundantia . . . Damara . . . Dana . . . Ganesh . . . Lakshmi . . . and Sedna . . . thank you for the abundant supply in my life, overflowing with beautiful opportunities for me to express my Divine light so that others may benefit as well. Thank you for the peace, happiness, and love you bring me. Thank you for all of the time and energy that I have to fulfill my dreams and desires. Thank you for the abundant financial support and supply. I gratefully accept all of your gifts, and ask that you keep them coming."

Addictions and Cravings

If you're truly ready to release a substance, craving, or addictive pattern from your life, this is a very powerful method. After saying this prayer, you'll likely find that all cravings are gone. Or, you might have one last binge-for-the-road, which leads you to give up the addiction for good.

First, imagine that the item, person, or situation that you want to release is sitting on your lap. Then imagine that it's floating in front of your navel. See or feel all of the cords, webs, and roots extending from your navel to the items you're releasing. Then say this prayer: "Archangel Raphael, beloved angel of healing!

Babaji, teacher of overcoming the physical world!

Beloved Devi, who cares so deeply!

s.h.i.+ning Maat, bringer of Divine light!

Serapis Bey, overseer of ascension!

Please cut the cords of addictions and cravings from me.

I now fully release any and all patterns of addictions, and

I completely embrace my freedom and physical health."


This prayer can help you open, or increase, your ability to see psychically. For extra clairvoyant power, hold a clear quartz crystal up to your third eye (the area between your two eyebrows) while saying this prayer: "Divine light, please enter my third eye and fill it with illumination, clarity, and the ability to clearly see across the veil. Powerful Apollo, I thank you for opening my third eye! Archangels Haniel, Jeremiel, Raphael, and Raziel, I thank you for your magical Divine energies and a.s.sistance with my spiritual sight now! Victorious Horus, thank you for stationing your eye in front of my own, so that I may see multidimensionally like you! Beloved Kuan Yin, I thank you for sending me energy from your third eye to my own so that I may see love in everything and everyone! Dearest Sulis, thank you for invoking the power of my clairvoyant energy! I thank you all for fully opening me up to see truth, beauty, light, and eternal life!"

Clear Communication with G.o.d

This powerful prayer can help you clear away blocks so that you can more clearly hear G.o.d and your Divine guidance: "G.o.d, I deeply desire a closer relations.h.i.+p and clearer communication with You. I ask for Your a.s.sistance in opening me up so that I can clearly hear, see, feel, and know Your messages for me. Jesus . . . Moses . . . Babaji . . . Yogananda . . . you demonstrated the ability to clearly hear G.o.d during your lifetimes on Earth. I ask your a.s.sistance in teaching me your ways. Please work with me so that I'm fully open to hearing G.o.d's messages and that I trust what I hear. Thank you, G.o.d. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Moses. Thank you, Babaji. Thank you, Yogananda."

Connecting with the Fairies

If you'd like to see fairies, or at least feel a greater connection with them, try saying this prayer while outdoors. It's especially powerful to say it, mentally or aloud, while you're in an area where wildflowers grow. You'll know that you've successfully made the connection with the fairies when you feel compelled to pick up litter in the outdoors. This is one of the first communications that fairies normally make with humans. If you pick up litter, and treat animals and the environment with great respect, the fairies will show their appreciation by granting you wishes.

"Beloved Dana, G.o.ddess of the leprechauns; beautiful Diana, mistress of the wood nymphs; powerful Maeve, queen of the fairies; golden Oonagh, protector of the fairies: I ask your a.s.sistance in connecting with the elemental world. Please introduce me to the fairies, and ask them on my behalf how I can get to know them better. I would like to develop a connection to the fairies and elementals, and I ask that you show me the way. Please help my mind and spiritual vision to be open to communications from their magical realm. Thank you."


If you feel worried, anxious, afraid, or vulnerable, this prayer can give you more courage and protect you and your loved ones from harm.

"Powerful protectors from Heaven. Powerful allies by my side! I need your strength, courage, and protection beside me. Please come to me now!

Thank you, Archangel Michael, for giving me the courage to move forward fearlessly.

Thank you, Ashtar, for protecting me in all ways.

Thank you, Brigit, for helping me be a loving warrior on behalf of my beliefs.

Thank you, Cordelia, for removing stress and tension from my mind and body.

Thank you, Green Tara, for bringing me rapid results to my prayers.

Thank you, Horus, for helping me clearly see the truth of this situation.

Thank you, Kali, for helping me stand my ground.

Thank you, Moses, for helping me be a fearless leader.

Thank you, Saint-Germain, for helping me stay positive, cheerful, and optimistic.

Thank you all for being with me and helping me rise up to, and rise above, all illusions of problems. Thank you for helping me grow and learn from all challenges. Thank you for reminding me to breathe and be centered in peacefulness!"

Finding Your Life's Purpose

Here's a prayer to help you discover your overall life's purpose, as well as get direction about the next step to take. Your prayer will likely be answered with a combination of Divine guidance and signs. Divine guidance includes internal messages such as feelings, thoughts, ideas, and visions that tell you what your heart truly desires. Signs are repet.i.tious messages that you see or overhear coming from sources other than yourself, such as a phrase that you continually see on posters, in newspapers, or that you hear people say. It's best to write down these inner and outer messages and look for a constant theme that will direct you to your next step . . . and overall purpose.

"Archangel Michael . . . Jesus . . . Saint-Germain . . . and Vywamus . . . you can see what is the best next step for me to take. I need to hear, feel, and see this information clearly. I need to have faith in taking this next step. I need to feel courage and excitement about this next step. Thank you for supplying me with information, encouragement, and motivation.

"Archangel Chamuel . . . Brigit . . . Saint Francis . . . Thoth . . . and my higher self . . . beloved and Divine teammates in my life purpose, I am grateful for your clear guidance about my life purpose. I am grateful because I truly believe that I deserve happiness, success, and abundance. I am grateful to know that I am worthy of receiving your help and support. Thank you, G.o.d. Thank you, divinities. Thank you all."

Finding Your Soulmate

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