The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 25

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Raphael can be invoked on behalf of someone else. Raphael will go to wherever he's requested; however, he can't interfere with that person's free will. If an ailing person refuses spiritual treatment, it can't be forced. However, Raphael's presence will have a comforting effect, which will aid in natural healing by reducing stress and anxiety.

In the Book of Tobit, Raphael travels with Tobias, who is Tobit's son. During this journey, Raphael keeps Tobias safe from harm. This earned Raphael his other role as "the Patron of Travelers." Raphael is a wonderful aide when it comes to safe travel, a.s.suring that all of the transportation, lodging, and luggage details go miraculously well. He also helps those on inward spiritual journeys, a.s.sisting them in their search for truth and guidance.

Raphael also showed Tobias how to use parts of the fish he'd caught in medicinal ways, such as for healing balms and ointments. This is an example of how Raphael not only conducts spiritual healing work directly upon the ill or injured, but also guides human healers in knowing which Earthly treatments to use on their patients. Healers can mentally call upon Raphael for guidance before or during treatment sessions. Raphael also helps would-be healers with their education (including getting the time and money for school), and then a.s.sists them in establis.h.i.+ng their healing practices by attracting wonderful clients.

Raphael is a healer and guide for wild and domesticated animals. I've had wonderful results when asking Raphael to retrieve lost pets for myself, friends, and clients. The results are almost immediate, as animals seem to be especially open to his gentle, loving care.

Raphael ultimately helped heal Tobit's blindness, and he's worked with thousands of my students at my workshops to open their "third eye," which is a spiritual energy center (chakra) that regulates clairvoyance. Raphael is very sweet, loving, kind, and gentle, and you know that he's around when you see sparkles or flashes of emerald-green light.

Archangels Raphael and Michael often work in tandem to exorcise troublesome spirits and escort away lower energies from people and places. The Testament of Solomon describes how Raphael brought the magical ring to King Solomon, inscribed with the powerful six-pointed star. Solomon used the ring and its symbol to subdue demons. So, part of Raphael's healing work involves spirit releas.e.m.e.nt and s.p.a.ce clearing.

Helps with: Addictions and cravings, eliminating and reducing Clairvoyance Eyesight, physical and spiritual Healers, guidance and support for Healing, for humans and animals Pets, retrieving lost s.p.a.ce clearing Spirit releas.e.m.e.nt Travelers-relating to protection, orderliness, and harmony INVOCATION.

Anytime that you, or another person or animal, experience physical distress, call upon Archangel Raphael for angelic treatment. He'll intervene directly into the person or animal's body, and also provide guidance about what can be done to effect a healing.

To invoke Raphael for yourself, just think to yourself: "Archangel Raphael, I need help with [describe the situation]. Please surround and infuse my body with your powerful healing energy of Divine love. I now surrender this situation entirely to G.o.d, and know that through this releas.e.m.e.nt, I'm open to revealing my G.o.d-given health in all ways. Thank you for the energy, wellness, and happiness, G.o.d and Raphael!"

To invoke Raphael for someone else, you can visualize him and other angels surrounding that person or animal with their healing presence and emerald green light. You can ask G.o.d to send Raphael, or you can ask Raphael directly: "Archangel Raphael, please pay a healing visit to [name of person or animal] and promote health and wellness for everyone concerned. Please help lift all of our thoughts to those of faith and hope, and remove all doubts and fears. Please clear the way so that Divine health is manifested now and forever. Thank you."

Archangel Raziel

(Judaic, Cabalistic) Also known as Ratziel, Saraqael, Suriel.

Raziel's name means "secret of G.o.d" because he works so closely with the Creator that he knows all of the secrets of the Universe and how it operates. Raziel wrote down all of these secrets in a tome of symbols and Divine magic called The Book of the Angel Raziel, or Sefer Raziel. After Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, Raziel gave Adam the book for guidance about manifestation and G.o.d's grace. Later, the prophet Enoch received the book prior to his ascension and transformation into Archangel Metatron. Noah was also given a copy of the book by Archangel Raphael, and Noah used the information to build his ark and help its inhabitants after the flood.

Many scholars say that the cryptical book (which is available today in bookstores) was actually penned by a Jewish scholar of the middle ages, perhaps Eleazar of Worms or Isaac the Blind. However, the book is difficult to decipher, and it's said that readers must call upon Raziel in order to make sense of it.

Raziel can help you understand esoteric material, manifestation principles, sacred geometry, quantum physics, and other high-level information. He can also open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know, and feel Divine guidance. Like a Divine wizard, Raziel can also a.s.sist you with manifestations.

Raziel is very loving, kind, and intelligent. His presence can seem subtle, but as you invoke him over time, you'll become aware of his positive influence in your spiritual practices.

Helps with: Alchemy Clairvoyance Divine magic Esoteric information Manifestation Psychic abilities INVOCATION.

To deepen your spiritual understanding of esoteric concepts, call upon Raziel. Since his messages are profound, it's best to contact him in a quiet environment. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, quiet your mind, and mentally say: "Archangel Raziel, please help me open my mind to the Divine secrets of the Universe. Help me release any limiting beliefs or fears so that I may have spiritual understanding at the deepest and clearest level. In particular, I would like your instruction about [describe a problem that you'd like a solution to, asking any questions one at a time and giving plenty of time between them so that Raziel has a chance to answer each one and you have a chance to absorb and digest his responses]. Thank you, Raziel, for teaching me."

Archangel Sandalphon

(Judaic) Also known as Sandolphon, Sandolfon.

Sandalphon is only one of two archangels whose name doesn't end with an "el" (which means "G.o.d" in Hebrew). Sandalphon's name means "brother" in Greek, a reference to his twin brother, the Archangel Metatron. The twins are the only archangels in Heaven who were originally mortal men. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metatron was the wise man Enoch. G.o.d gave both men their immortal a.s.signments as archangels to reward them for their good work upon Earth, allowing them to continue their sacred service from Heaven. Elijah's ascension occurred when he was lifted up to Heaven in a fiery chariot pulled by two horses of fire, accompanied by a whirlwind, an event recorded in the second chapter of the Book of 2 Kings.

Sandalphon's chief role is to carry human prayers to G.o.d so they may be answered. He's said to be so tall that he extends from Earth to Heaven. Ancient Cabalistic lore says that Sandalphon can help expectant parents determine the gender of their forthcoming child, and many also believe that he's involved with music as well.

Archangel Sandalphon's messages and musings come as soft whispers on the wings of angels-they're so gentle that they can breeze by if you're not paying attention. When you invoke Sandalphon, stay aware of any words or music you hear in your mind, as they're most likely answers to your prayers.

Helps with: Music Prayers, delivering and answering Unborn babies, determining the gender of INVOCATION.

If you have a prayer that you urgently want answered, call upon Archangel Sandalphon by thinking of your prayer and saying: "Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, deliverer and answerer of all prayers, I ask for your a.s.sistance now. Please deliver my prayer [recite the prayer] to G.o.d as soon as possible. I ask that you relay a clear message to me that I'll easily understand. Please update me as to the progress of my request, and let me know if I need to do anything. Thank you, and amen."

Archangel Uriel

(Judeo-Christian) Uriel's name means "G.o.d is light," "G.o.d's light," or "fire of G.o.d," because he illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings. For example, Uriel warned Noah of the impending flood, helped the prophet Ezra to interpret mystical predictions about the forthcoming Messiah, and delivered the Cabala to humankind. Uriel has also been credited with bringing the knowledge and practice of alchemy-the ability to turn base metal into precious metal, as well as the ability to manifest from thin air-to humankind.

Uriel is regarded as one of the wisest archangels. He's very much like an old sage whom you can call upon for intellectual information, practical solutions, and creative insight. Instead of having to climb a mountain to reach the sage, Uriel will instantly come to you. However, Uriel's personality isn't as distinctive as Archangel Michael's, for example. You may not even realize that Uriel has come to answer your prayers until you notice a brilliant new idea that's entered your mind.

Perhaps because of his connection to Noah, as well as his affinity with the weather elements of thunder and lightning, Uriel is considered to be an archangel who helps us with earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disasters, and Earth changes. Call upon Archangel Uriel to avert such events, or to heal and recover in their aftermath.

Helps with: Alchemy Divine magic Earth changes Problem solving Spiritual understanding Studies, tests, and students Weather Writing INVOCATION.

Since Uriel has so many talents and helps us in so many life areas, it's a good idea to call upon him regularly. Think of him as a mentor who can oversee life lessons. One of the greatest ways in which Uriel helps us is by giving us additional information so that we can make informed decisions. In such cases, call upon him in a way such as this: "Archangel Uriel, I ask for your wisdom on [describe the situation you'd like illumination about]. I need as much information as possible so that I can clearly see the truth of the situation. Please help me make an informed decision by filling me in on all of the perspectives involved. Please help me clearly hear and understand this information, and to be as open-minded as possible. Thank you, Uriel."

Archangel Zadkiel

(Judaic) Also known as Satqiel, Tzadkiel, Zadakiel, Zidekiel.

Zadkiel's name means "the righteousness of G.o.d." He's considered to be the archangel of mercy and benevolence, perhaps because of his role in stopping Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac, as an offering to G.o.d.

Zadkiel can help you feel mercy and compa.s.sion toward yourself and others, and let go of judgment and unforgiveness. In this way, he's a healing angel who works beside Archangel Michael to replace negative energies with faith and compa.s.sion. Zadkiel helps us see the Divine light within ourselves and others, instead of focusing on the surface personality, behavioral mistakes, or the ego.

If you're having difficulty forgiving yourself or someone else, ask Zadkiel to intervene. He'll act like a chimney sweep who cleans your body, mind, and heart of unforgiveness. This doesn't mean that you're sanctioning someone's abusive behavior. It just means that you're no longer willing to cart around the emotional residue of old situations.

Archangel Zadkiel is also widely known for his help with memory functions. If you need to memorize important information, you need to remember where you put your car keys, or you just want to develop your memory in general, call upon Zadkiel.

Helps with: Compa.s.sion Finding lost objects Forgiveness of self and others Healing, emotionally and physically Memory enhancement Remembering important information Studies, students, and tests INVOCATION.

Anytime you feel upset, ask Zadkiel to intervene: "Archangel Zadkiel, please help me heal my heart. If I'm holding on to unforgiveness, please help me release it fully. If there's something I'm not seeing, please help me to see clearly. If I need more compa.s.sion, please fill my heart with mercy. If I'm worried or anxious, please fill my heart with faith and calmness. I now surrender this situation fully to you and G.o.d, and I trust that your G.o.d-given healing power takes care of every detail with Divine grace, harmony, and wisdom. Thank you."


(Greece) Also known as Artemis Calliste, Delia, Luna, Mother Artemis, Phoebe.

A Greek G.o.ddess of the new moon, with parallels to the Roman G.o.ddess Diana, Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto. Her brother is Apollo.

Known as "the Huntress of Souls," Artemis carries a bow and arrow and spends most of her time in nature with the wood nymphs. She's a protectress of anyone who calls upon her, and particularly defends unmarried young women, children, and animals. However, she always protects nonviolently, using wisdom as her sole weapon. She's considered a nature, fertility, and moon G.o.ddess.

Artemis sets her sights on her goals, and as a result, she's a powerful manifestor. She teaches us the importance of spending time in nature, and to follow our intuition as we strive to become more natural and authentic humans.

I called upon Artemis just after the new moon.

"Power can be paralyzing," replied the pixielike woman with short-cropped hair, a beautiful large-eyed face, and ears slightly pointed on the top. She seemed to be captivated with hunting something, but I knew it wasn't an animal or a person. Artemis then told me that she was hunting metaphorical gold: "I track down wisdom and experiences that I can later recount to children in the form of fairy tales. Today I'm mostly concerned with helping wisdom grow in upcoming generations. The children are unsure of their boundaries and limits. They know that they have power that can exceed that of their parents, so they hold back, unwilling to release this mighty power, for fear of overpowering their adult guardians.

"Children today feel unsafe unless their parents are more powerful than they are. That's why I work dually alongside parents of the young. I encourage them not to perpetuate a battle of wills with their offspring, but to a.s.sume their power for the sake of their children's own awareness and to balance and use their power with love."

Helps with: Animals and wildlife Camping and hiking Children, especially girls Environmentalism Fertility, child conception, and adoption Intuition, increasing and honoring Power, especially feminine Protection INVOCATION.

Go outside to call upon Artemis-preferably, stand barefoot on the earth, sand, soil, or gra.s.s. Then say: "Artemis, I ask for your companions.h.i.+p and guidance in helping me open up my natural intuition and my feminine strength and power, which resides within each man and woman. I open my arms to your friends.h.i.+p and leaders.h.i.+p. Help me reconnect with nature and my natural self. Help me honor my true feelings and stand up for what I know to be true, deep in my heart. Help me to be strong, wise, and beautiful in all ways. Thank you."


(New Age) Also known as Commander Ashtar.

Ashtar is a human-looking mediator who works with extraterrestrials and humans, helping to create a peaceful Universe.

Ashtar is a member of the Great White Brotherhood [see the Glossary], and he works closely with Jesus, Archangel Michael, and Saint-Germain. Like a nightclub bouncer, Ashtar protects Earth from negative visitors or energies from other planets. He's involved with ensuring peace between planet populations through the Intergalactic Federation. He also heads a group of humans and extraterrestrials known as "the Ashtar Command."

Ashtar's mission is to avert nuclear war on Earth, which would have a negative ripple effect across many galaxies. He wants to help humans reach their highest potential (a process known as ascension) and be completely focused on Divine love. Ashtar guides humans away from third-dimensional thinking that believes in limits and restrictions and is focused on time measurement. He also gives personal guidance on how to stay safe and calm during the many changes occurring on Earth.

I attempted to contact Ashtar several times and was told that the best time to reach him was on a clear, starry evening, or while flying at high alt.i.tudes in an airplane. So I decided to combine the two and communicate with him while flying at 30,000 feet at night!

I've seen Ashtar and have been aware of his presence with many of my clients, especially those whom I call "Starpeople" (those who have a connection to other galaxies). He's the pale man with white hair portrayed on the "Support" card in my Healing with the Angels oracle deck and on the cover of my book about Starpeople, Earth Angels.

"I'm here," Ashtar said to me when our connection was complete. "You felt me as warm love before you could hear me. I come from a different dimension, one that your conscious mind-while existing in third-dimensional, time-warped thinking-cannot as easily grasp as your soul can during its nightly sojourns to visit us for a higher education.

"I won't encroach upon your missions, but I'm here if you need me. I promise to keep you safe from all outward invasions."

Helps with: Aliens, understanding and having peaceful interactions with Earth changes Profound thinking Protection Releasing fear Spiritual understanding INVOCATION.

Ashtar is easiest to connect with at night, when the stars are illuminated in the heavens. Hold your intention to contact him in your mind, and he'll come to you. If you have fears concerning aliens, Ashtar's presence with you will be subtle, as he's a loving being who doesn't want to evoke fear in any way.


(Greece) Also known as Pallas Athena, Athene.

Athena's roots are ancient and multicultural; however, she's best known as the Greek warrior G.o.ddess of wisdom, household affairs, and arts and crafts.

Athena is the daughter of Zeus, and her temple was the Parthenon. Legends discuss Athena's courage and intuitive wisdom during battles. In artistic renderings, Athena is usually depicted with a breastplate, s.h.i.+eld, and sword, and often accompanied by an owl. This bird has come to be a.s.sociated with her, perhaps due to her wisdom.

When she bears the extra t.i.tle "Pallas," Athena is known as a warrior G.o.ddess who protects, and who inspires women to exhibit their inner strength and have the courage to stand their ground. She encourages humans to use intuitive wisdom, rather than anger or violence, to heal arguments. In New Age teachings, Pallas Athena is regarded as an ascended master of the fifth ray of light, which is the ray concerning truthfulness and integrity.

When I called upon Athena, I saw a beautiful woman standing in a single-person chariot with metal wrist cuffs and a metallic headdress. Her energy was very intense, and she was panting, as if she'd just completed a sizable task.

"No job is too big for me," she said bluntly. "I'm a taskmaster who gets the job before me done to full completion. Often I delegate to star beings."

Athena pointed out the stars in the sky, referring to them as sweet, living beings bearing the souls of innocent, loving children who are devoted to helping Athena. "The whole universe breathes," she said in response to my unspoken questions about the stars. "It reverberates with life, and there's no place where life is not-it is a continuous pattern of ever-moving energy that is everywhere, without exception. And that is how I handle my tasks at hand: by commanding the energy with the firm, loving touch of a determined parent. You can do the same."

Helps with: Arguments, resolving Arts and artists Crafts and craftspeople Justice, attaining Protection, physical and psychical War, avoiding and resolving Writers and writing INVOCATION.

One way to invoke Athena is to say: "Athena, I need your a.s.sistance, and request your powerful presence, please. Beloved sister, I ask for your intervention in my life. Please infuse every part of my existence with graceful strength: my thoughts, movements, relations.h.i.+ps, and all situations with which I'm involved. I ask that you help my friends and family to accept and honor my new-found power. Please help me harness and use this strength in peaceful and loving ways. I thank you!"

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