The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 26

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(Himalaya) Also known as Mahavatar Babaji, Shri Babaji.

Made famous by Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi, Babaji is known as "the deathless avatar" because he overcame physical limitations regarding the human life span. It's said that he didn't die, but ascended with his physical body. Many accounts of him appearing physically to spiritual seekers have been written. However, he usually comes to those who invoke him on the spiritual plane, and they "hear" Babaji through thoughts, feelings, or visions.

Babaji's mission is to bring humanity closer to G.o.d, and to follow G.o.d's will. He encourages people to follow their own spiritual path, and says that all religions lead to G.o.d. He encouraged Yogananda to bring Kriya Yoga (which involves 18 yoga postures-also known as asanas or mudras) to the West. Kriya is known as a tool of enlightenment and may have helped spark the current popularity in yoga.

Helps with: Addictions and cravings, overcoming or reducing Breathwork Clear communication with G.o.d Manifestation Materiality, detaching from Protection from religious persecution Simplifying your life Spiritual growth Yoga practice INVOCATION.

Say the name Babaji repeatedly, feeling the energy of his name in your heart. In his autobiography, Yogananda said that if you say Babaji's name with reverence, he directly blesses you. He told me that we can best contact him while we're engaged in breathwork and yoga. Babaji said that he's one with all breath, and when we consciously breathe in and out deeply, we're consciously connecting with him.


(Ireland, Spain, France, and Wales) Also known as Brid, Brighid, St. Brigid, Brigantia, Mary of the Gaels, Bride, Brigid.

Brigit is a warrior G.o.ddess who has struck a perfect balance of femininity and no-apologies power. Depending upon whom you ask, her name either means "the bright one," "the bright arrow," or "the powerful one." All of these names describe Brigit perfectly.

Originally a highly respected Celtic G.o.ddess afforded much acclaim in ancient Ireland, Brigit had a shrine erected in her honor in the town of Kildare, where women tended to a flame that burned continually. In the fifth century, Brigit was adopted by the Catholic church and was deemed "Saint Brigid."

Brigit is the female equivalent of Archangel Michael, fiercely protecting and lovingly clearing those who call upon her. Like Michael, Brigit also inspires Divine guidance and prophetic information. She's the half-sister of the Celtic love G.o.d, Aengus, sharing the same mother with him. Brigit is known as a triple G.o.ddess of the flame who uses her flames to help purify us; and increase fertility, creativity, and promote healing. "Triple G.o.ddess" means that Brigit has three different personas or aspects, as if she's three different people, each with distinct duties and specialties.

Brigit is a sun G.o.ddess, a.s.sociated with fire. When she's in your presence, you may feel hot and actually begin to perspire. Brigit is celebrated each February 1 during an event originally known as "Imbolc," the rite to usher in springtime and welcome the birth of new livestock.

I invoked Brigit while sitting by the Irish sea on a hot summer afternoon. Brigit appeared as a fiery redhead with beautiful, long, wavy hair. Her intensity surprised me at first, yet it was accompanied by loving confidence, like the sun that merely burns without any hint of anger, fear, or urgency. Brigit reminds me of a combination of Mother Mary, with her graceful feminine love, and Archangel Michael, with his nononsense commitment to purpose and protection. She's a "supermother," one who's simultaneously accessible and loving, yet fiercely protective without fail. I get the feeling that nothing can get past Brigit's impeccable protective power and energy.

She says:"I'm the embodiment of fiery devotion to the good people of the planet Earth. At one time, I walked upon Earth, and my heart was broken in many ways by careless and thoughtless actions against myself, my people, and the land. The rest of my time I devoted to trying to understand human nature. I now have insight into the 'nature of the beast,' if you will, of the human heart. I see that its frailty lies in indecision and worry. Cast, therefore, your cares onto me, and I shall carry them away.

"Humanity is heavy with grief now over the loss of innocence [Author's note: To me, this sentence seemed like a post-September 11 reference] and the many rivalries that have been invented and imposed. These are artificial boundaries, and the committee with which I work seeks to blur the lines of these boundaries to build unity and salvation. Devotion to oneness at this time is essential, a single-pointed focus upon the One. Inside of each of us is a savior. Learn to invoke your internal savior as a counterbalance to cares and worries. Watch how this inner deity quietly and discreetly intervenes.

"It's with these workings that we all come together-we who oversee the Mission on a grand scale, and all of those upon the planet who hold great desires to bring goodness home. This teamwork is built upon the framework and understanding of our oneness. It isn't difficult to understand the mechanics of these workings, as they're orchestrated for your higher good. I call it the workings of 'inner salvation'-instead of simply focusing upon improving outward situations and other people's lives, try this instead: Go inward and explore the inner mission, the inner territory, the inner deities."

Helps with: Courage, increasing (especially for women) Life purpose and finding direction Protection Warmth-in relations.h.i.+ps, body, and environment INVOCATION.

You can contact Brigit at any time; however, it's especially effective to light a candle and stare at its flame as you say: "Great Brigit, I know that you hear me the moment that I think of you. I ask for your presence and a.s.sistance. Please lend me your courage and power so that I may rise to the level of my highest capabilities. Please warm my heart and mind with your brightness, and burn away any thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that stand in the way of my Divine potential. Help me to have the courage to be my very best, and to lose all fear of being powerful."


(Asia) Also known as Siddhartha Buddha, Buddha Goutama, Lord Goutama.

The name Buddha means "the Enlightened or Awakened One."

Born on the full moon, May 8 (the exact year isn't agreed upon, but it's believed to be in the 500 B.C. era), Prince Goutama Siddhartha grew up wealthy behind palace walls, with every need taken care of. As he grew older and walked beyond the palace, he noticed poverty-stricken, diseased and elderly people, individuals that he had not previously been aware of. Determined to help alleviate the suffering that he witnessed, the prince renounced his royal t.i.tle and wealth and left the palace.

However, Siddhartha's ascetic life didn't bring him the full enlightenment he desired. So he sat beneath a bodhi tree and vowed not to rise until he'd become fully enlightened. He breathed in and out deeply during the evening of a full moon, dispelling bodily cravings and fearful thoughts. Once he overcame these lower energies, he began recalling his past lives. This helped him see the endlessness of life, and he was filled with understanding as to how to overcome unhappiness, pain, and death. When he arose from sitting, he was a Buddha.

Buddha's teachings about detachment from suffering through inner peace became the basis for Buddhism. Because he had lived both extremes of living-as a rich prince and as an ascetic-Buddha proposed that the key to happy living was "the Middle Way," or moderation in all things.

You may find that Buddha is easier felt than heard. When you call upon him, you'll probably feel a swelling of warm love in your heart. That's his calling card, a sign that you've truly connected with his loving presence.

Helps with: Balance and moderation in all things Joy Peace, inner and world Spiritual growth and understanding INVOCATION.

Sit quietly, and focus upon the sound of your breath. Notice it slowing down as you listen. Feel and hear your heart beating in conjunction with your breath. Imagine that there's a magical door deep inside your being. It's a beautiful opening, decorated with powerful symbols and crystals.

From your heart, ask to connect with Buddha. Then imagine opening the door and seeing him there inside of you. Keep breathing deeply, feeling your connection through breath to beloved Buddha.

Fill your heart with his sweet kindness, his gentle power, and his surety. Feel the safety and peace that comes from being in his presence. Ask him any question that you like, feel the answer in your heart and body, and hear the answer whispered into your mind. Notice that all of Buddha's words are couched in utmost respect for you and everyone involved. Thank him after your meeting is concluded.


(England, Wales, Ireland) Also known as Creiddylad, Creudylad.

Cordelia is the beautiful G.o.ddess of spring and summer flowers, and of flower fairies. Shakespeare portrayed Cordelia as the daughter of King Lear in his play of the same name. However, she's actually the daughter of the sea G.o.d, Lir, so she was born a sea G.o.ddess.

Cordelia is celebrated on May 1 during Beltane, an ancient celebration marking the beginning of summer, when the weather is warm enough to allow ranchers to let cattle out of their pens and into the fields.

Cordelia came to me while I sat on the grounds of Stonehenge, leaning against one of the ancient stones. She gave me this message: "Merriment intertwined with ancient Celtic wisdom-I weave the stellar wisdom of astral energies with an infusion of pixie dust from the Earthly pollen of nature's wise ones. I'm an instrument of contradiction: the earth and the sky; the sunrise and the sunset; the cold and the heat. Extremes without compromise are a powerful combination. Feel them deep inside your ancient bones, connected with Mother Ground (what you call the Earth Mother). Your bones are borne of her, and in a continual loop will return to her once again.

"Feel the freedom of releasing yourself from Earthly concerns and walking in the middle between Earth and her stars, unconcerned for anything but joy, mirth, and playfulness as I help to teach you how to provide for all of your Earthly needs."

Helps with: Celebration Courage Gardening and flowers Joy Life changes Stress management INVOCATION.

Call upon Cordelia whenever you feel stressed or trapped indoors. You can "escape" from office routines by closing your eyes and imagining yourself standing in a field of flowers with her during a perfect springtime afternoon. Mentally say to her: "Beautiful Cordelia, I come to you as a friend in need of some time off from duties and responsibilities. Please take my hand and bring me fresh air, freedom, and the fragrance of flowers. Carry me away for a much-needed respite. Renew my spirit and fill my heart with joy, laughter, and playfulness. Help me carry this high energy in my heart and mind for the rest of the day. Help me approach my responsibilities with joy. Thank you!"


(United Kingdom) Coventina is a Celtic G.o.ddess who oversees the sprites and water nymphs. She's a G.o.ddess of rain, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, oceans, and water-based creatures. Coventina loves the cattails and lily pads by riverbanks. She heals those who swim in the water while invoking her. Coventina also helps with the growth of vegetation near beaches, rivers, lake fronts, and islands.

Because of her relations.h.i.+p to water, Coventina can swim into psychic domains and help with inspiration, psychic abilities, dreams, and prophecies. She's also a.s.sociated with purification and cleanliness, and you can call upon her for a spiritual baptism to relieve you of worries and judgments, and to help you abstain from unhealthful and addictive substances.

In ancient times, people would throw coins into a well a.s.sociated with Coventina to request her a.s.sistance. (This is believed to be the origin of the "wis.h.i.+ng well.") Because of the bounty of coins, Coventina represents abundance in all ways. Legend also a.s.sociates Coventina with flying fish, and today she can be invoked to fly in airplanes safely and fearlessly.

Since Coventina is primarily considered a British divinity (although she helps out worldwide), it was fitting that I talked with her while at the ancient stone circle temple, Stonehenge, in southern England. She told me, "I will help anyone who is involved with ecological welfare, especially concerning water cleanliness, the preservation of water and its inhabitants, and water run-off issues. I'm dedicated to the whales, dolphins, and cetaceans."

Helps with: Abundance Dolphins and cetaceans Environmentalism Healing with water Psychic abilities and prophecy Purification and cleanliness Swimming Water cleanliness and supply INVOCATION.

Coventina works with us in our dreams, if we call to her before going to sleep. She'll bring the higher selves of dolphins and whales alongside her. Together, they will give you high-level messages that you may not remember the next morning, but whose information will be incorporated into your subconscious mind, where it will help you with answers and guidance. So, before going to sleep, say to her: "Coventina, I ask that you and your dolphin and whale companions enter my dreams tonight and take me above the third-dimensional plane to the place of answers and wisdom. [Ask her any questions that you would like answered during the night.] Thank you for your help and strong support."


(United Kingdom) Damara's name means "gentle." She's a sweet and docile G.o.ddess of home and hearth who helps with family harmony-that is, maintaining peaceful energy within the domestic realm. Damara also a.s.sists with the manifestation of money to help pay for family expenses.

She says, "I'm happy to heal, guide, and help you feel the heat of love, pa.s.sion, and deep caring unadulterated by fear or worry. I'm also glad to help heal children's cuts, bruises, and hurt feelings. I'm especially available to help families with young children. I will gladly guide a mother in decision-making for her family's welfare. And if the woman is considering decisions about whether to divorce or leave her children's father, she can call upon me for input and a.s.sistance."

Helps with: Abundance-especially for household needs Children, guiding and healing Home, peace within the Manifestation-especially for family and household needs INVOCATION.

Call upon Damara whenever you need help with household relations.h.i.+ps, including those with your spouse, live-in partner, roommate, parents, or children-in other words, if you need intervention with anyone with whom you're living. Here's an example of how to contact her. Close your eyes and think: "Damara, I need your help right away, please! I ask that you go to [name of person in household you need help with] and discuss my desire for peace and harmony. Please let [name] know that I'm a loving person with good intentions. Please help [name] to drop all judgments about me, and for me to do the same, in turn. Damara, I ask that you fill our home with so much energy of love that nothing else can exist. When anyone enters this home, they're healed. I'm so grateful for this intervention, Damara."


(Ireland) Also known as Danu, Danann.

Dana's name is rooted in the Old Irish word Dan, which means "knowledge." She is a powerful Celtic creator G.o.ddess, believed to be a Great Mother aspect of the Divine Creator. Historians say that she has the most ancient roots of any Celtic deity, esteemed by the pre-Gaelic Tuatha De Danaans, a group of alchemists in Ireland. When the Gaelics overtook Ireland, legend says that the Tuatha De Danaans became the leprechauns who today inhabit Ireland.

When I invoked Dana while sitting on a bluff overlooking the Irish sea, I first saw a coat similar to one that a king might sport-regal and bejeweled. Next, I saw a king's crown. "But Dana is a female deity!" I mentally protested. Then I saw her-not as I expected her to look (my mental image was that she'd look like someone's eccentric aunt). Instead, I saw a rational, young-looking woman who emanated wisdom and intelligence.

Dana placed the crown on my head and the coat over my shoulders. I started to argue, but she stopped me. "You're all royalty," Dana explained, meaning all of humanity, "and you need to allow me the honor of dignifying you all with my services."

I could tell that Dana didn't mean that she'd perform every feat of manifestation for us, but she a.s.sured me that her energy was "magically intertwined with each act of magical manifestation." She said, "Remember that I'm just another aspect of G.o.d, and that your Western master teacher Jesus taught you that you are all G.o.ds."

Dana showed me wavelengths of energy, all intertwined like parallel lines of rope, and said that each of us was part of those wavelengths. Her wavelength was often the foundation, bottom, or supporting line of energy that we could rest upon. "Let nature do its course as you perform miracles," she added. And again she emphasized that we're all kings, queens, G.o.ds, and G.o.ddesses . .. deities in our own right: "You're deities in the making, as you test out your own skills with chaperones like me by your side."

Helps with: Abundance Alchemy and Divine magic Animals, healing Children, fertility, and mothering Elemental kingdom, meeting and working with the (particularly leprechauns) Worthiness, self-esteem, and deservingness issues INVOCATION.

Wear, look at, or hold something that makes you feel abundant-or even better-that makes you feel like royalty. This could mean going to a jewelry store and trying on a beautiful ring, or looking at a photograph of an opulent estate. Imagine yourself with unlimited resources, and feel a sense of total financial security. Even if you can imagine and experience this sensation for just a brief time, that's enough. Then mentally say to Dana: "Dana, thank you for lending me your magical abilities, which I now use in the service of joy, fun, and support of my Divine mission. Thank you for your generosity in showing me how to accept these resources, and how to enjoy them. Thank you for helping me receive without guilt, and to know that I deserve this attention and support and that it will ultimately allow me to help the planet."


(India) Also known as Ambika, Ghagavati, Devee, Ida, Shakti.

Devi is a Hindu or Vedic G.o.ddess who is known as the "Universal" or "Great" mother. The "Mother" in the term Mother-Father G.o.d, she's the female energy of G.o.d. Devi, therefore, is the embodiment of G.o.d-power: absolute, creative, and supportive. She's one of India's most important and powerful G.o.ddesses.

The term Devi is sometimes used generically to describe any G.o.ddess. All G.o.ddesses are considered to be aspects of the One Devi, who is the female energy of the One Creator.

As I called upon Devi while sitting on a bluff overlooking the Pacific off the Kona coast in Hawaii, I first felt a motherly energy feed me a sweet-tasting substance. It felt like Mom was giving me a treat.

Devi said, "Let me sweeten your palate [similar to cleansing your palate] so that you can fully taste, hear, and understand my joyful message. Cleansing is a vital first step, allowing even greater messages of love to come through.

"Drop all thoughts of worldly possessions as you hear my call. The world needs you to minister to the grief that permeates the very essence of others' souls. I'm pus.h.i.+ng you toward compa.s.sion in action-taking steps to heal the world's aching grief.

"My heart swells with love and grat.i.tude for those who reach out in service and kindness for people in need. You cannot be devastated by loss when your heart is fixed upon helping others. It takes you out of self-consciousness when you're attuned to ministering to others.

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