The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection Part 14

The Essential Doreen Virtue Collection -

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At about 10:40, I heard a voice in my sleep telling me to "wake up." I sat up and looked around. No one was there. I laid my head back on the pillow and wondered where my friends were. I again had a strong feeling, and a voice in my head said, "Get up, get on your shoes, and go out the door." I attempted to dismiss it again, but the feeling got stronger. So, I got up, put on my shoes, and went to the door. As soon as I opened the door, there were my friends walking down the hall!

The hotel had made a mistake and had failed to put the room in my name, instead, putting it in a completely different name. So here were my friends, getting another room and having to pay for it separately since they could not find me! They were literally about to put the key in the door! If I had not walked out right then, they would have gone into their new room, and I would have never seen them. We would have been paying for two rooms. We all could not believe what had just happened. Not only had I just caught them, but the chance of them being on the exact same floor. . . . Of course, then we laughed and knew exactly what happened-thanks to my persistent angels waking me up and getting me out the door!

Angelic Healings for Family Members A woman named Cheryl Anne shares this story of how the angels healed her sister and her dog: I woke up early one morning to pray for my sister who was going through horrible trials in her personal life. Even her dog was sick. I prayed for her, then blew the flame of my prayer candle out. It would not go out. I repeatedly tried to extinguish it, then realized what was happening.

I closed my eyes and sat quietly there in the candle's glow. Then they came to me, the guardian angels of my niece, nephew, and sister-and yes, even the dog! They were so clear and announced their names and purposes. My sister had two angels, one on each side of her, one male, one female. Their names were Michael Edward and Ruth Ann.

I wrote an e-mail to my sister to tell her what I had been shown. She was not a person of faith, so I was concerned that she would laugh at me or be angry, and yet I knew I had to tell her. She gasped as I told her their names. She told me of a dream she had the night before: She was being pursued by a man and a woman. She ran from them, but they kept calling to her, saying, "Don't run. You need us!" When she began to wake up, she heard herself calling out what she thought was a name or strange word. She decided to write it down so she'd remember. The word she was yelling in her sleep, the word she had written down at her bedside, was "MERA."

She asked me to repeat the angels' names. When I told her, "Michael Edward, Ruth Ann," which MERA stands for, I'm not sure who was more startled! Most of my previous encounters have been very personal, and other people haven't received any sort of signs relating to them. It's always just been me and my weirdness! (By the way, her dog, who was close to death and was surrounded by tiny birdlike angelic creatures that morning, is doing just fine!) My sister is now doing very well. She had considered herself an atheist for many years and is now in the midst of a spiritual awakening. Her dear little dog is completely healed as well. It has been an amazing time for her family. Although they have dealt with tremendous difficulty this past year, their lives are now being flooded with love and light from G.o.d and their guardian angels.

Prayers to Heal Family Relations.h.i.+ps Here are some examples of powerful prayers that you can say (either mentally, aloud, or in writing) to ask G.o.d and the angels to intervene in your family life. Please add or rewrite the messages in the prayers to fit your specific circ.u.mstances.


Dear G.o.d, We have so much love to give, and my spouse and I want to share our love with a baby. We ask that You and the angels help us conceive. Please send one of your brightest and happiest souls into our life, and let this being become our baby child. Thank You.


Dearest G.o.d, Please help my child and me have a harmonious relations.h.i.+p. I ask Your help in healing any fears that interfere with my child and me expressing love to one another. Please help my child to focus and feel happy. Please help my child accept me and my circ.u.mstances. I ask that You and the angels help my child and me release our unforgiveness and resentment. Please help us have a loving and close relations.h.i.+p. Amen.


Dear G.o.d, Please help me understand my child. I ask that You surround my child with love, wisdom, and intelligence. Please help my child understand and accept responsibility for his/her behavior. I ask that You guide my child to make intelligent choices based upon love, not fear. I ask that You and Archangel Michael please clear my child of any attachments or blocks that could be interfering with his/her happiness. Thank You.


Dear G.o.d, I know that my family member and I both have guardian angels. I ask that these guardian angels help us heal our issues and misunderstandings. Please help us release any anger or unforgiveness. I ask that all effects of our mistakes be lifted and forgotten by everyone involved. Please help me release any judgment I may be carrying toward myself or others. I ask that our guardian angels clearly give us Your direction, knowing that Your will for us is peace. Thank You.


Dearest G.o.d, Please help my family member feel peace and happiness at this time. I ask that You send my family member extra angels to comfort him/her. Please surround our entire family with an extra cus.h.i.+on of Your Divine love. Help us to relax and to have faith and trust. Please give us a sign of Your love so that we may release our fears. Thank You for all of Your healing love.


Beloved Creator, I know, deep down, that my friends.h.i.+p with__________is ending. I ask Your help to accept this transition with grace and peace. I ask that You and the angels help me be honest in a loving way, with myself, and with my friend. Please help me be true to myself so that my actions stem from love instead of from fear, guilt, or obligation. Please comfort my friend so that we can both accept this change in a positive way.


Dearest G.o.d, I now see myself surrounded by loving friends with whom I share much in common. I can feel the presence of new friends.h.i.+ps with like-minded souls, and I ask Your help in manifesting this vision. Please guide me to meet new people who are positive, spiritually minded, health conscious, and fun. Please help me to know that I deserve the love and attention of these new friends. Thank You so much.


Your Ascending Body

The angels help us heal from physical challenges. They also want to help us have more energy and vitality, so they offer us guidance on how to take good care of our physical selves. As with all aspects of working with angels, we must ask the angels to help us before they are allowed to intervene. The only exception is a life-endangering situation that occurs before it's "our time" to go.

The Angels and Sleep During an angel reading session, the angels taught me that it's important for us to have a good night's sleep so that they can better help us. This is a transcript of a session (related to sleep issues) between myself and a first-time client I'll call Rhonda. Please keep in mind when reading this that this is my first session with Rhonda, and I don't know anything about her.

I purposely only write people's names down when they make an appointment with me to avoid being influenced by advance information. Also, I work with the angels in three ways: Either I'll relay what I hear them say in my right ear, like a translator; or I'll describe the clairvoyant images that the angels show me; or the angels speak directly through me, indicated by the use of p.r.o.nouns such as we or our.

Doreen: Your angels say they are working with you in your sleep. On your sleep and in your sleep, they say. There's a message that you need deeper sleep. [The angels show me a light coming into her bedroom and waking her up.]. Is there some sort of interruption coming during your sleep from a light?

Rhonda: Yes, I work the graveyard s.h.i.+ft right now, and I sleep during daytime hours, and the sunlight comes into my bedroom while I'm trying to sleep.

Doreen: Oh, okay, that's what the angels mean. Can you close the curtains more, or the blinds?

Rhonda: I've got the blinds closed, but they still let sunlight peak through. I've got to put something additional up on the windows.

Doreen: Most definitely, because your angels say that this light wakes you up, and they say it's not letting you go into a deep enough sleep. Without the deep sleep, the angels can't go into your dream state and interact with you. They're very concerned about your sleep.

Rhonda: Okay, I have these other curtains to put up over the other blinds, but I've been procrastinating putting them up.

Doreen: Yes, your angels really, really want you to have deeper sleep, and they say to block out that light.

Rhonda [later in the session]: My mind has been chattering a lot lately. Is there any type of meditation, sound, or mantra I could do that would help quiet my mind?

Doreen: The angels say, "We feel that the main thing you could do to help your mind is to get a better night's sleep by blocking out that light. You'll see the inner light if you block out the outer light! You don't need any other tools but to have a good night's sleep. We angels are seeking to work with you. We knock on your door each night, but you have to be in a deep level of sleep for us to access you. You're not reaching that deep level, and it's affecting your concentration."

Not only do the angels give advice about the importance of sound sleeping, but they also help us sleep well. All we need to do is ask them for a.s.sistance. A friend of my husband's named Terry explained his positive experience in working with the angels in this regard: "I had been working really hard and was due to have another difficult time the following day. I was feeling exhausted and needed to have a solid night's sleep. So I asked my angels to help me. It worked! I had an excellent night's sleep and awoke refreshed."

Soul Traveling and Dreams During this angel reading session, my client Katherine and I discussed the phenomenon of having out-of-body experiences during sleep. Very often, our angels escort us to other-worldly places where we attend school and learn deep spiritual lessons. Other times, we may actually be involved in teaching others during these experiences of soul traveling.

Doreen: I see that you do a lot of soul traveling in your sleep and that you sort of remember these travels as dreams, but you don't quite remember the dreams in the morning.

Katherine: I ask my angels to help me remember my dreams, but I still can't remember them!

Doreen: When you do soul traveling, you go into a fourth-dimensional world where things are not based on time or s.p.a.ce. Those are beliefs of this third-dimensional world, beliefs that limit our ability to understand basics of life. So, you are learning about truths that don't translate, or don't make sense, when you wake up with a third-dimensional mind-set. However, all of your dreamtime learning and experiences are incorporated into your unconscious and do influence you in a positive way. So it's not necessary to remember these soul travels and dreamtime lessons in order to benefit from them.

Angel Energy Now you know that the angels will help us sleep well if we ask for, and follow, their guidance. By doing so, we awaken refreshed and energized. There's no reason for us to feel tired, as the angels say that we have an unlimited source of energy in and around us. That source is omnipresent G.o.d, who is within you right now.

If you feel tired for no apparent reason, mentally ask the Archangel Michael to come to you by saying a prayer such as this one: PRAYER FOR INCREASED ENERGY.

Archangel Michael, I ask you and your helpers to come to me now. Please cut away and release anything that is draining me. Help to lift my energy to its natural state of vitality now. Thank you.

You will feel the presence of this mighty angel soon after saying such a prayer. Using his "sword," Michael removes attachments that are draining you, as well as the negative energy that is weighing you down. Within minutes, you feel refreshed and revitalized. I find that this method works ten times better than drinking coffee.

A woman named Pam also discovered that the angels could help her stay awake during a long, late-night drive: One day, my friend and I were driving home from Las Vegas. As he was driving, his eyes started to get heavy, almost closing. We were both tired, but he seemed to be worse off than I was. I took over driving, but after a while, my eyes started getting heavy and kept closing, too.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I got a burst of energy. Less than a minute later, a car went from the far right lane and darted across three lanes. The car missed the center divider as it then spun around and stopped blocking the lane we were traveling in. I was able to stop safely and just missed hitting the car by a matter of inches. Had this occurred only minutes earlier, I would have plowed into the other car while dozing off.

Needless to say, the adrenaline pumped through my body from the incident, and there was no longer a hint of drowsiness. We arrived home safely.

Prior to this incident, my friend had often spoken of angels, but I was not sure that I believed in them. I did not disbelieve; I was just skeptical with an open mind. This was the proof for me that there are guardian angels. While back on the road after the close call with the collision, I said, "Okay, I believe!" and thanked my angels for watching over me and my friend.

Detoxifying Your Body The angels urge us to detoxify our bodies, and you may have received some intuitive feelings that compel you to make changes in your diet and lifestyle. These are very real messages that you are receiving from your guardian angels. You are not imagining them.

The angels ask us to stop consuming toxins in the things we eat, drink, and use on our bodies. Toxins pull down our energy levels and make us feel sluggish. They also block our ability to clearly receive messages from heaven. Toxins also interfere with our spiritual growth.

The main toxins that the angels ask us to avoid are: - Meats, fowl, and fish, contaminated with hormones and pesticides. Since virtually all animal flesh and by-products (milk, eggs, cheese, etc.) currently have residues of hormones and pesticides, you may consider adopting a vegetarian lifestyle or a near-vegetarian lifestyle (where you eliminate animal products once or twice a week). If you feel you must consume animal products, purchase "organic" dairy products (such as Horizon brand milk), and free-range chickens, hormone-free meat, and eggs from free-range chickens. These products are available at health food stores, as are wonderful meat and fowl subst.i.tutes, such as seitan, glutan, tempah, and baked tofu. Vegetarianism has come a long, long way in the past five years. If you haven't tried vegetarian meals in a while, give them another try-they're now delicious and difficult to distinguish from meat products.

- Pesticides on fruits and vegetables. Try to eat an all-organic diet. Ask your grocer to carry organic produce, or find a health food store or fruit stand in your area that sells organic fruits and vegetables.

- Toxins in beverages. The angels ask us to eliminate or significantly reduce alcohol, caffeine, and carbonation from our diet. Drink spring water, not "drinking water," as the angels urge us to drink water in as natural a form as possible. Drink fresh fruit juice, as the life force in fruits leaves 20 minutes after it is squeezed. Concentrated or refrigerated fruit juice has healthful vitamins, but it is not as life-giving as freshly squeezed juice.

- Nitrates. Avoid cured meats, such as lunch meats, sausage, and bacon. There are wonderful subst.i.tutes made from soy products that look, taste, and smell like the real thing. Many supermarkets carry these deli-subst.i.tute products, as do most health food stores.

- Toxins in toiletry items. Avoid laurel sodium sulphate, a nitrate catalyst, and Propylene Glycol, an industrial anti-freeze. Read the labels of your lotions, toothpastes, makeup, and shampoos. Weleda makes one of the only toothpastes that doesn't have laurel sodium sulphate as an ingredient (their "Plant Gel" and "Calendula" toothpastes are wonderful and can be ordered at 1-800-241-1030), and Aubrey makes great lotions (1-800AUBREYH). Health food stores carry a wide variety of nontoxic products, but be sure to read the ingredient labels, because some so-called natural products have laurel sodium sulphate and other toxins in them.

- Toxins in household products. Avoid Cocamide DEA, DEA, Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Tallow, and Synthetic Fragrance. Health food stores carry natural and effective cleaners and detergents. Avoid bleach and bleached paper products, such as napkins and paper towels.

You can accelerate the detoxification process by drinking plenty of fluids and by getting adequate sleep, exercise, and fresh air. Drinking "wheat gra.s.s juice," which most juice bars and health food stores offer, can also pull metals and pollutants out of your body rapidly.

The angels say that they are working with us to increase the "vibrational frequency" of our bodies. Like a violin string that vibrates at a higher rate according to the note that is played, we are beginning to move up the scale ourselves. We are doing this to keep pace with Earth's accelerated vibrational frequency.

This doesn't mean that we move faster during the day, or that we become busier or more rushed. Vibrational frequency means that we are less dense and more sensitive to the higher, finer frequencies of the angelic realm. It means that we are more intuitive, creative, and naturally energized.

Many lightworkers feel guided to adopt a vegetarian diet. They then gradually get guidance to become a complete vegan (no animal products). After that, they are guided to eat only raw and unprocessed fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Eventually, we are collectively moving toward a lifestyle of "breatharianism," where we'll receive all of our nourishment from the prana that is in the air. This will dramatically increase our life expectancies and ability to communicate telepathically.

If you feel compelled to delete certain foods or beverages from your diet, mentally ask your guardian angels to heal your cravings so that you won't miss the product. You'll be amazed at how easily you can give up toxic foods and drinks, if you'll ask the angels to a.s.sist you. Every week, I meet people who tell me that the angels eliminated or significantly reduced their cravings for alcohol, sugar, white bread, chocolate, colas, and other toxins. I had the same experience myself, where my cravings for junk food and coffee were completely removed.

Here's a wonderful prayer to say: Dear Angels, Please surround me with your healing energy, and help me to heal my cravings for unhealthful foods and drinks. Please remove my desire for toxic substances, and help me to have the motivation to live and eat healthfully. Please guide me while shopping, preparing, and eating food, and give me guidance about how to live without polluting myself or my world. With great love and grat.i.tude, I thank you.

Angel Healers, Angel Helpers I also talk to many people who have been healed through prayer, conversations with G.o.d, and asking the angels for help. Fred Rothlisberger, a reader of my books, sent me the following story: I was going to go in to have my third back surgery February 16, 1998. It had been several years since my last back surgery for a congenital problem. I was worried about being put out again, as I have a hard time coming out of anesthesia.

I was out in the back yard, cleaning up after our dogs, when a voice came to me. It simply stated, "Don't worry about the surgery; it will be fine, G.o.d has more work for you to do." I felt very peaceful from that point on. I had the surgery, and they found a cyst growing in my spine, which was putting pressure on the spinal cord, thus causing me my pain. I was released the day following the surgery to go home.

My recovery was very fast. I have had seven surgeries in my life, and never have I felt the peace and the speed of recovery I had with this surgery.

A woman named Long "just happened" to turn on the radio the day I was on a local Phoenix, Arizona, station. was on her way to visit her doctor for a biopsy on a lump that had been discovered in her breast. She heard me emphasizing, "You must ask your angels to help you. Unless there's a life-endangering situation before your time, the angels can't intervene without your permission." had always been a woman of faith, but she had forgotten to ask the angels to help her to heal. So she said a prayer, requesting the angels to intervene, and then pulled into the doctor's office. During the examination, the doctor was unable to find the lump. It had disappeared since her previous visit, one week earlier!

The angels love to a.s.sist us because they have complete faith, they retain a joyful att.i.tude while helping us. The angels have taught me that a somber att.i.tude often makes bad situations worse. Joy is the key to manifesting desired outcomes, including healing. In fact, the angels often display a wonderful sense of humor during their work with us, as Tina Needham's story ill.u.s.trates: I've read a lot of books that have been profound and meaningful to me. But it wasn't until I read Divine Guidance that I felt I had an actual tool to help me reach a different and more "active" level. I was using Doreen's advice to clear blocks and meditate, when halfway through the book I had my first angelic experience. It was so "everyday" that it still makes me laugh. I didn't hear harps or see glowing visions.

I was in bed next to my sleeping husband one night, wide awake because of the cutting pain of a strep throat infection. I heard a woman's voice in my left ear. It said: "Master, the throat lozenge is in the bottom drawer." Definitely, not the profound message I was looking for!

I was numb. I laid there for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts, I even woke up my husband to see if he had said anything to me (even though it was a woman's voice). I tried to explain it away. I was a skeptic at heart, which is why I was trying to remove the blocks from seeing my angels in the first place.

You see I never, ever use throat lozenges, as I can't stand how they taste and feel. I sat up with my feet on the floor, took a deep breath, and pulled open the third and bottom drawer of my bedside table. It was dark, and I rummaged around the cluttered drawer until I felt it-old and sticky, but a Hall's Mentholatum lozenge. I got goose b.u.mps all down my arm. I got up immediately and wrote the entire experience down. It was three A.M. I will never forget it. I still don't really understand the reference to "Master."

Healing Effects of the Past The angels aren't limited by time or s.p.a.ce constrictions. Neither are we, but we don't sufficiently believe this yet, so we appear to be trapped in limited access to time and s.p.a.ce.

If you have any regrets for past actions that are impacting your present-day health, the angels can help. For instance, if you abused your body with cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs in the past, your angels can help you undo the negative effects of these behaviors. The undoing will positively affect everyone involved, so, for example, any negative consequences that other people experienced because of your smoking (such as secondhand smoke) or intoxication will be healed.

Here is an angel prayer to help undo the effects of the past: PRAYER TO UNDO THE EFFECTS OF THE PAST.

Dearest Angels, I have made mistakes in how I have treated my body, and I ask that all effects of these mistakes be undone and forgotten in all directions of time by everyone involved.

Life Expectancy Part of the life plan that we develop before we incarnate is the length of time that we'll live. Together with our guides and angels, we decide if we'll live 40, 60, or 100 years. Most people opt to live long lives because they want to be with their children and other loved ones for a long time. However, other people decide to live shorter lives, either because they're reluctant to live on Earth for a century, or because they only have a brief lesson to learn before returning to heaven.

The new "Indigo Children" who were discussed earlier have higher life expectancies than previous generations. Many of these children will grow up in the new energy following the millennium s.h.i.+ft and will live to extremely old ages. This will be because many of the conditions that are detrimental to health, such as ingesting a poor diet, bearing stress, and breathing in pollutants, won't be a factor. Humans will live in a fresh, clean world; we will consume a much more nutritious diet; and we won't compete or engage in other unhealthful activities.

The angels can tell you what your life expectancy is, if you'd like to know. When people find out their time frame for living, several positive results occur. I've watched certain individuals instantly heal from phobias after they learned that they were going to live many more years. Suddenly, they're able to release their fears of dying once they know that the end is not near. Of course, this isn't an invitation to "tempt fate" and begin jumping out of airplanes without a parachute. However, this knowledge can help people relax quite a bit.

Second, those who receive their life expectancy information become motivated to fulfill their goals now, instead of waiting for the future. They get going on the careers, hobbies, and ambitions because they know that they have a finite number of years in which to accomplish and enjoy them.

To find out your life expectancy, simply close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then, ask your guardian angels, "How old will I be when I leave the physical plane and return to the afterlife plane? How old will I be in this lifetime when I pa.s.s on?"

You will either hear, see, feel, or know a set of numbers. Most people hear two or three numbers because you've selected these various ages as "outs." The first number you hear is an age when you could "go home" to heaven if you finish your mission and elect to leave. You can stay on and live to the second or third age if you like.

If you received an age that has already pa.s.sed by, think for a moment about what happened to you at that age. Were you depressed, ill, suicidal, or in any accidents? If so, you chose to stay on Earth longer and live to the older ages that you originally chose.

If you are one of the souls who elected to be here for the millennium s.h.i.+ft and beyond, you may find that you will live to an extremely old age, in the hundreds or even the thousands. As I wrote earlier, the life expectancy in the coming energy s.h.i.+ft will dramatically increase.

You have free will, and I believe that you can elect to go home or stay here for longer or shorter periods than you originally designed. So if you don't like the life expectancy information you received, decide on a different number. In A Course in Miracles, it says that no one dies without their own consent. So, you are in charge, and your angels will help you fulfill these wishes.


Dear G.o.d, I know that You created me in the perfect image and likeness of Yourself. I ask that You, Holy Spirit, and the archangel Raphael help me know and experience this health in my physical body. I am willing to release all thoughts and behaviors that create the illusion of illness and pain. I know that You are omnipresent, so therefore, You exist in every cell in my body. Please help me feel Your love in my physical body so that I can know that You cradle me in Your arms right now. Amen.

PRAYER FOR A LOVED ONE'S HEALTH Beloved G.o.d, Thank You for sending the Archangel Raphael and the healing angels to my loved one's bedside. I now see that You, Holy Spirit, Raphael, and the angels are embracing my loved one. I picture my loved one smiling and feeling well. I know that, in truth, my loved one is well right now, and I ask for Your continued help so that we may realize this peace and health in our daily experience. Thy will be done.


Dearest G.o.d, Today, I have set my intention that my appet.i.te for food be solely for healthful and light foods and beverages. I am willing to release any fears that would make me want to overeat. I know that You are guiding me in every moment of my life, including the times when I eat and drink. I ask that You continue to bless me with Divine wisdom and peace so that all of my decisions about consuming food and beverages will come from my higher self. Thank You, and amen.


To My Creator, Please help me to have a restful and sound sleep tonight. I ask for a guardian angel to be posted on the north, south, east, and west sides of my home during the night. I visualize my home surrounded by the Divine white light of Your protective love. I am willing to release all of my cares and worries to You and the angels so that the pockets of my soul are emptied for the night. Please send some comforting angels to my side so that I may enjoy a wonderful night's sleep.


Dear G.o.d, Please help me to be motivated to take good care of my body. I ask Your help in carrying through in my commitment to exercise, eat healthfully, and get sufficient rest. Please help me have faith in my ability to attain and maintain physical fitness. Please guide me to know the best ways to take care of myself. If my motivation slackens or I am tempted to procrastinate, please help me reaffirm my resolve. Thank You, and amen.


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