The Works of Aphra Behn Volume Iii Part 107

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_Phi_. What Voice is that? [_Turns, sees her, and is frighted_.

_Er_. 'Tis I, my Prince, 'tis I.

_Phi_. Thou--G.o.ds--what art thou--in that lovely shape?

_Er_. A Soul that from Elysium made escape, [_As she comes towards him, he goes back in great amaze_.

To visit thee; why dost thou steal away?

I'll not approach thee nearer than I may.

_Phi_. Why do I shake--it is _Erminia's_ form-- And can that Beauty ought that's ill adorn?

--In every part _Erminia_ does appear, And sure no Devil can inhabit there.

[_He comes on and kneels, one knocks, she steals back in at a door_.

_Alcan_. [_Within_.] My Lord the Prince!

_Phi_. Ha--Oh G.o.ds, I charge thee not to vanish yet!

I charge thee by those Powers thou dost obey, Not to deprive me of thy blessed sight.

_Er_. I will revisit thee. [_Ex_.

_Enter_ Alcander.

_Phi_. I'm not content with that.

--Stay, stay, my dear _Erminia_.

_Alcan_. What mean you, Sir?

[_He rises and looks still afrighted_.

_Phi_. _Alcander_, look, look, how she glides away, Dost thou not see't?

_Alcan_. Nothing, Sir, not I.

_Phi_. No, now she's gone again.

_Alcan_. You are disorder'd, pray sit down a while.

_Phi_. No, not at all, _Alcander_; I'm my self, I was not in a Dream, nor in a Pa.s.sion When she appear'd, her Face a little pale, But else my own _Erminia_, she her self, I mean a thing as like, nay, it spoke too, And I undaunted answer'd it again; But when you knockt it vanisht.

_Alcan_. 'Twas this _Aminta_ would persuade me to, And, faith, I laught at her, And wish I might have leave to do so now.

_Phi_. You do displease me with your Unbelief.

_Alcan_. Why, Sir, do you think there can indeed be Ghosts?

_Phi_. Pray do not urge my Sense to lose its nature.

_Er_. It is _Alcander_, I may trust him too.

[_She peeps in on them, and comes out_.

_Phi_. Look where she comes again, credit thy Eyes, Which did persuade thee that they saw her dead.

_Alcan_. By Heaven, and so they did.

[_Both seem frighted_.

--G.o.ds--this is wondrous strange! yet I can bear it, If it were the Devil himself in that fair shape.

_Phi_. And yet thou shakest.

_Alcan_. I do, but know not why.

--Inform us, lovely Spirit, what thou art, A G.o.d--or Devil; if either, thou art welcome.

_Er_. You cannot think, _Alcander_, there be Ghosts.

[_She gives her hands to him and_ Phi. _which they refuse to touch_.

No, give me your hand, and prove mine flesh and blood.

--Sir, you were wont to credit what I said, And I would still merit that kind opinion.

_Phi_. _Erminia_, Soul of Sweetness, is it you?

--How do you ravish with excess of Joys?

_Er_. Softly, dear Sir, do not express that Joy, Lest you destroy it by your doing so.

I fly for sanctuary to your Arms; As yet none knows I live, but poor _Isillia_, Who bathing of my cold face with her tears, Perceiv'd some signs of life, and us'd what means Her Love and Duty did instruct her in; And I in half an hour was so reviv'd, As I had sense of all was past and done; And to prevent a death I yet might fear, If mad _Alcippus_ had return'd again, --Alone I came to you, where I could find Alone my Safety too.

_Phi_. From G.o.ds and Men, _Erminia_, thou art safe, My best and blest _Erminia_.

_Er_. Sir, in my coming hither I met _Aminta_, Who I may fear has alarm'd all the Court; She took me for a Ghost, and ran away, E'er I cou'd undeceive her.

--_Falatius_ too, afrighted even to death--

_Alcan_. Faith, that was lucky, Madam.

--Hark, some body knocks, you'd best retire a little.

[_Leads her into the door_.

_Enter_ Galatea _and_ Aminta _lighted_.

_Gal_. Ah, Brother, there's such news abroad--

_Phi_. What, dear Sister, for I am here confin'd, And cannot go to meet it?

_Gal_. _Erminia's_ Ghost is seen, and I'm so frighted--

_Phi_. You would not fear it though it should appear.

_Gal_. Oh, do not say so; For though the World had nought I held more dear, I would not see her Ghost for all the World.

_Alcan_. But, Madam, 'tis so like _Erminia_--

_Am_. Why, have you seen it too?

_Alcan_. Yes, _Aminta_.

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