The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 15

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Beloved G.o.d, Holy Spirit, and the Angels, I know that addictive cravings are actually a craving for Divine love. Please help me feel that I am filled with Your ever-present love. I am willing to release any fears that would block me from the awareness of Your love. I ask you to clear away from me the beliefs, patterns, feelings, and thoughts that trigger my cravings. Please guide me to people, situations, and experiences that support my desire to live free of addictions. I surrender all my cravings to You, and ask for extra angels to surround me with the light of health and peace. Please help me now and always. Amen.

So much of our health and life is affected by our careers, and the angels also want to help us heal our professional and financial lives. In the next chapter, you'll see how the angels guide us to remember our life's purpose and to find meaningful vocations and avocations.


Life Purpose and Your Career Path

The angels help us heal our career path, and they are very empathetic to people who feel they are in the wrong job. The angels see our hidden talents, and they know that we can help others-while enjoying ourselves-by working in a profession that incorporates our natural interests.

Many people come to me searching for their life purpose. The angels are happy to help us remember the mission for which we volunteered before incarnation. Sometimes their help comes as psychological guidance, as in the case of my client Amy.

Amy: Is there a message my angels want to give me about my life's path and direction?

Doreen: I hear your angels say in unison, "Be true to you!" It seems that you are following your career path somewhat, but you are still compromising the true desire of your heart. They tell me that you rationalize your feelings about your career and that you are praying for help. The answer to your prayers has already been given to you, and you are aware of it: Be honest with yourself, and take steps based upon that self-honesty. G.o.d and the angels will guide you step by step in what to say and do, in a loving way, and be a.s.sured that they will never ask you to do anything that would bring harm to you or others.

Finding Your Life Purpose "What is my purpose?" is one of the most common questions that my clients pose. They ask this question because they desire meaningful work that makes a difference in the world. We each have a "Divine life purpose," which is an a.s.signment we agreed to fulfill during our lifetime. G.o.d, our guides, and our angels helped us devise this purpose before our incarnation. They ensured that the purpose would mesh with our natural talents and interests. The plan also came with enough time, money, intelligence, creativity and other resources to fulfill it completely.

Annette was a retired widow who wanted to know about her life purpose and who felt a desire to contribute to the world. As the angels explained, we don't necessarily need to turn our life purpose into a paid vocation.

Annette: I wanted to find out about my life purpose because I want to do something that helps the world.

Doreen: Your angels say that you already are. They say, "Not every purpose involves a nine-to-five job with a paycheck. Many purposes involve you merely being centered and peaceful when you're in town shopping. You are a messenger of Divine light and love. You are a role model to many, which is a subtle, but important, purpose. To be a role model, you don't necessarily have to be someone who is up on stage or in the newspapers. It can be someone, like yourself, who is a role model of peace, compa.s.sion, and gentleness." They're showing me that these are your qualities and that other people do notice. The angels also show me that your gardening is a form of therapy for you.

Annette: Oh, I do like to garden!

Doreen: They give you the thumbs-up and say, "Anytime you garden, you are contributing to the world through your peace of mind. Every time you have a peaceful thought, it goes out into the world and affects others, just as, conversely, angry thoughts affect others in the way that secondhand smoke does. When you are gardening, your thoughts play beautiful music that resonate throughout the spheres." Your angels bless you for your contributions.

The angels say that you don't need to punch a time clock to make a contribution to the world. However, they also mention that if you wanted to do some volunteer work, you would be happy in an inst.i.tutional setting such as a hospice. In your volunteer work, you would simply visit with the residents and put a hand on their shoulder and give them a kind word. Bring them tea. And while you're doing this, your loving and healing energy is going to them.

Annette: Yes, I had thought of doing hospice work!

Doreen: Well, that's one thing that the angels say you would enjoy and be very effective at, if you wanted to do some formal work outside the house. I see you going into the hospice residents' bedrooms and comforting them in a real simple, quiet, and loving way. Not so much what you say, but your countenance is healing to them.

Annette: That's my style, definitely.

Doreen: But your angels don't urge you to do this, Annette. Your angels say, "This is a time in your life for you to slow down a bit, relax, and enjoy. Keep your pace under control."

Annette: Oh, that makes sense. I was so busy for so many years.

Doreen: They don't want you to push yourself or feel guilty. They want you to know that you are making a contribution to the world every time you have a peaceful thought.

As Annette's angels explained, our main mission is to be at peace with ourselves. So our task involves "being" more than "doing." Yet, the desire to be of service to others is very strong in many people. There is a human fear of dying without having lived a life that has mattered. In the following session with my client Stella, we discuss how the drive to fulfill our purpose is practically instinctual: Stella: I feel very compelled inside to achieve what I came here to do.

Doreen: Yes, of course.

Stella: And it's not the kind of feeling that just goes away over the years.

Doreen: No, nor can it. The urge that we each have to fulfill our purpose is an extremely strong instinct.

Stella: As I get older-I'm in my early '40s-I start to feel that I don't have that much time left. I've got to get started and do "it," whatever "it" is.

Doreen: Exactly. Purposes don't always have to be a paid profession. It's nice when that happens, but please don't discount how much you already help people when you talk to them, listen to them, and teach them. We'll talk with your angels during our session tonight and see what they say about your life's purpose. Deep down, you already know what your mission in life is. You've just forgotten it, and the angels will remind you if you ask for their help.

Spiritually Meaningful Careers Sometimes, my clients tell me that they long to help the world via a spiritually related profession. Many people are making significant contributions to the world in ways that seem quite subtle. For example, some people's life purpose is to "anchor light" to the world. This means that they are sent as radiant Earth angels who send healing thoughts and energy into Earth's body and atmosphere to undo the harmful effects of pollutants and negativity. In the following session, my client Belinda and I discuss the role that her upward vibrational frequency s.h.i.+ft is having on the world: Belinda: Can you give me some idea about my mission in this life? I had thought for a long time that my mission was to be in a really great relations.h.i.+p, and from that, to raise our vibrational frequency as a couple. But lately, because I can't find that type of a permanent relations.h.i.+p, I'm beginning to wonder if my mission involves something else.

Doreen: Yes, your mission does involve raising your vibrational frequency. By raising your frequency, you lift the whole world and provide a service. But you also learn the balance between humility and humbleness and really love yourself as you love your neighbor. You have some privacy and intimacy issues, and you're learning to balance this so you know how to deal with other people. You are also learning how to express yourself for therapeutic reasons.

You also have the path of the teacher, so art, writing, and creative expression are really important to your growth. I see newspapers all around you. When we began our session, I saw you writing, so this is an avenue for you to check out-journal writing, initially, and then see where it takes you.

Belinda: Well, I do love to write.

Doreen: The angels also show me that it would be a great idea for you to have pink roses around you.

Belinda: Oh, wow! That opens my heart just thinking about it!

Doreen: Exactly, pink roses are correlated with opening the heart chakra.

The Artist's Soul I find that people are happiest when they are in careers that match their true interests. Artistic people, such as my client Eileen, need to be in creative careers. Some people think that they can't make much money in artistic ventures, but if we use our creative resources, we discover many practical and wonderful ways to make money artistically: Eileen: At this age, I cannot afford to make many more career mistakes, and I ask that my angels guide me. Am I doing the right thing by marketing this computer product, or am I meant to do something else? I am tired and confused and do not want to get a real job.

Doreen: Your angels thank you for consulting them in this matter. They remind you that you are part of a team, and they love your team approach to your career. They also suggest that you come to them for other aspects of your life, including your relations.h.i.+ps.

Your angels say that you have true artistic talents and not to let those go. You can have a job that you enjoy while you pursue your real pa.s.sion simultaneously. Don't confuse the two and think that you have to suffer to make money until your real s.h.i.+p comes in. The computer marketing position, as you know, isn't suited to your real interests. You are just doing it for the money, and unfortunately, when we do that, we don't make as much money, plus we don't enjoy ourselves!

There is another job waiting for you. I see retail sales involving products for women at a boutique or some sort of store. It is low-stress, happy work, with upbeat customers. This will help your other career (it's something where you're self-employed in a creative venue) to zoom, because you'll feel happy and also financially secure.

Eileen: Thank you. I must ask who my angels are-and the other career, might it be catering?

Doreen: Catering would certainly fit the parameters of what your angels show me. Anything where you can use your artistic talents would work out very well! You have several angels around you, including Gabriel, the angel of artists and communicators. Other angels with you are Hoziel, Chamuel, and a male angel who insists that his name is Oscar.

Boosting Your Business One evening I gave a lecture to a group of healers from all different backgrounds on how the angels could help them in their private practices. During the talk, I mentioned that the healers could ask the angels to help them attract more clients. All they needed to do was say a prayer such as, "I ask that everyone who would receive blessings by being with me, be guided to come to my practice."

One of the counselors in the audience, named Elisabeth, experienced immediate success after she said this prayer. She wrote to me, "I attended your lecture in which you gave out the affirmations about how we can get more clients. I did so immediately and every day after. Right away, I received referrals, virtually overnight."

Another one of my spiritual counseling students named Nancine asked her angels to help her begin a public speaking career. Here is her story of how the angels Divinely guided her to give speeches: I am beginning a career in motivational speaking and have been meditating for quite some time about how to manifest an audience. By being still and quiet in meditation, I was able to hear my angels' Divine guidance. First, my angels encouraged me to look for the underlying block that surfaced if I imagined really receiving my heart's desire, and to release this belief. When I did so, I realized I had an ego concern over whether I was really qualified and had enough credentials. So I wrote out the concern, among other beliefs, and burned them in a ceremony. I wrote out positive affirmations about my qualifications and placed them all around my house.

A few weeks later, I received a speaking request on my answer machine. When I was about to return the call, I heard a gentle voice within say, "Go to the library first, sit in quiet, and make an outline before you call." I followed that guidance and made an outline, then returned the call. The caller asked me if I could do a workshop on business marketing. With my new outline in front of me, I was able to confidently explain what I could do- right down to the workshop t.i.tle! "Wonderful," the caller said. "Will three hours be sufficient, or would you like more time?" I suddenly had my first major speaking engagement, thanks to tuning in to my Divine guidance!

During the next eight weeks prior to my speaking engagement, I took time to clear my chakras and listen for Divine guidance. Each day, the angels would take me to the keyboard and begin to write. One day, they urged me to write a biography of my career background. The very next day, the speaking organization asked me to fax over my bio and the workshop outline. A week later, she mailed out hundreds of brochures with this information. I could not have waited a minute longer, which is what the angels had told me.

One of my guardian angels suggested that I contact a local news service and create some publicity. The new service's initial response was, "No interest." A few days later, the angels said, "Let's call them again. Be loving, but be firm." I thought this was crazy, but I did call, acknowledging their needs and expressing the good fit of my speech in their newspaper. On the morning of the seminar, one of my neighbors excitedly told me, "I saw your name and your event in the newspaper yesterday morning!" It was the only day I had not purchased a copy, but she gladly gave me hers. There it was, on the front page of the Business section.

When I gave the workshop, I was so pleased that my audience was filled with people of the highest energy. Truly, our experience together was perfect. The organization president wrote me later, "I could see from the beaming faces throughout the room that you had truly touched an inner core." The angels continue to guide me in my speaking career.

Looking Our Best The angels remind me of coaches, helping us to be our best at work. They prepare us in all ways-intellectually, spiritually, mentally, and physically. For example, my husband, Michael, was getting ready to go to his office for the day. He knew that he wasn't going to be with clients during the morning and would be by himself at work until around noon, so he decided to skip shaving in the morning, and instead, packed his electric shaver so that he could shave in the mid-morning at the office. As he packed the shaver, he heard a voice say, "Better pack the electric cord, too." Michael thought this was odd, since his shaver is battery operated, and he had recently recharged the battery cell. Still, he listened to the voice and packed the cord. Three hours later, as Michael stood shaving at his office sink, the shaver's batteries suddenly died. "If I hadn't packed the electric cord, I would have been unshaven for my afternoon appointment," he said.

A Pat on the Back A woman named Patricia told me this enchanting story: "I had worked diligently on a very complex doc.u.ment. When I was finished, I silently said to my angels, 'This deserves some level of praise.' Upon delivering the doc.u.ment to my client, he called me later and indicated that he was totally impressed and actually thanked me for my creative efforts. This from a client who has never, ever given a compliment to anyone on staff. My angels and I rejoiced!"

Stress Management The angels continually tell me, "All pressure is self-imposed." In other words, stress is of our own choosing. We may con ourselves into thinking that someone or something else is making us do something against our will, but ultimately, we always have the choice and ability to say no, even if there are heavy consequences involved in doing so. The angels say that realizing we have this option is liberating and helps us to shed the stress that accompanies feeling like an imprisoned slave.

We have so much more control over our daily lives than we realize, often because we've never tested the waters to know how much our thoughts influence everything that comes to us during the day. The angels have taught me the importance of setting our intentions for the day, first thing in the morning. Decide, "What do I want today to be like?" and it will be done.

For instance, if you want the telephone to be quiet, ask your angels to screen your calls. People who normally would call you at the drop of a hat will be guided to not call you unless the news is really important. Conversely, if we expect the day to be a crazy zoo, that is the intention that will prove self-fulfilling.

My student, Bonnie, discovered this secret one day. A salesperson, Bonnie woke up one morning and said to her angels, "I really would like to work from home today." To her amazement, every phone call she received appeared to be Divinely guided. She recalls, "Everyone who phoned was requesting appointments for next week. That gave me the time I needed to take care of some long-overdue tasks. I am now taking charge of my day, instead of allowing circ.u.mstances to dictate my schedule. Now I'm completing projects that I used to carry over each day and that used to weigh me down."

Your angels can function just like wonderfully loyal office managers and a.s.sistants. Ask them to manage your phone calls, visitors, and appointments. Invite your angels to brainstorm with you so that you can develop creative new ideas. They'll help you to make your meetings on time, and as I discovered, they won't let anything get in your way.

Business Traveling I'm on airplanes nearly every weekend, giving workshops in one or more cities. Flying this much would usually mean encountering a percentage of problems, but when you bring your angels along on trips, the statistics are more in your favor.

Because of the storms around the country, the Atlanta airport was practically shut down one Sunday night when I, and thousands of other travelers, were trying to catch planes. The only airline that was flying was Delta; all the other carriers cancelled their flights. So, everyone was pouring into the Delta terminal, struggling to get airline seats.

The Delta plane that I initially boarded for Los Angeles sat on the tarmac for 30 minutes. Then the pilot announced that because of mechanical problems, the flight was cancelled and we'd all have to leave and try to get seats on other flights.

We returned to the terminal amid a sea of people standing at a gate podium, demanding to be allowed on the only remaining flight in the airport going to California. Again, I prayed and asked the angels to help me get home. I was tired and had clients to see the next day. Somehow the crowd pushed me to the front of the line.

I began talking with a couple in front of me in line. We smiled and joked, while nervously noticing the many people who were mobbing the ticket counter. I felt that we were in the eye of a volatile hurricane. Then it was my new friends' turn to be next at the gate. The ticket agent said to them, "I've got three seats left on the plane. They're all in the rear, but they're yours if you want them."

The ticket agent looked at me, and then turned back to the couple and asked, "Is this person traveling with you, also?"

"Yes, she is," the couple replied. As I sank into my airplane seat moments later, which was miraculously an aisle seat, I thanked G.o.d, the angels, and the couple profusely for helping me.

Angel Prayers Here are some powerful prayers to help you connect with the Divine in your work life: PRAYER FOR HEALING JOB CONFLICTS.

Dear G.o.d, My deepest desire is to be happy while I work, and I ask Your help so that I may find peace on the job. Please help me to be understood and understanding with everyone with whom I come into contact. Please clear me of any fears that trigger relations.h.i.+p conflicts in the workplace. I ask that You and the angels guide me to job responsibilities and tasks that match my interests and skills. I now visualize myself feeling happy when I wake up to go to work in the morning, and I ask Your a.s.sistance in manifesting this vision. Amen.

PRAYER FOR FINDING YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE To Everyone Who Watches Over Me, I seem to have forgotten my Divine life purpose, and I ask your help so that I may remember the reason I chose to come here at this time. I am willing to release all fears that keep me from remembering my life's purpose, including the fear of success and failure. I know that I am qualified to fulfill my mission, and I ask for your continued guidance in helping me to know which path makes my heart sing. Please help me to know the difference between joy and fear so that I may immerse myself in meaningful actions that serve others and bring me joy. Thank you so much.


Beloved Creator, You have guided me to find a new job, and I ask Your help in noticing the doors that You are opening for me now. I ask for very clear and evident signs to guide me to a new job in which my talents and interests are used in meaningful ways. Please help me to know that I deserve a wonderful new job, and allay any nervousness during the interview process. I ask for extra angels to boost my confidence and courage, and to keep me centered in the sure knowledge that You are providing for me now. Amen.


Dear G.o.d, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Michael, It seems that stress is taking a toll on me, and I need your help. Please release me from the pressures that I have imposed upon myself. Raphael, I ask that you cover me with your healing energy so that my body will shed the effects of stress. Michael, I ask that you cut away the effects of negative and fearful thoughts, including cords that are draining me. I am willing to release any habits of self-punishment, time urgency, or other belief systems that create stressful situations. I know that I have sufficient time and energy, in truth, and I ask that you help me experience this sufficiency right now. Thank you, and amen.


Dear G.o.d, Holy Spirit, Ascended Masters, and the Angels, I ask that everyone who would receive blessings from my business products and services be guided to contact me today. I welcome new people and opportunities into my life with open arms. I am willing to release any negative thoughts, patterns, or beliefs that would lead me to sabotage new opportunities. Please help me know that I deserve good now. Thank you.


Dearest G.o.d, I know that You are the source of all my good and that You provide for me in all ways. Please help me release the fears that block me from receiving Your gifts. Please help me feel the emotions of peace, grat.i.tude, and financial security and to know that I am Your child upon whom You bestow great blessings. I now stay open to Divine guidance, which perfectly leads me to situations, people, and opportunities that are part of Your plan for my financial peace. I now see and feel myself and everyone else as completely financially secure, and my heart overflows with grat.i.tude and joy at the abundant universe that You created. Thank You, and amen.

Angel Affirmations I work with clients to increase their self-confidence, both by sending angels to release their self-doubts and by asking them to repeat "angel affirmations" on a daily basis. I've listed many of the angel affirmations that I use in my counseling practice in the Appendix of this book. You can use affirmations to heal issues related to your career, or to increase your self-confidence in social relations.h.i.+ps, your love life, and in your relations.h.i.+p with yourself.

In working with people who feel frustrated in their jobs, or who have been unsuccessful in attaining their desired career, I usually find that a lack of self-confidence is the culprit. For instance, I had a client who was an actor. He hadn't landed a role in ten months at the time of our session. The angels told me that my client didn't expect to be hired, and that very negative expectation was affecting his performance. My client instantly realized the truth of this angel reading, and soon after, he worked with affirmations and his angels so that he would expect to be hired. He became a working actor again right away.

The angels want to become involved with every area of our work life. In the following chapter, you'll meet a special group of angels who can help boost your mood and energy levels.


Nature and Animal Angels

Did you ever notice how wonderful you feel when you walk outside? The nature angels, who live among plants and animals, are largely responsible for this therapeutic effect related to the great outdoors. One of the reasons why we feel wonderful when we're around plants, flowers, and animals is because nature is filled with powerful healing angels. Often referred to as "the elemental kingdom," nature angels are a realm of the angelic kingdom that can rapidly heal you of any challenge.

Nature Angels-The Elementals Every living creature has guardian angels, including flowers, plants, trees, birds, and animals. There are many different types of beings in the "elemental" or nature angel kingdom. These include creatures who are considered mythical, such as leprechauns, elves, tree people, and brownies.

When we open up to our clairvoyance, we find that these beings actually exist and that they aren't that difficult to see. All you need to do is walk in wilderness and mentally call out to them. It's important to have a polite att.i.tude, as elementals are wary of humans who have aggressive, manipulative, drunken, or outlooks. They love humans who are interested in ecological preservation, which is the primary purpose of the elemental kingdom.

The fairies are the elementals who are primarily involved in healing humans. They look like Tinkerbell, diminutive humanlike beings with dragonfly or b.u.t.terfly wings. They flit from flower to flower, looking like fireflies with their whitish glow.

I meet many people who have fairies as guardian angels. These are always people who have a life purpose involving nature, ecology, or animals. In the chapter on incarnated angels, you'll read about humans who actually originated from the elemental kingdom.

The fairies help us release negative thoughts, thought-forms, and energies that we may have absorbed from others or from our own worries. When you walk in nature, mentally ask the fairies to surround you with their love and light. They will swarm around you and will pluck negativity from you like a bee collects pollen. The fairies also instill a sense of playfulness that will inspire you to laugh and have fun, which are certainly therapeutic activities.

You can find fairies wherever there are plants or animals. The greatest number of fairies are around flowers and areas of wilderness. Your potted houseplants have fairies with them, as well. This is one reason why having a potted plant next to your bedside is healthful: The fairies can work with you while you are sleeping and help you have a wonderful night's rest.

Animal Angels In many ways, our pets are our Earth angels. They provide us with companions.h.i.+p, unconditional love, and entertainment. What's wonderful is that each animal has guardian angels. So, when you are with your pet, you are not only interacting with your animal; you are also having close contact with your pet's guardian angels.

I was once asked by a talk show host if dogs' angels look like little dogs with wings. He then asked me if flies had angels (they do!). Animals have fairies as their guardian angels. Animals and birds who live in or upon water have "sylphs" as guardian angels. Sylphs are water fairies who are long, thin, and transparent, with an opalescent coloring. They do not have wings, as they swim instead of fly.

We can talk to our pets' guardian angels and ask for their help whenever there is a concern about our animal. Your pets' angels will help with challenges of all types, such as health challenges, behavioral problems, or in locating a lost animal.

Romeo, my cat, is a fluffy Himalayan with huge blue eyes and cream-colored fur. He has the strongest personality of any animal I have ever known, and everyone who meets him falls in love with him-hence, his name. In fact, if you put your face close to Romeo, he will put his tiny mouth close to yours as if he's kissing you.

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